The strongest dung bee

Chapter 318 Warcraft Scout

Everyone knows that Li Feng will find a way to deplete the strength of the three chambers of commerce along the way, but he didn't expect to come so early and so fierce.

To put it better, this is a scout team, and to put it harder, this is a death squad.

If placed in the struggle between human beings and human beings, the scout may not be too dangerous, but now they are facing monsters, sea people, all of whom are cannibals and do not spit out bones. The weakest ones are comparable to human Jindan monks, and because of their characteristics make their combat effectiveness stronger. If they are unfortunate, they can be said to die.

And 90% of such a team that is not destined to survive for too long will be supplied by the three chambers of commerce. The so-called "ten elites" is what Li Feng said, so he is reluctant to send real elites to die.

However, the three chambers of commerce cannot be vague. If the three chambers of commerce also send cannon fodder to form a scout team, then this team cannot play a role. In the face of the raid of monsters and sea clans, won't Li Feng take the opportunity to deplete their strength?

In an instant, there was no sound in the room.

After a long silence, Sheng Xin suddenly raised his head and said, "My son, I don't think it's appropriate to do this."

Sheng Xin, the leader of the Dingsheng Chamber of Commerce, is not as fat as other successful businessmen, and even has no shrewdness on his face as the merchant should have. Instead, he is extremely masculine. Su Han realized that this is also a master of the spiritual period, and his strength is only high and not low compared with himself.

"Oh?" Li Feng played with a teacup and smiled meaningfully.

Seeing Li Feng's appearance, Sheng Xin was also very embarrassed. He thought about it again and said, "We are not facing human beings, but horrible monsters and more horrible sea clans. With the strength of our expedition, all of them are top masters who can serve as scouts. If we arrange them as scouts, it is equivalent to putting the cart before the cart before the horse. , self-damage of 3,000, no matter in what sense, this is a weakening of strength.

What Sheng Xin said is very reasonable. It is completely an objective fact from the standpoint of the three major chambers of commerce, but no one dares to agree at this moment. Everyone knows that this is a drama that has been arranged for a long time. There will be no good result if Sheng Xin's complete refusal. The only room is to do something in terms of the number of people and see if we can make 30 The number of people has been reduced to twenty or even ten.

Sure enough, Sheng Xin had just finished speaking, and Li Feng directly threw the teacup in his hand on the ground. In the splash of porcelain pieces, Li Feng's face looked much more ferocious.

"Your three chambers of commerce usually make a lot of money under the protection of my father. Now a little thing is handed over to you. Is it my Li Feng who can't represent my father, or do your three chambers chambers of commerce have a problem with the Lord of Kinge City?" Li Feng roared and directly accused the three major chambers of commerce.

There are only two choices, and no matter which one is not a good choice. To offend Li Feng is equivalent to offending the lord of Jinge City, which will attract Li Jiangang, the owner of Jinge City, to pursue and kill him endlessly.

In a word, Li Feng did not dare to raise the head of the leaders of the three major chambers of commerce. Li Feng did not give up, and then said, "We are a team, and I am the first leader of this team. If you have any opinions on my decision, you can quit. There is no need for a discordant voice in my team, you just need to answer 'Yes '! Do you understand?"

It can be seen that Li Feng is the key cultivation object of Li Jiangang, which is a true story. On the basis of arrogance and domineering, he can still have such a great deterrent power. In time, he will definitely become a brutal monarch.

"I understand." Qiu Bailin whispered.

Sheng Xin's face was iron-blue, gritted his teeth, but did not make a sound, as if he was patient.

Li Feng stared at him fiercely and turned to look at Dong Guoren, "Chairman Dong Guo, how about you?"

Li Feng can't force the three chambers of commerce. Mud Bodhisattva has three points of anger, not to mention people with flesh and blood? I was forced to bite someone for a minute to show you.

Sheng Xin is obviously the kind of person who is in a hurry.

At this time, Li Feng has to win over the other two families. As long as Qiu Bailin and Dong Guoren both say that they stand behind Li Feng, Sheng Xin will have to swallow no matter how big the grievance is, so Dong Guoren becomes the key.

How could the mature and old-fashioned Dong Guoren not think of what Li Feng knew? After meditating for a moment, Dong Guoren patted Su Han on the shoulder and said, "Son, it's up to you to decide this matter."

It's another wonderful chess!

The beauty of this chess focuses on three.

First, give Su Han an illusion and a hint that he ties Su Han more firmly to the chariot of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, which is exactly what Dong Guoren wants to do along the way.

Second, give others an illusion. Along the way, Su Han remained indifferent to favors and humiliations. In terms of his aura, he was not weaker than Li Feng, the eldest son of Jinge City. He was the number one person who should not underestimate anyone.

Now Dong Guoren has handed over the decision of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce to Su Han, which makes people wonder what the relationship between the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce and this "big man" is.

The third is to leave a way for yourself. If you offend Li Feng because of this incident, Dongguo Renda can put the blame on Su Han. After all, it is not the time to fall out with Li Feng. Everyone has to wait to enter the ruins of the Gold Coast and even see the inheritance of the Purple Sun with their own eyes. Card.

Dong Guoren knows this truth, but why doesn't Su Han understand it?

With a smile, Su Han opened his mouth and said, "Li, although you are the commander-in-chief of this operation, you also said that we are a team, so I think we are all qualified to make opinions, aren't we?"

What Su Han said is lukewarm, neither humble nor arrogant. Even if it is Li Feng, he has to hold his arrogance and nod and agree.

