sin totem

Chapter 214 Sour Farewell Blue Gem

"Master Sinbad!"

Youyuan's voice almost came out of his teeth. Now that this guy has destroyed the atmosphere, Youyuan naturally has no leisure to carry out some private activities.

An Liya was so shy that she desperately hid in the arms of the secluded plain and dared not see anyone.

Incomparable embarrassment, Sinbad touched his head, pretended not to care about anything, and giggled.

"Well, ah...haha, it's a nice day today. I didn't expect you to be here too? Well, since you have something to do, I won't bother you."

With that, this guy was about to leave, as if he really bumped into him by coincidence. How funny he looked, the more funny he looked.

Youyuan's nose was almost crooked, and An Liya couldn't help laughing. However, as the Saudi Arabia behind Sinbad flew down from the air, Alia suddenly couldn't laugh. Like a kitten with its tail, she suddenly pushed away the secluded field, tidyed up her slightly scattered hair, and her face panicked.

"Grandpa Saudi, just... nothing happened just now."

An Liya explained desperately, like a little girl who is now secreted by adults.

Youyuan looked at the old man who flew behind Sinbad in front of him, and turned out to be a powerful warrior who had been promoted to the Holy Land.

Although his face is old, you can see through his soul that this person's soul is full of vitality, which is by no means the appearance of withering at present.

However, isn't this the old groom driving the carriage for Anya and the financial father-in-law? Why didn't I find that this person had become a holy place at that time?

There was a shame in Youyuan's heart. At that time, he only cared about An Liya in the carriage, and even a holy master was ignored by himself.

At the same time, He also lamented Sinbad in his heart. That day, he used the means of his original will, but he only focused on how to find out that he was a master of the Holy Land. At that time, he had the same beauty as himself now.

Saudi Arabia landed on the ground, and such a close distance still felt that Sinbad was only a third-order breath. However, when he just flew, it was not wrong to feel that this guy borrowed the power of the law. From this, it can be judged that Sinbad in front of him must be a holy land magician who used some means to change his breath.

As for why it is not the fifth-order, Saudi does not believe that a fifth-order magician can use any means to deceive his perception.

Of course, if a fifth-order really has such a means, it is no different from the Holy Land in Saudi Arabia.

Looking at the magician's familiar appearance with Youyuan, it should not be unfavorable to Anya, but just the insiders of this gold mine. And when he saw An Liya's embarrassed appearance at this time, the old guy who had seen the wind and waves passed for a hundred years naturally knew it, so he could only pretend to be a master without saying a moment to hide his embarrassment.

Of course, he would have been a master.

Youyuan saw that the Saudi Arabia was next to the Grand Duke of Finance, and he was also a little nervous for a while.

"Saudi master, isn't the Grand Duke worried about Anya..."

As soon as he said it, Youyuan regretted it. Why was he so stupid at this time? Saudi Arabia and Sinbad should be allowed to communicate. Shouldn't Anya stay at that time?

Sure enough, before Saudi Arabia could speak, Arya thought of something and jumped out first.

"Ah, by the way, my father is still alone. Let's go and see the adult!"

After saying that, Anya walked to the inside of the gold mine with a light pace. Saudi Arabia just nodded to the Yuan and Sinbad, and followed Anya to the inside of the gold mine without saying anything.

Youyuan suppressed his sulking and walked beside Sinbad, revealing an extremely ugly compatibility.

"Master Sinbad, you came at the right time!"

Sinbad only felt that Youyuan's smile was really cold, and his voice could freeze a piece of ice, and his back and feet were cold at the same time.

He reluctantly smiled, and a cyan fruit tightened his mouth and made a crunchy sound, but I don't know why Sinbad felt that the fruit was so bad to eat, which was simply a strange thing that had never been seen in decades.


In the morning of the second day, Youyuan looked at the carriage that was gradually moving away at the door of the Scar Gold Mine and the pair of reluctant sapphire eyes on the carriage. Youyuan only felt infinitely sad in his heart and seemed to be full of confidence and strength.

Youyuan held a gold card in his hand, which was the largest gold card in the mainland with a denomination of one million gold coins. It was also the investment of the financial gong here, and promised that the Yulanxiang Chamber of Commerce to make a large-scale investment here, which surprised Youyuan's face.

