sin totem

Chapter 124 Fighting Blood Clan

"Is this the new life you have arranged for the beggars of the imperial capital? Tell me why? Why!"

The roar echoed in the valley, like the anger of the earth!

The plain in anger is full of ferocious faces, and sadness and anger are worse than each other. This is a primitive anger in the will.

Without waiting for the other party's words, the flame of blood and soul burned dozens of meters around the ghost, and the thick blowout black and red evil breath sprayed hundreds of meters, completely covering all the blood clan areas.

For a moment, all blood clans seemed to fall into purgatory.

The third-order force, sensing the power of heaven and earth elements, almost turned into instinct.

But at this time, when Youyuan deliberately borrowed the power of elements, the dozens of meters of blood soul flame was even more magnificent, and it increased to nearly 100 meters, and the strong blood flame power was almost suffocating.

The power of the fourth order, the power of element cohesion.

The flame of blood soul floating all over the sky around Youyuan's body instantly turned into a huge sword of more than ten meters.

The fifth-order power, sensing the original will.

In the eyes of the ghost, the original will crisscrossed between heaven and earth is like a place to borrow power and a place to deliberately avoid attacks, with roads and textures.

When attacking others, avoid the origin of heaven and earth, then your own attack can be maximized.

When avoiding other people's attacks, take advantage of the origin of heaven and earth, and then other people's attacks will be reduced.

With one foot out, you can take advantage of the repulsion of the origin of heaven and earth to achieve flight and floating.

There was no pity in his eyes, and the sword of blood soul of more than ten meters seemed to have no quality. With a wave, the world suddenly became gloomy, and the incomparable power of evil deterrence exploded and rushed straight to the sky.


Like a sharp blade cutting through steel, a bloody sword cut through the earth, and a 100-meter-long gap appeared in an instant.

Several third-order blood clans suddenly screamed bitterly where the blood passed, and then disappeared by the incomparable power of corrosion of the blood soul.

Suddenly, all the blood clans woke up, screamed and dispersed, entering a combat state, with red eyes mixed with a trace of fear!

"You! Who are you?"

The blood baron itself has a fourth-order realm. In addition, the blood clan itself has been fighting for a long time, and has extremely rich combat experience, and has even had the experience of killing the fifth level!

But when the violent evil power of the demon race appeared in front of him, the blood baron also had a deep sense of fear.

There is no correct counterattack at the first moment.

The title of the blood clan does not depend on strength, but on the contribution of the war. As a baron, since he can stand out in countless battles, he must have his unique skills.

The blood flames all over his body with the breath of death burst out, dispelling the evil breath that spread to the space around him, and then his body turned into several black bats, and then put a few drops of blood stained with a strong breath to the mouths of several bats.

These drops of blood are not ordinary. It is the blood of the strongest people who died in the war bought from the space fortress. This blood itself has incredible power!


As soon as the baron drank, several bats also rose in momentum as the blood stained with a strong breath entered the mouth, and turned into a sharp arrow and rushed straight to the plain full of blood flames.

At this time, the Youyuan is not the ordinary third-order blood clan here. Often with a wave of the giant sword in their hands, the power of the strong blood soul will inevitably kill a blood clan.

Some blood clans are good at stimulating blood flames, some blood clans are good at turning into dozens of bats to escape or attack, some blood clans are good at physical escape speed, some blood clans have a strong ability to regenerate, and often some wounds heal instantly.

However, under the absolute power of the Yuan at this time, these means that have an advantage in the same realm are of no use at all, which is the absolute gap in power.

Mu Ran, Youyuan felt something strange, and suddenly the power of blood and soul surged all over his body, completely covering the strange bats that broke into him from behind.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

However, with several violent bombardments and explosions, each time it was no less powerful than the fourth-order magic. Even the power of the blood soul of the faint plain was opened, and the remaining dark and slightly red bat roared to the secluded to the plain.

Moreover, the power in this bat's body continues to tighten violently and shows signs of instability. If the trend explodes, it will definitely be no less than a fifth-level magic power!

Youyuan was slightly stunned. If it had been Youyuan, you might have treated it seriously, but now...

Youyuan in anger looked at the baron who used the bat self-detonation method in the distance, showing a trace of ridicule. The imperceptible power of blood on his wings moved slightly, and a drop of blood disappeared obscurely.

Then look at the rushing bat. Although it is extremely fast, it is only relative to the fourth order.

With one hand, a five-foot blood flame giant hand appeared out of thin air. After borrowing the fifth-order ability to see through the original will of heaven and earth, the giant hand sealed the bat's escape space and shook it fiercely.

