The strongest dung bee

Chapter 24 Treasure

A fairyland, the remnant snow of the broken bridge, Su Han looked at the cliff surrounded by smoke. The fairy-like man danced at the waist of the cliff, stretching his limbs like a kitten, the species that can find the most perfect posture at any time.

Cloud hands, brush sleeves, every action makes Su Han's soul dream, and the consciousness in his mind is lingering...

"Brother Han, what are you thinking about?" Seeing that Su Han was stunned, Xiaoying shouted and pulled him back to reality.

"Oh! I didn't think about it. Oh, by the way, I don't like coffee very much. If there is anything to humiliate after a while, don't be surprised. Su Han was afraid of being asked sad things, so he quickly changed the topic.

Xiaoying didn't understand: "What? Shame? Why is it embarrassing to drink coffee? It's not that we don't pay and drink overlord meals.

Su Han explained, "Well, I heard that there are many red tapes when drinking coffee. For example, how to take cups and how to drink them are all exquisite. If I don't know these, wouldn't I disgrace you to go to the cafe?"

clucked, Xiaoying made a string of kind, silver bell-like crisp laughter: "Think too much. In fact, I don't understand these etiquette. Aren't we just going for the taste? Then just drink it directly. Why do you have to follow the rules? Formalism kills people."

"It makes sense." Su Han said with a smile that this kind of little girl next door is really easy to remind people of the taste of first love.


North Cafe is one of the most upscale cafes in Yanjing.

The decoration is very retro. The half-high wooden door, the bar made of solid wood is not painted, and the glassware on the counter are very old-fashioned. It is not the bottle cap with threads now, but the frosted bottle cap, which is directly buckled.

The area of the cafe is not large, about 17 or 18 tables.

Foreigners are very particular about catering, especially this kind of high-end restaurant.

For example, there is a small restaurant in the UK. If you want to eat there, you must have five years ago*. This restaurant only receives 18 guests every day, which can be said to be extremely exquisite.

"Let's have some coffee first."

"Okay, let's go together." Su Han estimated that he could not afford such a place. This was not the kind of place where he only needed one or two hundred yuan to drink enough.

She simply can't afford to pay for it, so she rubbed Xiaoying. Who said she was also a small rich man?

When he saw how rich Xiaoying was and didn't leave any clues, wouldn't it make it more clear that she could find it so quickly?

When Xiaoying took Su Han's hand and walked to the bar, the waiter was carefully applying Vaseline to the frosted bottle cap.

Generally, frosted things will be coated with Vaseline, which plays a lubricating effect. Otherwise, after a period of time, it will be too astringent and the bottle cap will not be unscrewed.

"Two cups of cat poop coffee."

"Okay, dear lady, I'll bring it to you in half an hour." The waiter raised his head with a heartfelt smile.

Cat shit coffee?

Su Han saw an article in the magazine. Because of the name, he looked at it curiously and didn't know that the cat shit coffee was really made of cat shit.

It turns out that there is a musk cat in the dense forest. It likes to swallow coffee beans, but the gastrointestinal function cannot digest coffee beans, so it can only be excreted through feces. At this time, the coffee beans are fermented in the stomach of the musk cat, and there is a special flavor when boiled. I like People who drink this kind of coffee will even miss its taste all their lives.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer musk cats, and the price of cat poop coffee is also rising.

In North Cafe, a cup of cat poop coffee is even sold for 3,000 yuan.

If it weren't for the treat, Su Han would really be reluctant to spend this money now.

The two of them sat at the nearest table, and the wooden sofa had a more primitive interest.

After looking at each other for dozens of seconds, Su Han couldn't bear to be embarrassed. He took the lead in opening the conversation.

Su Han is very talkative. He told Xiaoying about things in the real world as a fairy tale.

Xiaoying sounds like a serious matter.

"Xiaoying, do you know what a water monkey is?"

"Monkeys living in water?" Xiaoying shrank her head and obviously felt a little scared. Although what Su Han said was absurd, she had a strange sense of reality, as if he had lived in that kind of world before.

"Haha, you're almost right. This kind of water monkey has a face and is covered with long hair, but these long hairs are a little strange. When they are in the water, they will scatter like water plants and will not be entangled together."

"From afar, it is exactly the same as a real water grass. Every time a passerby comes to the river to drink water, the water monkey will suddenly jump up, drag people down and drown and eat his meat."

Xiaoying felt more and more scared, and even felt that the water monkey was really beside her side, which was creepy. Suddenly she really saw a hairy hand on her shoulder, ah!!!


Xiaoying's face was a little twisted and she screamed.

The waiter quickly ran over and kicked a golden monkey: "I'm sorry, dear lady, this is the mascot of our North Cafe - monkey 'Jerry'. I apologize for the shock I caused to you."

