The strongest dung bee

Chapter 346 Return of the King of Soul Beast

The pressure can be understood as a temperament that grows with strength.

Everyone has a corresponding degree of pressure, such as the Snow Sword Saint, which reveals gorgeousness and unconcealed elegance.

And the dragon power of this dragon, because it has been imprisoned for more than 4,000 years, is mostly anger, hatred and other negative emotions, which is more deadly than that of the Flying Snow Sword Saint.

Reverence and fear, this is a qualitative gap, but surprisingly similar.

Subconsciously, Su Han dodged, but it was still not as fast as Jiaolong's speed. He was hit hard on the ice wall. The pain and flying ice crumbs made Su Han sober a lot. This joke seemed to be a little overd.

After more than 4,000 years in prison, Jiaolong yearns for the sea of freedom, and now there are only two roads in front of Su Han.

Or, find a way to untie its seal and let it go.

Or, after a fierce battle with it, there is still a great possibility of defeat in the end, and then let it fall.

It seems that the second choice seems to be useless, but standing here is Su Han, Su Han, who has been repaired in two generations.

"I said that I will never give anyone a chance to humiliate me in this life!" Su Han's figure gradually emerged from the ice crumbs and smoke.

It's this sound that's colder than the ice cave.

What is colder than the sound is the seven treasures in the hand.

In a trance, Jiaolong thought of the vigorous purple sun and the knife in his hand that afternoon more than 4,000 years ago.

What's the name of that knife?

Oh, I remember, it's the soul knife.

Life and battle are endless, representing the indelible will and unending footsteps of human beings, the soul knife of war.

When he came to his senses, Jiaolong smiled disdainfully. Only then did he remember that it was not the purple sun in front of him, and the knife was not the soul of war knife.

However, Jiaolong always feels that he has forgotten something, something very important.

"Never mind, let's subdue him first and find a way to break the seal."

Thinking of this, Jiaolong launched another attack, maintaining his human form and rushing directly to Su Han, grabbing the white blade empty-handed.

In its view, the reason why Su Han is powerful is nothing more than the attack of the knife that can be attached to the law of soul...


Jiaolong's heart thumped, and he thought that those things that he ignored were the attack of the law of the soul!

As a dragon more than 4,000 years old, it naturally knows the horrible and mysterious soul law, and even most of the seal laid by the purple sun is quoted from the soul law. After more than 4,000 years of attempts to break through, Jiaolong has also accumulated a certain amount of experience in the soul law.

Even if it can't release the soul explosion, Jiaolong knows that the soul law is changed by soul power to achieve various effects, and so far only one person can attach the attack of the soul law to the move to achieve double damage of the body and soul.

That person is the Purple Sun.

But today, it saw the second person, Su Han, who just came out of the fierce attack in the air. It is clear that the two kinds of damage are fused together.

At this moment, it confirmed that Su Han and Zi Ri can integrate the law of soul into the law of heaven and earth!

Horrible? It's too simple to describe this word. If you want to achieve the purpose of changing the law, you must first be familiar with the law. In the face of an enemy who is familiar with the power of the law, even if it is only the early stage of the spirit god, Jiaolong will no longer dare to relax at all.

"Oh." Seeing Jiaolong stop attacking, Su Han smiled, and this guy finally realized it.

In fact, Su Han also achieved this achievement not long ago. At that time, he was attacked by two water dragons released by Jiaolong. Su Han was busy dealing with it and caught some ethereal things.

Under the sky, Su Han realized his misunderstanding of power. Su Han has always divided power into three categories, but in fact, there is only one kind of power.

What can increase combat effectiveness is strength.

With this idea, Su Han tried to attach a trace of soul power to the blade of the seven treasures, and then waved it out and triggered a soul explosion. Su Han's first attempt was a great success.

is not an improvement of the realm, but also a qualitative leap. If Su Han is against Bai Tiexin again, even in the state of possession of the bloodthirsty sword heart, Su Han is sure to fight against it and even kill it in an instant!

Although Su Han clearly felt that the frequency of the two attacks was slightly different, he did not notice these when the dragon was attacked, which also created an illusion that the law of soul and the law of heaven and earth were merged.

If Su Han is asked, this is just a failed fusion. If he is given some time to practice, he will do better, constantly shortening the frequency deviation, and finally he will definitely achieve the effect of resonance.

"Hey, do you still want to fight? If you don't hit me, I'll go back. It's too cold here. Su Han yawned and hooked his finger at Jiaolong.

"I'll ask you again, will you unsealed me or not!" Jiaolong gritted his teeth and shouted coldly.

In the face of this temporarily unclear power, Jiaolong did not choose to be hard, and there was no irreconjured enmity between it and Su Han. Even if it was stricken by Su Han, if it could be unsealed, it could not be blamed in the past.

It yearns for the sea of freedom, and a heart that longs for freedom, how can it be a murderer?

"I just want to move on and enter the Purple House. Your seal has nothing to do with me. How dare I dashed the hope left by the Purple Sun for mankind? Su Han stared at Jiaolong and said seriously.

There is no dancy, no bad taste, and no distracting thoughts. Su Han said this sentence from the bottom of his heart.

