1875 I come from the future

Chapter 167 Wind and Red Flag Land Over 23

[167] The red flag turned over (23)

This literary and art performance brought the morale of the whole army to the peak. At the end of the performance, Yao Fan came to the stage and held a microphone and ordered the whole army: "All the commanders of the revolutionary army, we should improve the training level with the fullest training enthusiasm, strictly require ourselves, and show the best state in the next army competition. Strive for good results!"

In Yao Fan's view, the Qing army is really vulnerable, so the best way to train troops is undoubtedly a big competition.

In order to prepare for the competition, Yao Fan arranged to transfer the latest group of learning models and backbones from the whole army and set up an 82-type 80mm recoil-free artillery battalion, and 27 82-type 80mm recoil-free guns. The battalion commander was transferred from Peng Jiachang, the deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion.

In Yao Fan's plan, this recoilless artillery battalion is responsible for the defense of Qingdao City and the surrounding coast. In Yao Fan's view, as long as there is such a mobile and flexible direct artillery team to cooperate with the infantry garrison, it is not afraid of any landing operations these days.

Compared with mortars, although recoilless guns can be curved, it is impossible for anyone to use them in actual combat. Generally speaking, the 300-meter direct shooting target is his only target, which achieves a visual direct attack through the scope, which makes the recoilless cannon almost a weapon that can be used by fools. Especially in the Qing Dynasty, when there was no need to consider the revenge of the other party's artillery and heavy machine guns, recoilless cannons could even rely on continuous abuse of the enemy at one point.

Despite this, Yao Fan still stipulates that for enemy ships equipped with artillery, the recoilless artillery squad in a group of eight must fire two shots to change positions. After all, the naval gun hit extremely high at a distance of 300 to 500 meters.

In Yao Fan's mind, this recoilless artillery battalion is used as his coastal defense and urban defense artillery. For the time being, he does not consider luxury things like the fort.

Due to Yao Fan's previous major military victory and the disclosure of the base of the White Horse Club, the White Horse Club decided to turn all the elites to Yao Fan, so the cavalry force that Li Hainiu had been longed for was also established.

Yao Fan couldn't believe that the 76 people of the White Horse Club could immediately change from horse bandits to qualified soldiers, so he transferred 30 of the 76 people to the infantry for recruit training. The remaining 46 people mixed with sand and selected 200 people from the soldiers who were captured by the Qing army cavalry who were from a bitter background and showed fierce ideological transformation in repeated complaints and three investigations. In addition, Li Hainiu selected a group of soldiers with better riding skills from five regiments formed a battalion cavalry and established For the time being, it is exactly the same as the infantry, but everyone has two horses, not two horses like the Huai Army. Yao Fan has more than 22,000 horses after destroying Wang Zhengqi's Zhenzi camp, which is not lacking at present.

Although Wang Zhengqi's Zhenzi camp, which was destroyed by Yao Fan before, is nominally under the jurisdiction of the governor of Li Hongzhang Zhili and belongs to the Huai army system, but it actually belongs to Ding Baozhen's pro-legion training, so the 250-person cavalry battalion is one person and one horse, but the cavalry battalion of Li Hongzhang's direct line of the Huai army has more than 500 people. , equipped with two people and one horse, and equipped with a front-equipped double-tube foreign gun.

Second, the subject of blasting and bombing. At present, a group of blasting and bomb-throwing have emerged in the army.

Third, impact subjects, the soldiers now have a deep understanding of the three-three system, and can achieve fierce fighting, rushing and chasing under the cooperation of three people.

Fourth, in the battle subject of the trench, soldiers have been able to learn the skill of jumping up and down the trench with a gun in one hand.

Fifth, in the subject of countercharge, the soldiers can effectively cooperate, evacuate into an anti-gun formation, carry out coordinated shooting and * strikes against the enemy on the position, and learn to attack the enemy at the depth level.

Six, bayonet warfare and military fighting subjects...................."

After listening to Li Hainiu's report, the cadres of each unit also summarized the results of their respective troops' training.

Yao Fan finally nodded and said, "That's settled. The military training is temporarily closed until now. The Spring Festival begins the military competition. After that, we will take a break for a week and officially begin to fully deploy the 1876 combat plan."

After the competition went smoothly. Each unit held various competitions in various subjects such as shooting, bombing, blasting, impact, digging trenches, armed night march, etc. All the winning groups and individuals were awarded certificates.

The celebration of the Spring Festival is spreading in the base areas. The food of the army is excellent. There are fish and meat every day. Although the amount of meat and dishes is not much, such days are like heaven for these working people.

At this time, Merriz's merchant ship brought good news, and Germany agreed to reach a secret agreement with Yao Fan.

By the way, Merrix brought a person to Yao Fan from Shanghai.

After the Shandong Commune Uprising reached 1876, the colony of Shanghai finally knew that the rebels were flying the banner of communism, and Marx, who was far away in London, finally learned from the German newspaper Xinmin Evening News of the United States that there was a communist armed force in the world at this moment, in the far east. Fang is fighting with his flag.

Marx received a thousand pounds of contribution fees from Yao Fan, and then heard that he recited the thoughts of the Shandong Commune Uprising, so Lao Ma actually decided to come to China for a visit. For a scholar, especially a sociologist, when they heard that someone in the world regarded their doctrine as a standard, When implementing it, curiosity always overshadows everything.

At this time, the old horse's body was in an unprecedented period of improvement. After returning to London from the Carlsbad Mountains in the Czech Republic, the old man felt ten years younger. As Engels said, he looked "good", so the old horse took a British merchant ship and spent 49 pounds for the first class to arrive in Hong Kong and then changed ships. Arriving in Shanghai and seeing Merrith at the Xinmin Evening News, he immediately asked to go to Qingdao.

Meilishi felt that Lao Ma was the person Yao Fan valued, so he brought him to Qingdao.

When Yao Fan came to Qingdao from Jimo and saw Lao Ma's iconic beard in Qingdao County, he almost burst into tears, "I saw Marx!" God of the Communists! Marx, the great mentor of the world's proletariat!"

Yao Fan was as ecstatic as a child and couldn't help hugging Marx.

Karl Marx obviously did not expect that the rebel leader was so young and enthusiastic, but Westerners were no strangers to hugging. An old horse similar to Yao Fan's height even kissed Yao Fan's cheek.

"Mr. Marx, it's my honor to see you in China!"

"I'm also very happy to meet a communist in China thousands of miles away. As Mr. Merrith said, your German is very good."

"I hope you can stay in China for a few more days so that I, as your admirers and students, can serve the friendship of landlords."

"I also hope to walk more and understand this Chinese revolution as much as possible." Lao Ma is very cautious. He is not sure that Yao Fan launched a proletarian revolution. Since Shanghai, he has been wondering all the way, "Why does a rich man who sounds like a rich want to launch a proletarian revolution?"