sin totem

Chapter 128 History and Confrontation

On this day, Youyuan and others were still escorting huge mechanical devices, and the vehicle still extended a long mark behind it and was gradually covered by weeds.

"Your Excellency, it will take another three days to reach the valley of Ezilan. Because of the smell of the earth dragon there, some of the most powerful monsters have left."

An experienced mercenary reported the progress to the fleet leader. After the fleet leader nodded, he looked at a team of wolf cavalry that had just disappeared quickly in front of him and inadvertently frowned.

"There seem to be too many wolf cavalry in the past two days, and there are even teams of bear men?

Yesterday, there were two famous fifth-level strong men marching in the sky quickly. There seemed to be something wrong. Have you asked their purpose clearly?

And, looking at the direction of their purpose, it seems to be the same as us..."

Instinctively, the team leader became uneasy about these abnormal situations.

"Your Excellency, these wolf cavalry seem to be elite troops of the wolf clan. They have no intention of stopping halfway, so we can't talk and don't get any information.

However, judging from the number of wolf cavalry these days, we can see at least 200 people. If there is the same number elsewhere, then there are only two people in this area that can mobilize such a number of people, the Blood Tooth Wolf King and the Moon Silver Wolf King.

Among them, the Moon Silver Wolf King focuses on power and generally does not involve wolf affairs..."

The leader of the team changed slightly.

"Is it the order of the Blood Tooth Wolf King?

That is a real sanctuary of the wolf clan, which can make him pay attention to and mobilize such a large number of wolf cavalry troops. Is there a war over there?

But the direction of the wolf cavalry is the interior of the orc grassland. Even if the undead empire, the death empire, and even the elf empire invade, the direction of troop mobilization should not be there..."

Although there is continuous speculation, the journey will eventually move forward, and the group will continue to move forward.


The interior of the Izilan Valley is surrounded by mountains. At the same time, there are rich reserves of precious ores under the depths of the valley, which can be enjoyed by drilling earth dragons.

In terms of food, in fact, what the orcs call the earth dragon is a huge insect that uses ore. The report of attacking orcs and the strong human race is just their instinct to protect their territory.

If the shape of the earth dragon is to be described, it is an earthworm that magnifies countless times, but the body surface is a kind of hard shell that seems to be ore crystals, with strong defense. These giant insects are generally as small as five meters long, and the sharp teeth in a huge mouth that often devours minerals look ferocious and horrible.

However, at this time, a horrible giant insect about 30 meters long slowly drilled out of the ground, and its shell was dark. At a glance, it was known that its defense was extremely high.

Because there are no eyes, a means similar to sound waves are often used to confirm the environment. However, none of this is very important. Most importantly, there is a pair of soft tentacles on the heads that are different from ordinary giant insects.

What's more frightening is that this pair of tentacles is filled with a powerful cloud, which is actually a small mass of void turbulence!

However, at this time, the earthworm detected a 15-meter-long giant insect similar to a scorpion in front of it, and there was a strange feeling in the deepest part of the blood.

Suppressing the instinct, the soul of the earth dragon king appeared.

"Dear the strong man of the unknown Holy Land, our Tulong clan has always been at ease in this valley and has not done anything to threaten the surrounding orcs. I don't know if your arrival represents the will of the great lord of rage or your own meaning?"

The earth dragon only knew that the surroundings of its territory were all the territory of the furious empire, so it was thought that this unknown holy land was the messenger of the angry emperor.

The scorpion giant insect looks directly at the earthworm-like giant insect that is bigger than it.

"Oh! The power of void turbulence! Sure enough, you have the bloodline of a mayfly and earthworm, but it seems to emit some non-mutation, and you can actually master the power of void turbulence under the fifth level!"

The earthworm was shocked. Generally, when the strong people in the sanctuary saw the power of the void and turbulence, they would have a cautious and even frightened expression, but the other party said something that he didn't understand...

"What is the line of an earthworm? I was the first born in the big valley of Ezilan. There is no lineage of mayflies and earthworms here, let alone their bloodline.

has been used to being comfortable in the valley of Yizilan, and the earth dragon king instinctively refused the possibility of mating each other.

"Have you ever seen your ancestors? Do you think you are those creatures of heaven and earth who are born to borrow a trace of the will of heaven and earth? Since you said that you are a Tulong family, have you ever heard of your Tulong family in other parts of the continent?

