sin totem

Chapter 164 Ideal for Continental Freedom


The horn of war sounded, and the orc coalition forces all rectified. In the noise and roar, they stood in line with weapons and looked at the enemy sanctuary in the sky on the edge of the forest of night.

However, the fifteen holy places in the sky did not seem to have any intention of taking action, but after protecting the catwoman of the sanctuary, they looked at the 11 holy places in the orc coalition from afar.

"The golden lion statue of the Golden Lion King is indeed well-known, and it is by no means an enemy."

The shadow cat queen looked at the Golden Lion King and seemed to have a good respect for the Golden Lion King who had just fought with him. At this time, she even praised it.

"The queen's shadow escape technique is also very amazing. If it hadn't been for the Queen's short time to enter the Holy Land, with this mysterious shadow escape technique, it would be enough to cross the continent."

After thinking about it, the Golden Lion King answered very politely. The atmosphere between the two was quite harmonious and maintained corresponding friendship. However, except for these two people, other holy places do not have such a good atmosphere.

I heard that although the bullhead and leopard are large orcs, they are mostly false and unbearable. Today's World War I is really like this. However, I borrowed a trace of the divine power of the goddess of night, far less than one-two of the high priest, but I have suppressed the two of you to the limit, hum..."

The Taurus Fat Holy Land and the Leopard Holy Land heard the catman priest say this, and their performance was different. The bull-headed human fat sanctuary just smiled and stopped talking, while the leopard was born with an angry cry and roaring. It seemed that it was intended to use some means to break the net, but it was soon stopped by the queen of the fire fox next to it.

"Ha ha, the power of the goddess of night is really unfathomable, and even if it is just an apostle, it is far from comparable to the ordinary Holy Land. However, my concubine is curious about whether the giant eye that the bear king just broke is the means of the high priest or the means of the goddess of the night coming across the border!"

Queen Yanhu covered her face and looked at the high priest of the Cat Night Temple with a sneer, which seemed to be the pleasure of revenge. However, although the cat girl, the high priest of the temple of that night, looked cold, but suppressed her anger and just looked at the Queen Yanhu with cold eyes.

"Naturally, it is the means used by the priest himself. It's really unself-exerable to rely on your mortal to come to the goddess's will!"

After the sarcasm, the dress of the high priest of the night temple was automatically, as if the whole forest of the night came to life in an instant, and a magnificent will above all sentient beings appeared. Another soft hum, the Queen Yanhu, who sneered at the high priest of the Temple of Night, suddenly changed her face and retreated, just stepping out of the forest of the night.

"It's your acquaintance, otherwise..."

The following words were not said again, but the threat and ridicule of the high priest of the Temple of Night is self-evident.

"Derga, didn't you expect you to come too?"

At this time, the Moon Silver Wolf King looked regretfully at the divine dragon illusionist Druid and could know the name of the Druid. It seems that the Moon Silver Wolf King seems to have some deep friendship with him.

"I also have to follow Her Majesty's dispatch. I just didn't expect that you have progressed so fast over the years..."

Sensing the breath of the Moon Silver Wolf King, the old Druid in the air said to the Moon Silver Wolf King.

"Well, what are my progress? Compared with your fight against the forces of the underworld on the side of the Holy Empire, I have been lucky enough to witness the power of several emperors. I have just built a car behind closed doors these years."

The old Druid smiled and did not argue.

"Ha ha, our strength should be clear to each other. However, today is not a full moon day. It is very bad for you to fight against me. If there is a conflict, I will not stay because of my former friendship.

"Well, don't worry, I won't either!"

After the Moon Wolf King talked with the old Druid, the atmosphere on both sides of Muran began to become delicate, and there was no more words, but there was no sign of action.


Youyuan led the barbarian tauren warriors staring at the depths of the night forest with a murderous face. Just under the layers of vague fog, there were also countless gem-like green eyes staring at many orcs outside the night forest, as if they were just waiting for an opportunity to start a war.

The same is true of other orcs, who have completely surrounded the night forest, waiting for an order as if they would rush into the night forest at any time.

However, I don't know how long it took, many low-level orc coalitions on the ground were not ordered to attack, but just confronted countless catmen hidden behind the fog of night. Somehow, as many holy places in the sky returned to their respective territories, there was a melodious horn again, and all the orc coalition slowly withdrew their troops in a tense atmosphere.


On this day, Peter came back from afar with more than a dozen taurien warriors with food painstakingly searched from the remnant cat tribe in the distance. However, Pete's face was full of pain and sadness. Even the tauroy man was full of pain and confusion, but after putting down a bag of heavy food in his hand, he silently returned to his post.

