Final Demon King

Chapter 169 Poor Little Girl

In the end, Zhang Jingqi still couldn't stand Gao Yong and took him to the research institute.

Gao Yong went to the research institute. Naturally, he didn't specifically uncover his scars, but just let himself learn to face it! There is too much cruelty in the world. You can't face it because you have had such a injury! Because on the road I take now, whatever I meet and what I don't want to see will run out, and the great enemy of myself and Zhang Jingqi is even more daunting.

Therefore, there must be no shadow or any mistakes in the mind! All depression and heart knots must be overcome!

Zhang Jingqi took Gao Yong on a car trip for more than half an hour.

came to a well-known but large-scale hospital.

Seeing this hospital, Gao Yong suddenly understood that it is indeed a wonderful idea to place the research institute in the hospital. All kinds of experimental equipment can also be easily obtained through the hospital's Liang Dao, and there will not be too much suspicion. The most important thing is that the hospital is rich in various human materials, blood banks, morgues and so on. Some small materials can be easily obtained.

"Is it in there?" Gao Yong asked.

"Well, it's in the inner courtyard of this hospital." Although Gao Yong tried his best to make a calm look, Zhang Jingqi could still see that his hands were trembling!

The shadow of childhood is not so easy to erase. When I was a child, how much did these scientific researchers wearing white coats and white masks suffer? It's not what ordinary people can imagine at all.

You can't enjoy family affection, ordinary food, no sky, no window.

Only cold notepads, planned nutrients injected from blood vessels to maintain the body's consumption and growth, some on the walls, only cold iron walls.

During the experiment, they were injected with a variety of drugs, and the body was arbitrarily manipulated and made a variety of actions that were helpful for their experiments. In order to test the brain, there were questions that people could not answer even if their hair could not be answered. If the result could not be answered, they would be punished by high-voltage electricity.

The memory of those years is like a nightmare. Even if a memory seal is applied, Gao Yong will tremble when he enters the hospital or a site similar to a research institute since he was a child, because this pain is not only recorded in the memory of his mind, but also deeply recorded by the body and bone marrow.

led by Zhang Jingqi, she bypassed the medical building open to ordinary people and came to a closed area. The hospital said that this area is a rare germ isolation area, which can completely hide the curiosity of ordinary people. After all, no one wants to go in and provoke a disease.

Along the way, it was extremely dull, until when she came to the highly protected electronic door, Zhang Jingqi turned her head and looked at Gao Yong.

The meaning is obvious, and it's not too late to retreat now.

"Go in!" Gao Yong gritted his teeth and almost squeezed them out of his teeth.

Zhang Jingqi got out of her way and let Gao Yong look at the electronic door.

"Lin Haoxuan has entered the verification information of all our team members into the security system here. Since it's your decision, you can open this door yourself."

Verify data input, that is to say, Gao Yong's own pupil can also pass the verification.

Now that he has made up his mind that even if there is death in front of him, he must move forward, not to mention such shadows. Gao Yong is such a person, even if his whole body is trembling and afraid, he still points his pupils at the scanner.

"Drip! Pass the verification, chase the wind chimes, welcome you.

It is natural that there is no special welcome from Li Xiaoyao on the verification door.

The door opens after some mechanized sounds.

It is a long passageway. It seems that the research institute likes it very much. Setting the gate into such a corridor and the hall with an extra layer of protection seems to add a sense of seriousness.

This research institute, from the outside, is just a small bungalow on the first floor, but after entering, it is another world.

The research institute is divided into two floors. From the gate is the upper floor, and there is also a basement below, which is more spacious. It is a repository of materials and some small branches.

In the main research hall of the research institute, there are some special instruments and some huge canned transparent cabinets, which remind people of the disgusting devices soaked in human limbs in science fiction movies. Of course, in fact, there is nothing in it. It may be that the national soul took over and removed the contents. The reason.

In the hall, researchers full of national souls are busy copying some experimental data from various computers and devices. Gao Yong came in, and they did not respond at all. For them, nothing can disturb them from getting precious data now. Those data may be him. We can't get it all our lives. After all, such a large-scale human experiment, even the national soul dares not do. As for human morality? The lives of people sacrificed to get these data? If you ask this question to these people in white coats, they will only say that if possible, human life, you just need to hit (harmonious) hand (harmonious) guns and prepare another batch of eggs. There are as many things as human beings as they want.

