sin totem

Chapter 308 Want to plunder Spore Holy Tree, Snow Jade Mushroom

Youyuan put away the change of the American yarn, looked at the new soul servant on the opposite side, and nodded with satisfaction.

To be said, even Youyuan did not expect that this soul servant Sirelde was still one of the top leaders of the spore clan, and through his veins, Youyuan once again controlled three other escaped spore fifth-orders.

In this way, the Xueyu City force, one of the three major regions of the Spore Kingdom, is completely controlled by the high-end power.

At that time, as long as these high-end spore forces are allowed to act according to the will of the plains, the resistance of the so-called civilian spores will naturally be solved.

It can be said that the establishment of the temple and regime rule of the Doomsday Legion will be handed over to these controlled fifth-order spores. If the Doomsday Legion does not come forward directly, how can the aliens of the barbarian continent resist these days?

However, now that Xueyu City, one of the three main cities of the Spore Kingdom, is now under control, it is necessary to plunder some doomsday legions from now on, and even some specialties of the Tianman mainland cannot be let go.

Thinking of this, Youyuan smiled silently, and his body gradually turned into a shadow and disappeared in place.

Xueyu City does not have the high wall of a human city. It can be said that the so-called Xueyu City is just a large-scale prosperous gathering place for spores.

Youyuan turned into a shadow and sneaked in Xueyu City. Naturally, it was like entering no man's land. The so-called defensive power of Xueyu City is completely decorated in front of Youyuan.

At this time, in Xueyu City, civilian spores have rarely wandered on the streets. Everyone looks serious, and their so-called weapons are just a strange leaf. At the critical moment, the leaves are inserted into the bud-shaped thing above the head, which can be transformed into a long-range attack with different forces.

However, the intensity of these attacks is extremely limited, just like the tricks of the first-order magicians of the human race.

A team of spore patrol soldiers ran through the street. These soldiers are not much different from other spore people in terms of clothing and appearance. Unlike the human race, soldiers generally carry the spirit of murder, and at the same time wear armor and hold military blades.

The only difference between these patrol soldiers and other civilian spores is that they generally exist above the first level, unlike the human race. Even if there is no cultivation level of human race, they can become soldiers.

Most of the general spores are only about one meter tall, slightly higher than the Gobion in the Gods continent, and their appearance is not much different from that of the Youyuan tribe. If you are injured, the blood of the spores is green, that's all.

At this time, the most important resource of the spores were actually the spore towers cultivated by the talented means when the space fortress of the doomsday army came to the Tianman continent.

The basic attack power of these spore towers is similar to that of the human elemental crossbow tower, but this spore tower can carry the power cluster of the spore family, and then multiply the power of the spore tower.

And these spore towers are not human magic towers or elemental crossbow towers, and need to be built for a long time.

For the spore tower itself, after reaching a certain year, there will be a number of seeds between three and five, and then using a large number of elemental crystals to stimulate these seeds quickly germinate and grow into a spore tower with attack power that cannot be ignored.

For spores, spore tower seeds are one of the most important strategic resources and one of the racial talents.

As one of the three main cities of the Spore Kingdom, Xueyu City has several spore towers in almost every street. At the same time, because it was the period when the Doomsday Legion invaded the Tianman Continent, next to each spore tower, there were a considerable number of Spore soldiers preparing for war.

If there is a war in Xueyu City, these soldiers will enter the Spore Tower for a power cluster as soon as possible, thus greatly increasing the attack power of the Spore Tower.

Youyuan sneaked along the main street of Xueyu City.

Muran, in a huge square, hundreds of thousands of spores are gathering. At the same time, several third-order and fourth-order spores are roaring loudly about the crimes of the Doomsday Legion. The evil son, the great demon king, and evil and cruel words continue to appear.

These spore civilians roared and vowed to carry out the battle to the end, draining every drop of their blood to resist and defend their homes. At the same time, many spores cried that the wooden spores king had passed away to protect the heavenly continent.

Some spore children heard the rumors of the great demon king of Youyuan, and even changed their faces, revealing a timid state of crying. Youyuan seemed to be a horrible monster who chose people to eat and was spread by the Spore.

turned into a shadow, listening to the spore man's many words about himself, after a slight silence, he immediately swept away, and his eyes were indifferent.

Youyuan will not forget that the human race of the land of the gods is also just a hot race, and the doomsday legion must adapt to the power rules formulated by the gods of the endless world as soon as possible for its own ideals and goals.

Thinking of this, Youyuan ignored these spores and sneaked towards a powerful force sensing place on the edge of the square.

Muran's pupils shrank!

This place is guarded by hundreds of first-order and second-order spore soldiers, and three spore trees grow at the same time.

For the spore tree, just like the role of the ancient tree of life in the gods' continents for forest elves, it is a race's power inheritance medium, and also has the ability to attack and defense beyond the spore tower, but the spores rely more on these power inheritance mediums than forest elves.

Spore trees are not like spore towers, which can promote life in a short time and become a means of attack.

Every spore tree grows for a long time, and even the Yuan has not had much idea about it.

However, it was not the three spore trees that made the pupils shrink, but a huge tree more than 100 meters high in the middle of the three spore trees.

Spore Holy Tree!

Suddenly, Youyuan thought of the information received by the Doomsday Legion.

The spore sacred tree in front of Youyuan is a thick giant tree with a diameter of more than 30 meters and a height of more than 100 meters. Although this tree looks strange at first glance, there is nothing worth paying attention to, but in the eyes of the human magician of Youyuan, it is another scene!

