sin totem

Chapter 150 Variation in the retreat

The endless power of the blood soul was summoned from the blood soul array, and then it was crazily compressed by the ghost centered on the blood soul array, and the terrible pressure was scattered. A month later, the fishy force wrapped by a fist-sized primitive erosion force appeared in the center of the array, and even the soul sensing of the ghost was eroded by the primitive erosion force wrapped in the outer layer. But Youyuan does have a feeling that the power of the fishy spirit is nurtured in the middle of this primitive erosion power.

For three consecutive months, a bloody force appears in the blood soul array every month, and then it is taken into his own body by Youyuan.

However, unconsciously, it seems that with the training of the blood soul, the evil power that broke out at that moment by the blood soul power originally controlled by Youyuan began to slowly fade away. Instead, the power of the blood-red blood soul gradually turned purple and black, which is changing to the power nature of the original erosion power that wraps the fishy spirit. .

On this day, as Youyuan incorporated the third force of fishy spirit into his body, suddenly, the seven abyss demons that formed the blood soul array suddenly roared, and at the same time fell to the ground and rolled, looking like a splitting headache and extreme pain.

Youyuan was shocked and immediately sensed the situation of the seven abyss demons through the blood demon seed king. However, in the induction, it seemed that all the blood demon seed kings entered a state of madness. Because of the existence of the blood demon seed king, the power of the blood soul can be the second attribute of all abyss demons except the power of the magic flame. However, at this time, the change of the seven-headed abyss demon is obviously caused by the change of the blood demon seed king.

Unclearly, Youyuan's eyes narrowed slightly and simply began to gather the power of endless blood souls into the bodies of seven abyss demons, hoping to stop the inexplicable changes. After all, these seven abyss demons are the foundation of the blood soul array. It is too time-consuming to find other alternative eyes. Moreover, after such a long period of blood soul training, the strength of the seven abyss demons has already surpassed the general third-order peak.

The peak of the third level! By the way, are these seven abyss demons going to advance to the fourth level? However, it should be extremely comfortable to advance. Why are these seven abyss demons extremely painful?

Once again, all the blood demon seed kings are still in a crazy state and seem to be extremely excited. However, as their host, the abyss demon was extremely painful and almost reached the point of madness, which made it impossible for Youyuan to understand. Normally, the will of all the abyss demons should be erased by the blood demon seed king, but why do all the abyss demons do the opposite of the blood demon seed king now?

Unbe puzzled, Youyuan fell into distress as a magician.

I don't know how long it has been. Youyuan, who has been closely observing the change of the blood demon seed king, suddenly became happy. The seven blood demon seed king suddenly stopped madness, and at the same time, the soul sensing entered the deeper soul world controlled by the blood demon seed king.

The blood demon seed king is like an evil parasite made by the ghost as its parent body, controlling the soul will of other creatures. This itself is an extremely high-end peak magic, which is not understood by this space-time ghost at all.

At this moment, as the blood demon seed king continued to condense and nourish the blood soul array, all of them advanced to the fourth level. In the soul world where the abyss demon is parasitic, it seems that countless tentacles of the blood demon seed king, as the highest will carrier, are surging wildly, completely boarding some marginal corners of the parasitic abyss demon soul, like a dense spider web, and the abyss demon has no resistance.

Suddenly, the original soul power of the abyss demon fluctuated. It seemed that with the moment the blood demon seed king advanced, the thing composed of three light spots suddenly appeared from the abyss demon soul. There was no time to seriously feel anything, a silent anger, fear and prayer. The roar appeared. Then the three light spots seemed to exhaust their strength and slowly disappeared into the depths of the demon soul in the abyss.


Youyuan screamed, and three light spots roared in the depths of the soul of the seven-headed abyss demon. Youyuan, which was hit by seven strange souls, instantly withdrew from the soul world of the Blood Demon Seed King. In reality, the original nose was sour, two nosebleeds appeared, and his face was extremely pale!

I don't know why, although it was only for a moment, the light spots in the three groups of soul sensing came from the feeling of being roaring at himself by the abyss demon controlled by the blood demon seed king. At that moment, it seemed that their soul was no longer strong, and the soul of the other party was no longer small. At that moment, the two were equal as equal creatures and had the power to dominate their own creatures' thinking!

has been hit one after another. In fact, the reason for withdrawing from the soul world early has also suffered a great soul trauma in reality! This inexplicable power blow was almost never recorded in any soul magic book, and even shocked Youyuan a little.

You should know that with the power of the current soul of the Youyuan, a controlled third-order abyss demon can actually hurt the soul of the Youyuan, which is theoretically impossible! And there should be no self-will. Is it possible that even the blood demon seed king has relatively eliminated the will of the abyss demon? Is it related to the blood demon seed king that can cause such a blow effect to the ghost? What are the three light spots? Why did he feel that it was a controlled abyss demon roaring at himself at that moment?

"The magical world is indeed endless. Even if I am only studying the beginning of soul magic now, it is like a child picking up shells by the sea, and there will be more beautiful shells waiting."

Suddenly, the seven-headed abyss demon returned to normal again, as if the pain just now struggled with hallucinations.

