The strongest dung bee

Chapter 350 Relatives

Everything was due to the blood test and the purpose of the blood test. Su Han left the earth with his three teammates and came to the blood moon continent.

So far, Su Han does not know the real purpose of the bloody trial, let alone how to return to his hometown. Every time in the dead of night, Su Han will also think of the blue earth.

Su Han doesn't know what his future will be like, but at least he still has something to do. If he blocks the fire baby in the Blood Wolf Mountain half a year later, what should he do after that?

Continue to practice, become stronger, and go to the upper world.

I still want to find a way to find out the details of the bloody trial and return to the earth.

Su Han doesn't often think about these problems, because he knows that there is basically nothing he can do.

But today, Su Han saw a incomplete ancient poem, a incomplete ancient poem expressing homesickness. Suddenly, Su Han's thoughts were evoked, like a turbulent wave in the deepest part of the endless sea, and could no longer stop.

"I am a stranger alone in a foreign country, and I miss my relatives every festive season..." Su Han read this poem gently, and his cheeks were a little hot.

Mo Yin, who has been focusing on the prison dragon array, did not find Su Han's appearance. He also looked at the poem carefully and asked, " boss, what is this?"

"This is a poem." Su Han was pulled back to reality by Mo Yin's voice, wiped the corners of his eyes without leaving a trace, and said, "A incomplete poem."

"Poetry?" Obviously, Mo Yin has no idea about this.

The bards on the Blood Moon continent never write poems. Most of them hold a guqin and wander around, spreading some stories of catching wind and shadow to every corner of the mainland, or sad love stories or moving ancient legends.

"Why does it appear in this place?" Su Han is more concerned about these.

Yi Ya basically represents the highest literary cultivation in the Blood Moon Continent. With his knowledge, he also made it clear that there is no ancient poetry in the Blood Moon Continent, and this kind of thing should not appear here!


Unless the purple sun...

A bold guess gushed out of Su Han's mind.

Is it possible that the purple sun, the head of the four ancient gods of the Blood Moon Continent, is also a demon outside the world?

The evil spirits outside the sky, strange and familiar words, were often called this when Su Han first set foot on the Blood Moon Continent. The aborigines of the Blood Moon Continent insisted that these extraterrestrial demons from other planets broke the balance of the Blood Moon Continent and brought endless disasters to this continent.

Therefore, the Blood Moon Continent is killed by everyone. Earlier, Su Han suffered a lot of losses in this regard, and even saw the earth monks who were regarded as pigs and dogs, and even worse than pigs and dogs.

Once, Su Han had an idea of revenge on society, but only for a moment, he completely destroyed it after being discovered by Su Han.

But Su Han understands that he can abandon the idea of revenge on society, not knowing mistakes and correcting them. This is a manifestation of ideological awareness!

Let's see how the indigenous people in the Blood Moon Continent treat foreigners these days.

Despise, abuse, insult, imprisonment, indiscriminate killing, torture...

Without exception, they are all dark and negative things, just because the subconscious retains a kind of "extravil is the root of disaster", and it is necessary to kill them and eradicate them.

Su Han has never had a chance, but if he can find an opportunity, he will definitely ask questions to all the indigenous people of the Blood Moon Continent.

"If it weren't for the so-called extraterratic demons in your mouth, what would the Blood Moon Continent look like?"

As far as Su Han knows, nearly 30% of things in all walks of life on this continent are brought by earth monks. In other words, if it weren't for these so-called extraterrestrial demons, the overall development of the Blood Moon Continent would have regressed thousands of years!

In contrast, Su Han has never heard of any disaster caused by extraterrestrial demons. The attitude of the indigenous people of the Blood Moon mainland towards aliens can be defined as racial discrimination!

What is ridiculous is that the purple sun, which rescued them from deep water thousands of years ago, is likely to be an evil spirit.

According to this incomplete ancient poem that should not have appeared, Su Han boldly speculated that the Purple Sun is most likely to be the first monks to come to the Blood Moon Continent through blood and color trials, and so are the other three moon shadows, Xinghe and Huangchen of the four ancient gods.

The four of them joined hands and led the human race to overthrow the rule of the blood wolf, took the dominance of the blood moon continent, and opened the prelude to the dynasty era.

The greedy blood moon mainland aborigines launched a crazy war against the sea people, and the four gods once again suppressed the sea monster king and saved them for the second time.

Subsequently, Zi Ri personally sat on the Gold Coast. Su Han did not know whether Zi Ri was trying to go home or trying to break through to the upper world at that time, but one thing is undeniable that Zi Ri, Moon Shadow, Xinghe and Huang Chen, the four of them have been silently contributing to the Blood Moon Continent!