With a muffled sound, the bat in the giant hand was corroded by the power of the blood soul and exploded. The blood soul giant hand could not help but expand, and there was a tendency to be forcibly dispersed by this self-explosion.

However, Youyuan sneered again, and the other hand was also clenched fiercely. The same bloody soul hand appeared and forcibly extinguished the self-explosive power.

However, taking advantage of this time, the blood clan, which was originally panicked by the evil breath, finally regained its fighting nature. Since it has been fighting for a long time as a legion, it naturally has a set of fighting skills.

At this time, more than a dozen blood clans have formed a reduced version of the battle array. Relying on the same spirit of attack and defense, the strength of each blood clan has increased to a considerable extent at this time.

However, the improvement of these powers is still not worth mentioning for Youyuan, but because of the new goal, Youyuan waved casually, and the seven abyss demon soul slaves appeared.

Each head has the third-level top strength because of the nourishment of the original erosion power.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the demon family in the abyss of the demon world will surpass the blood clan in the underworld. Although the blood flame and the power of blood sucking regeneration are also quite desirable, at the low level, the strong body and magic flame bomb of the abyss are simply invincible.

Moreover, because of the blood soul array, the power of the blood soul has become the second attribute of these demons, that is, the general fourth level can also barely fight against one or two, so they still form a state of suppression against these blood clans.

Under the explosive power of the magic flame bomb, these blood clans can only retreat, but as more and more scattered blood clans begin to join the battle, the scene forms a balance of power.

Another spatial fluctuation, and the hell three-headed dog appeared.

Because of the connection of the blood demon seed king, the hell three-headed dog attacked a blood clan around him at the first time. It used the highly poisonous power to bite its head fiercely. Suddenly, the blood clan gave a sad howling and kept struggling in the huge mouth, but compared with the huge body of the hell three-headed dog, his struggle was really Nothing.

The other two heads control two different forces and constantly bombard the rescue next to them. With the abnormal movement of the huge body, the blood formation was actually disrupted.

A few seconds later, the blood clan in the poisonous mouth of the hell three-headed dog has a green breath all over its body. Obviously, it has been completely infected by the poison, and then swallowed by the hell three-headed dog.

Things in the demon world are originally fierce. As guardians of the demon world, the three-headed dogs of hell are naturally extremely fierce. If they can only exert some of their strength outside the demon world, their fierce name should still be above the abyss demons.

With the addition of the fifth-order hell three-headed dog, the blood camp began to collapse, but they still did not escape, because they knew that the blood baron still had some powerful means that had not been used.

The blood baron's face was extremely ugly at this time. Those self-exploding bats were actually transformed by his own flesh and blood. It seemed that he not only did not cause any damage to the ghost field, but also lost part of his precious blood power in plain. He did not have several years to practice or some precious high-level blood. His real The force will decrease a lot in a short period of time...

However, at this time, this blood clan is also getting sharper and sharper. Although it has been told before coming to this plane mission, this plane is a quite primitive advanced plane, a primitive monster with a considerable level of strength.

However, he has experienced two plane wars, one conquered a low plane in 50 years, and then led the marquis to sell it to a low-level god.

Once, he attacked and plundered an intermediate plane in three months. In that battle, he was lucky enough to defeat a fifth-level forest elf priest. What's more fortunately, the priest has always been a girl.

Then, a small bottle of precious fifth-order forest elf girl's blood was given to the duke of the current legion, thus winning the title of baron and a drop of duke's blood as a reward.

At this time, in the face of Youyuan, a human race that suddenly broke in after a bloody bath, the baron still had a certain confidence, otherwise he would have run away without saying a word.

Finally, the blood baron decided to kill Youyuan by killing the fifth-order elf priest. Even if he couldn't, he had the drop of duke's blood as the card to escape.

A trace of solemnity appeared on the blood baron's face. This set of stunts was obtained by an unconscious hunt when he was a vampire.

At that time, he took a chance to suck a seriously injured light power unicorn.

However, it was this opportunity that made his blood, who was still a vampire, burned by the power of light for several months. However, after recovery, he actually had an incredible ability, which actually had the superposition of the dual abilities of light and blood in a short period of time, resulting in an explosive soul power.

With this means, the blood baron broke into a considerable name.

The baron opened his mouth slightly, with two fangs, one bursting with the power of blood and the other bursting with the power of holy light. At this moment, the soul of the blood baron has reached the level of the general fifth level!

