The strongest dung bee

Chapter 104 Goodbye King Ghost

Out of the door of the Yun family and walked far away, Su Han first found a secluded place, fully restored his cultivation, and felt the surging energy in his body. He was also in a good mood.

After a battle of running out of oil, the energy value in my body seems to have increased a lot.

Su Han was pleased with such progress.

He also knows in his heart that as the saying goes, there is a great opportunity in the Great Terror. Only when every monk has experienced the battle of life and death and felt the extreme pleasure of life and death can he truly be strong and grow up.

Compared with his experience in the fairyland in his previous life, Su Han is still very young, like a sapling in a greenhouse and has not experienced any storm at all.

This makes Su Han more looking forward to the bloody test.

Not only for the Zhuxinlian.

It's more to hone yourself better.

What the Su family, what Yun family, are all bullshit!

Su Han can see through. These families are sanctimonable on the surface, but in fact they are sores on the top of their heads and pus underfoot - they are completely bad!

When you have strength, they are like a pug, wagging their tails. When you don't have strength, they will definitely kick you away without mercy!

After a few circles, an idea came to Su Han's mind, identified the direction, took a car casually, and quickly ran straight to a rich area.

The Wang family!

That is, more than ten minutes away. When he arrived at the destination, that is, a few minutes later, Su Han met the old man of the Wang family, Wang Gui.

It seems that He Shouwu is indeed effective. I haven't seen him for a few days. Wang Laogui's gray hair has already had a lot of black hair, just like fresh buds emerging from a withered grass.

Probably for careful maintenance, Wang Gui took care of the little hair very well and stood it up straight, just like a small braid on a child's head.

When he first saw this scene, Su Han almost laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?" Mr. Wang asked angrily, but he couldn't stop his complacency.

In the past few days, many people have seen that he looked strange and were kicked out of the house by him.

It's not easy to rejuvenate the second spring, and Mr. Wang is immersed in the beautiful fantasy of the future, which can't be laughed at by others.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. You are really happy. It seems that He Shouwu is still very effective." Su Han patted his flattery.

The king ghost narrowed his eyes and looked very useful. An old face smiled like **.

"But, Mr. Wang, do you want to become younger?" Su Han quietly said.

"Younger? How young are you?" Wang Gui's mind suddenly came up. Since he grew black hair, he has deeply learned Su Han's ability and fully recognized Su Han.

"The crane-haired childish face with dead wood meets spring, and the 80-old man becomes a handsome teenager." Su Hanwen said a word.


Wang Gui also thought he had heard it wrong. When he came to his senses, he grabbed Su Han's arm.

"Can you really become a handsome teenager?"

Su Han nodded proudly, "That's natural. I, Su Han, spit and spit. Go and ask the girl all over the city, who doesn't know?"

Wang Gui took a cold breath and made a hissing sound in his mouth. After a while, his face calmed down. "Come on, help me become a handsome teenager. Oh, no, handsome young man doesn't need it anymore. Just turn me into a 40s. It is said that little girls nowadays like uncles.

Do you still like old cows to eat tender grass?

Su Han secretly despised in his heart and waved his hand, "It's on me, but I have something to trouble you."

The king ghost chicken nodded like pecking rice, "Say!"

"I want to participate in this year's bloody trial on behalf of the Wang family and refine the rejuvenation elixir. One of the main medicine is Zhu Xinlian. I must get it."

In order to get Zhu Xinlian, Su Han had to tell such a lie.

However, he is not lying to the king ghost, but can really do it, but it takes a lot of time and energy. Su Han has no time to waste on it now.

It's just that the next second, Su Han was stunned.

"No!" Wang Gui said firmly, shaking his head quickly.


"I am the head of the family, and I can't let the best children of the family die with you for my own selfish desires. Su Han, I know you are skillful, bold and high-minded, but the blood test is not as easy as you think.

Say here, Wang Gui's tone gradually became solemn, lifting his coat, revealing his ** chest.

At a glance, Su Han was almost stunned.

I saw his dry and thin chest come out, which was a large number of scars, dense, as if bitten out by his teeth little by little. After the wound was healed, it formed a hard lump the size of a nail cover, which looked unusually horrible.

"Twenty years ago, I participated in the bloody trial on behalf of the Wang family. Although I returned by chance, I left so many things on my body. This time, a three-headed devil wolf left behind. I fought with it until I was exhausted. In the end, the only weapon I could use was my teeth.

The muscles on Wang Gui's face suddenly trembled, and there was also an unforgettable panic in his eyes.

