sin totem

Chapter 133 Trunks, the innate spirit of the human race

At this time, the sky and the earth seem to have only two forces far away from each other. One is the body of the bloodthirsty god composed of endless bloodthirsty power, and the other is the head of the ancient law of the void for the Lord of Fury.

For a long time, there has been a sound. The bloodthirsty god who bowed his head and worshiped opened his eyes, raised his head slightly for the Lord of Fury, and looked directly at the angry emperor holding the hammer of the main god artifact Fury!

"Gadden, have you figured out whether to take action to seize my split god!"


The color of heaven and earth has changed!

The ancient lofty power of rage condensed in an instant. Even if it was only part of the power of the power of the main god, it dispelled half of the endless bloodthirsty power in the sky, and even the grand body of the bloodthirsty god could no longer maintain integrity!

Youyuan's eyes, wrapped in the will of the bloodthirsty god, opened their eyes, looked at the hands of the angry emperor holding the hammer of the main god artifact, and sweated coldly. Is it really going to be buried here today?

Liris, what are you doing?

Even in Youyuan, I couldn't help complaining.

The bloodthirsty god's face was indifferent, and the same will suddenly summoned the endless bloodthirsty power again to condense a long blade composed entirely of divine power, up to a length of kilometers.

The main god has been talking about the focus of the space army.

Generally speaking, even if the main god can only summon part of the power of the main god, under the endless power of the main god, it is difficult for the power of the general god to fight against, and even directly destroyed without resistance under the first wave of the attack of the main god.

However, if the law of the divine understanding is noble enough, the will is grand enough, and the faith is sufficient enough, then as long as you can withstand the power of the main god summoned by the previous gods and rely on sufficient faith as the source of divine power, then the defeated is the main god after all.

After all, as the envoy of the main god, the power of the summoning of the main god can never be endless.

The body of the god is composed of the divine character. As long as the soul is immortal, even if there is only a trace of the divine character as a sustenance, it can survive in the world, but the main god makes the body a mortal after all, the body dies and the soul is destroyed.

But no matter how people argue in the world, it still needs a real battle to be established!

A long blood-colored blade composed entirely of bloodthirsty divine power stood in the sky. The bloodthirsty law was permeated. The bloodthirsty god sneered and looked proudly at the angry emperor.

"Gredden, are you sure to defeat me as your demon god?

Or are you willing to use the hammer of rage at the risk of fighting for the ten-thousand-year transformation of the final ownership of the mainland?

Or, you have planned to give up your covenant with the hell goblins!"

Obviously, the angry emperor holding the hammer of anger occupied the power advantage at this time, but at this time, he did not say a word in the face of the aggressive bloodthirsty god that had appeared.

Although a pair of orc eyes are full of greed and contempt for all sentient beings, they are still hesitating.

God, the only way to become a god!


The angry emperor moved. Finally, with the movement of the hammer of rage, a void was broken like a mirror, and some of them were just endless void turbulence triggered a shocking elemental tidal storm!

The angry emperor stood in the middle of the elemental tide, relying on the endless power of anger summoned at this moment, even the elemental tide did not care at all!

As long as this hammer bursts out, it must be the embodiment of the main god's power!


The bloodthirsty face has finally changed! Even his body is not sure of defeating a divine messenger holding the main artifact, let alone this coming split!

"Good! OK! OK! Today, even if I only have one will to escape, the days when you, the leader of the Bimon Legion, become a violent god, will come to an end, and I want you to lead all the orcs and people on this plane to be buried with you!"

When the angry emperor heard the words, even his face changed slightly.

At this moment, on the one hand, the angry emperor can smash almost all attacks, and on the other hand, there are the vicious eyes of the bloodthirsty god. As long as the angry emperor goes down, he will open the bow without turning back, and everything will change!

The power of the bloodthirsty god's will wrapped in Youyuan's body began to slowly dissipate. In the face of the fallen emperor who may make himself fall here, the bloodthirsty god has completely planned to give up the apostle Youyuan holding artifacts in this continent.

Youyuan's face was pale, feeling the constant trembling of the fire of the soul, and despair gradually appeared.


A silent power fluctuation seems to come from the other side of the mainland. Maybe it can't feel anything for ordinary people or even ordinary holy land, but for the two people in the sky at this time, it is incomparable**.

"This is...the sacred sword, the sickle of death!"

The angry emperor's face changed, feeling the distant place that could hardly be felt by his soul. If he could completely transmit power from the other end of the continent, it must be the emperor-level existence holding the main god artifact himself!

This also means that the continental war has broken out!


"The Holy Book of Light! Reincarnation scepter! Did they even take action?"

The angry emperor breathes heavily. On the one hand, he is a god**, and on the other hand, he is a high-level transition continent that has been fighting hard for ten thousand years. Everything is only in his mind!


Mu Ran, even the angry emperor and the bloodthirsty god were stunned for a moment, and even their eyes were incredible!

"Void Beast...Holy Dragon King!"

"Void beast... Shenze nine-headed giant snake!"

The angry emperor took a few breaths and looked solemnly at the bloodthirsty god. What he saw was still a pair of eyes that were about to fight back like a poisonous snake.

Chen died, Mu Ran, and the angry emperor smiled freely.

"Well, that's all right. In those years, you came to the mainland to save the defeat, fought alone with the goddess of ice and snow and the goddess of night, and saved countless orc people. Speaking of speaking, you are also kind to our people.

In those years, I was ordered by the clan to make a contract with the regional banshee clan and then obtain the task of fighting on this continent. In the end, I just hope that my lord will be given the position of close servant to protect our clan for the sake of this contribution.

Now, I have forgotten too much about the ten-thousand-year battle in the mainland. A few days ago, even those lichs left..."