A series of words made the earthworm dumb, but the scorpion still did not mean to stop.

"I don't know how long I slept this time, but from those orc prisoners, I already know that our mayfly clan has completely disappeared from this continent, and it seems that the human race has become the ruler of this continent, and the horrible goblin clan has completely disappeared."

After a pause, the scorpion giant insect began to recall again.

"In those years, the mother of the mayfly noticed the conspiracy with the human race and the elves hosted by the goblin clan, and then sent three most powerful commanders to attack the secret base of the goblin clan here with hundreds of our holy land. After damaging the two commanders and half of the holy land, she completely broke through this foundation. Land.

Finally, we found the secrets being studied by the race of the wentin. They are all devils! They are all crazy! Do you know what they are studying?

They actually plan to study a weapon that can slaughter gods and destroy the plane continent!

However, fortunately, the three main bodies of this weapon have not been spliced, respectively in the three secret bases of the human race, the elf clan and the goblin clan..."

"Slaughtering gods? Destroy the plane continental space? How is this possible!"

When the earthworm heard each other's words, it went crazy in an instant...

"Well, it's okay between the human race and the elf clan. Although the knight battle array formed by the heart of the human race is horrible, there are too few people who can cultivate into the heart of knights.

Although the world tree of the elf clan is strong and can even shake the mother of the mayfly, it can't change its shortcomings that it can't move.

Only the crazy goblins have a magical power. Even if the power of our epsyptus is several times or dozens of times theirs, they can never destroy them. Even after the battle, they become more and more powerful and intend to develop a kind of destruction. Weapons of the world!

Such a race, not to mention our mayfly clan, even those gods will not allow them to exist!"

It seems that some things recalled in those years, even the giant insects in the Holy Land that have been sleeping for more than ten thousand years still have a trace of fear in the depths of their souls.

"If the bees really master this power, they may indeed become a threat to the existence of the endless plane..."

Although the Earth Dragon King has not seen the specific situation of the spirit clan, he still feels fear from the words of the giant insect in the Holy Land.

The scorpion giant insect saw that the other party had a trace of interest, and some hope appeared in his soul.

"Well, don't say that, after all, the gobion has become extinct.

Now that our mayfly family can only unite on this plane and summon the mother of the mayfly to come again, and then lead countless mayfly clans to completely occupy this plane. This is the meaning of our existence, which is also our responsibility given by history!"

The earthworm giant insect is the earth dragon king paused and thought for a moment.

"I want to know, since you said that there is still a leader and dozens of holy places have captured this secret base to survive, what about them?"

The scorpion giant insect looks slightly darker.

"Maybe you misunderstood that this so-called secret base is not underground, but a moving space plane without specific coordinates. Fortunately, one of our commanders is a strong space talent and barely opened a space channel to enter this secret base.

However, after successfully breaking through this base, there was a space plane extinction. In that extinction, only I, a sanctuary and a small number of residual mayflies came down..."

The earthworm trembled. Although we don't know how many mayflies invaded the continent in those years, since these tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of seas of insects are only the remnants of a base of the invasion of the Goblin tribe, so it can be imagined that the grand event of the battle in those years.

However, the earth dragon king is disappointed again. Is there only one sanctuary now?

"Sorry, maybe I really have the bloodline of the so-called ephemer and earthworm family, but now it has been tens of thousands of years, and this continent is not the continent of that year, and I am also used to the current life.

If you need this valley as a base, I can give it to you, but our Tulong family is weak and can't make any more contributions..."

"You refused my invitation!"

With a bang, the scorpion giant insect scarlet spirit burst out, and the stones within hundreds of meters suddenly turned into powder, the vegetation within thousands of meters completely withered, and all the existence within 10,000 meters were suppressed by a force.

The strength of such strength is still the power after sleeping for ten thousand years, and it is far stronger than the three holy places in the land of chaos.

Such power is not much worse than the dark seven-headed snake, at least it is not a problem to escape under it, but ten thousand years ago it was only an ordinary sanctuary under the mother of insects and the leader.


The power of void turbulence appeared from the two tentacles, tearing through the suppression of evil spirits, and the earth dragon king directly drilled into the ground.

And after the almost sticky evil spirit gently moved a few times, it did not start after all.

"Maybe the reason why I was able to wake up again after ten thousand years of sleep is because I was given a certain mission in history.

