The strongest dung bee

Chapter 200 Conspiracy

Thousands of thoughts came out of his mind. Su Han was silent for a moment, gritted his teeth, and suddenly made a decision.


Take a breath, and you won't die!

Even if this blood wolf grass has any side effects, with its own knowledge and cultivation, there is not necessarily no solution.

And if this thing is really an amazing treasure, you really need to pay attention to it.

After all, soul power is doomed by everyone at birth. Although through acquired cultivation, it may also gain a certain degree of growth when breaking through cultivation, in general, the soul power of every monk is almost the same.

The stronger the power of the soul, the faster the speed of cultivation, the deeper the perception of the skill, and the greater the power of the skill.

A person with a strong soul is commonly known as a cultivation genius.

"Leader, let me try it, just one bite." Su Han was eager to try it out.

Xiong Yuan was not stingy. He casually handed Su Han's cigarette bag and said, "You inhale slowly for the first time. Don't inhale too violently, just like breathing and spitting during practice, and smooth your breathing."

Su Han nodded and took the cigarette bag. It was quite heavy.

This cigarette bag is nearly five inches thick, as thick as a finger, and the whole body is delicate and smooth, like some precious jade.

There is a beautifully made crane mouth at the bottom, with a faint sparkle inside.

leaned on the cigarette holder, and Su Han took a soft sip.


In an instant, Su Han was stunned.

He felt an extreme coolness. At this time, he was like a naked**, standing high in the sky. In front of him was the stars of the universe, the vastness of everything, the cold wind blew on his body, and there was a kind of bone coldness.

But after the cold, there was another warmth that was comfortable to the bone.

It is warm, and the whole body is extremely comfortable, as if immersed in a hot spring. The musculoskeletal bones are nowhere to be moistened, and they simply moan comfortably.

Frare and fairy.

This is the feeling of floating.

This feeling reminds Su Han of the fairy body formed when he became a scattered immortal after crossing the disaster in his previous life.

The whole body has no impurities, which is extremely light, as if it can be integrated with this world at any time.

After a few breaths, this feeling gradually dissipates and disappears.

Su Han opened his eyes and felt the power of his soul, which seemed to have strengthened a little.


It really works.

Su Han's eyes were surprised, but he did not dare to be careless. He carefully sensed the changes in his body to see if there were any other strange reactions.

After searching for a long time, Su Han faintly found a trace of blood ten million times smaller than his hair.

This blood is hidden in the depths of the heart. If you don't investigate it, you can't find it at all.

The reason why Su Han was able to find it is that in his heart, there is a strange treasure, plowing and combing.

In the blue light of the plough comb, this blood color is extremely eye-catching.

Su Han felt that the vitality and vitality of the ploughing comb had a faint rejection of this blood.

However, because its number is small and very weak, it did not cause the hanging of the plough comb.

What is this?

Su Han separated an idea and felt it slightly.


As soon as his mind came into contact with this extremely tiny blood, Su Han suddenly felt that scenes of incomplete scenes appeared in his mind like bursting.

It's a full moon, and the moon is still orange.

And closest to the moon, there is a huge blood wolf.

He opened his mouth as if he had the moon in his mouth.

"After my death, everything sank, and the sky fell!"

"I will turn into that blood moon, which will remain unchanged forever!"

"One day, I will return with glory and lead all saints!"


A domineering voice, accompanied by a fierce wolf howling, as if to pierce the eardrums.

The sound stopped, and the blood wolf suddenly burst into a bloody rain, covering the whole world, and completely wrapped the moon.

It didn't take long for the bright moon to become a bloody moon.

The red blood has endless strangeness.

This scene stunned Su Han.

There is no doubt that this picture that appeared in my mind is the world-old battle that took place in Blood Wolf Mountain tens of millions of years ago.

And what is this invisible blood?

Su Han meditated hard.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in his mind and suddenly figured it out.

An extremely horrible idea came to his mind, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and his whole body was like falling into an ice cellar!

This is the conspiracy of the blood wolf!

Blood wolf grass!

This is definitely the conspiracy of the blood wolf!

is an extremely secret chess piece left by the blood wolf!

Indeed, this herb can indeed improve soul power, but this soul power does not come out of thin air, but from the self-exploding blood wolf.

After absorbing the power of the blood wolf grass, this blood will quietly penetrate into the body, like a seed, deeply buried in the heart, take root and germinate, waiting for the day when it is drilled out of the land.

Su Han can imagine that if the blood wolf really resurrects, he will definitely have a way to manipulate this bloody energy.

You can even use this to control those martial saints and semi-saint strong men!

Su Han completely figured it out.

Without hesitation, Su Han drove the blue light of the plough and comb to refine the blood-colored energy. In the blue light of the sky, in less than a breath, this blood-colored energy was refined and clean and turned into nothing.

