The strongest dung bee

Chapter 205 Fighting with Martial Arts

Just as Su Han's mind turned around, he saw that the eyes of the two Wu Sheng fell on himself.

The invisible pressure is extremely heavy, like two invisible mountains, and the air is condensing, making you breathless.

Hardly, Su Han reluctantly squeezed out a smile, "Sister, uncle, you hit, you hit, whatever it is for me, I'll leave."



These two names, seven kills and twitched, while the fire dance burst into a silver bell-like laughter, as if they remembered something and asked, "Are you an Iring person?"

Listening to her words, Su Han's heart moved.

I vaguely remember that Linglong once said before that Wan Changsheng had stayed in the Great Wilderness Mountains for a long time, and in the Fire Scorpion Valley, this woman released several people.

Does she have a faint good impression on the disciples of Changshengtian?

Such an idea came to his mind. Su Han gritted his teeth, fought hard, and made a bet.

With a grin and a bright smile, Su Han said enthusiastically, "That's right. Sister Fire Dance, in fact, the reason why we went to Fire Scorpion Valley before was to find a holy place to build a tomb for Lord Wusheng.

"Although Wu Sheng died, he sent back his last wish before his death, hoping that he could be buried in the wilderness mountains after death. It seems that there is something in this mountain range that makes him miss."

Su Han lied without blinking.

This was really what Su Han tried his brain to come up with. In this crisis situation, he was also born in a hurry.

If this fire scorpion Wusheng has a friendship with Wan Changsheng, such words can naturally play a great role.

And even if there is no friendship or the enemy, there is no loss to herself, and she will never be angry about it. Between the strong and the strong, there is a mentality of cherishing each other. One person has died, and all the grudges are naturally put into the water.

With that, Su Han stared at the fire dance.

The fire dance body trembled, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes. He clenched his hands tightly and grasped the fur of the little beast in his arms.

And the Mars around her body is fluctuating and flying, like a summer firefly, which is extremely beautiful.

But in this beauty, it reveals endless danger.

Su Han was extremely worried.

"He... did he really say that?"

After a while, Su Han heard a dreamy whisper, and his heart suddenly settled down.

Looking up at the fire dance, he looks like a man and a woman. With Su Han's rich experience, he naturally thought of whether there was any adultery between the two people?

Oh, it's not adultery, it's fate.

Nodding firmly, Su Han said categorically, "Yes!"

The fire dance was stunned, and tears flashed faintly in the corners of his eyes.

However, the sadness in her body is becoming more and more obvious, sweeping like a strong wind, and the whole space is shrouded in a sad mood.

Feel the change in her mood, Qisha sneered and said sarcastically, "Silly woman, he lied to you. That boy didn't say anything when he died!"


Su Han suddenly raised his head.

Fire dance also looks at the seven kills.

When he said that, when he saw the reaction of the two people, as if they were thinking of something, his face changed slightly.

"How do you know that you didn't say anything?"

"Where were you when he died?"

"Did you do it?"

The fire dance suddenly asked, and his voice was fast and fierce, and there was a strong anger in every syllable.

The seven kills were stunned at once.

In a word, he exposed himself.

"You murderer, thief, I'll fight with you!"

"Your Sin City is thousands of miles away from my long life. Why did you come here?"

"My master died in the snowy mountains, it must be you! You must have done it!"

At this time, Su Han roared hysterically, clenched his fists, and powerful energy gathered in his palms. A star burst his fist and suddenly exploded out.

Whrefer whether he is the murderer or not, let's sit down first.

Su Han didn't give him a chance to defend at all.

Although the other party is a strong martial arts man, even if his punch hits him, he basically doesn't want to cause any harm, but the important thing is this attitude.

Su Han was very sure that the fire dance would never stand by.

"Look for death!"

Seeing Su Han's aggressive and self-powerful punch, the seven-kill ancestor waved casually, which was a blood-colored energy. Under the attack of this blood-colored energy, the fist melted like snowflakes under the scorching sun.

The strength of both sides is not at the same level at all.

Su Han had expected this and waved his punch again, as if he were crazy.

"The murderer pays for his life!"

"Even if you are a strong martial arts man, I will leave you here today!"

"I am a million-long monk, I would rather die!"

Su Han shouted awe-inspiringly, punching one punch after another, and made the play complete.

The seven-killed ancestor was finally angry.

"Little thing, I'll pinch you to death!"

"What if I killed it? Do you still want to fight to the death? Do you have that qualification?"

"Believe it or not, I will make my ancestor angry and slaughter you for a long life!"

Seven Killing Ancestors said coldly, and the bloody energy in his palm gathered into a spear, holding the momentum of thunder and going straight to Su Han's face.