Several original will chains of heaven and earth are coiled around the spore sacred tree. At the same time, the power of some laws also seems to have changed. Strange natural dark green runes are swimming in the trunk, and the strong smell of natural elements fills all the space within hundreds of meters.

It can be said that if the secluded plain at this time sneaks into hundreds of meters filled with rich natural elements, it will definitely be broken.

And in terms of the power of this tree, even if it is not far from the ordinary sanctuary, it can't help but give birth to a desire to be the doomsday army in his heart.

However, like those ordinary spore trees, even if the spore sacred tree is taken away, without mentioning all kinds of difficulties that may occur in capturing and cultivating, the doomsday legion will try its best to overcome and cultivate the next generation of sacred trees serving the doomsday legion.

Investment is not proportional to return at all.

When Youyuan sighed and was about to leave, Mu Ran, Youyuan's heart moved!

I remember that the mechanical cutters of the mainland seem to be involved in the problem of wood raw materials. According to reason, as the first generation of mechanical civilization of the wentb orchi, the mechanical cutter should not completely lose the production process.

However, the fact is that the gobium can only produce third-generation mechanical cutters at most, and they have a large number of power, but there is no way to involve mechanical cutters above the third order.

The reason for this...

Is it because of the problem of raw materials?

If this is the inference, in the case of the gods and continents, metal objects are quite developed due to the needs of human magicians. As long as the goblin has a heart, they can basically collect some of any kind of metal.

However, regarding the issue of wood, there are naturally countless ordinary wood gods, but those involving high-quality wood...

Mu Ran, Youyuan narrowed his eyes and thought of a race, the forest elf clan!

The peerless wood, such as the ancient trees of the life of the elves, are those ancient war trees similar to spore towers, and are also the precious wealth resources of the powerful elves. Naturally, it is impossible to be used by the weak goblin at this time.

Suddenly, Youyuan's body trembled!

In the ancient period of the Gods continent, Alimoran has confirmed that the elves have the inheritance of the tree of the world, but since the gods resisted the battle of the mayflies, the information of the world tree has been completely lost, so this rare and rare trees...

And that component...

After a long time, the thoughts of Youyuan returned to reality. Finally, he took a look at the spore holy tree under the protection of many spores, and Youyuan still chose to leave.

Since the spore holy tree and the ordinary spore tree can be used by mechanical science and technology civilization, such precious resources will naturally lead the doomsday legion to plunder rudely.

After returning to the land of the gods decades later, these resources can rely on mechanical science and technology civilization and immediately be transformed into amazing combat effectiveness.

In this case, of course, Youyuan will not be polite. For the spores on the mission continent, Youyuan will naturally not care about their life or death. Anyway, all the silence God needs is a large number of believers.

Thinking of this, Youyuan turned around and began to sneak to other streets.

An army of more than 100 sporophytes, after the soul detection of the secluded, in addition to escorting some large number of elemental crystals, there is also a rare number of white and strange crystals, which are personally escorted by two fourth-order spores, with a precious and strange appearance.

Youyuan followed this team and crossed the protective range of the spores several times. In a secret place, Youyuan arrived at a place called Xueyu Mushroom Cultivation Room.

Snow Jade Mushroom?

Youyuan's heart moved and thought of the information obtained by the Doomsday Legion again. This snow jade mushroom seems to be an extremely precious cultivation resource for the spores and has an incredible effect on improving the constitution of the spores.

There is no doubt that these white crystals must be the specialty of this snow jade city!

A burst of excitement appeared in the heart of Youyuan. According to the Baipao Medicine Saint, the physique of the human race can adapt to any drug stimulation, so can these snow jade mushrooms also be summarized into drug stimulation?

Thinking of this and remembering this matter in his heart, Youyuan sneaked in the other directions of Xueyu City again.

At night, in the secret room of Xueyu City, a purple wide magic robe slowly appeared from the shadow, and Siredel, the owner of Xueyu City, saw this and quickly and respectfully performed etiquette.

"See the respected master!"

After waving his hand casually, Youyuan smiled slightly.

"Give together the architects of Xueyu City and build a building for me according to this drawing in the most prosperous area of Xueyu City.

Well, and gather all the sculptors to build five statues for me within two and a half years according to this drawing.

Then order all the ore origin to concentrate all the advanced concentrates in Xueyu City and secretly hand them over to Youji for processing. There are also snow jade crystals and snow jade mushrooms, which are the specialties of Xueyu City, all sent to the space fortress of the Doomsday Legion, and the same is true for the seeds for cultivating snow jade mushrooms.

The seeds of the spore tower ordered all cities under the jurisdiction of Xueyu City to give two-thirds of their storage to Xueyu City and hand it over to Youji.

At that time, if Youji has some material collection requirements, you will fully meet them.

Suddenly, I thought of the many spore civilians gathered in Xueyu City Square, and the mission requirement that only one race could be left in this mission.

Youyuan squeezed his lips and sneered.

"In addition, it is announced to all the spores in the territory that the werewolves are the minions of the Doomsday Legion! If you want to defeat the Doomsday Legion, you must first remove the werewolf clan. Only believing in the god of silence is the only way to defeat the Doomsday Legion and the Great Demon King.

As the soul slave of the secluded plain, Cyredel naturally has no intention to refute it.


After ordering his soul slave, the ghost turned into a shadow and disappeared into the main secret room of Xueyu City.