sin totem

Chapter 181 Chapter of the Night

The valley near the bullhead barbarian soil, which serves as a place where the blood souls of the plains run day and night, this space territory has long been soaked by endless erosion, giving birth to a rule different from the surrounding orc grassland.

Thousands of demon eggs spit out the sky and the earth as if they were the power of endless erosion. At the same time, there are hundreds of demon larvae fighting and night fighting and devouring, just to grow into third-order abyss demons with self-intelligence as soon as possible.

In the sky, nearly a hundred resentment souls drifted aimlessly, and there were several roars from time to time.

However, with the surge of erosion, a human race in a magic robe entered this space ignoring the viscous erosion force all over the sky. Suddenly, many resentment souls in the sky howled one after another, as if attracted by fresh flesh and blood and rushed to this clan.

However, these resentful souls had just flown halfway, and there was a roar of fear, and all of them retreated with horror. The voice is full of awe.

This human race is Youyuan. Looking at the resentment surrounded by the sky, several resentment seems to have a first-level realm. However, what surprised Youyuan slightly was that he had just arrived here after leaving this area for a long time, as if these high-level ghosts had created a seemingly inexplicable connection with him, which made Youyuan a little confused.

As for those abyss demon larvae, they seem to have the same tendency.

A faint and transparent shadow wandered to the side of the ghost. With the erosion of the blood soul and the connection in the blood demon seed, the ghost easily sensed the arrival of the shadow.

The cat woman bowed her head and saluted respectfully from the shadow.

"What's happening here these days?"

Youyuan thought about his inexplicable connection with the demon larvae and resentment here, and asked the shadow cat next to him.

"To reply to the master, there was a mercenary team here, about a dozen people. When I fought with them, I inadvertently damaged many demon eggs, but in the end, several people escaped and took away several demon eggs here."

Youyuan was slightly shocked!

"Take away the devil's egg here?"

The shadow nodded slightly, but it seemed that something suddenly came to mind.

"Because I can't leave here as you ordered. However, I still clearly feel that those demon eggs will die soon after leaving the erosion force, so the stolen demon eggs should have no use.

Youyuan lowered his head and meditated for a moment. The devil's egg is still the life conceived in this space. If this space is lost, the power of the law of this continent will soon kill the life in this conception. If it were those demon larvae, nothing would be wrong. After nodding, the ghost went to the laboratory at the center of the power of the blood soul, where the blood soul was running day and night.

The shadow next to it silently turned into a shadow again, following the plain into the depths of the erosion of the rolling force.

A few days later, Youyuan adjusted his body and mind to the best state, and gradually filtered the memories and sunk in the forest war at night.

The fifth level senses the power of the origin of heaven and earth, and then masters the flight ability, and begins to come into contact with some of the essence of the world. However, the exploration of the power of the three souls accidentally revealed and explored some secrets of the long river of origin, and then mastered the power of borrowing the original will of heaven.

Among the four borrowers of the fifth-level strength of the will of heaven and earth in the mainland, Mu Mu relied on instinct to borrow the power of heaven and earth, and even he himself could not say why; the grace of light is not very clear, but since it is so famous, it is mostly a natural question. Question; only the wandering elves should have an unusual sense, and then rely on their own understanding to realize the borrowing of the power of the original will of heaven and earth in the fifth level.

As for Youyuan's return to the body through the power of the three souls to realize the borrowing of the power of the will of heaven and earth, although there are some elements of perception, in the view of Youyuan, it is more caused by the study of soul magic, and then really explored some secrets of the source river, and obtained the original will to borrow the sky. Qualifications.

Since there is not much understanding, Youyuan does not have much possibility to understand his own law in this aspect and then advance to the Holy Land. However, Youyuan still chose to close down to try the breakthrough in the Holy Land, because of the 35 divine power of the night and the chapter of the night.

The text of the chapter of the night is personally derived from the power of the will of the goddess of the night, so the divine inspiration is simply the greatest gift for a fifth-order existence, so Youyuan hopes to get a sense of it.

A chapter of night like a mortal was taken out of the original magic robe. At this time, the chapter of the night had completely lost its divine power, so the will of the goddess of night began to slowly dissipate. The chapter of the night was carefully placed on the experimental platform, and some already configured magic potions began to be applied on it, which was extremely serious.

The effect of these magic potions is to block the magic fluctuations of alchemy items. Perhaps these potions can't stop the dissipation of the will left by the goddess of night in the chapter of night, but in the view of Youyuan, it is better than nothing, which is all self-comfort.

Watching such a divine object is not by the eyes, but by the soul.

Without the blessing of the goddess of the night, it is impossible for Youyuan to integrate the will of the goddess of the night with his own soul, and then have some inspiration. Therefore, Youyuan can only take another way to invade the will of this chapter of the night, and then get the goddess of the night once felt through the resistance of the remaining will of the goddess.

Without the transformation of the blood demon, Youyuan maintained an incomparable peace of mind. Suddenly, the original will of heaven and earth fluctuated slightly. Youyuan opened his eyes and exchanged the power of his soul for the words of the remaining will of the goddess of the night on the chapter of the night. At the same time, a divine power of the night slowly dissipated in the body of Youyuan.

