sin totem

Chapter 155 God of Stars and Bloodthirsty God

It is not the first time to feel the magnificent will to suppress all sentient beings. Youyuan looked up at the star god who seemed to despise him, and his face was cold. After a moment of hesitation, the tip of the tongue spit out, and the dark primitive erosion force the size of a fist appeared. With the moment when this dark and primitive erosion power appeared, the starlight that surrounded and suppressed the secluded field also began to appear disorder.

However, the ogre didn't care at all. It seemed to be sarcastic. A spear completely composed of divine power shot into the secluded field, and the divine spear was attached to the supreme will.

Mu Ran, Youyuan's body tightened, and a force of will forcibly imprisoned Youyuan completely!

Originally, Youyuan wanted to destroy the other party's divine summons with the power of the fishy spirit. However, with the imprisonment of this power of will, Youyuan was suddenly shocked.

Unlike others who once borrowed divine power, the high priest in front of him is a real divine messenger, representing the true will of some gods! In other words, the other party's divine power is not simply a rough use of the power of the will and the power of the law, but completely summons the perfect power that combines the law and the will. In this way, the divine power with the blessing of perfect will is not something that pure spiritual power can fight against at all.

Moreover, there are only two fishy powers on Youyuan's body. Compared with the divine power that the other party can summon as a god, it is simply a penniper.

No longer hesitated, Youyuan opened his mouth and swallowed the original erosion power the size of his fist again. Suddenly, a noble and strong force like a demon god broke out! The endless primitive erosion power, together with the will of the god who imprisoned the secluded, is also slightly eroded, like a sun that constantly emits black light! With a shout from Youyuan, a noble breath that revealed order, rules, mapping and control broke out, and the power of the will to imprison Youyuan was broken and collapsed.


The ghost turned into a dark light and trampled the void out of the ripples, and immediately avoided the blow that condensed the divine will of the perfect star. The divine power of the stars cut through the void and disappeared in the sky. The void where it passed, there were countless space cracks that were slowly healing!

"This kind of power nature!"

The high priest of the Star Temple looked shocked and looked at the secluded attack from his divine power at a terrible speed.

The high priest of the Star Temple was not surprised by the power of the outburst, but by the nature of this sudden outburst. With the eyes of the high priest of the Star Temple, he naturally found that the nature of the sudden enhancement of power at this time was actually a kind of power close to the power of the heavenly world, which is so similar to the embarrassing status of the Star Temple!

With the surprise of the high priest of the Star Temple, the whole star boundary seemed to fluctuate. Although it immediately became flat, the high priest of the Star Temple went to look solemn and suddenly recited the star song again.

At this time, the Youyuan is surrounding the high priest of the Star Temple at a terrible speed. In the eyes of the rapid Youyuan, the movements of all the surrounding ogres are extremely slow, like a slow-motion picture. All the ogre around showed shock at this time, with panic on their backs to backs, and nervously looked at the lightning-like black light.

"The patriarch, there will be no problem with the high priest, right?"

At this time, a fifth-order ogre finally couldn't help worrying and asked the female ogre with flame wings next to him.

"Hmm! Although this celebrity also has some skills, the high priest represents the will of the god of stars, and the will of the gods is not comparable to that of mortals.

At this time, the flame-winged female ogre's face was still pale and her soul was slightly confused, but as soon as she heard that the ogre next to her was worried about the high priest of the Star Temple, she immediately laughed in a disdainful tone.

The power of the fishy spirit in the body of the extremely fast plain slowly dissipated, but looking at the high priest of the Star Temple who was still focused on singing the star hymn, he finally made up his mind to forcibly attack the past. Youyuan has seen that this huge star boundary like a miracle can only be completely manipulated by the high priest of the mysterious scepter Star Temple.

If this scepter is taken away or destroyed, the Youyuan will naturally have a chance to leave the boundary.

The high priest of the Star Temple glanced at the rushing Yuan, sang the star hymn, and pointed to the void in front of him again. Suddenly, a huge sword completely composed of divine power appeared again. The huge sword disappeared, and the void in front of him was broken!

The embarrassing, rapidly dark plain once again dodged this divine attack.

However, the secluded plain that escaped the attack no longer relied on rapid travel. Instead, it stood in the void and raised its head tremblingly and looked at the endless void.

It's still the starlight of the star boundary, as if nothing exists! At the same time, the proud high priest of the Star Temple also suddenly changed his face. In disbelief, even a tear began to appear in his eyes, but finally began to speak slowly.

"God said that the endless starry sky has endless Ori... Star Holy Fire!"

It seemed that he had finished singing the star hymn, and seemed to have received some instructions. The high priest of the star temple no longer used simple divine attacks, but burned his vitality without hesitation. A real divine skill was used in the roar of the star god! However, at this time, the place to perform magic is the ogre tribe!

It seems that the pressure of destruction has descended from the world!