Xiaoying secretly glanced at it. It was really a monkey. At this time, it was holding the foot of a table with an uncertain look of shock. Maybe Xiaoying's scream just now also shocked Jerry.

"Ha? Brother Han, it turns out that you deliberately scared me." Xiaoying came to her senses. The monkey crawled around her. Su Han must have seen it, so she deliberately talked about the water monkey.

Su Han smiled brightly: "Sometimes it's better to have more fear in life, so that you will be numb in the face of real fear."

"So I still want to thank you?"

"If you want, I can't do it." Su Han spread out his hands.

"Bah!" Xiaoying pretended to despise.

Xiaoying's scream just now attracted the attention of everyone in the cafe, and also attracted the attention of a special guest.

It was Tang Yun, the policewoman who had a trick with Su Han last night.

Tang Yun found out early this morning that Su Han was actually a real kung fu. He really cured Han Shanying's wife, and obviously had two brushes.

She remembered her father's broken legs.

For many years, my father has been paralyzed. Now when he meets such a tall man, he must ask him to help heal his father's leg.

But now a very troublesome problem is in front of her.

Yesterday was such a good opportunity, but I didn't consult a master, and now I can't find him at all.

In addition, the tall man wore a huge hat last night and didn't see his appearance clearly, and the only clue was broken.

Tang Yun was a little annoyed when she thought about it. As soon as she was annoyed, she came back to the coffee shop for coffee.

Anyway, I have money at home, and I don't need to drink a cup of coffee.

When she was drinking coffee depressedly, a scream came from behind her. She subconsciously turned around and found Su Han.

Of course, she didn't believe that the man was Su Han at a glance, but felt that he was very similar to the tall figure she saw last night.

There are more policemen, and their vision is much sharper. They only need a little look at their body to check whether the other party is the person they are looking for.

After a minute or two of careful observation, Tang Yun felt that Su Han must be the person he was looking for.

Hey! There is no place to break the iron shoes, so it doesn't take much time.

Tang Yun took out a mirror, sorted out her makeup, showed a smile that she thought was the most approachable, and walked straight towards Su Han.

Walking to him, Tang Yun reached out and patted Su Han on the shoulder: "Hello, master."

Su Han turned his head and was shocked. Why was it the policewoman last night? Not to mention, wearing a casual dress is really much more beautiful, which is comparable to Xiaoying.

Alas! No, Su Han thought about it. I covered my face yesterday. How did she recognize it? Su Han looked at Tang Yun's eyes carefully and sensed a trace of tension in the other party's eyes.

Oh! After doing it for a long time, are you going to cheat me? That's embarrassing. I definitely can't agree.

Su Han knows what consequences will happen if his identity is recognized by the police. The biggest consequence is that he will be filed and may be prepared to be sliced at any time.

We don't admit it.

He stepped on Xiaoying's foot, motioned the other party not to make a sound, and asked, "Beauty, what's the matter with me?"

"Master! Don't tease me. I had a fight with you at the gate last night.

Is that right? I watched a movie at home last night and didn't go anywhere. Su Han's innocent appearance is simply innocent.

Tang Yun was a little uncertain. She couldn't tell whether Su Han's expression was true or not. She simply stretched out her hand and clasped Su Han's shoulder.

This is a simple capture. Su Han's eight dozen snakes and cranes are also good at capture, which can completely break the opponent's capture.

However, he let Tang Yun hold it, and the acting should be realistic.

"Ouch, ouch, how do you hit people! Security, security." Su Han shouted with his face close to the table.

Xing opposite also reached out to break Tang Yun: "Are you crazy? Why did you hit my little brother Han casually?

Two tall security guards quickly stood in front of Tang Yun: "Miss, please let go. If you don't let go, I will call the police, and we will take compulsory measures before the police arrive."

"Which police should I report! I'm the police." Tang Yun shouted loudly and let go of his hand: "I'm sorry, I thought you were the person I was looking for."

"You can't hit anyone." Su Han still has some unreasonable posture.

"I'm really sorry. I met a master last night and wanted to find him, but I didn't know how to find him. I thought you were, so I wanted to force you. Who knew you weren't." Tang Yun's eyes were suddenly full of disappointment.

She thought that martial arts practitioners would have instinctive reactions, but when Su Han was captured just now, the other party did not have that kind of conditioned reflex, so she concluded that Su Han was not the person she was looking for.

In fact, Su Han is not without conditioned reflex, but too cunning to deliberately resist.

"Humph, do you want to find me? No way?" Su Han secretly congratulated himself. Suddenly, when his eyes swept over Tang Yun's wrist, he was attracted.

Huh? What is that?