Final Demon King

Chapter 253 Space Ability of Level A!

"Is it ridiculous to try to delay time through this trick? Let me guess what you are thinking. Do you want to drag the people to the royal palace? In this way, you will be saved!?" As an A-level strong man, the peak strong man who holds a huge force in the superpower world can't even see this thought. At this time, the black dragon will be strong and the double dragon alliance is weak. The strength difference between the two is a huge difference. If the people of the double dragon alliance still have a chance to save their lives, now they have come out. In the face of the strong black dragon association, The only vitality is the people of the King's Hall. If the people of the King's Hall are in time, the people of the Double Dragon Alliance will save one, and on the contrary, they will die!

The president of the Black Dragon Association also deeply understands this. The survival of the two dragon alliance means that they have ushered in the end!

Gao Yong and others are not surprised. If the president of the Black Dragon Association can't even see this, there is no need to fool around!

"Abandon this senseless delusion. You are dead today, because I don't need much time to kill you, just wave!" Perhaps in order to prove his strength, the president of the Black Dragon Club, the young man's white hand, grabbed it in the void! A terrible thing happened. The air seemed to form a substantial piece of cloth and was caught by this ordinary hand!

Gao Yong just felt a stunned feeling, and the surrounding air was connected, not in a state like the control of the wind god, but as if it was frozen! Gao Yong and others looked at the scene of the black dragon's long hand again. They were so shocked that their chins could not be close. The hand seemed to have grasped something. In the area of the palm of the hand, there was dozens of times more viscous atmosphere! The perimeter of that hand has even distorted the light to a certain extent!

All this shows that this person can forcibly grasp the surrounding air into a ball with the power alone, reaching a state of prohibiting air flow without wind. Not only that, from the twisted light, it can be seen that this power is so powerful that it interferes with space!

In fact, all this is easy to understand. At least compared with the strange superpowers encountered before, the Black Dragon will grow this hand, which is extremely simple and simple!

Unparalleled physical ability perfectly controls the realm of warriors who control every point of strength!

The powerful physical ability allows the Black Dragon to have the power to pull up the mountain, and the martial arts realm controls the power, so that the power emitted by the horrible body can accurately effect on all the surrounding air! Let the surrounding air be force at the same time. As a result, the scattered air seems to be connected into a cloth and can't move!

The precise effect of force on all air seems to be similar to Gao Yong's wind god control. In fact, the gap is extremely far. Gao Yong uses a special frequency to actively connect the air. After receiving the force, he disperses the power to all the air; and the president of the Black Dragon Association directly covers his power to the scattered. In the air, such an effect is directly achieved. The former is clever, and the latter is completely dependent on its own strength, and it is clear which is stronger or weak.

Gao Yong's face was a little ugly. He understood the meaning of the president of the Black Dragon Society. With the old-fashioned eyes of the president of the Black Dragon Society, he could naturally see that he was the strongest person in the world and reached the double B realm. This A-level strong man made a move to block the air. He has always been proud of controlling the air, such as Now he blocked his proudest ability, which naturally shows that the ability of the strongest among you is easily blocked. What about others?

Fortunately, the president of the Black Dragon Club did not know that Gao Yong did not tell everyone about breaking through the double B. In the eyes of others, Gao Yong is not the strongest, and his influence is naturally not so great; but Gao Yong is not the most desperate, because he still has a second ability!

"Stop talking nonsense! Just kill him!"

Among several people, Wang Yan can't help it. His personality is the most noisy and irritable. After being hit by Gao Yong at the beginning, his personality was slightly restrained. In the eyes of outsiders, he became calm and not easy to talk, but in fact, Wang Yan just spent most of his time on practice!

It was indeed time to take action. When Gao Yong was about to take the lead, his heart suddenly was empty! As if he had a premonition, he turned his head and looked at Wang Yan's position. The capable people around him were not mediocre. Naturally, he also had such a feeling. The B-level strong men of the Shuanglong League all looked in the direction of Wang Yan and found it shockingly!

Wang Yan, who was still standing there just now, suddenly disappeared!

What a strange power is this? In a blink of an eye, a B-level strong man disappeared?!


A suppressed voice pulled everyone's attention back. At this time, everyone found that the black dragon with crane hair and childlike face would be president. I don't know when he already held something in his hand. That's not Wang Yan and who he is! A B-level strong man, a strong man on one side, is like a weak woman, held in the hands of the president of the Black Dragon Association without resistance!