Although Youyuan kept flapping its wings behind its back, it could only slowly land to the ground in front of this seemingly destructive pressure, and there was no way to resist. The ogre around him, who had been cheering for the high priest of the Star Temple, suddenly turned pale and looked at the high priest of the sky with a pale face.

"Priest, this is..."

However, before the ogre's words were finished, with the terrible pressure, his soul was completely frozen, and his body was pale and looked at the sky.

In the sky, the high priest of the Star Temple is also pale. He doesn't know that the ground is inhabited by their generations of ogres. However, sometimes there are things that he can't resist at all. Even if he is very reluctant, he still has to show his power!

At this moment, the high priest began to doubt his decision. Can faith in gods really bring prosperity to the community? Yes, he doesn't know if he can bring prosperity, but he knows that he may destroy his own ethnic group with his own hands! At this moment, he even began to regret!

Although there was also a trace of despair, there was no surprise. He knelt on one knee and looked up to pray.

"Great god of stars, I'm very sorry for disturbing you. My ignorant soul prays for your forgiveness!"

However, the quiet flame covering several miles still began to fall silently. The flame was so quiet and elegant, but the breath of power that seemed to destroy the world made the soul of the ghost constantly tremble instinctively. The flame still landed slowly, as if to challenge the psychological limit of the ghost, infinitely lengthening the time of death, and making the ghost have an infinite illusion of fear in the face of death.

"Ji Jie Jie... When did the great bloodthirsty apostle pray for forgiveness from unknown gods? However, you have done a good Oracle this time!"

The extremely cruel and evil voice appeared, and the bloodthirsty blade in the arms of the secluded plain flew out autonomously, and the evil light shone! With a click, as if some broken crush, a crack in the extremely huge star boundary of the sky suddenly appeared, and then countless bloodthirsty forces poured in and began to gather crazily to the bloodthirsty blade.

The soul of Youyuan also seemed to be full of power in an instant, and his body flew to the sky again, looking at the bloodthirsty god split that was slowly gathering.

Is it that the requirement to find the orc witch doctor prophet in this bloodthirsty oracle is just an excuse. The real purpose is the god of the stars? For the first time, Youyuan had his own guess.

"Great bloodthirsty god, it is an honor for your humble servant to have the honor to see my Lord again!"

For a long time, Youyuan has had a certain contact with the etiquette of meeting the gods. At this time, Youyuan used the most humble etiquette, incomparable hypocrisy and incomparable irony!

"Tranx, the god of stars, has been the innate spirits of the human race in recent years!"

Finally, with the bloodthirsty blade as the core, a blood-colored giant appeared. The bloody giant broke out with supreme will, and even the ogre, whose souls were frozen countless times on the ground, still began to crawl uncontrollably and worship with incomparable humility.

However, the blood giant just looked at the endless starry sky, and a smile appeared on his face, but there was a trace of indifference in the depths of his pupils.

"Well, Grayden talked about you a few days ago, but he didn't expect that your servant would find here so quickly. Your servant received it well!"

Composed of endless starlight, an illusory and realistic shadow appears in the void. However, this figure form is actually a real human race!

Wearing a standard human magic robe, holding a gorgeous magic wand in his right hand, with a crystal crown like a bright starry sky on his head, and a pale and demonic face. Elegant look and standard etiquette, this noble human magician face is completely different from the face of the cruel bloodthirsty giant!

Ji Jiejie, such a short time has confirmed your true existence, which is also something I didn't expect. It seems that this servant is really good and worth using. Now that your existence has been confirmed, let's proceed according to the plan. This servant will stay with you for the time being on behalf of my will. We will meet in person after the matter of the orcs is resolved.

The God of Stars glanced at Youyuan, but somehow there was a trace of surprise and regret in the depths of his eyes, as if he had missed something, and at the same time, he couldn't believe something.

"Well, you dare to come to my temple without authorization. Do you think I don't have the ability to accept your divine identity? Don't forget that there is no advanced inversion surface that has been developed here!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of starlight chaos in the whole star boundary, and the crack in the star boundary that had been constantly transmitted bloodthirsty magic began to heal slowly. At the same time, the breath of the star god became stronger and stronger, and there was a faint momentum to suppress the bloodthirsty god!

"Ha ha, Trunks, why do you lie to yourself? If my split is so easy to hold, I don't need you and Grayden. The goddess of life, the goddess of night and the goddess of ice and snow have already accepted it. Humph, since the great lord of hatred sent me, naturally I represent the great lord of hatred in the demon world. Even if it is just a split, it is by no means that you, the newly born god, can accept it!"


The words of the two gods, the high priest of the Youyuan and the Star Temple crawled in the void and did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

I don't know how long it will take, as the bloodthirsty will slowly disappears, the bloodthirsty blade returned to the arms of the secluded plain. However, before the ghost plain had time to react, an irresistible power of stars rolled up the ghost plain, and a space crack appeared in the void, and the ghost plain disappeared into the space crack in exclamation.

Another touch, and the space crack heals.