1875 I come from the future

Chapter 166 The Red Flag Turns Over 22

[166] The wind and red flag turned over the earth (22)

According to Yao Fan's schedule, the army's schedule is full. In addition to military training, they also have to go to the countryside to contact farmers to help the countryside fight against local tyrants and evil gentry, divide fields evenly. Soldiers who have read some words in the literacy class painted slogans on the rural earth wall after land reform.

The slogan is eye-catching with white and gray: "Always follow Chairman Yao!" Always follow the Chinese Party!" Only revolution can liberate the poor!" The Chinese Party wants to create a new society where everyone is equal...

Such slogans can be seen in every village that has undergone land reform. The wall of the mill, the wall of the tofu shop, the wall of the ancestral hall, and the edge of the threshing field are painted everywhere.

Niwanzi Village is no exception.

In the past, Li Lu often stayed in the field for a day, serving the crops like a master. Looking at his grain fat and tall to his shoulders, he was sincerely proud and happy. If any crop in the field was sick, he would be angry, as if his child had been wronged. .

Every winter, Li Lu weaves straw mats, rattan baskets and straw shoes in the yard, just like his ancestors have been doing for hundreds of years.

But since the village hit the local tyrants and divided the fields, Li Lu has no longer been in the mood to do these jobs.

Li Lu, who went to a private school for a few days, can read. In addition to understanding the slogans of Shandong Commune, he can also understand the propaganda pamphlets issued. He also often reads to the farmers in the village on the threshing floor. As a cadre of the villagers' committee, this is his duty.

In the period when he just finished beating the local tycoon of the Zhai family, Li Lu often had nightmares that the court soldiers and horses came back. Her whole family was tied to the entrance of the village, and the Qing army cut herself up one by one with a knife and fed it to the dogs.

Li Lu saw that scene in a nearby town. It was still at the time of the twist. Li Lu couldn't remember the name of the bandit, but he still remembers the knife in the hand of the executed soldier of the Qing army, cut his eyes, cut *, and then slowly rotated from the breast... Li Lu remembered that the twist at that time The bandit was really a good man. He was hit by more than a hundred knives all over, sweating like plasma, but he still gritted his teeth and bleeding without saying a word.

Li Lu felt that the bandit must be an honest man. Like his father, he was an old scalper, with heavy taxes and the spread of landlords's insurance. He swallowed all the hardships brought to him by these cattle and horses. No matter the year of disaster, even if there are so many mu of good land in the family, they always eat sorghum rice. Looking at the landlord's house eating meat, white noodles and millet, although Li Lu was envious, she was satisfied when she saw those tenants who couldn't even eat sorghum rice.

"At least you can eat enough."

But nowadays, those revolutionary soldiers dressed in bright green military uniforms have had a great impact on Li Lu. Every time she sees the neat military uniform, beautiful rubber shoes and handsome armed belts, Li Lu is very greedy.

All the landowners in the village, like Li Lu, were afraid of the possible return of the court. They heard the army's propaganda that they wanted everyone to actively join the army to defend the fruits of victory, so these landowners all supported it, and the families sent the extra strong men to the army.

Now those young people who used to play with Li Lu are wearing green military uniforms. I heard that they can eat rice and white noodles in the army every day and stir-fried pickles once every two days, which makes Li Lu's mind completely out of her work.

Li Lu is very eager to join the army.

Li Lu's wife Xu Zhaodi saw his thoughts. She understood her man's thoughts. Finally, one day she said, "The head of the family, if you want to join the army, go. Don't sigh at home all day long."

"If I join the army, can you serve the crops?"

"The Tiedan family, Shuimao family and Bai Laoer family are all good to you. When you are busy with farming, they will definitely see if you can help me."

"I can't leave the crops."

"I don't think your mind is in the ground now. Your young hair is now full of beautiful green and shiny cowhide belts. Can you not be moved?"

"I'm the village head elected by the village committee. What should I do if I leave?"

"Don't eat grass without your cattle? If your good brothers become senior officials in the future, can they look up to you as a village head?

"Zhaodi, do you think Chairman Yao is the real son of the dragon?"

"In the past, people said that the real dragon emperor was in Beijing, but Chairman Yao said that it was a lie and a lie to the poor. Otherwise, how could he be beaten by Chairman Yao's army and captured thousands of prisoners?

"Well, I also think Chairman Yao is right. Revolution is the cause of our poor, and everyone is responsible."

"Li Lu, if you are really a man, follow Chairman Yao to Beijing to tear down the dragon robe of the fake dragon. I, a smart man, work well in the field and can read. If I stay in our shallow ditch all my life, you will blame me for the rest of my life.

