Final Demon King

Chapter 107 Legion

Since that day, after learning that the younger brother who worried her most has recovered his memory and awakened his ability and obtained good strength, Gao Xuan seemed to have put down a big stone in his heart. She was subject to the Black Dragon Society. It can be said that Gao Yong is the biggest reason.

Now Gao Yong has gained the strength to break free, and the reason for staying in the Black Dragon Club is no longer so powerful. Now for Gao Xuan, as long as she gets rid of the spiritual spell in her mind, she can completely regain her freedom. In a few days, she has been doing some piecemeal tasks. At this time, the president of the South Sichuan Branch The order asked her to immediately rush to the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia to attack a military fortress.

Obviously, it is undoubtedly a stupid thing to fight against the Black Dragon now. Naturally, Gao Xuan will not openly resist, and she is also curious that although the Black Dragon will not attack ordinary people, it is still extremely rare to openly send capable people to attack an ordinary person's military fortress like this, unless , there is something that will move the black dragon.

Taking today's most cutting-edge high-tech means of transportation, it has reached the Golden Triangle from Sichuan in less than half a day, the world's backward, chaotic and dark zone! Military fortress, in the deep mountains of the Golden Triangle.

The whole military base is buried deep in the mountain, and the whole base is covered with a super-power electromagnetic shield, and all large and high-power Gaussian weapons have failed, including strategic weapons and electromagnetic guns. Of course, if hundreds of electromagnetic cannons are bombarded, it is naturally different; but as an ordinary scientific killer, Even with the power of the Black Dragon Society, full mobilization may not be able to collect hundreds of electromagnetic cannons and forcibly destroy the base with high-tech weapons. This method will naturally fail.

So the Black Dragon will directly send capable people to attack, but the Black Dragon will sneak in and find that there are hundreds of C-level physical capable people inside! No matter how strong the strength of the southern Sichuan branch is, the dispatch of hundreds of capable people is the limit, and most of them are capable people below level C. Although they are experienced, they still can't resist the terrible level of pressure.

Of course, when it comes to the level of pressure, the Black Dragon Club is also profitable. Although there are countless C-level muscle abilities in the Jurassic, there is no double C-level. There were six double C-level strong men in the southern Sichuan branch, and there are only five left after being killed by Gao Yong.

The first wave of attack of the southern Sichuan branch was aimed at success, so three double C-capable people were sent at one time. After the low evaluation ability began to lose a large number of losses, two C-level strong people took action. Originally, according to the cruel level difference, as long as there were not ten C-level abilities at the same time, it should have been extremely easy, but the reality made the South Sichuan branch cold.

The first wave of attack can only be described as heavy losses.

Nearly 30 people with low-level abilities have been lost, and even those with C-level abilities have died! One of the three strongest double-C-level players has also suffered minor injuries, and their combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least six levels in the near future! The other two also got more or less good.

Anyone with the ability to participate in the first wave of attack will never forget that scene!

Hundreds of C-level muscle abilities seem horrible, but if in ordinary actual combat, several double C abilities can be easily slaughtered as long as they are not surrounded at the beginning. Of course, it will definitely take a lot of time.

However, this base is different! Hundreds of people with muscular ability are actually like an army with chilling discipline, which doubles the combat effectiveness of this superpower brigade. In addition, they are in the other party's base, and there is a continuous flow of high-tech weapons and traps. That's why this superpower group with three strong double Cs has suffered such a serious blow.

It can be said that since the establishment of the southern Sichuan branch, it has suffered such a big loss for the first time. When the news of defeat reached the ears of the branch president, the branch president was not angry, but was very excited! He can't afford the losses of those low-level capable people. Why did he want to forcibly take down the Jurassic? It's because of the mass-produced C-order muscle ability!

Although the world's first-class superpower forces are not as many as Hengsha, there are many. As long as the country has a large population and good economic and military strength, there will always be one or two first-class superpower forces. However, the top superpower forces have never exceeded ten in the world!

The top superpower force is called the top only for two reasons. One is that the force has the peak ability far beyond the A-level superpower, and the second is that it has the 'Legion'!

What is the army? What is the difference between the so-called army and the army and ordinary cities? The army is the collective of a large number of people, and the city is also the collective of a large number of people. The difference between the army and the city is the will! Cities gather only for survival, and gather for better survival and various conditions.