The fireworks are full, and the orc camp is by no means orderly. It's good for one orc who is energetic and can't vent without a scuffle. As for environmental sanitation, even in the tribe, not to mention the front camp that may leave at any time.

However, for Pete, Youyuan was always in his heart. At this time, he saw that Peter seemed to be in a strange state. After thinking about it, Youyuan took the initiative to come forward and start talking.

"How's it going? Is the task of this food collection going well?"

The so-called grain collection is because after the long-term consumption of the orc army of the expedition, the food carried with them has long been used up. As a last resort, they began to forcibly collect food from some surrounding cat-man tribes that gave up their resistance, waiting for the transportation troops from far away.

Peter looked up at the ghost field. However, when I saw Pete's eyes, my heart suddenly jumped! These eyes have already been covered with blood, as if they had experienced the deepest struggle and roar in the bottom of their hearts.


Youyuan opened his mouth, but at this moment, he didn't know how to say the next sentence.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Pete's voice changed, and an indescribable sense of sadness and pain appeared, as if he might leave tears and roar at any time. Youyuan stopped Peter, took a look at the surprised burly Tauren warriors around him, frowned, and brought Peter into his tent.

"Say, what's going on?"

Youyuan handed a cup of warm tea to Peter and sat gently opposite Pete, as if an elder was going to listen to the story of the young man's trauma. Peter took the warm tea from Youyuan, looked at Youyuan with his hands trembling slightly, and his eyes were slightly wet.

"This time, we began to collect grain according to the originally stipulated area. Everything went well. We collected food from six remaining cat tribes without any resistance, because they had no resistance at all. They were all just old and young cats. Even though they knew that they might not survive this winter, they could only hand over all the remaining grain. Yes, that's all they can do.

Youyuan's eyes were calm, like a bright moon, quietly waiting for Peter's words behind him.

"Two days later, we finally collected enough food and came back, only to find that the remnant catman tribes that had collected food were all destroyed and all the catmen were slaughtered. The male catman was buried on the ground with only one head exposed and suffocated to death, while the female catman was naked** covered with stains, and the young catman was actually incomplete, as if she had been torn to pieces. From the footprints and weapons, I can see that there have been foxes, leopards, bears, wolves, and even... even taureus!"

Peter looked at the eyes of Youyuan, and the blood was even more ferocious, extremely red and violent!

"I don't understand! We are just here to conquer the Temple of the Goddess of Night. Those cats have given up resistance, faith and everything they have given up! Why, why do you still do this to them? Why on earth! Once, because of her, I hated cat people very much, and even killed several strong cat people with my own hands. However... I have never retaliated by killing the innocent cats. After all, they are also compatriots of our orcs! I don't understand what the purpose of our campaign is. Do all our orc warriors fight at the cost of their lives just to destroy their former... former compatriots?

At this moment, Pete's eyes were full of confusion and panic, and at the same time, a stream of violent hatred intersected, his soul was at the most hesitant moment, and the face of an ugly and stubborn orc was full of sadness.

It is not clear why an orc did not sink after seeing such darkness, but seemed to be aware of it. Is it because a sword dedicated to love in my heart once occupied all of it and was not corroded by the dark will of the world, and at this moment, it was impacted by the dark world and made the persistence of that sword collapse?

Youyuan vaguely remembers that as if as an orphan, he was born in the fallen empire and wandered on the street. He saw too many orphans like him die. A trace of compassion and kindness in nature has long disappeared. On some celebrations and festivals, the church of the fallen temple will distribute food for free, and then spread the doctrine to become a fallen believer and have an early depraved faith.

The fallen chants and fallen scriptures are still memorized at this moment. If it hadn't met Lilith, and then broke through the imprisonment of faith and gave birth to his own ideals and values, Youyuan might still be the benign and extinct fallen demon clan, ignoring everything in the world.

Maybe he will even give a hypocritical name and excuse himself for everything.

At this moment, Youyuan knew that Pete's soul will ushered in a major moment! If you handle it well, it is possible to give birth to your own will, and then fight unremittingly for the values and ideals in your heart; if you don't handle it well, Peter, who lacks your mind, is likely to seek the teachings and beliefs of the gods to break free himself and fall from then on.

Looking directly into Pete's eyes, a trace of the power of the original will of heaven and earth was directly added to him. At this moment, the soul of the secluded plain was extremely magnificent in Pete's eyes, like the majestic Tianhe sentient beings.