When Li Lu heard this, she gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

"You're right. If Chairman Yao has three leaders and two ends, the first one like me will suffer. If Chairman Yao wins the world in the future, what is my little village head?"

"Have you made up your mind?"

"It's settled."

At this time, Jimo and Jiaozhou, farmers like Li Lu are increasing day by day. They gradually understand that their future life and death depend on this revolution destined to be earth-shaking, and gradually place all the hope of a new life on Yao Fan's Shandong commune.

Yao Fan, who had suffered from the absorption of all the employees and staff into the army and lacked reserves, really felt the support of the people. More and more people signed up to join the army, so the commune decided to set up a militia reserve force to participate in various engineering construction and labor of the commune, and conduct basic military training such as queues. As for the equipment, Yao Fan temporarily only gave the Qing army * they captured for training.


Jinan Governor's Gate.

The electric light illuminates the inside and outside of the lobby.

Ding Baozhen sat in the lobby. At this time, he hated Yao Fan to the bone.

As a criminal who allowed Yao Fan to practice his bravery, Lao Ding was under great pressure these days. After hearing the news that Wang Zhengqi was killed and more than 4,000 people in Zhenzi Camp were blocked by Yao Fan in Pingdu City, Ding Baozhen's original white hair turned into frost-dyed snow white overnight.

Just when he was at a loss, Yao Fan chose to take the initiative to withdraw, which made him feel that Yao Fan still had the possibility of saving. So when the imperial court sent a secret letter to ask him to recruit Yao Fan, Ding Baozhen felt that he could have a try.

Ding Baozhen forcibly arranged this task to Pingdu Tongzhi Jin Ruchun and asked him to make contributions.

Jin Ruchun had no choice but to go on the road and walk towards Jimo.

A few days after he left, the fast horse sent by Ding Baozhen recalled him.

The reason is very simple. Ding Baozhen saw the Revolutionary Army.

After seeing this pamphlet, Ding Baozhen no longer doubted the authenticity of Yao Fan's rebellion.

"How could Yao Fan be forced to go to Liangshan? It is clear that he has been planned for a long time. Such a rebellious article has also been written. Does he expect the court to let him go?"

"Your excellency, the court is raising grain and salary at present, I'm afraid it can't move for a while." People around me persuaded me.

Ding Baozhen slapped the table heavily and said, "I want to disperse my assets and destroy this beast with the wolf's ambition."

When the book "Revolutionary Army" spread to the capital, Cixi was also furious. She scolded Shen Guifen, the minister of the Ministry of War who had proposed to recruit peace, and demanded that Yao Fan, a group of rebellious traitors and thieves, be completely killed, grabbed Yao Fan's gang leader, and sent Ling Chi to the capital to be executed, deterred the world.


Yao Fan wore a cotton military coat and sneezed in the class of the cadre training class. He carefully took out his handkerchief and wiped it. He smiled and said, "It's getting cold recently. Everyone should wear more clothes."

The students in class smiled kindly at Yao Fan.

"Classmates, the cadre training class has been taking classes for a month. Everyone has a general understanding of the political system and world history of modern countries. We have learned revolutionary songs and watched the movie * War. I think everyone should understand that the trend of revolution cannot be stopped."

Huang Yuntian's mood when sitting under the stage is complicated. Since he passed the class analysis course, he has suffered from his heart every day. On the one hand, he is looking forward to the revolutionary movement and the democratic and free society, and on the other hand, he is the landlord class family he belongs to. The balance is always swinging, making it difficult for him to make a decision.

But another person in the classroom has made up his mind. This is Golden Warbler. Like most students, her admiration and worship of Yao Fan made her determined to follow Yao Fan.

Previously, the golden warbler even wrote to his family, asking his father to abide by the regulations of Shandong Commune, not to collect more land rent, and preferably to take the initiative to reduce the land rent to reduce the burden on farmers.

Yao Fan continued: "From tomorrow, we are going to rehears a play called White-haired Girl. Now I will send the script to you. Let's study it carefully in the afternoon. I will find someone else in addition to the heroine of this play. I hope you can enthusiastically sign up and volunteer to play other roles."

This day was New Year's Day. Yao Fan was alone in the office to correct the students' ideological report for a week, and the golden warbler came.

"Mr. Yao, I have read the handout on socialism and the Chinese Party issued by the class. I also know that the commune is now vigorously developing party members. After consideration, I want to join the Chinese Socialist Labor Party."

Yao Fan was stunned and said, "You can imagine that the Chinese Party is a revolutionary team of the proletariat. If you join it, it means that you have a clear relationship with your landlord class family. If the party's decision conflicts with the interests of your family in the future, you have to make a complete break. Prepare."