Seeing this bloody spear, Su Han's heart was extremely nervous.

Xiaoding is firmly in the palm of his hand and is ready to escape into Xiaoding to protect himself.

But under his feet, he did not retreat, as if he had completely given up resistance and looked at the fire dance in mid-air.

You are going to take action!

Let's take action!

I've arrived at this!


Just when the spear was less than half a foot away from Su Han, the fire dance finally took action.

With a flash of illusion, the whole person turned into a firelight, held the spear in his hand, immediately looked at the seven kills, and said coldly, "Are you really killed it?"

Her face is cold, like an eternal iceberg, and her tone is extremely cold, as if it can freeze people.

"What if I killed it?" Seven kills said with a blank face.

The spirit of war in his heart became more and more surging.

Naturally, he could see that this woman must have a great friendship with Wan Changsheng, but he disdained to lie.

If you don't even dare to admit killing someone, how can you do it in the future?

"You girl, do you want to kill me? Ha, thousands of immortals died at the hands of me. What are you?

The fire dance is silent.

No words.

And the little Mars quietly condensed around her body.

Countless Mars, like the starry sky on a clear night, gradually merge and transform.

A earth-shaking power slowly brewed on her.

Seeing this scene, Su Han was ecstatic, but his face was still sad, and he took two steps back quietly.

It's done!

By this time, the crisis was finally resolved.

The next thing has nothing to do with me.

"Blood battle against the sky!"

Seeing that the fire dance was ready to make a move, the seven kills were stronger first. They roared, and a sea of blood suddenly appeared in mid-air.

Standing in the sea of blood, his whole body expanded rapidly and grew into a giant dozens of feet long.

A spear that is countless times thicker than before, like an Optimus Prime that can run through the sky and the world, instantly crosses the space and rushes towards the fire dance.

This spear contains the extremely violent power of destruction. Where it passes, the vitality on the ground is rapidly absorbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The originally green and grassy ground is withered and desolate in extreme times, like a desert.

The power of this blow, seven kills paid about 70% of the energy.

He has made up his mind to fight quickly and end this new Wusheng here.

After all, his energy has been spent a lot to raise evil spirits before, and this is the wilderness mountains. In the depths of the mountains, there are countless powerful monsters. If you really want to shock them all out, it will be another group fight and will fall into an unpredictable crisis.

The fire dance is motionless.

The fire around the body is ethereal, hazy and dreamlike beauty.

Su Hanjing observed the battle quietly, with a slight doubt in his eyes.

What is she doing?

To be honest, Su Han is still a little worried about her.

After all, one is a newly promoted martial saint, while the other is a veteran strongman and the toughest murderer.


Just as the blood-like spear was about to sweep the fire, a wonderful fluctuation suddenly appeared around her body.

This kind of fluctuation has incredible power, freezing time and even space.

The spear was stagnant in a few inches in front of her.

Su Han couldn't move at all in a position more than ten feet behind her.

A rolled up gravel stays in mid-air and remains still.

Even the seven kills also felt that the aura of heaven and earth at this time was like a dense huge net, which bound himself to death and could not move at all.

What is this?

There was endless horror in his eyes.

Such a trick is really unbelievable.

is a magic that can completely dominate the battle ending!

The whole body's spiritual power is running crazily. In less than a breath, the seven kills feel that they have got rid of the shackles, like a fish in a fishing net and tearing a huge net.

After all, at this time, his body is extremely huge, and the power of heaven and earth that can be mobilized is also extremely huge.

As soon as he was released from the shackles, the seven kills did not hesitate at all, which was to urge the blood spear again. He seemed to have seen the end of the woman's death on the spot.

And the next second, he was stunned.

Black light.

A little black light quietly came out in mid-air.

The dark light produced from nowhere is deep and confused, like a collapsed black hole in the vast universe, slowly condensing, shrinking, and finally becoming a needle-like point.


The black light shot out rapidly, as if it were teleportation. The seven kills had no time to react at all, and they were hit.


He screamed hoarsely.

I saw that his body was turning black at a terrible speed. Not only that, but even the sea of blood under his feet turned black.

Seeing this scene, Su Han's breathing was stagnant and subconsciously retreated several steps.

This black light... seems to be a strange poison.

What a violent toxin is so powerful that it can poison all the energy!

This is not uncommon in Su Han's memory. After all, there are still many similar toxins in the fairyland.

However, this is a miracle in this lower plane.

Just like the blood moon continent cannot produce fairy stones, and in the lower plane, it is basically impossible to produce fairy poison, which is stipulated by a plane law in the dark.

And now, this woman has broken this law.