The army is different. The army is only a gathering for the desire of a certain will! If blades and guns are human weapons, then the army is the weapons of the country. In the army, there is no personal heroism. Everyone only acts for command, as if mechanical, and strictly abides by military orders. Under such a system, the strength of the crowd will be exerted to the limit!

Ordinary people can form an army, but what about those with ability? In the traditional sense of people, superpowers are all individual heroism, because they have far more strength than individuals. Even if there is a group, it is a combat team with no more than ten people. This concept was indeed the case before the appearance of the palace.

Before the appearance of the palace, even if a large number of superpowers gathered to fight, they were scattered. Each of them completely relied on their strong personal strength to crush each other. After the appearance of the royal palace, a new group concept, 'Legion', appeared.

Like the existence of an ordinary army, the capable man is organized into an army, completely obeying a voice and a command of will! What a concept is this? As long as a capable person and exerts all his strength, it is no worse than the combat power of a chariot. The reason why an army is called an army is that at least thousands of people can be called an army!

A collection of tens of thousands of chariots? Moreover, it is a 'car' with lightness, agility and high mobility, climbing into the sea to adapt to all aspects of the battlefield. This is only the most basic combat unit of the 'Legion', and the core of the 'Legion' - humanoid weapon!

Every mature humanoid weapon is no less than a nuclear weapon in terms of destructive power! Even in a sense, the humanoid weapon that calls for natural disasters is more powerful than nuclear weapons! Moreover, the reason why human forms are called human forms is that they are first human beings, not dead objects like nuclear weapons. They can control this terrible destructive power more humanely.

The above is the basic configuration of the 'Legion'!

Why can only the 'Legion' be owned by top forces? First, the top forces restrict the subordinate forces through the royal palace. Second, the conditions for forming an army are so harsh that the top forces will suffer from extinction as soon as they have such an idea.

As previously said, the number of 'Legion' should be enough. Although ordinary first-class capable forces can't extract tens of thousands of capable people, thousands are still easy. Even if humanoid weapons are really rare, they can't be found. The biggest problem to form the 'Legion' is will!

The 'Legion' is a war weapon that acts only for one person's will. If you want to successfully form a war weapon, you must erase your personal will, not to erase the consciousness of those with the ability of the 'Legion', but to let them obey the orders of the peak like the ordinary army!

If you want to achieve this, there is only one way for those who have the ability to do it! That's what I said last time, writing the oath into the subconscious through spiritual hints. This is the most difficult point to form a 'legion'!

Even those who have just awakened know how bad it is if there is such a program spell in their minds. Thousands of capable people want to plant spells. This kind of thing is impossible without long-term accumulation!

Moreover, there is almost no possibility of forcing this kind of thing. Unless the top mental controller exerts a lot of mental power on a low-level capable person, normally, a person's subconscious will never accept instructions that are harmful to the brain, as ordinary people say in hypnosis.

Maybe he can put a hypnotism to sleep and let him wear shoes to count, but it is absolutely impossible for the hypnotist to let the hypnotized person hit the wall. Unless the capable person voluntarily writes in the subconscious, it is almost impossible to force the spell to be written.

A huge and rare number of humanoid weapons, cruel spiritual spells, and long-term time, these four conditions are indispensable. The four conditions lead to the forces that want to secretly form a 'legion' have suffered a lot. Often soon after, they are stabbed into the royal palace by the victim's capable people, and then receive a serious warning from the royal hall, such as If you don't listen, the mature 'Legion' will be ushered in.

Unless you have the highest ability far beyond the A-level strong, it is absolutely impossible to form a 'legion'.

And this is the excitement of the president of the South Sichuan Branch!

If you get it, even if it costs a lot of money, as long as you mass-produce countless people who only listen to their own abilities in a short period of time, you can form an immature 'legion'! Although it is immature, the power of the 'Legion' is unquestionable. Even to this extent, even if it counterattacks the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society, there is no problem at all.

Of course, he has the confidence to form a 'legion'. Naturally, there are other reasons, Gao Xuan's younger brother, Gao Yong! With the vision of the president of the South Sichuan Branch, it is naturally easy to identify that he is a living humanoid weapon!

Two-line operation! On the one hand, he won the technology of mass production C-level ability, and on the other hand, he took Gao Yong through Chen Yanhong and others.

The day of forming a 'legion' seems to be close...