The strongest dung bee

Chapter 86 Draw a Knife to Help

Su Yunxian's practice is the ancestral skill of the Su family - Fengwu Jiutian. There are a total of nine changes, each of which is mixed with nine special small changes. Ninety-one, one, intertwined together, there are various changes.

So when Su Yunxian jumped high, there seemed to be many figures in Su Han's eyes. Some people pinched their claws and scratched their heads, some people spiral legs straight into their hearts, and some people wanted to punch their skulls.

There are not enough.

However, these can't be concealed by Su Han. Although his skills are still shallow, because the origin of his soul is a nine-turn scattered immortal, his vision is naturally unique.

Su Han simply closed his eyes and only used his heart to experience it.

Then he took a clever step and escaped a round of attacks for nine days.

These steps are also clever. Every step is stepped on the node, which is likely to look like a clumsy pace, but it can avoid the ever-changing attacks of the other party.

Even Yin Jiuxiao and Ren Lao, who had just come out of the back hall, suddenly felt a little nervous when they saw that Su Yunxian was embarrassed by Su Han, but after three moves, Su Yunxian had nothing to do with Su Han.

This is also the reason why when Su Han just came out of the Su family, he was hit by Wang Chen, who had a 20 energy value at that time, but he could easily avoid it.

In Su Han's eyes, these practitioners' attack methods have small loopholes. When there are no loopholes at all, they can achieve Yuanying. When Yuanying comes out of the body and cultivates the realm, the realm is impeccable, and they can become gods. Once they enter the wind and clouds, they can become the existence of the proud nine heavens.

"Haha! It's so funny, Su Yunxian, you pretend to be the top three masters of the Su family, and that's all. For a descendant who has not yet built a foundation, you can't even touch the hair for ten times in a row. Isn't it ashamed? Yunbuyue couldn't see Su Han's talent, but just used words to anger Su Yunxian.

Yin Jiuxiao lay in Ren Lao's ear and said, "Brother Ren, Su Han's talent is simply..."

"Are you gifted?" Mr. Ren interrupted excitedly.

"Far from being gifted can be described. It seems that he is born with a temperament, which will make his road to immortality very concise."

"How do you say that?"

"If ordinary masters cultivate to the bottleneck, they are easy to be restricted, but looking at Su Han, every move actually has the prototype of a top master. As long as his skills are in place and the cultivation of natural resources and treasures, no one can stop his rising signs. It's really powerful." When Yin Jiuxiao spoke, he had already made up his mind to accept Su Han as a disciple.

Or it is not the real determination to accept him as a disciple. The real determination is that Yin Jiuxiao only intends to cultivate Su Han. In fact, it is nothing if the other party worships himself as a teacher.

The important thing is that you must have appeared on the road to the rise of Su Han and witness the growth of this wizard.

Ren Lao listened to Yin Jiuxiao's explanation, nodded and asked curiously, "Your talent is also a wizard once in ten years. How does it compare with Su Han?"

"I really dare not compare with talent, how dare I compete with the bright moon with the pearl of rice." Yin Jiuxiao said humbly.

"Lao Yin, you are arrogant by nature. Why are you humble at this time?"

"It's not modest, it's true." Yin Jiuxiao looked at Su Han's ingenious steps and said, "I am a genius born in ten years, and Su Han is a genius that has not been found in a thousand years. That's a real genius, the chosen son!"

Can the chosen son of heaven and the prince chosen by heaven be compared with ordinary people?

"Oh, Uncle Yin, don't talk. If it goes on like this, maybe the chosen son you said will be killed." Ren Yuying, who was beside her, was anxious.

Su Junming and Song Wen also looked at Yin Jiuxiao enthusiastically.

Yin Jiuxiao took a closer look. It was true that Su Han's realm was really too low. Although his pace was exquisite, he had no choice but to lack speed, strength, including the ability to keep him endurance.

It's very good to be able to take more than 20 moves in Su Yunxian's hand. If you keep going, you can't pass another 20 moves, and you will be crushed by the bones of Su Yunxian, who is fierce in attack.

Yin Jiuxiao has regarded Su Han as his apprentice. He was eager to protect his apprentice and shouted loudly, "Su Yunxian, you also claim to be the leader of worship, and you have lost the face of the master with such a fierce death hand under the little boy."

"Bah! It's not just such a shame. What's more humiliating is that he can't touch a hair of Su Han's boy after more than 20 moves. It's simply humiliating. Yunbuyue also holds the dark nine sky.

Su Yunxian did not answer, and even urged the strength of his whole body to the extreme. It was really uncomfortable that he had to kill Su Han.

The more exciting he is, the more fierce he fights.

"Hmm! It's really shameless." Yin Jiuxiao didn't say anything and pinched it forward. He practiced ghosts, evil and vicious.

Once the ghost road becomes small, it can condense the Dharma body of the ten halls of Yanluo.

And now Yin Jiuxiao has been the first Dharma body of the first hall, condensed - the prime minister of Qin Guang.