The power of the sea clan has surpassed human beings, and in this competition for the inheritance of the Purple Sun, human monks are bound to lose soldiers and generals. I believe that soon the sea demon king's iron hoof will step into the blood moon continent. Even if it abides by the agreement with the purple sun, there will be an ambitious fire baby on the blood moon continent. Anyway, this dragon Neidan is a necessity, and Su Han has no reason to let it go.

Besides, Su Han doesn't know what to do. The release of the fire baby on that day has given Su Han a headache. If another scourge is released, simply wipe his neck and apologize to the hundreds of millions of creatures in the bloody moon continent.

"Then don't blame me for not being immortal! If there is no freedom, I would rather die!"

Jiaolong gritted his teeth and reached out to grab it. An ice wall broke through, and a long gun flew out of it, which was extraordinary.

Before the long gun arrived, Jiaolong rushed to Su Han and killed him. The long gun had fallen. Jiaolong did not leave any room, and his shot was to sweep thousands of troops.

A tall spear and a 4,000-year-old transformed dragon, isn't it a way for ordinary people to sell their art on the street? The fierce wind is mixed with two auras of water and thunder, and the electric light flow makes people's scalp numb.

"If you don't do it, you won't die!" Su Han responded with a reply.

Holding the seven treasures to break the blade, he stepped back, and in an instant, he had stuck to the ice wall. Su Han held his breath and rushed up on the ice wall without fear at all.


The seven treasures broke the blade and collided with the long gun, and the electric light instantly filled the whole polar ice land. The surrounding ice wall was hit with potholes. Several huge hard ice on the top fell down, and the whole polar ice space also trembled at this moment.

Not only that, at the moment when the weapon collided, a powerful soul attack also exploded, which was an undifferentiated soul explosion.

At this time, it has reflected the drawbacks of Su Han's poor mastery of power. The fusion of the soul law and the law of heaven and earth is certainly beautiful, but in the early stage of the spirit god in Suhan District, the soul completion has not been completed, so how can he fully grasp these two completely different forces?

Especially for the soul law attack, the soul power will become an indiscriminate attack at the moment when it is out of control. If Su Han can't resonate the frequency of the two law attacks, then every attack he makes will be indiscriminate.

Kill 1,000 enemies and lose 800!

Fortunately, Su Han's achievements in the soul law are still profound, and it's okay to eat a soul explosion. Instead, Jiaolong is a little sad. After the power of the soul law exploded, his body swayed and even a few steps back to stabilize. It seems that it is a little unbearable.

"Ah!" Shaking his stuffy head, Jiaolong shouted and rushed to Su Han again.

The dragon is not stupid. As a dragon that has opened its intelligence and can be transformed, it is smarter than some humans. While realizing that it cannot resist the damage of the soul law, it has chosen a coping strategy.

Close-fitting short fight, using the control of the laws of the water system and thunder system, coupled with the strong body, Jiaolong and Su Han are entangled together.

I don't want gorgeous moves, I don't want great power, I just want a fast word, long guns are waved, splashed, ice cubes are flying, and thunder is dense.

The power of each move is not praiseable enough, but Su Han is overwhelmed by such a fierce attack one after another without stopping. In addition to instinctively stimulating spiritual power and resisting it, he is unable to integrate the power of the law of the soul into the law of heaven and earth.

The two horses made a mistake, and the warehouse was dangling.

After a few rounds, the rhythm of the battle has been controlled by Jiaolong, and the gap in the city is reflected between the two sides for the first time. After all, the monks in the early stage of the spirit god can't defeat the super-level monster Jiaolong.

In a few more rounds, Jiaolong returned the horse gun and pierced Su Han's shoulder, and then kicked Su Han on the ice wall fiercely, and most of his body was embedded.

In terms of power, Jiaolong surpasses Su Han a thousand or eight hundred times!

"Dragon cyclone!"

Jiaolong shouted, killed Su Han again in three or two steps, and jumped high with a long gun. At that moment, a hazy dragon shadow lingered beside it.

In just a moment, the dragon shadow shrank rapidly and finally completely poured into the long gun. The luminous long gun turned into light gold, revealing a supreme majesty.

Su Han, who was embedded in the ice wall, could not avoid it. Feeling this destructive power, Su Han firmly believed that this shot would not only kill himself on the spot, but also collapse because he could not withstand the huge impact.

"It's over, it's finally over. It's a perfect way to die in the hands of a super-level dragon..."

Su Han breathed a long sigh of relief and couldn't tell whether it was bitterness or relief.

But at this time, a light yellow shadow flew over, which was faster, perhaps more appropriate to describe it as flash.

Between the lightning and flint, a light yellow shadow stood in front of Su Han. At this moment, the long gun wrapped in dragon gas also stabbed down.

It should have been an invincible dragon cyclone, but when it touched this pale yellow shadow, it could not break through at all. The destructive power lingered at the tip of the gun buzzed and burst out dazzling light, reflecting this small polar ice space like daylight.


Jiaolong's doubtful expression had just appeared on his face, and an unprecedented soul attack burst out in front of his eyes. In a severe headache, Jiaolong's eyes darkened and he fainted.

As it fell, the dragon gas faded, and the icy space that was about to move also returned to calm without the impact of external forces, and returned to its usual crystal light.

Su Han gasped, looked at the pale yellow shadow in front of him, and subconsciously shouted, "King of Soul Beast?"