After the angry emperor's words appeared, the angry power that was originally condensed with infinite power began to slowly dissipate, and the bloodthirsty god's face became slow. At this moment, both sides need a step.

"If it is said that the goddess of ice and snow and the goddess of night are not all right, it should be that it means that I fight against the goddess of ice and snow, the goddess of night and the goddess of life with the doomsday turtle!

Unfortunately, the doomsday giant turtle, as a void beast, is only good at defense, and there is no attack of ordinary void beasts at all. If not, then...hum!"

"If it hadn't been so, the goddess of ice and snow would not have chosen to suppress rather than destroy the doomsday turtle. Even the great god could not erase this empty beast at will!"

The angry emperor received the words of the bloodthirsty god and choked the bloodthirsty god.

"I just didn't expect that the human race of this continent's sacred empire gave birth to that person. The natural pure body was naturally immune to all kinds of curse seals in the demon world. Finally, it grew to that extent. It is incredible that the human race could give birth to this person!

Even the sword demon goblin, who was only one step away from becoming a void beast, was defeated and sealed by him, and later severely damaged the god of corrosion, causing his split completely to fall in the subsequent war.

The bloodthirsty god is still recalling the battle before he fell asleep on the mainland thousands of years ago.

"The old man of that clan is indeed amazing, but it is precisely because of the strange corrosion power of the god of corrosion that he corrode his body and lost the opportunity. Now he can only guard the seal.

A few years ago, I heard that the old man's son was not only born with pure body, but also had the human emperor fighting spirit in the legend of the human race, and even the Bright Emperor planned to recommend him to the Lord of Light!

But who knows, later that the guy actually had a descendant of a blood clan in the underworld, and he was completely imprisoned ten years ago. Rarely, there is no ruling on him. You know, he has never been soft on the degenerate or infidels.

The angry emperor sneered repeatedly, but these words were only used to go down the steps, which really made the situation of the two people's touch-to-be war much better.

"The emperor's fighting spirit? I have only heard that the human race in ancient times on this continent was inherited with a knight's heart, but I have never heard of any emperor's fighting spirit!"

The bloodthirsty god has been sleeping for thousands of years, so he obviously doesn't care about this matter.

"I don't know the specific situation of the human emperor's fighting spirit. Who let that guy go directly to the death empire in the first battle.

However, although that man is beautiful, he is just chasing the footsteps of another person on this plane, and this person is also a human race born after your sleep, and what's more incredible is that he is depraved, and even intends to marry his daughter to that family!"

The bloodthirsty god's eyes widened, and even the bloodthirsty power trembled slightly!

"How is that possible!

You should know that the fallen emperor is different from you. He is one of the four royal families of the regional banshee clan. That is a superpower that is also full of power in the endless world. What is the ability of that clan to make the depravity like this?

As far as I know, even the senior gods and even the main god close servants of the regional banshee clan have never been counted as hands!"

The angry emperor licked his lower lip, unexpectedly changed his momentum, and the infinite anger power disappeared, turning into an ordinary holy orc with an infinite wild atmosphere.

"There are only two abilities of this clan, called the art of alienation and the art of stars!"

"Even if these two abilities are against the sky, it is impossible to make the depravity of the hell banish royal family so gaffe!

And, if it is really such a powerful human race, Guangming should be hanged immediately. How can this continent tolerate him?

It seems to feel the change in the momentum of the angry emperor. Unperceptibly, the bloodthirsty god also slowly put away his divine power, and his will gradually calmed down.

"What if it is a key step out of the gods!"

Boom! The bloodthirsty spirit and will that had been restrained changed greatly because of the angry emperor's words, and even his expression was like a mortal, stunned and incredible!


No, it's impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

Even the endless years of the endless world, there are only a handful of innate gods, and even most of them have fallen in the years. How can such a person be born!"

The reason why a god is a god is just a mortal's worship of power that can't be admired. However, now, a god is shocked by a human race that rises during a deep sleep!

The angry emperor was infinitely domineering, and the bloodthirsty god was like this, but he also sneered.

"That's why, no matter what the mainland will do in the future, this plane demon clan is bound to win. Now you are the third person to know this secret.

I told you because I decided to transfer part of my family's credit to you in the future as today's compensation!"

The bloodthirsty god changed his mind and suddenly understood that the other one who knew the secret must be the fallen emperor.

"Good! If what you say is true and this plane really gives birth to a real innate god, then today's matter will be written off. I want to know the name of the human race who became an innate god!"

Now that everything has been done, the angry emperor did not talk nonsense after all. After feeling the declining power of the sky again and again, it should be almost the emperor-level confrontation. No longer hesitate to turn around and fly away. The affairs of the mainland still need to be arranged with the fallen emperor as soon as possible.


The fallen emperor left, and the bloodthirsty god was still immersed in shock.

human race!

A god of heaven!

At this time, all the souls in the whole valley were completely frozen without a sound. The bloodthirsty god glanced at the plain.

Because the will to protect the ghost has been pulled away, the ghost has been in a state of soul freezing, and he has no idea about the conversation between the newly fallen emperor and the bloodthirsty god.

With a hand, the body of Youyuan was wrapped in an extremely huge bloodthirsty divine power, and then the bloodthirsty god was about to destroy all the mayfly insects here.

Suddenly, the soul of the bloodthirsty god moved!

"Impossible, why is there another soul that has not been frozen!"

The power of the god crushed the earth and cracked directly on the ground, and the countless mayfly insects on it were completely destroyed. In the underground hall where the earth collapsed, a human girl with star-like eyes appeared in the vision of the bloodthirsty god.

Clear eyes look directly at the bloodthirsty God without any fear!