Su Han slowly opened his eyes and saw several people's eyes. They all looked at him, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"Zhan Yuan, how are you?" Xiong Yuan asked, with an indescribable charm in his voice.

Su Han, who had just now, was addicted to it for nearly an hour and scared him.

Although the medicinal power of Blood Wolf Grass is powerful, he only took a sip. How could he have such a strong reaction?

Su Han quickly came to his senses and said with a smile, "Reclaim, the medicinal power of this bloody wolf grass is really extraordinary. I was just stunned by its divine effect!"

"It's incredible that there is such an amazing treasure in heaven and earth!"

"The villain can be treated like this, and it depends on the appreciation of the leaders."

Su Han's stingy words of praise.

Although the secret of the blood wolf grass was discovered, Su Han did not mean to say it.

The life and death of Wusheng on the Blood Moon Continent has nothing to do with himself, and Su Han doesn't want to pay attention to it at all.

Moreover, he also made a decision in his heart. From now on, he will do everything he can to collect blood wolf grass.

After all, although this herb has side effects, the bloody energy can indeed be resolved by ploughing and combing.

And the improvement of soul power is indeed real.

Xiong Yuan laughed.

"You boy, I thought you were killed."

"Haha, since you like it, I'll give you a few more mouthfuls, five mouthfuls. It's not enough."

"Thank you, leader!"

Su Han thanked him with excitement in his eyes, so he took a cigarette bag and enjoyed it.

It's a son of a bitch if you don't take advantage of it. Since Xiong Yuan is generous, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Looking at Su Han swallowing clouds and spitting fog aside, he tasted carefully. In the eyes of several people, there was unstoppable envy.

There is no doubt that he got a lot of benefits from smoking a few puffs of smoke.


The time walked minute by minute, and nearly three hours later, the boat stopped.

Su Han had already returned his cigarette bag and quietly looked at the scenery below.

After drawing five mouthfuls of blood wolf grass, Su Han felt that his soul strength had increased a little. Although he had not made much progress, it was quite good.

If it is left at ordinary times, even if it is a year, there may not be such progress.

"It's here, get off the boat!"

Xiong Yuan waved his hand and took the lead in getting off the flying boat, and several people quickly followed.

As soon as they got out of the boat, a heat wave came to their faces. Even though several people were all cultivated in the Jindan period, they sweated a lot in this heat wave.

The ground is a piece of burnt yellow, without any green. The only plant is a kind of light yellow moss, piecemeal, like animal feces that has dried up for a long time, which looks a little disgusting.

And among the moss everywhere, occasionally one or two fist-sized scorpions run fast and show off their power, and look very ferocious.

"Is that a fire scorpion?" Xiong Yuan was slightly surprised and seemed to be a little surprised by the ordinary appearance of the fire scorpion. After saying that, he quickly shot out and flew towards the nearest single fire scorpion.

A moist light appeared on the two fingers, and a gentle pinch was to hold the fire scorpion in his hand.

"Be careful, it will explode!"

Su Han reminded loudly.

"I know."

Xiong Yuan answered and felt that the energy in the fire scorpion's body was gradually converging. He exerted force between his fingers and burst like pinching a balloon.

The explosion is not big, but it is not small.

However, such an explosion is naturally a piece of cake for a strong man in the spiritual realm, and it doesn't hurt at all.

"That's all..."

Xiong Yuan said and waved his hand, "This is still the edge. Let's go inside."

"Jiang Feng and Feng Yu, you two explore the way in front of you, three miles deep, and don't go deep. Once you find an abnormal situation, come back and report it to me immediately."

The two took the order, pulled out their feet and ran without hesitation, carefully shuttled on the ground, and went towards the front.

"You two follow me, protect yourself, and don't take action easily. If there is any abnormal situation, I will deal with it."

Su Han and Wan Ziliu nodded.

Bothe two also know it in their hearts.

Exploring the way is not a dangerous task. As long as you are careful, you can always find the right way.

And the real danger lies in the depths of Fire Scorpion Valley.

Once you meet thousands of scorpions, once you fight, it will definitely be quite a dangerous battle.

At that time, it will be time for Wan Ziliu to show his skills.

Assigned the task, the three slowly moved forward, and to the surprise of several people, the deeper it was in this fire and Scorpion Valley, the denser the vegetation became.

There is more and more moss on the ground, like a carpet spreading, and not far away, there are various light brown plants.

It seems that these plants exist by the aura of the fire attribute. The more they go to the depths of the fire scorpion valley, the more powerful the fire attribute energy becomes.

The three of them walked unhappily. In such a place, the physical heat is secondary, mainly because there seems to be a big stone in their hearts all the time.

Especially under the cover of the four words forbidden place of death, no one dares to be careless.

At this moment, a figure rushed out of the depths of the valley. As soon as he stopped, he gasped and said, "My leader, I found a strange place in front of me..."