"In this world, there are only rules that powerful gods who are good at deception enslave the will of living creatures through power and faith. We fight for the Temple of Night only to realize the unity of the will of the Lord of Fury in this mainland orcs. But what does the Lord of Fury do, just because of his doctrine of rage? Yes, he has no reason at all. Everything that hinders his existence is heresy and will be destroyed. The endless rules of the world controlled by the gods are so simple! And you, and me, the whole continent, have we explored why? We don't. We just know that everything that goes against the supreme existence in our hearts is all heresy! This is faith!"

Youyuan's words were very calm, but when they entered Pete's ears, they were like an explosive magic crystal bomb, which shook the whole earth and sky and opened his mouth.

"Remember? Why was our Doomsday Legion established? It's for the freedom of the continent! Why is the freedom of the mainland? Because as long as there is the belief of gods on the mainland, the mainland will eventually fight because of the belief of hostile gods, so all creatures can only sink into the battle of faith and become innocent victims of gods to realize their own interests. Just like what we are doing every day, just for the unity of an angry will, we can't remember how many orcs have died these days. They should have had a full life, strive for their ideals, and realize their values..."

Peter grabbed the shoulder of Youyuan, as if a heart door had opened, and his eyes were full of longing and infinite fear.

"So...what should we do? I'm just an orc, a fourth-order orc!"

Youyuan looked at Peter and smiled faintly.

"In fact, there is no essential difference between your fourth level and my fifth level. Even those so-called holy places are just a slightly tricky ants in front of the endless plane ruler gods. Why does our doomsday army fight only for the freedom of the continent, not the freedom of the endless world? Because the higher you stand, the more you will find yourself small. We can only follow the rules set by the gods of the endless world and carefully work hard in the gaps to realize the freedom of this continent!"

Peter slightly loosened Yuyuan's shoulder, and his expression was still in a dull state.

However, Youyuan's face suddenly changed, as if a ferocious devil woke up and looked at Peter.

"The first rule formulated by endless gods is that there is no sympathy in the world, only interests! If you want benefits, you must have stronger power! For the freedom of the mainland, for our descendants to have their own ideals and values, and for the future creatures of the mainland no longer become victims of the war of divine belief, even if other planes are full of water and fire, even if we are cursed as devils by the endless world, we must use all means to fight for it bravely! Only by carefully following the rules set by the gods in crawling can we find a way out for the mainland!"

For the first time, Youyuan said what he had thought since the bloodthirsty god took away Lilith. His heart seemed to be extremely happy. He drank all the warm tea in his hand and his ferocious face disappeared.


Youyuan was not in a hurry, waiting for the staggering Pete to speak.

"I decided that I will enter the night forest tomorrow! Maybe I can't understand your supreme will at this moment, but I know that this war can't be delayed any longer! Maybe my strength is very small, but I believe that I will be stronger for her!"

Youyuan knew that Peter had listened to his words, but he was not confident at all, so he did not have the courage to take responsibility. However, at this moment, Youyuan frowned when he heard that Pete was about to enter the night forest to complete the bounty task.

"Peter, although there are many awe-inspiring and powerful orcs with more than three talents these days who have completed the bounty task and successfully brought back extremely valuable information from the night forest. But in general, no more than three of the ten orcs who entered the night forest came back.

Peter's face stiffened when he heard this, but he still gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"I still remember the words before the master came, and this entry into the night forest is my best training period. I don't have a wise mind to study magic like a master. What I have is just a stronger road and persistent efforts, which is my only way out. So I must enter the Night Forest this time, and only in this way can I make my own insignificant contribution to our Doomsday Legion in the future.

It seemed that Peter had already expected this. Youyuan grinned, and the original erosion force the size of a fist appeared, and the pure power made Pete stand on the spot.

"Master, is this the power you have?"

Peter felt the power of primitive erosion so close that even if it was only the outermost primitive erosion force, Peter was shocked by the power that made him unable to resist, but only smiled calmly.

"This is a gift I gave you. This power is called the power of the spirit. With this power to protect yourself, I believe that as long as you don't meet some too powerful beings, you can definitely save your life and come back to see me!"

Peter's face is full of emotion.



At night, Pete, who was about to leave to prepare for tomorrow's forest of night, suddenly turned around and looked calmly at the secluded plain.

"Captain, do you really set up the Doomsday Legion just for the freedom of the mainland?"

Youyuan's original smiling face stiffened, and he lowered his head and thought for a moment.

"I think the real purpose of the Doomsday Legion is to gather all those who want freedom on the continent. And for myself, it's just a human race fighting for freedom around us, just a member of the Doomsday Legion.

Peter smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you, captain, me too."

The night was getting colder, and Peter seemed to hear that he wanted an answer. He turned away, and the swaying torch shone out a stubborn and unyielding beast figure.