But now I don't have any ability to call the insect mother, and I don't have any way to tear the space. It seems that a plane continent itself needs the life with space ability.

Since you poor guy has not been given a mission by history, then continue to sink..."


Countless beetles that had surrounded the valley of Ezilan rushed in instantly.


A few days later, there was a lot of murder.

A blank area, in which countless one-meter-long beetles and werewolves and bear men fell down. Green insect corpses and red blood filled the whole area.

On this side, tens of thousands of wolves and bear orcs formed a multi-kilometer-long front, and hundreds of huge Kodo beasts formed a flesh-and-blood wall, covered with strong steel armor, and strong orc cavalry sat on it.

Dozens of 20-meter-long giant cataplies are placed with flaming boulders, and a team of giant-winged poisonous dragons traveled around the air, and their strength is all above the third level!

On that side, there is an endless sea of insects, most of which are the weakest giant insects of more than one meter, but their combat effectiveness is only slightly worse than that of orc warriors.

However, a few huge scorpion giant insects and cabinet reminder giant insects have quite powerful abilities and even some strange abilities.

In a large temporary tent of orcs, a three-meter-high bear man sat opposite two werewolves.

Among them, the bear man has horrible and ferocious muscles, and the strange thing is that he has a layer of crystal armor, and his hair is brown and black.

Two werewolves, one with two scarlet tusks prominent in his mouth, wearing fine steel gold armor; one had silver hair and closed his eyes, but occasionally opened his eyes with a pair of weird silver eyes without emotion.

"Reported that a convoy came, which is the fleet of the Zijinxiang family, with 16 third-order strongmen and five fourth-order strongmen, 15 of whom are mercenaries in the City of hungry wolves, and their destination is Ezilan Valley."

A orc soldier came in outside the door, bowed his head and reported, and all three of them opened their eyes.

"Blood teeth, go and have a look. It's not easy for us to deal with the fallen empire."


Youyuan's convoy was parked in a blank area under the surveillance of an orc soldier. Later, the soldier led the blood-toothed wolf king to the front of the convoy.

Looking at the huge machinery, the blood-toothed wolf king frowned and swallowed the words he had dealt with. Instinctively, he sensed the unusualness of this matter.

Youyuan just glanced at the blood-toothed wolf king, and suddenly a feeling of frightening appeared. Needless to say, it must be a holy place, and from the appearance, it must be the bloody-toothed wolf king.

Carefully, Youyuan restrained all his breath, hoping that the other party didn't care about him.

However, after all, the Wolf King only took a glance and pointed out Youyuan, and then Pete and Lilith had to stay.

The rest of the convoy were forcibly dispersed back by the orc army, and Youyuan was taken to the big tent by the soldiers.

"Three Holy Lands!"

Youyuan was shocked, and he felt that something big had happened.

"Magician of the human race, tell me your purpose and identity..."

On the other side of the blank area in the distance, you can occasionally see countless huge beetles looming, but there is no movement.

A cold wind blew, and suddenly, a group of thunderbirds appeared in the distance. It seemed that there were about 100. Behind them, more than a dozen polar ice sculptures with more than three levels of strong breath were chasing coldly. From time to time, dozens of ice cones appeared, and a thunderbird fell, and then they were eaten by the polar ice in the air. .

deliberately bypassed the location of the orc army, and the thunderbird crossed the blank zone in horror, and the polar north ice sculptures continued to chase them without any hesitation.

Seeing that he was about to enter the valley of Yizilan, the thunderbirds shouted in horror and even returned desperately regardless of the natural enemies chasing behind him. Although those far north ice sculptures were unknown, they were still rudely about to be slaughtered.

However, soon, the same panicked calls appeared. Under the attack of dozens of giant insects all of which were above the fourth order, these ice-carved thunderbirds were suddenly attacked and killed by this creature they had never seen before. Their bodies fell to the ground and could only hear the piercing chewing sound of cautious people.


In the orc account, the Moon Silver Wolf King looked at the letter handed over from the bear man and slowly raised his head.

"Then attack on the day of the full moon three days later! At that time, I had the ability to transform and should be able to fight against the scorpion giant insect. With the support of the Crystal Bear King, it should not be a problem to suppress him.

Blood teeth, you were seriously injured in the battle yesterday, so don't participate. Let's make the next decision after we suppress those insects into the valley of Ezilan and completely surround them.

"Well, that's the best..."