sin totem

Chapter 144 The Goddess of Ice and Snow

More than 100 barbarians held the unique stone primitive weapons of barbarians, and almost engraved the battle instincts into their bones. At the moment they saw the snow wolf, all of them were stimulated, with shouting and roaring on their faces, just like primitive civilization hunting in ancient times.

All the barbarians who left the Baxter Mountains are all adult barbarians with more than one level of power, and the barbarians seem to have a strong restraint on Warcraft, and often even higher-level Warcrafts are extremely afraid of low-level barbarians.

At this moment, there are two real fifth-order barbarians among these 100 barbarians. With two fifth-order barbarians as the vanguard, many barbarians roared excitedly, as if a sharp spear had inserted into the enemy's heart and easily tore the front line of many snow wolves. The scarred dwarfs saw it. Hope!

"Are you a human race and a tare?"

Snow Wolf King had an ominous foreboding. Looking at the heavy casualties of many people under the impact of the new arrival of a group of barbarians, he felt that the newly appeared two people had a mysterious flow and their own weak breath. It seemed that the barbarians who did not care too much this time may have too much support!

In the plan of the Snow Wolf King, the dwarves must be completely slaughtered and fled within a day and one night. The support that the dwarves may have in a day and night is just the barbarians who have been hiding in the Bexter Mountains, and the barbarians in the Bexter Mountains are just a primitive group in the heart of the Snow Wolf King. It's just a small tribe.

After a day and a night, in the face of the possible support of the Tauren, the Snow Wolf King is a little uncertain. You should know that the Tauren, as a large clan among the orcs, it absolutely has the sanctuary.

However, this time, the Snow Wolf King felt the power of supporting more than 100 barbarians, and even it couldn't help regretting not completely slaughtering the dwarves at a faster speed and completing the task as soon as possible.

"I am Mu Mu of the tauren. He is the magician of the fallen empire of the human race, and he is also a friend of our tauren. Today, we are going to kill you to comfort the souls of many dead dwarf friends."

Before Youyuan said anything, Mu Mu, the son of the earth, spoke first, and made it clear in one sentence that there is no possibility of compromise with the Snow Wolf King of the Holy Land. This made Youyuan, who may leave a little room for things to do at any time, sigh gently, and then still looked serious, and the seemingly bloody soul power began to gather between heaven and earth. If it hadn't been for the son of the earth as the main force to fight, even the current Youyuan would never fight with a real holy land, even if it was just showed the enemy. Insent.

"How dare you speak to the Holy Land like this with a fifth level? It seems that you must be the existence of Lingran's talent among the orcs."

The Snow Wolf King himself does not have the talent against the sky, but in his growth, he has seen too many talents Lingran. They are born with more powerful combat effectiveness than the same level, and even occasionally some of them are even superior to defeat their opponents! Therefore, the Snow Wolf King did not do it immediately, and even showed a gentle will in his heart. With the hammer of thunder, the holy weapon of the violent dwarf king in his body, it can now use less than 70% of its power, not to mention the breath that just blew up its hair makes it even more restless.

"The heart of the earth!"

Muran, Mu Mu, the son of the earth, launched an attack, and it seemed that there was no desire to ease and compromise at all, and even the sudden attack caught the Snow Wolf King off guard. The powerful gravity made all the beings near the Snow Wolf King feel like pressing down a mountain. Almost in an instant, the six-headed and fifth-order snow wolf beside the Snow Wolf King fell to the ground and could not move at all.

The Snow Wolf King barely stood, and the frozen law around him was only barely protecting himself. He was extremely shocked. However, at this time, he had to concentrate all his strength on resisting the exaggerated gravity.

Mu Ran, the original will between heaven and earth fluctuated slightly. Even if it was just a trace of breath, the soul of the Snow Wolf King actually stood on the spot, as if the fist of the tauren who rushed to him was bigger than a mountain. In the face of this punch, he actually felt powerless, only instinctive shock.


With a bang, there was a ripple on the earth, and a snow-white shadow was directly punched hundreds of meters away. The earth even wiped out a ditch, faintly covered with blood.

Mu Mu looked at the six-headed and fifth-order snow wolf around him, who was still attracted by the huge gravity, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"War trampling, the rhyme is powerful!"

There was a wave from the depths of the earth, as if the strange fluctuations of life bred by the earth, covering all the six-headed and fifth-order snow wolves on the spot! One of the fifth-order snow wolf seemed to have some talent in the power of ice and snow. His body instantly turned into a pile of broken ice and fell, and then immediately reorganized. Mu Mu's power did not cause real damage to it.

