1875 I come from the future

Chapter 172 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Armies 1

[172] Xingheying shakes the three armies (1)

At that time, Zhou Shengchuan's Tanma reported that Changle had lost, and Yao Fan's large troops were rushing straight to him. Zhou Shengchuan's first choice was to retreat outside Yaogou Town, about ten miles west of Changle City, and set up camp to arrange the battle array.

Zhou Shengchuan rode on his horse and looked at the snowfield in the east, and his heart was a little uneasy.

Zhou Shengchuan was not surprised that the rubber thief could quickly attack those counties with few troops. He carefully read the report of the Ministry of War and knew that the gate was difficult to support under the explosion of a large amount of gunpowder. Zhou Shengchuan only hates those foreigners and sells them to so many glue thieves. You should know that according to the field research results of the Ministry of War, the gate of Pingdu was blown up by the equivalent of 1,000 catties of *!

Zhou Shengchuan doesn't know that there is a kind of explosive in the world. Its explosion speed is not 500 meters per second, but close to 7000 meters per second. Zhou Shengchuan also did not know that the decisive factor of the explosion is the safe * instantaneous detonation, so that the granularized * can be detonated instantly.

These days, no domestic general dares to carry mines* such dangerous goods that will explode immediately after a slight bump, even in foreign countries, there is no such case.

Zhou Shengchuan knew that these rubber thieves had a lot of artillery in their hands, but he would never believe that there would be hundreds of cannons advocated by Wang Zhengqi, because he knew how expensive the artillery was, and every shot was white silver.

"There are probably more than a dozen foreign cannons, and there are also some mountain cannons. The brave army in Shandong have released Nanshan over the years. Under the long battle, they probably can't even shoot guns." This is the preliminary judgment of Zhou Shengchuan.

Now Zhou Sheng heard from the whistlebout that the rubber thief had pushed all the way to Changle. The news made him nervous, and suddenly his body became no longer so warm.

"Why can these rubber thieves advance so fast! And it's still a long way to attack the city! This speed is really amazing!"

There is a saying that soldiers came to block the water and cover the soil. Although Zhou Shengchuan was nervous, he did not hesitate at all. According to his experience in suppressing bandits, the thief soldiers are all farmers who rely on three axes to make a living. As long as they are given a head-head attack to eliminate their morale, they will naturally collapse immediately.

Zhou Shengchuan has cannons. Not only are the six infantry battalions equipped with 36 domestic smooth sabutum guns, but he also has a foreign artillery battalion brought from Tianjin, equipped with 30 12-pounder guns, 4 24-pounder guns and 2 36-pounder guns.

Unlike the general domestic artillery battalion, the cannon used in this foreign artillery battalion can not only hit solid bullets, but also open flower bombs. This is not the short and thick field chicken cannons cast by the Qing Dynasty itself, but the authentic British three-hoop long iron cannon. The deviation of the enemy five or six miles away is only three or four hundred steps. The closer it is, the more accurate it is, the public Under the firing of cannons, those roaring bandits are bound to disperse like birds and beasts.

Zhou Shengchuan thought of the power of foreign cannons and couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth: "Whether it is the Taiping Army or the Nian Army, as long as they are bombarded by foreign cannons, there is nothing that will not be scattered!"

So Zhou Shengchuan placed the heavy treasure that Li Hongzhang relied on neatly at the front of the front of the position. 72 cannons were like a huge black iron rope, cutting the earth.

The two wings of the artillery position are infantry battalions and cavalry battalions. They are arranged in a very neat formation on the field, looking as if a square wheat field has grown in the snow, which is spectacular.

"Come on! Anti-thief Yao Fan! Come on!!!"

Since the beginning of the war, Yao Fan has always demanded himself as an ordinary soldier in his life. He wears the same green liberation shoes as the soldiers and marched on the dilapidated land. The dirt road of the Qing Dynasty was muddy, and it was run over by people, horses and wheels during the march of the army.

Yao Fan stamped his feet hard during the march, trying to warm his numb feet a little.

He was a little uncertain that he was going to face a regular artillery battalion. Because he really doesn't know how far Li Hongzhang's own foreign artillery battalion can carry out long-range shooting, which has nothing to do with the maximum range of the Kruff gun, but depends on the training level of the artillery. However, even the French army that pays the most attention to the use of artillery these days generally chooses about 1,500 meters to fire. At this distance, the artillery The hit rate is relatively reliable for large targets such as infantry clusters of thousands of people.

Yao Fan never took it big. He climbed a small slope and saw the hard fortress and array under Zhou Shengchuan from a distance in the telescope. After careful observation, he ordered Gui Ba to arrange the mortar battalion three kilometers away from Zhou Shengchuan's position.

"No problem, Chairman, I can observe the overall situation on this slope." Guibadao.

