Final Demon King

Chapter 124 Full Power! The strongest Gao Yong

"Gao Yong, do you remember that your sister used to help you study? Now, let my sister teach you the last lesson and force yourself to expect those impossible things, because that's a moth to the fire!" Qianxuan's eyes did not have all the murderous spirit of fighting as usual. On the contrary, it was a kind of relief, as if there was no regret in this life. It doesn't mean that the Qianxuan of this mentality will become weaker. On the contrary, the Qianxuan in this state can give full play to its own strength. There is no regret in this life. There is nothing that can be restricted. You can freely send and receive as you want!

"Then, I'll make a move first, sister!" Gao Yong said so, but he didn't see any action. He just stood there and smiled.

However, Qianxuan raised his eyebrows, and Qianyu waved his hand and the green silk flew!

Slide: "The shield of iron sand!"

In a blink of an eye, a black iron wall appeared in front of Qianxuan!

Boom! As soon as the dark iron wall appeared, it was hit anonymously, and several concave points appeared!

As if the train hit the building, a large amount of air suddenly vibrated because of the collision and transmitted to the distance!

The most unlucky thing is naturally the blazing hand. He just climbed out of the soil, but as soon as he came out, he heard the dialogue between Gao Yong and Qianxuan, and even saw the true face of Qianxuan. All kinds of shocks made this middle-aged man's brain short-circuited and stunned there, and even his lower body was still in the soil. As a result, Gao Yong's sister and brother said they would fight, and the wind and dust raised buried their blazing hands again.

Surprisingly, there is no trace of attack in front of the iron wall!

"Sure enough, sister, your power field control needs to be visually targeted. I think so, power field control should be a locking method for kinetic energy, but how much force is there in an area? The force of atmospheric pressure, gravity and air movement, every substance is affected by various forces all the time. In such a wide range of forces, you can never recognize the force from attack, so you can only rely on your eyes to lock!"

Power field dominance, this trick is almost perfect to restrain Gao Yong's wind god control, because in terms of brain domain development, although Gao Yong has a mysterious gymnastics development bonus, chases and fights fiercely, and soon reaches the brain domain development level that others need longer to achieve, but Qianxuan is different, and Qianxuan also accepted it at the beginning. After the development of gymnastics, even if the secret of gymnastics has not been found, the development of these years is not easy to compare with Gao Yong in a few months. Therefore, in terms of strength, it is by no means the opponent of Qianxuan, that is to say, using physical moves will be restrained by the hegemony of the power field.

At this time, Gao Yong suddenly thought, assuming that the attack could not be locked? Therefore, Gao Yong canceled the storm's blessing on the control of Fengshen, resonated with nitrogen alone, solidified into various swords, and launched like *. Because of the calculation of double C, the nitrogen resonance can be completely perfect. Under the slight vibration, the light refraction effect is reduced to the minimum. That is to say, if Gao Yong cancels the storm blessing shown by Fengshen control, the 'gas weapon' produced by Fengshen control is transparent!

Seeing that Gao Yong did not add an additional attack, the iron wall in front of Qianxuan decomposed and finally turned into black gas, like an ink flame, dancing around Qianxuan. The life-like spirituality can be seen at a glance that it can be turned into various forms of combat under various situations of combat, even if it is not comparable to Gao Yong's wind god control in terms of plasticity and speed. In terms of defense and the robustness of the morphological structure, it is definitely not comparable to Gao Yong's wind god control.

Brush! The huge sword was cut down with unmanable power!


The giant sword was blocked, no, it should be said that it was held! The black hand made of an iron sand is held!

(Sure enough, does it consume too much force when sweeping the iron tree? Otherwise, it must be easily cut off!)

While guessing, Gao Yong decisively gave up the ship-killing sword and dissolved the gas resonance of the ship-killing sword, because with the giant hand holding the ship-killing sword, some black thin whips wrapped up like small snakes. If they don't leave, they can't leave.

Qianxuan will definitely not let Gao Yong go so easily. When Gao Yong noticed, there were already many iron trees waiting for him in the sky!

However, Gao Yong is not so easy to be caught.

The door of dimension! Open a hole of half a catty and 20cm in the space under your feet! With this second ability, Gao Yong easily escaped from the mortal situation. When Gao Yong appeared again, he was already on the ground far away from thousands of spins.

Now, the situation seems to be subverted. Now Gao Yong stands on the ground, and Qianxuan, the throne made of iron sand, sits high in a high place, like a queen, overlooking Gao Yong.

"Is this the real strength of Qianxuan? In the past, Qianxuan always had a playful mentality? Li Xiaoyao frowned. It's not that he had fought with Qianxuan before. However, Qianxuan's strength has never been so exaggerated. When fighting with them, Qianxuan's strength was more about completely rebounding their attacks with repulsion, or occasionally sucking up some things such as cars and other things to him with gravity. Throw it here.

"Well, in the past, the battle was limited due to various states, but here, it is completely unlimited and full combat power." Lin Haoxuan pushed his glasses. No one knows better about the situation of previous battles, because whether it is design or ambush, it is based on the state of the thousand-spin task, interception, or directly calculating in the task. Think about it, even if you are capable, most of the task content is in the city. How can we do our best in activities in the city and in a place like the city?

Not to mention, Qianxuan, in the previous battle, Lin Haoxuan, when he played the most layers, did not exceed four layers.

"Qianxuan, this battle is serious. So is Gao Yong!" Zhang Jingqi looked at the two people on the scene with a little worry. Now the two of them absolutely used all their strength and have no eyes. Whether Gao Yong is injured or Qianxuan is injured, it is not a good thing. After all, the ultimate purpose of this battle is to lift Qianxuan's spell, although even the way to lift it is confused.

Compared with the calmness of the soul of the country, the Jurassic side is already dripping with sweat!

Compared with those superpower organizations with strong abilities, they are actually more like a scientific research room with research capabilities. Before the achievement of dinosaur gene enhancement technology, when they were the strongest, they were just a C-level capable person. When have you seen the double-C-level combat power?

Not to mention, Gao Yong himself is a humanoid weapon, and all the strength of Qianxuan is destroyed, which is definitely not far worse than the humanoid weapon! The two double-C battles that destroy their expertise are not far worse than modern warfare.

"Leader, are we really right this time? How do I feel like we are lambs? A subordinate is covered with cold sweat.

In such a situation, even a subordinate can see that as a leader, of course, it is clearer that now they are completely struggling to survive under two huge things. Now this leader has expected that no matter whether it is the black dragon or the national soul, no matter who wins, there will be no good fruit for them.

The power contrast between the two sides is so great that that the agreement simply has no credibility. Even if the soul of the country shows that it keeps the contract, they can't stand it if they make some small moves in the ground. It seems that no matter who wins today, after the war, they must offer their technology and survive.