The golden warbler bit his lower lip and said firmly, "I would like to draw a clear line with the feudal family and join the revolution."

What else can Yao Fan say in the face of such a revolutionary youth? The goal has been achieved, and no one can predict whether the other party's belief is firm or not.

"Since you have this attitude, from now on, you can join the study group of reserve party members. Every night in the county government auditorium, the party members of the whole commune listen to lectures there. I hope you can practice the advanced and exemplary leading role of party members as soon as possible, pass the test of the party organization and become our comrades as soon as possible. !"

The golden warbler nodded and said, "I read the script of "White-haired Girl" you sent. I want to play Xi'er."

Yao Fan's eyes widened: "What do you want to play?"

The golden warbler took off the cyan thick satin hat on his head and said heavily, "I want to play Xi'er!"

Yao Fan looked at the golden warbler's shaved forehead, fluffy hair roots and tender white skin, and suddenly understood: "You are a woman!"

The golden warbler blushed, clenched her hair in her hand, bowed her head and said, "I'm a woman. Don't the Chinese Socialist Labor Party accept women?" Isn't Su Sanjie also a woman?"

I don't know whether it was because of excitement or the sunlight that shot into the office, the golden warbler's cheeks were burning hot, as bright and touching as the red lips.

Yao Fan swallowed his saliva and was a little confused.

"Equality and equality, of course, our party welcomes female comrades to join us. In order to achieve women's liberation, we need a lot of * departments." Yao Fan didn't know what to say.

The golden warbler raised his long eyelashes and showed the power of confidence in his big eyes: "That's it. I'll play Xi'er." After saying that, she turned around and left the office.

Yao Fan looked at the golden warbler disappearing at the door and said to himself, "It turns out that she... is not a hypocrite..."

From this day on, the golden warbler entered Yao Fan's life.

Half a month later, at the military's literary and art performance, the adapted version of "White-haired Girl" rehearsed by the Zaofan cadre training class appeared, and the Japanese devils in the play were replaced by the Qing army.

"My daughter has flowers, and my father can't buy it without money. He pulled a two-foot red head rope and tied it up for me..."

The poor girl's poor New Year has aroused the resonance of the soldiers under the stage, and everyone became sad with the characters in the play.

"Hate is like a mountain and a sea! The road is broken and the stars are destroyed and I am waiting! If the wronged soul doesn't disperse, I won't die..."

"...Why do you force people into ghosts! You shouldn't ask heaven and earth!"

The white-haired woman's blood and tears infected the whole audience, and the soldiers burst into tears.

"Thousands of years of revenge! Ten thousand years of injustice will be redressed! If you are forced to become a ghost, you will become a human! The suffering person of eternal life will turn over today!"

After the whole play, the response was extremely enthusiastic. The soldiers wrapped in cotton military uniforms in the cold wind applauded desperately on the school field, patted their hands red one by one, and followed the cadres and shouted slogans: "Down with the rich and evil gentry!" Down with the corrupt regime of the Qing Dynasty!" Long live the Chinese Socialist Labor Party!"

After the performance, the golden warbler seemed to be weak and stayed behind #. Yao Fan shook hands with her and congratulated her on her in thought and action, but she looked in a trance. She suddenly felt that Huang Shiren seemed to be an uncle and elder of her Huang family. Thinking of this, she couldn't help shivering.

Hu Guangting, as the representative of the battle heroes, served as the curtain of this literary and art performance. He stepped on the stage and said, "In the next program, the Women's Movement Committee will sing "Farmer's Song" for us. Welcome!" After saying that, Hu Guangting took the lead in applauding on the stage.

Su Sanjie came to the stage with a women's sports committee composed mainly of progressive soldiers and sang a chorus: "The crash shocked the universe! Defeat the local tyrants and evil gentry! ......”

After singing the "Nong of Friends", the whole army under the stage sounded warm applause again. The soldiers were looking forward to one day returning to their hometowns and fighting the local tyrants to divide their fields.

Hu Guangting came to power again and bravely stood up his chest and said, "Next, please listen to the Communist Children's Group sing "We Are the successors of communism" for everyone.

The completed children's group wore women's mending laundry team and changed into small green military uniforms overnight and sang on the stage. The childish children's voice made the soldiers under the stage smile and felt that the future of the revolution was good.

Next, the troops sent representatives to the stage and sang the rehearsed "Three Laws and Eight Notes" and "The Military Song of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army". The school floor was full of applause and thunderous cheers.

The last song is that the revolutionary committee of Shandong Commune came to power and led the whole army to sing "Unity is Strength".