"We had few long-range strikes in our previous actual combat. Remember, if you can't see clearly, contact me with a walker. Once the landing point is corrected, we will carry out continuous strikes, and we must completely destroy the enemy's artillery positions." Yao Fan told him.

"Chairman, don't worry, I will dry up those stinky Huai army as soon as I start fighting." Guiba is full of confidence.

"Don't spare the shell." Yao Fan warned again.

The troops gathered in Changle include three battalions of Li Hainiu's regiment, Cao Guisheng's first battalion of the second regiment, Liu Jinbao's first battalion and second battalion of Liu Jinbao's third regiment, and Yang Ping's first battalion and second battalion, the new commander of the fifth regiment.

"Li Jun, you take the second regiment and the first battalion to envelop the left wing."


"Liu Jinbao's first battalion of the third regiment enveloped the enemy's right wing, and the second battalion of the third regiment guarded Changle as a reserve."


"Yang Ping, Zhang Erpao, you take the 5th Regiment, 1st Battalion and 2nd Battalion to attack from the middle!"


"Li Hainiu's regiment serves as the general reserve team in the middle road."


"Chairman, what about our cavalry battalion?" Xi Dahu asked anxiously.

"It's also a reserve team."

Xi Dahu frowned and squeezed his mouth, obviously a little unwilling.

Yao Fan's tactics are very simple, and he is still the most good way of playing on both sides of the revolutionary army. He saw columns quickly spread out to both wings and quickly insert them into both sides of the battlefield.

After the array, Zhou Shengchuan finally waited for Yao Fan's bold approach.

"This Yao Fan is bold and does not stick to Changle City, but wants to fight with me head-on."

Chang Ying, the commander of the tree army, twisted his sparse beard on his chin and said, "The dragonfly shakes the tree, and you can't control yourself."

Zhou Shengchuan sneered and said, "The reason why I didn't send a horse team to harass him is that he thinks that our army is slow. When the war starts, I will definitely want him to know what thunderous momentum is."

After meditating slightly, Zhou Shengchuan ordered: "Tell the artillery battalion to fight for me at 1,500 meters. I don't think he can escape."

Chang Ying gave a thumbs up and said, "Wond! When the thief army wanted to escape, our army caught up with thunder, and it must be the corpses of the thief who killed were all over the field!"


After receiving the order of the translator, Breman, a foreign officer in the artillery battalion, stretched out his arm straight ahead and skillfully looked at Yao Fan's bandit army like green ants in the distance with his thumb.

Breman said, "These bandits are about 1,800 meters away and are spreading to both wings. After they move forward for a while and enter the shelling area I set, I will let them know what God's anger is.

Zhou Shengchuan also saw that Yao Fan was arraying. Relying on his military advantage, he decided to press forward from both sides of the artillery position with an infantry array. On the one hand, he lured the enemy into the artillery strike range, and on the other hand, he used rows of troops to oppress his opponents.

So the six infantry battalions of the tree army on the left wing of the artillery position and the four Shengjun infantry battalions on the right wing of the artillery position began to act. They lined up and slowly pressed the revolutionary army's moving cluster. The snow on the white field was suddenly stepped on black, as if it were a vast white. The paper is being brushed with mottled black ink by ten square brushes. Zhou Shengchuan's army array was more than two kilometers long horizontally, and the white fog from the mouths and noses floated in the frozen cold air, looking murderous.

Zhou Shengchuan pulled his hand out of the fox skin cage and pointed to the front, and continued to dispatch troops: "Tell Dolon! Take his five Qingzhou Zhenghuang-inlaid yellow cavalry battalions behind the left-wing Shu army. Wu Yingji took the four cavalry battalions of our Sheng army to follow the rear of the right wing. Once the thief army retreats, they will immediately go around and hunt them!"

Yao Fan saw that Zhou Shengchuan actually pressed it and shouted, "Okay! Have the courage!"

After shouting, he picked up the walker and said, "Guiba! Fire now! Hit me hard! Zhou Shengchuan can't take care of himself!"


After receiving Gui Ba's reply, Yao Fan continued to use the walker to order: "Pay attention to the rest of the troops! Resolutely implement two-sided tactics! Continue to attack the enemy's two wings! Everyone should keep a distance from the enemy's artillery positions!"

As soon as Gui Ba heard about the fight, his blood immediately boiled.

Gui Ba clenched the red and white benchmark in his hand and roared and ordered the whole battalion to fire. 27 artillery squads of nine platoons of three companies of the mortar battalion have already been deployed around the highlands. The platoon leaders of each company have repeatedly measured the distance and position with optical scopes for half a day. Now when they hear Gui Ba's shelling instructions, they immediately issue test firing orders.