Chapter of the Night:

The ancient earth is shrouded in chaos, the rules and order of the world are ignorant, and the elements of the law are born with cute buds.

The ancient giant family was born from chaos. The giant sucked the chaotic fog and evolved into an infinite body. From this, the law of life began.

Endless years, the chaotic fog is in the body of the ancient giant, and gradually distinguishes the turbidity. The clear one is born, and the turbid sinks. At the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, it is the body of the ancient giant. The rules are in place, and the elements begin to appear.

The sky and the earth appear as a darkness. Endless elements converge into the sun, moon and stars. The stars run, the rules of the world are born, and the laws appear.

The era ended, and the law of death was born. The bodies of the ancient giants turned into endless planes and drifted in the void and turbulence. All creatures were born in the ancient earth in response to the power of elements, sucking the essence of elements and evolving into a vibrant racial community.

In order to pursue the truth of heaven and earth, explore the mysterious power, and transform the ancient law from nothing, the world's second era was born.

In response to the elements, the law of elements is the basic law of the world. At the beginning, it contains the power of ancient times, and the ancient law of controlling elements is successively born.

For the great power of depravity, for the dissatisfaction with the rage of the world, for the great power unequal hatred, for the endless great power greed, for the great power of the mansion...

The birth of the law of night does not contain ancient power. At this point, the dark heaven and earth entered the night, which is the beginning of the law of night.

The song of tranquility praises and turns into the law of tranquility; the eyes of sleep are closed and turned into the law of sleep; the dark heavens and earth pass away and turn into the dark law; the spirit of cold silence contemplation turns into the law of coldness...

The law of night is noble, covering the earth; the law of night is noble, covering the sky; the law of night is noble soul; enlightens all living things in the world.


The first light was born, cut through the night world, and then evolved the law of light with its ancient power and shined on the world; the first light passed away, and the law of darkness of light was born correspondingly, and the ancient power turned into the dark law.

In three days and three nights, the eyes of the ghost in the laboratory suddenly opened, the soul fluctuated and rolled endlessly, and the scars slowly healed and repaired from the soul.

The power of erosion between heaven and earth rolled over, and Youyuan seemed to have some sensed. With a roar, the erosion force of the blood soul array composed of seven abyss demons surged crazily, and then it was like a huge wave of the sea wave, drowning the body of Youyuan.

In the sky, the void is slowly and slowly exerting the power of endless erosion to gather into the blood soul. However, in an instant, the vast sky was covered by endless purple-black erosion clouds, and the hurricane began to gradually transform.

Only more than ten miles away, all the tauri warriors of the barbarians looked at the surrounding vision in shock and panicked. Under the command of the elders, many tarew women and children quickly hid into the cellar and cried.

The plain is completely immersed in a sea of erosion, and the strong primitive erosion force is like **.

Muran, the cloud transformed by the boundless erosion of the sky was absorbed by a magnificent hurricane several miles in diameter and gradually turned into a huge funnel rushing to the ground, as if to wash and pour the body of the plain. Thinking about it, it is really a little similar to the violent dwarf king thunder tank, but more magnificent.

The soul of Youyuan is plain and waveless, looking up at the impending power of endless erosion.

"What kind of law is this?"

Mu Ran, a trace of extremely strange feeling appeared from the depths of the soul instinct of the secluded, followed by a shocking thunderbolt. The hurricane cloud in the sky exploded and disappeared, and the power of endless elements slowly restored order.

The soul of Youyuan fits with the body and stands on the spot!

"Is this the feeling of advancing to the Holy Land! Such a close distance! It's only a little far away, but it's close to the world!"

seemed to want to roar, but Youyuan immediately controlled his mentality, and a trace of entanglement appeared in his heart and could not leave for a long time.

In the coexistence of loss and joy, Youyuan feels glad for himself and is sad for the door of the law of the holy land that may be close to the end of the world.

Another few days, Youyuan took out the chapter of the night again. However, at this time, the chapter of the night was like an ordinary thing, and there was no trace of the will left by the goddess of the night, and Youyuan sighed.

The beginning of this chapter of the night seems to be about ancient times. It seems that there was only one group called the ancient giant in the world at that time, and some of them were only infinite chaos. The first part tells the story of the ancient giants who turned into the current endless plane continent after the death of the ancient giants. Then countless creatures were born to create the most primitive gods to explore truth and power; the middle part seems to be praising the nobleness of the law of night, and this part also occupies the tenth chapter* of the night; the last part tells other laws born because of the law of night.

However, in addition to perception, the last part of the night chapter is the last part that pays most attention to, and the divine law is actually born accordingly! Moreover, the extremely noble law of light and darkness is born from this law of night that is not the power of the main god!

Such a secret news really surprised Youyuan.

The perception of the gods is not something that the ghost can digest at will, because from the perspective of the endless years of the gods, the ghost is just a fly that flew for a moment in summer. How can the fly that flew at that moment understand the existence of endless years?

However, although I only understand the insignificant part, the secluded plain at this time is almost like a rebirth. I believe that it has completely reached or even surpassed the level of Mu Mu, the son of the earth. At least next time if there is another feeling, there is really a possibility of promotion.