Of course, this is also possible. In the eyes of these scientific researchers, there is no doubt that Gao Yong is the best to hate and fear. Even if these people are not the murderers of human experiments, they have the same quality. The reason why they did not do so is that the conditions are not allowed. .

"Kiki, let's take a look below." Gao Yong took a deep breath.

"Below." Zhang Jingqi is a little hesitant. There are still some materials below that have not been transferred, because those materials have been soaked in drugs all year round, and the body muscles have atrophied, and relevant rehabilitation treatment is necessary to recover. Now, Gao Yong is undoubtedly not suitable to see those.

"Well, I'm going down." Gao Yong suppressed his anger and replied dullly.

"Okay, but you have to hold back." Zhang Jingqi nodded helplessly.

It's very simple to go downstairs. There is no elevator, just two floors. With a corner staircase, the two come to the lower floor of the research institute, which is several times more spacious than the upper floor.

The lower floor, into the eyes, is a large number of rooms, and there is also a hall, and the most eye-catching thing in the hall is the huge, oval, metal ball! Gao Yong is very familiar with this thing. Except for some nuances, the size of this learning machine is similar to that of the learning machine in the FJ city branch.

"This!" Gao Yong didn't expect that the Sakura Group would put a learning machine here to this extent for this experiment.

"Well, this is the center of their experiment, concentrating the minds of capable people through learning machines, and finally injecting them into the most suitable artificial human brain to forcibly open the brain domain." Zhang Jingqi also showed joy when she saw the learning machine, because in order to reward them, it is said that the upper level has planned to give the right to use the learning machine to the Qianlong team. Later, the Qianlong team only needs to pay the energy price to use the learning machine. Compared with the previous use of contribution points, it will probably save half. The cost is a real benefit.

Just as Zhang Jingqi was about to tell Gao Yong the news, she found that he didn't know when he walked to a room and was trying to open it.

"No!" Zhang Jingqi exclaimed.

Unfortunately, it was too late. With a drop, the electronic door passed Gao Yong's request and opened.

After seeing the scene inside, Gao Yong was stared.

After a while, Gao Yong's face became pale, twisted and angry!

In such a big room, there are actually some teenagers and girls who are less than 20 years old! They all lay naked on this cold operating table, with nerve connection instruments on their heads. This is the external chain device of the learning machine. This sign represents that so many young girls are superpowers forcibly catalyzed. These instruments are used to absorb their young minds. Set up!

"The specifications of their experiment are three, ten people, thirty people, and the highest sign, 100 people." Zhang Jingqi lowered her head sadly and said something dark and difficult to say, but Gao Yong still understood the meaning. One experiment will consume ten young lives, which is still the lowest level!

"Damn!" Gao Yong's hand pinched the edge of the metal door, and his fingers were pale!

Half an hour, Gao Yong sat in a researcher's room, gasping and calming down. Now he is holding a knife on the back of his hand, blood flowing, but he doesn't care about it, because he needs these pains to stimulate his spirit. He is worried that once he goes crazy, he wants to destroy all this. .

And Zhang Jingqi also stayed quietly and did not say anything. As a national soul princess, she did not have much contact with these cruelty. Therefore, her resistance is much better. She knows that at this time, she needs people to face it by themselves.

"Who is the owner of this room?"

After a while, Gao Yong lowered his head and suddenly asked.

"Li Jin, the head of this research institute, has now been arrested and taken to the upper level of the national soul."

"Chinese people?" Gao Yong's voice raised a little.

"Well, but this is not his own will. All his relatives have disappeared. Now, he is still silent about the specific matters of the experiment." When his relatives disappeared, Gao Yong naturally understood what this meant.

"This room should be the first one to be searched. Take away all the useful things." Gao Yong suddenly asked this question inexplicably.

"Yes, they have been taken away. What's wrong?" Zhang Jingqi asked strangely.

Gao Yong did not answer, but walked to a wall and groped on the metal wall.

"What are you looking for?"

Gao Yong turned his head and looked at Zhang Jingqi.

"There is a man and a child in it!"