"Is that all the strength? Sure enough, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. The yellow-mouthed child dares to shout in front of me, which is really lifeless!" The president of the Black Dragon Association looked coldly at Wang Yan, who was pinched in his hand. At this time, Wang Yan's face was pale and her eyes sparkled with fear. He had never been so powerless. Even in the face of the strong Gao Yong and tricky Lin Haoxuan, he had never been so powerless!

People who are as desperate as Wang Yan, and Gao Yong!

If just now, the president of the Black Dragon Association blocked the air with absolute strength and skill, and only attacked Gao Yong's heart heavily and did not make Gao Yong despair, then Gao Yong seems to have entered a world without light, and his future is bleak!

Because at the moment when the president of the Black Dragon Association pulled Wang Yan over, Gao Yong felt a trace of space fluctuation! Strangely moving a person to another position, such a strange scene will naturally not be unfamiliar. It is clearly a unique form of space ability! In addition, the space fluctuation just now proves this!

My own air ability is blocked by the other party with strange power! No matter what tricks you use, the other party can break them with strength! Space ability, although I have understood the mystery of the dimension gate, the space maze, and the unbudgetable exile, my realm is always only a double B, and can reach a double B limit at most! It is still very far away from the A-order. Any fool who can use space ability knows what this means.

"That's right, it's space ability."

Looking at everyone's doubtful eyes, Gao Yong said bitterly that he has understood that today is really a battle of life and death. If they are other A-level strong men, as long as Gao Yong wants to escape in one thought, but in the face of those who surpass his own space ability, escape has become a luxury!

Unlike Gao Yong, others do not fluctuate much, because in any case, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the other party in the A-order and the state where the gap is full of equal order. In this way, there is no difference in whether the other party is a space ability or not.

Everyone secretly raised their spirit to the best point, abandoning the fear of death and human feelings. At this time, everyone has only one goal to let the object in front of them disappear in this world.

But at this time, the president of the Black Dragon Association suddenly had a smile on his face, as if he had thought of something extremely interesting.

"Wait! Aren't you going to delay? What's wrong with me doing what you want!? The president of the Black Dragon Club suddenly said something strange.

"What?!" Lin Haoxuan was also stunned. Even if he was extremely smart, he didn't expect the president of the Black Dragon Club to suddenly say this.

"As an A-level strongman, it is also a shame for me to deal with you weak people; I will give you a chance, and I will return this person to you." The president of the Black Dragon Club looked at Wang Yan in his hand and threw it casually, as if he were throwing at the old man just now.

"What do you say?!" Lin Haoxuan's eyes sparkled, perhaps there was a glimmer of vitality.

The president of the Black Dragon Association pointed to the ground and said.

"I will stand here and let you attack. Not to mention hurt me, I just took a step, and I lost. I will retreat immediately. From then on, I will never trouble you. Within three months, all the relevant forces called the Black Dragon Club will never touch you. The rules are very simple. If you attack once, I will take action! If all of you die, you will lose."

The president of the Black Dragon Club has a strong confidence. Even if these kids attack in front of them, they will never hurt themselves!

"Don't use space to move?!" Gao Yong tentatively asked that if space capacity is used, there is nothing to do without moving.

The president of the Black Dragon Association frowned, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with being questioned. He stretched out his hand and stroked his hand. Suddenly, a ditch appeared on the ground, which was not deep, but it was also obvious. The Black Dragon Club walked on the ditch and stepped on the ditch line.

"Never leave this line! I lose even if I leave with one foot.

means that if you use space ability to move, although you don't take a step, you are definitely not in the original position. If you don't get out of that line, it means that he leaves that line and you will lose.

The people of the Double Dragon Alliance were suddenly overjoyed. Although they didn't understand, they also saw a glimmer of vitality at this time. In one round of attacks, the Black Dragon will grow once. That is to say, when they attack in one round, the Black Dragon will only defend and will not take action. In this way, it is really possible to defeat the other party.

You know, although Gao Yong and others are B-level strong, but if they are given time to accumulate power, it is not surprising even if the destructive power of double B and even A-order breaks out. It is like Gao Yong's exile. Who can say that its power is not as A-level?! It's just that the sequelae are too serious.