However, it can also be seen that his soul is very painful, which is full of the attributes of two opposing forces.

The soul of the distant plain moved slightly, showing surprise. The other party's blood clan actually used a soul magic that he was in a state of experimental research!

Although the methods of strengthening the soul in a short time are different, the purpose is the same, that is, to use certain means to strengthen your soul in a short time, so as to severely damage the other person's soul!

A burst of surprise, the soul strength of Youyuan has reached the top state of the fifth level, coupled with some progress of experimental research, he was not afraid of the soul attack of the other party, so he decided to experience this soul magic himself.

"Well, let you live for a while."

Youyuan smiled coldly!

The soul magic mixed with the power of blood and the power of light broke out. Although Youyuan was certain, it still made the most thorough defense.

In his feelings, the opponent's soul attack was like the magic crystal cannon in reality, and the most violent confrontational force broke out!

In the face of this power, perhaps the other party can completely defend with absolute power, but their own attack will never have any effect, because the fury emitted by the soul power of the attack is simply an attribute close to extinction.

Youyuan was a little surprised, and at the same time, the degree of curiosity was higher. If you also mastered this level of soul attack, then the first innovative magic you really researched would be born!

Although the soul was constantly traumatized, Youyuan still did not avoid and resist at all. It was just passive defense. Seeing that the soul began to suffer a real heavy damage, Youyuan Muran's soul fluctuated, and there was a mysterious fluctuation close to the blood soul array, and then the power of the soul nearly doubled in a short time!

A magnificent soul power appeared and unexpectedly suppressed the soul power mixed with violent light and blood attributes.

"This is impossible!"

The soul was still weak. The blood baron found that his soul magic was actually suppressed by the other party at the last moment, and his face turned pale in an instant and screamed.

At this moment, he knew that he had finally reached the most critical moment, opposite a human monster.

Without any hesitation, a mouthful of blood exuding the noble breath of the blood clan that outsiders could not perceive. It was exactly the blood of the blood duke!

With this drop of blood as consumption, as long as the blood power of the blood duke is not consumed, he can always exert his top state power.

It can be said that the role may not be decisive in the battle, but when running, it is like being able to sprint with all your strength, it will definitely play a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination!

As a drop of blood of the blood duke melted into the blood flame of the blood baron, the baron suddenly turned into a red light and disappeared into the sky. It seemed that he must have urged his strength to escape.

He opened his eyes when he was still experiencing the soul attack of the blood baron. His wings seemed to feel something, and a trace of sarcasm appeared.

"The first time I used the art of blood escape was in front of the blood clan. I heard that most of the blood clan sanctuary has mastered this mystery because it is full of the power of essence and blood, but it is obvious that the guy in front of me has not mastered this mystery, otherwise it is hard to say whether he can catch up."

"The art of blood escape!"

A drop of blood moved slightly beside the baron who was frantically urging his power to fly. Suddenly, the space fluctuated, and a silver fist with infinite power appeared directly. At this moment, it seemed that heaven and earth were trembling and bombarded the blood baron's body fiercely.

The baron screamed and was barely surprised. After turning around, he turned into dozens of bats, but several bats were still smashed by a punch and turned into blood fog.

Puff, all the bats were newly combined into the baron's body, but his face was extremely pale, without a trace of red. He quickly took out a bottle of bright red blood with a strong smell and powerful breath, but he still couldn't stop the weakness.

"Ji Jie Jie, don't struggle anymore. Be my soul slave for a while first. Let me study the soul attack ability. When I leave the empire of death, I will personally send you to see those who have just died!"


An hour later, Lilith and Youyuan seemed to look calmly at the corpses of many tragically dead people, who did not have time to destroy the corpses after the blood bath.

Lilith is still so calm, seemingly full of wisdom and calmness.

But suddenly, a tear actually left Mu Ran from her eyes, and then she couldn't stop, drop after drop...

"Brother, I feel their helplessness, their resentment, their prayers...

However, I don't have any strength to help them, because we were not here at all at that time.

Why did this happen? Why did this happen? Aren't they the people of the Death Empire?

Why is this..."

For the first time, Lilith could no longer hide her helplessness and sadness and cried in the arms of the Yuan. At this moment, she began to understand her own invisibility, and she could not save everything.

"Sister, you are not wrong, but we are all too weak. It is said that this is not the first beggar to come out of the Death Emperor.

However, we can't help everyone at all, and even now we can't help ourselves!

We can only carefully follow the rhythm of the world and help ourselves as far as we can in the future. There is only so much we can do..."