Perhaps this is the content of the bloody trial, but Su Han prefers to believe that it is the embodiment of the chivalrous spirit. Before Zi Ri left, he made plans for the next thousands of years, setting up a soul array to suppress the Hai clan and imprisoned a dragon in Bilongtan, leaving the last hope for the human race.

Before, Su Han only recognized the four gods led by Zi Ri and recognized what they had done for the Blood Moon Continent.

But without knowing it, Su Han subconsciously thought that this was their responsibility and obligation.

Now that I think about it, it is full of blood and reverence!

"I am a stranger alone in a foreign country, and I miss my relatives every festive season..." Su Han gently recited this poem, and the feeling of missing reached resonance, and his face was already full of tears.

Only then did Mo Yin find out Su Han's gaffe. He wanted to ask what was going on, but he seemed to realize something and closed his mouth knowingly.

For a long time, Su Han squeezed the corners of his mouth and smiled gently, "Now I finally know what Zi Ri means by 'very similar'."

Obviously, the purple dragon array is specially processed. Su Han can't see its operation principle, but knows the key to breaking the array.

After stimulating the formation with soul power to reveal its original appearance, these three poems clearly want Su Han to complete this poem!

If it weren't for coming from the earth to the blood moon continent, who would know the last sentence of this poem?

Thinking of this, Su Han was more sure that the Purple Sun arrived at the Blood Moon Continent through the blood test. Because he knew that some relatives from his hometown would come here in a few years, so he left this array, leaving this array that only his relatives in his hometown could crack!

"In this way, you leave this last hope not for the Blood Moon Continent, but for the successor." Su Han said and smiled again unconsciously.

Raising his hand, Su Han pointed in the air and poured out his full blood, respect for the Purple Sun, and unreserved missing for his hometown. Long Feifeng danced the poem in the void.

A foreign guest alone in a foreign country,

I miss my family every festive season;

I know where my brothers climbed high,

One less person is inserted everywhere.

When Su Han's last stroke was completed, the floor tiles, the prison dragon array and the round ball suspended in the air seemed to feel something. Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out. In an instant, the light was connected, and Su Han only felt dazzling.

Before closing his eyes, streamer slid past him. In a strong traction, Su Han came to an unknown space.

It is dark around, and the top of his head and feet are also dark. Su Han is the only living thing in this space, and there is a soft shadow not far in front of him.

Bloomingly, Su Han could see that this was a figure. The color was very light, and there was a possibility of destruction almost at any time.

"It's coming, it's finally here!"

In my ear, I remembered a sonorous and cheerful voice, quite magnetic, with incomparable excitement and joy.

"Are you... Purple Sun?" Su Han asked subconsciously.

"This is a trace of regret left by me when I left the blood moon continent. Four thousand years later, I finally waited for my successor!" The voice did not deny it, and there was no doubt that it was a purple sun.

"Are you an evil spirit?" Su Han trembled all over and asked loudly.

"Child, don't talk. I don't have much time." Every time the remnants of the purple sun make a sound, the virtual shadow in front of them is more blurred.

This kind of regret would not have existed for a long time. It had been 4,000 years. If it hadn't been for that warm yearning and persistence, I'm afraid it would have dissipated.

"Child, I'm glad that you can come here. I believe you have seen the gift I left for you. Don't doubt it. Take it and do what you want to do. Whether you go home or go to the upper world, please bring my blessings." Sure enough, Mo Yin is not just the hope of the Blood Moon Continent.

Maybe the purple sun really left hope for the bloody moon continent, but moreover, he wants to leave this gift to his successors and his relatives who have been here for tens of thousands of light years.

"The road ahead is difficult, and there is a long way to go. The descendants of Yan and Huang, the descendants of the dragon, the will is immortal, and the soul of war is endless. As a clan, that's all I can give you. But you have come here, and you certainly don't mind moving forward and entering my mansion. What I left there can help you go further!"

At this point, the remnants of the purple sun are almost transparent, and the voice has become much more blurred.

Before the blurred voice echoed in the empty space and was completely transparent, the purple sun said the last sentence: "This loess is the land of our hometown we took away on the edge of the Yellow River when we left our home; relatives from our hometown, when one day you want to leave this continent, don't forget our distant hometown Township; don't forget to bring the remains of the wandering people back to the edge of the Yellow River and let the wandering warriors rest on the banks of the Mother River!"

In a trance, Su Han was pulled out of this space. When he opened his eyes, he was still at the bottom of the Bilong Pool. The floor tiles and balls emitted a faint light. Mo Yin's face was still an expression for a moment, and nothing had happened.

But Su Han knew that everything was true. He had a handful of loess in his hand and a handful of loess from his hometown.