With the reappearance of the blood soul array, this time it is a seven-headed and fourth-order abyss demon! Incomparable ease, it once took half a day to spread the power of the blood soul to the whole empty land, but now it only takes more than ten minutes; the summoned blood soul power, the evil breath seems to gradually disappear, without the seemingly faint power of pressure, but more than the power of erosion of any induction; once At this time, the estimated time of the mysterious spirit will definitely be doubled!

However, Youyuan did not condense the power of the spirit again, but began to pay attention to his own situation.

Without driving any power, the extremely evil black breath began to vent crazily from the body of the ghost, and the terrible pressure dissipated. At the same time, the power of the blood soul began to completely transform into the power of purple and black erosion, which looked mysterious and abnormal.

The venting of evil breaths like Youyuan has lasted for nearly three days. It seems that all the evil breaths in your body have been vented, and Youyuan has returned to normal again. However, Yuan's eyebrows flashed, waved his hand, and a purple-black erosion power appeared. Mu Ran's stone building wall protected by magic turned purple-black, and turned into countless pieces with the cold wind outside.

"This kind of power nature? Although there are still some demons in it, they are also very close to the underworld..."

Youyuan frowned and didn't care about what kind of power he had, but this feeling of not being able to grasp his own strength was an incomparable pressure. Even if you don't know the power characteristics and goals of your cultivation, how will you become a real strong man?

Perhaps, only by truly clarifying the principle and nature of the blood soul array can we truly master this power.

However, at present, what Youyuan needs most begins to realize the previous soul magic inspiration as soon as possible into a real magic attack, and take the first step on the road of soul magic that you may embark on in the future.

"First of all, use the soul to simulate the fluctuation of the blood demon transformation to instantly increase the power of the soul and maximize the power of the soul..."

"Then, use the direct confrontation in the Engeza mentor's soul touch magic to carry out soul attack..."

"However, the soul flame attack effect of the Engesus mentor's soul touch magic is too bad. The soul magic of the undead empire is good. If you also simulate the chaotic attack nature similar to the magic crystal cannon... Maybe you should dodge some thunder elements in your current erosion power as a model. Maybe we need some fire elements?"

A month later, with a loud laugh in the second-floor magic laboratory, a magic fluctuated!

"Although this soul magic has many defects and its power is not absolute killing, the only advantage is that it will cause the lowest limit of a certain soul attack due to the combination of the power of erosion and the power against chaos, so it is best to cooperate with the blood demon seed king in the future. Fifth-order magic, soul destroyed!"


At the same time, in the big account of the center of the Barbarian Land Department.

"Well, after the human master Youyuan came here, he never appeared again. On the contrary, the messenger of the fox clan came several times and sent all the valuable magic items to provide magic experiments for him. Is he the chief sent by the Bloodhoof King?"

A relatively young taur elder said angrily, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with the failure of Youyuan.

"Indeed, it has been four months, and spring is coming in a blink of an eye. The matter about the ogre can't be delayed any longer."

"You can't say that. This human chief doesn't manage tribal things. Isn't that what we once wanted? Nowadays, there is no big action in the ogre tribe, and we are relatively peaceful here. I think this is the best..."

"If it's so good, why did the blood hooves send to the chief? Can't we vote by ourselves?"

It's another argument, but the tauri elders present are obviously used to it. After all, a tribe does not have a real chief, but many elders compromise and reach an agreement. It is strange that there is no dispute.

"I said, do you feel that something has changed over there during this period?"

The speaker is the most senior Elder Burley here. At this time, the corners of his mouth turned in the direction of the temporary magic laboratory of Youyuan, and his eyes sparkled inexplicable light.

"Well, indeed, I sensed the change. Once there has always been a demon evil power over there, releasing light pressure from time to time, which is extremely uncomfortable. Even the Kodo giant beasts in the tribe have been anorexic. But a few days ago, it seemed that the evil force began to disappear. However, as the evil power disappeared, it began to completely sense any situation inside. It seemed that the power of blood could even corrode the soul sense!"

"Yes, now I feel that there seems to be a layer of fog that can never be felt, and just the day before yesterday, my guard told me that because of the excessive power of the demon world, it began to breed some demon eggs that can only be born in the depths of the demon world! If there is enough magic to provide the incubation of the devil's egg, it will definitely become another small demon world!"

As soon as the topic was opened, the elders began to discuss around the secluded plain again. From time to time, exclaims came out, and the secluded plain seemed to gradually become mysterious.


Youyuan left the magic laboratory for the first time in four months of cultivation, but he was slightly stunned when he looked at dozens of strange eggs appearing on the ground. These eggs all grow on the ground and seem to be breathing powerfully and emitting erosion.

" this the egg of the devil?"

It is said that the demon larvae of the demon world are hatched from the eggs of demons bred by the demon world, and gradually grow into abyss demons fighting in all directions. However, I have only heard that the devil's egg can only be born in the deepest part of the abyss of the demon world, but I have never heard of rumors about the birth of other interfaces, so the abyss demon has also become one of the symbols of the demon world.


Youyuan looked up and was shocked. There were several resentment souls floating in the sky, with red eyes and teeth and claws. However, he seemed to be extremely afraid of himself and kept hovering in the sky. The resentment soul is like the fire demon knight, which is one of the endless demon clans in the demon world. However, at this time, there are several initial resentment souls floating in the sky!