As for other snow wolves, there is no good way but to use their bodies to forcibly withstand Mu Mu's power.

With the strange fluctuations of the earth vein, several snow wolves only felt that after the fluctuation was transmitted into the body, and the power of ice and snow all over the body only played a weak defensive role. All their internal organs seemed to withstand a heavy hammer. On the spot, countless pieces of internal organs spewed out from the mouth of the two fifth-order snow wolf, and the soul disappeared. Although the two fifth-order snow wolves only bleed in their mouths, their breath is obviously weak and they can no longer participate in the battle at all. The last snow wolf seemed to have some talent in body strength, but after a slight bruise in his mouth, his body completely suffered!

Three consecutive attacks, the son of the earth seemed to be in a strong position, and the attack was the same as the magic power in an instant!

The surrounding dwarves and the barbarians who came to support were all shocked. Although there had been rumors about the sons of the earth, they had not seen a real battle, and unprovoked speculations could not determine its combat effectiveness. Until now, people burst into cheers when they saw that the son of the earth broke out and completely flew a holy place in an instant.

Youyuan touched his nose. Mu Mu has always been these tricks. Although it has been confirmed that this guy has a unique trick that has never been used, he doesn't know what Youyuan is. However, even with these three moves, with the support of the exaggerated will of the earth, it can be said that it is difficult to find an opponent in the fifth level.


In the distance, the snow wolf king of the holy land was punched by Mu Mu, who was supported by the will of heaven and earth. His whole body had been traumatized, and even the power of the frozen law in the hidden place began to feel unfamiliar with his body. However, Mu Mu, who has a tough attitude, has attacked first, and the Snow Wolf King can't hesitate anything. Even if it is hit hard at this time, it must fight back immediately!

Suddenly, Mu Mu's body was full of the law of freezing, and the air was extremely thick. It seemed that it would freeze completely the next moment. However, Mu Mu suddenly integrated into the earth, as if the two were one. With a crack, a piece of hollow ice froze on the spot, and the snow wolf king in the distance looked extremely ugly.

" As my friend, you don't just watch, do you?"

Mu Mu, a tauren, suddenly appeared beside Youyuan. Youyuan heard Mu Mu's question and the fire of his soul showed his innocence.

"It's not that I won't take action. It's your attack too suddenly. I don't have such a strong brute force as you."

While talking, the fifth-order snow wolf, which was attacked by Mu Mu's vein but relied on his own body, did dodged and bite the neck of Youyuan quickly, with a ferocious face and extremely ferocious.

"Touch the soul!"

A ripple in the air, a soul flame hit the snow wolf. However, this soul touch magic is only the third-order strength magic obtained by Youyuan when he was in the magic college. Even if youyuan is completely comparable to the soul blessing of the Holy Land now, it only makes the snow wolf slightly stunned!

"Damn it!"

With a curse, Youyuan replaced the finger stretched out to perform magic with a huge fist. With the dense ancient silver lines on the fist, with a roar, the snow wolf screamed and was hit in the air by the extremely strong physical force of Youyuan.

With a sw, the ghost disappeared in place, and a shadow unexpectedly caught up faster than the snow wolf fell to the ground. It grabbed its neck and completely vented the blowout evil breath almost instantly deterred the snow wolf's soul. Then a condensed blood soul bullet in his right hand fiercely inserted into the snow wolf's mouth. With a bang, this head five The snow wolf died completely, and at the same time, a fifth-order blood demon seed king began to cultivate.

However, the most surprising thing is that the two stone spears have been inserted into the body of the fifth-order snow wolf with a strong talent of ice and snow. The stone spear has a barbaric power unique to barbarians, and this stone spear does not seem to be an ordinary stone spear. From this stone spear, there is an ancient human race in the bad The primitive power of hunting in the living environment, two fifth-order barbarians rudely cut off the head of the snow wolf, which seemed to be intended to make a new decoration.

At this time, the four fifth-order snow wolf kings seemed to be at the end of the road. From time to time, they used their overwhelming power to slaughter small snow wolves around them. It seemed that this disaster was about to pass.

"Oh...damn barbarians, damn tauroops, damn humans, I will use your souls to sacrifice to my dead wolves!"

Suddenly, after the Snow Wolf King roared, he spit out three crystal objects from its mouth. With the appearance of these three crystal objects, a force of will that seemed to dominate all sentient beings suddenly appeared. Whether it was a snow wolf in the distance or a barbarian nearby, everything seemed that the soul was only black and white at this moment, and time It also lost its meaning, and the soul was completely frozen!