If the Magnolia Chamber of Commerce invests in this place, the ability to be driven is almost continental. Not to mention the scar gold mine, even the Northstone Alliance will benefit a lot from this.

The carriage gradually left the view, but Youyuan still stood in a daze, his teeth clenched tightly, his fist burst out with blue veins, and the words of the finance prince still sounded in Youyuan's ears.

Steel beans looked at the ghost field and gently touched the ghost field.

"Let's go. We have gone back, and we have to finish our own things. There are still a lot of things for you to arrange in the gold mine."

Youyuan looked at the steel beans, nodded, and slowly walked back to the gold mine.

Put down the matter of An Liya, and Youyuan began to invest in the construction of the gold mine.

In the command of a group of senior engineers invited by Baru in Beishi Town, many workers finally built a huge brick kiln to produce softly ground bricks, so that Youyuan spent almost half of the money to build a magic tower in the Scar City, which has to be said to be good news for Youyuan.

Moreover, the excess sand and stones in the gold mine can also cause soft grinding bricks to be stored. Whether it is used as a strategic material or exchanged with other forces, all of them can be guaranteed to have considerable value.

More and more exiles are gathered near the Scar Gold Mine. These are poor people who have heard the news of the preferential news of Scar Gold Mine. Just food and clothing, these hungry and cold people are full of gratitude for the gold mine.

When these people heard about the various preferential policies of the gold mine and the fact that they could stay here as civilians in the future, almost all chose to stay without hesitation, which made Youyuan's status in the human race at the bottom reached a fixed point.

This situation will provide sufficient labor for the construction of Scar City when spring comes, and it is also the first batch of residents of Scar City.

In addition, major chambers of commerce have also begun to transport a large number of materials to Scar Gold Mine. At the same time, some chambers of commerce intending to invest in the long term have discussed with Youyuan whether they can now invest in Scar City in exchange for future rights and interests. Of course, Youyuan chose to agree.

However, due to the long-term planning of Scar City, Youyuan raised the price very high. As a result, only two chambers of commerce have repeatedly considered small-scale investments, and the rest are in a wait-and-see state.

Beishi Alliance naturally left the most profitable projects to itself. A batch of materials began to gather in the Scar Gold Mine, and some took advantage of their personnel and technical advantages to open processing plants in the area near the Scar Gold Mine. Some of the city's equipment was processed on the spot, and more than a dozen large brick kilns were pulled up. And rise.

In this way, in the busy schedule, it seems that the preparations for the City of Scars are on the right track, waiting for the final remaining gold mining of the Spring Warm Gold Mine, and then the construction of the Scar City will really start.

On this night, ten days after Alia left the Scar Gold Mine, Youyuan received all the senior members of the gold mine in the hall and announced that she would go to the imperial capital tomorrow.

The conflict between Youyuan and the Zijinxiang family is not a secret. However, Youyuan has returned to the Scar Gold Mine for a month and a half, but the Zijinxiang family on the side of the fallen imperial capital has not taken any measures. It seems that the infighting there has been fierce.

Of course, in fact, in a sense, they must also thank Youyuan for killing Seymour, otherwise what hope do they have to compete for the power of the Zijinxiang family? After all, they are just branches.

However, people who do not believe in the status of Grand Duke Zijinxiang will not expect the possible collapse and struggle for power after their death, and most of them will make a will.

However, due to old age and physical decline, the decline of the Zijinxiang family is ultimately irreparable.

The purpose of Youyuan's visit to the Zijinxiang family this time is to completely cut off the family and serve as a practitioner for the future doomsday legion to conquer other planes.

If you want to conquer a plane, in the face of the various environments and ethnic cultures that may appear on that plane, you need not only force and iron-blooded means, but also tricks and compromises, using local forces to eliminate other forces and finally achieve the goal.

It seems that the human race has completely become the object of their use in various empires on the mainland.

On the second day, the three people, Youyuan, the fierce bear king and the hidden sword saint, left the scar gold mine and went to the fallen imperial capital. Sinbad stayed in the gold mine. On the one hand, he planned the construction of the magic prohibition of the scar city in the future, and on the other hand, he prevented the possible attack of Demuir.

Although Demore, as a sacred place to defect to the petrified Yarimoran, did not dare to destroy order in the land of chaos at all, he had to prevent it.