"I clearly remember that the magic wolf bit me a total of 3502, and I bit it 3503, and finally, it was bitten to death by me. I lay in place for three days and finally survived.

Su Han was stunned when he heard these words.

Thinking about the scene at that time, I felt numb all over my body and had countless goose bumps.

Even in Su Han's past and present life, he has never heard of such a tragic battle.

bite by teeth...

To what extent should we fight to do such a thing?

No wonder the old man refused to let the most elite children in the family participate in the bloody test.

After a long silence, Su Han gritted his teeth and said, "I have a proposal."

Wang Gui refused without hesitation, " Needless to say, I have made up my mind. Even if you break the sky, I can't let the children of the Wang family die with you."

"Listen to me first." Su Han is a little embarrassed. How old is he? He is still so hot.

"You said before that you want to let the dull overlord lead the children of the two families in at will. Well, anyway, they are all going to die. How about giving me these three places in your Wang family? I'll take the dumb bully and the other one. I'll look for it. You don't need to bother the Wang family.


The king ghost was stunned.

I never thought that Su Han could come up with such a solution.

" you really have to go to that bloody test?" After a long silence, the king ghost said a sentence, and there was also a little more inexplicable in Su Han's eyes.

The teenager's heart is really courageous.

"I must go!" Su Han gritted his teeth and said.

"Then... go ahead, I agree." Wang Gui waved his hand, and his tone was a little bleak.

Su Han smiled at the corners of his mouth, patted the king ghost on the shoulder, and laughed, "When I return safely, you can eat tender grass. OK, let's not talk about it. I'm leaving."

However, as soon as he arrived at the door, he heard the sound of Wang Gui's stay, and Su Han's footsteps stagnated.

"Su Han, wait, it's extremely dangerous to enter the bloody test. Although I dare not say it is all-encompassing in our treasure house, there are also many treasures. You... choose whatever you want."


Su Han turned around and was slightly moved.


At this time, Su Han will not be so pretentious.

After all, although he has absolute confidence in his strength, he is not a reckless man. He can have more strength. In that dangerous place, he will naturally have more confidence to survive.

"Please follow me."

Ten minutes later, Su Han stood in the treasure house of the Wang family.

The pearly treasure in his eyes made him admire.

"Wang Laogui, you hid your private last time. Why didn't you bring me here earlier in such a good place?"

Wang Gui gave him a blank look, "Nonsense! As the saying goes, I'm not afraid of thieves, but I'm afraid of thieves. There are many treasures in my treasure house of the Wang family. What if I am remembered by you?

Su Han laughed and walked slowly among a pile of treasures without talking to him.

Each tall wooden frame looks very hard, probably made of sandalwood and divided into square grids.

In each grid, there is a brocade box, or a long or tall brocade box, which emits a charming halo.

Su Han looked at it one by one.

"Huh? This sword is good. In front of a brocade box, Su Han stopped and praised with a little surprise.

The red brocade box, wrapped in a seven-inch sword in bright yellow satin.

The sword is plain and unpretentious, like a dark iron block, and it doesn't even open the blade. It is inconspicuous in a pile of shining weapons, like an ugly duck, but Su Han took a look at it at a glance.

This sword is a real weapon.

is a murderous sword.

Other weapons are decorations at best.

Su Han reached out and picked it up.

It was cold, and a bone-breaking cold air suddenly came from his hand. Almost in an instant, half of Su Han's body was stiff. At the same time, a trace of blood red quietly appeared in his eyes, and his whole body burst into an extremely violent temperament, like a crazy leopard, as if he wanted to choose a person to eat.

"No!" Wang Gui shouted like a gust of wind and ran over quickly.

However, what surprised him a little was that Su Han quickly woke up from the violent state, put the sword into the box, and gasped heavily.

"What a powerful sword." Su Han quickly got rid of the cold, and after a few breaths, his face returned to ruddy.

Seeing that Su Han was fine, Wang Gui's face also calmed down, and arrogance appeared in his eyes. "That is, this sword is called Broken Heart. It was cast by an ancestor of my Wang family. The ancestor was born in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. His wife was humiliated and killed by the Tart army. Holding this sword, the ancestors slaughtered the whole half-flag. The people and horses finally died of exhaustion.

"In that battle, Ao Bai, the military minister of Manqing, was also injured. According to my speculation, the reason why he was later trapped by several young men who practiced wrestling by Emperor Kangxi was because of his injury at that time."

Hearing Wang Gui's words, Su Han almost gasped.

Nima, this is bragging without tax.

Even if you beautify your ancestors, you don't have to make history, right?

However, this sword is really amazing.