This is... the power of ice and snow! As soon as the soul of Youyuan moves, as a bloodthirsty god, there are more real artifacts in the body. Naturally, the soul of Youyuan cannot be completely frozen by a few drops of divine power. Mu Mu, the son of the earth, also blinked, and it seemed that the influence of divine power on him was extremely limited. However, the two fifth-order barbarians, with all their souls frozen, stood still on the spot.

Snow Wolf King's solemn finger, one of which turned into a spear completely composed of divine power, almost cutting through the space and stabbed a fifth-order barbarian fiercely. It seemed to feel the threat of life. The barbarian's soul finally Breaking free from the freeze, a strong barbaric force came from the savage's body, and then the stone axe engraved with the primitive barbarian's simple runes was hit hard, as if to break the spear transformed by the attacking ice and snow god power.


The barbarian stone axe was broken, and a spear completely transformed by divine power was inserted into the barbarian's chest. On the spot, the barbarians turned into ice crystals and burst into nothingness. However, even so, another barbarian around him was unaware of it and did not get rid of the freezing of his soul.

It was another spear transformed by the divine power of ice and snow. Once again, the barbarian's soul woke up at the last moment and made a final resistance, but his body still turned into ice crystals all over the sky and died. The second fifth-order barbarian repeated everything about the previous barbarians.

The last drop of ice and snow power, the Snow Wolf King was very excited. Although the task of slaughtering the dwarves this time was only changed to three drops of ice and snow power, it really felt a higher level of power, which was the power he must look up to.

Now that such power has been exerted twice, it seems that it has easily determined the life and death of others without resistance. How can the Snow Wolf King, who advocates power killing, not be excited! Even, the Snow Wolf King has decided that as long as it can gain this power in the future, it will not hesitate to do it, even if it sells its soul!

However, there was still the last drop of ice and snow magic power at this time. The Snow Wolf King looked at Mumu and Youyuan, who seemed to be frozen in their souls, and hesitated slightly. Mu Mu, the son of the earth, had previously given it great trauma, and even killed him with one hand. It is reasonable that he should attack him with the power of ice and snow. However, the Snow Wolf King told him rationally that a drop of ice and snow was not enough to kill this hateful guy.

Slight hesitation, the snow wolf king's eyes showed fierce light, and once again this ice and snow magic power turned into a divine spear. With a slight finger of its front claw, the divine power spear disappeared, and its goal turned out to be the still plain!


Youyuan was angry and even reached the point of anger. At this moment, he clearly felt that sometimes he did not look at the reason at all, but only looked at the power. Just like the words of the female tutor Lena in the second magic college class. Maybe the law of the demon clan is more suitable for fighting. You don't need to look at the means, just look at the results!

Yes, the object of this divine spear is not Mu Mu, who shows strong power, but has not attacked the secluded plain of the Snow Wolf King at all. Maybe in the heart of the Snow Wolf King, kill one first...

A mysterious bloody dagger appeared, held horizontally in the hand of Youyuan, and the dazzling and strange luster even completely covered the spear transformed by the divine power of ice and snow! Originally, several special souls in the venue were not completely frozen. However, with the emergence of the real divine will of the bloodthirsty blade, their souls also completely fell into the black and white world, completely frozen, and even Mu Mu, the son of the earth, was stimulated by the bloodthirsty blade, and their souls trembled slightly!

"This is...!!"

The Snow Wolf King used the magic spear three times in a row, and his soul was slightly tired. However, at this time, the moment the bloodthirsty blade appeared, and its soul appeared extremely greedy in an instant. It seemed that as long as he got the mysterious dagger in the hand of Youyuan, it was likely to really get the supreme power. Quantity!

In the bloodthirsty blade blood-colored demon's strange light, even if it only slightly stimulated part of the power, the spear said by the divine power of ice and snow was completely defeated. The law of ice and snow and the power of the will of the goddess of ice and snow completely dissipated. Youyuan's eyes were angry and was deciding whether to use the bloodthirsty blade to completely kill the snow wolf king in front of him. !

"It's really a conspiracy, not the arrangement of fate! Snow Wolf King of the Holy Land, you deceived the dwarf clan, you deceived the violent dwarf king, and you will usher in the most primitive anger of the dwarf king!"

Mu Ran, a terrible thunder power and violent power both broke out from behind the ghost plain, and the power is still rising, and has even reached the point where the ghost plain begins to change color!

"This is...the Holy Land!"