"In this battle, we have to face not only ten powerful martial arts, but also many adventurers as many as stars, as well as monsters and sea clans in the ruins of the Gold Coast. In my opinion, everyone is indispensable, so I don't agree with the idea of forming a scouting team." Su Han said again.

Before Li Feng opened his mouth, Su Han continued, "However, we are many people and the marching team is very long. If we are attacked, it is difficult to solve it in a short time, so it is still necessary to explore the way."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Li Feng looked down and roared.

"Of course, I'm not talking nonsense. Every sentence is well-founded and useful." Su Han secretly hit back at Li Feng and said, "When I was on the road, I saw four yellow maned dogs written on the equipment list of the Dingsheng Chamber of Commerce. Although this kind of warcraft has good combat effectiveness, its greater role lies in tracking and hunting. We can use the yellow maned dogs as a scout to explore the way. I believe that in danger Dogs bark louder and more noticeable. Don't you think so, President Sheng?"

While expressing opinions on behalf of the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce, Su Han helped Sheng Xin. Sheng Xin did not want to quarrel with Li Feng here. This time, if the yellow mane dog of the Dingsheng Chamber of Commerce is requisitioned, Sheng Xin will be the first achievement, and Li Feng can no longer be able to do this to Sheng. Xin is in trouble.

"So good!" Dong Guoren was the first to echo, "Why didn't I expect to explore the way with a yellow mane dog? When it comes to vigilance, the yellow maned dog is more alert than the big-eared rabbit, and its running speed is not much worse than that of the ghost leopard. Moreover, when the yellow maned dog roars, it can really be clearly heard ten miles away. A yellow maned dog has 20 scouts!"

Dong Guoren is obviously a little exaggerated, but what he said is also the advantages of yellow mane dogs. This kind of fourth-order warcraft is indeed suitable for scouting, at least more suitable than humans.

"This gentleman is really talented and agile, both literary and martial arts!" Qiu Bailin also said immediately.

It can be seen from before that Qiu Bailin is a wall grass. Under the condition that the Blue Sky Chamber of Commerce has expressed its position, it is impossible not to agree with it, and Qiu Bailin is reluctant to give up the 30 elites.

"If necessary, I can contribute the yellow mane dog." Sheng Xin also lit up.

Dingsheng Chamber of Commerce is mainly engaged in the business of spirit beasts and equipment. There are many strange spirit beasts in the beast column. This time, in order to explore the ruins of the Gold Coast, Sheng Xin brought more than 120 animals, all of which are of different types and have good combat effectiveness. The four yellow maned dogs can only be regarded as mediocre and have nothing to give up. No.

Moreover, as Dong Guoren said, the alertness, speed and voice of the yellow mane dog are relatively good in warcraft. Among the monsters below the seventh level, except for the ghost leopard, the shadow leopard and a few other monster beasts that are long in speed, few yellow maned dogs that can catch up with the full speed.

The three chambers of commerce all agreed with Su Han's proposal at this time. Li Feng couldn't hold on his face. He clenched his fist and thought about it carefully, saying, "The yellow maned dog is indeed more useful than the scout, and the four dogs are too few..."

"There are also eight larks in the equipment of the Dingsheng Chamber of Commerce, which can patrol with yellow maned dogs in the air." Sheng Xin said something lukewarmly.

The lark is hardly a kind of bird of monsters. It has only the strength of the first-order. I don't know if there is one of them that can only evolve to the second-order, but it is one of the few birds and monsters that can be tamed by humans. From the top are the fifth-order storm eagle, the sixth-order scissor swallow, and the eighth-order thunderbird. There are not many choices. Besides, Sheng Xin also brought a few larks.

Originally, I wanted to use it as an air combat against the sea clan, but I didn't want to use it in advance.

"In this case, the four yellow maned dogs are responsible for exploring the way, and the eight larks roam the ten miles above the team. Any situation can be mastered at the first time through the trainer, which not only preserves the strength, but also allows the value of these monsters to be reflected. Mr. Li, think about it." Su Han said lightly.

In fact, this kind of thing has nothing to do with Su Han. If Su Han is willing, he can sneak away tonight. There are enough cannon fodder in front of him. He just wants to sleep with these people. In fact, Tu Hao can also stay up late, and the dumb bully can stand like a scarecrow. Night.

The reason why he stayed here is that in addition to fulfilling his promise, Su Han can't rest assured of the owner of Jinge City.

Su Han doesn't believe that Li Jiangang can rest assured that he can send Li Feng to lead the team. He must be secretly planning something. From the fact that he chose to start today, Su Han deliberately concluded that the owner of Jinge City had already made a complete plan and had to be implemented step by step.

"You'd better hope your trainer doesn't drop the chain!" Li Feng glanced at Sheng Xin and was a little unwilling.

According to Li Jiangang's instructions, Li Feng should seize every opportunity to deplete the strength of the three chambers of commerce, and every time he puts forward unreasonable demands, it will more or less increase the contradiction between them. It can be said that every opportunity is difficult and precious.

Nowadays, the unreasonable treaty was easily resolved by Su Han, but Li Feng could not find any reason to refute it. In addition to seeing Su Han's displeason, Sheng Xin, who is responsible for providing vision and reconnaissance, can't escape.

"Oh." Sheng Xin smiled contemptuously and said, "If it's okay, I have to rest early and have to go tomorrow."

This sentence has already put the intensified contradiction on the table.

"No hurry." Li Feng waved his hand and said, "Below, there is..."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a noise downstairs, accompanied by the sound of tables and chairs being overturned and the wine jar being smashed.

Everyone looked awe-insed, and Dong Guoren said, "Sun Su, let's go down and see what happened."

"Ye." Su Han nodded.

The two finally found a reason to escape from here for the time being.