As soon as he took action, the people present felt cold, as if they saw a figure rising from hell, which was extremely horrible.

As soon as Su Yunxian fought with Yin Jiuxiao, he thought that his opponent was a devil from purgatory, and a cold howling appeared in his heart, and a gust of wind around his neck.

"Well, the Dharma has been condensed, Yin Jiuxiao, what a great luck." Su Yunxian cried bitterly in his heart.

Ghost Tao wants to condense the Dharma phase, which is usually in the late stage of the golden elixir, while in the early stage of the golden elixir, with extraordinary talent, has been condensed, and its power is not small, which is really powerful.

Su Yunxian was wrapped in a powerful ghost and suppressed her body, and could only face the dark sky on the ground.

For good, the strength of Yin Jiuxiao is the power in the middle stage of Jindan. The moment when Faxiang attacked his opponent, it made Su Yunxian suffer a lot of losses.

However, the Dharma phase was dispersed soon after, and Su Yunxian's attack became more and more fierce, and even caused danger to Yin Jiuxiao several times.

"Hum! Su Yunxian, I'll give you a few tricks, but you're crazy, so I'll show you my second Dharma.

"Bah! I still know something about your magic skills. The first Dharma has not been condensed yet. Can you condense the second one? Who are you lying to?

Yin Jiuxiao forced Su Yunxian back with two claws and forced Su Yunxian back and smiled ferociously: "I have always been unruly in doing things. The skills handed down by my ancestors said that I had to condense the first one to condense the second one, but I just condensed the second one when the first one had not yet taken shape. Do you bite me?"

As soon as he said this, Su Yunxian thought about it. Maybe it was true that he left some energy to defend, and the attack was much slower.

And Yin Jiuxiao breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly felt that the pressure did not seem to be so great.

Ren Yuying, who was watching the battle next to him, quietly said in Su Han's ear, "Brother Han, in fact, he has not condensed the second Dharma at all."

Su Han nodded. His eyes were very sharp, and it was easy to see the essence of Yin Jiuxiao's skill.

This skill is not a mainstream skill, some unpopular, and the way of luck is also contrary to the norm. This skill must be steady. Once it enters, it will be doomed.

Therefore, he concluded that it was absolutely impossible for Yin Jiuxiao to condense the second Dharma phase. At best, he used psychological tactics to make Su Yunxian afraid and dare not attack without fear.

But this way can be avoided for a while and cannot be avoided. Once it is found by Su Yunxian, it will definitely launch the most violent attack. At that time, the energy value of Yin Jiuxiao is almost exhausted and unable to issue a bursting blow.

The energy value is of great use to practitioners in this realm of Su Han, but it is very useful for masters like Yin Jiuxiao.

Once the energy value is burst, it can send a blow beyond the realm.

Yin Jiuxiao defeated Su Yunxian, who was stronger than himself, and exploded the energy value, which was the only choice.

Although Su Han's current energy is almost 50 points, this energy will explode, which will not produce much power.

But Yin Jiuxiao is hundreds of points. If it explodes, the energy value will be condensed at one point to produce extremely strong power. Even if Su Yunxian reaches the Yuanying period, he will be pierced through a blood hole.

It's just that it's easy to detonate the energy value and control the power, but it's difficult to kill it with one shot, because you can't tell where the opponent's weakness is.

Once you are dodged and fail to sink the boat, that is the end of the cutting board fish.

Su Han hooked the corners of his mouth, hummed, Su Yunxian, I can't beat you, but I can see your weakness! It's so easy.

Let you dare to hand me just now, and I will let Yin Jiuxiao revenge and kill you.

Thinking of this, Su Han began to observe.

He wants to observe an obvious weakness, one of the most deadly weaknesses, and then guide Yin Jiuxiao to attack, so that even if Su Yunxian is not dead, he will not have half of his life.


Good! Su Han immediately meditated and watched carefully.

Ren Yuying was worried. She didn't want Su Han to die, nor did she want Yin Jiuxiao to die. This was something she didn't want to see.

She hurriedly ran to Ren Lao's side and shook Ren Lao's arm: "Grandpa, can you help Uncle Yin, or he will be killed."

At this time, Yin Jiuxiao was seen through the plot, and Su Yunxian's offensive became fierce again.

Ren Lao touched Ren Yuying's head and didn't say anything. There was nothing he could do. Yin Jiuxiao was the first master of the Ren family. If he couldn't beat Su Yunxian, the rest of the people couldn't fight.

Yun Buyue's skill is also in the middle of Jindan. He also intends to take action, but he is waiting. He wants to exchange Yin Jiuxiao's life for Su Han's promise.

promises to join Yunjia.

If it is as usual, the bloody trial is about to begin. It is absolutely unfavorable for a young generation of medical gods to participate in the bloody trial, and it may even be able to win the first place for the Yun family.

This kind of talent must be guaranteed under his own account.

"Su Han, would you like to watch Yin Jiuxiao being severely damaged by Su Yunxian?" Yunbuyue walked to Su Han and asked.