The sun at noon in winter has a weak temperature, and it is too late to heat up the steel shells flying in the air. These long-range killers have changed their direction under the action of the earth's gravity and rowed down from the top of the arc to the Qing army position. In the 21st century, the improved design of * is no longer In World War II, the bullet body attached to the principles of hydrodynamics only emitted a very weak roar, and a faint strange wind sound came out when it approached the ground.

Zhou Shengchuan was already late to hear the strange wind. Nine high-explosive lethal grenades explode in front of the right wing of the Qing army in less than half a second, all concentrated in the infantry battalion pressed by the right wing of the Sheng army.

The white smoke of the explosion was 10 meters in diameter, and the killing range of fragments and steel balls was more than 20 meters. The neat wheat fields composed of Sheng Jun were immediately cut down into wheat fields along the heart of the explosion. The soldiers who fell in the circle have all died. Their leather and cotton clothes have been burned to black, and red meat and blood are pouring into the muddy snow. Countless limbs and torsoes are twisted into strange death sculptures, like sacrifices in disks.



Sheng Jun, who was bombarded, was stunned! They suddenly entered the chaos from the pre-war tension and cried randomly: "The glue thief fired! Run!"

Gui Ba saw the landing point deviating from the enemy's artillery position with binoculars. He clenched his fist and stood on this small high ground and roared, "Each class began to adjust the ruler! Continue the test shot! Don't stop!"

In Zhou Sheng's formation, the two-kilometer-long front suddenly changed from straight to twisted, as if it were a long snake that had been hit hard. Breman, a foreign artillery instructor, anxiously watched the right wing suddenly collapse by a burst of shelling and ordered in a hurry: "Raise the muzzle an inch! Fire!!! Now!!! Don't wait!!! ......โ€,

As he shouted, he reported new parameters to the benchmark inserted on the ground in front of him.

The summoners of the Qing army immediately began to convey his order, and the artillerymen began to shake the rocking arms on the sports car, ready to raise the muzzle to bombard Yao Fan's unmoving Chinese army in the distance.

However, the first to complete the coordinate correction was Gui Ba, and another nine test shells were fired. One fell on the artillery position in the middle of the Huai army. The three 12-pound guns next to there were suddenly exploded, and more than 20 surrounding artillery were killed. Fortunately, the * behind the position was not detonated.

Gui Ba saw it clearly in the telescope and roared: "The ruler of the whole camp is reduced by one!" One shot! Let it go!"

27 shells flew out in an instant, like a spring thunder awakening the earth and covering all the right wing of the Huai army's artillery array in the smoke.

Gui Ba shouted excitedly, "Well played! Each platoon adjusted its ruler according to this bounce, and fired five rapid shots in the first round!"

In an instant, all the 82mm mortars on the artillery position joined the spectacular percussion, and 27 green steel barrels began to play in unison, pouring shells at high speed.

This shore is a mechanical percussion, and the other side is a hell on earth.

This is a green shell with the symbol I-2001. It and its brothers are written with the strange pinyin of HFPY. At this moment, they are enjoying the joy of a once-in-a-lifetime roller coaster, gently whistling and swooping down from the sky. The once-in-a-lifetime brilliance is enough to make them pottery Drunk, I-2001 thanked his creator and completed his lifelong mission in an instant.

When I-2001 and its brothers were about to fall, Breman's artillerymen also put the torches in their hands on the medicine and fired an iron cannon one after another, but it was obvious that the temporarily adjusted parameters were not qualified. Solid iron balls landed one by one hundred meters in front of Yao Fan's loose formation one after another, either jumping, or one Drilling into the mud, they will turn into reddish-brown residues of ferric oxide or ferric oxide during centuries of long journeys.

Zhou Shengchuan's artillery battalion is over and completely finished.

As fireballs and steaming white smoke rose in the central position of the Huai army, mushroom clouds grew out of the ground one by one with the sound of spring thunder. The artillery positions were full of scattered British iron cannons, full of artillery corpses, ** boxes were successive explosions, horrible explosions and During the burning, the choking smell of nitrification permeated over the Huai army.

Gui Ba did not give Breman a second chance. Nine rows were determined to bounce after three rounds of correction and began to shoot freely five rapid shots. Gui Ba saw the Qing army firing back, looked at the bullets and shouted crazily:

"Don't stop! Beat me to death! Each platoon leader should pay attention to the landing point and correct it at any time!"

27 rounds, 27 rounds, 27 rounds rounds of 27 rounds in a row... The central artillery position of the Huai Army was completely shrouded in gunpowder smoke. The soil in the depths of the earth was exploded and cultivated from a hundred years of sleep. The smell of earth mixed with smoke, surrounded by water vapor, and it was almost completely unable to see the original position.

Yao Fan shouted in the walkway: "Guiba! Don't stop if it's cool! Fight the infantry and cavalry of Zhou Shengchuan! Blow them up!"

"Pay attention to the rest of the army! Start to cover both sides! The center began to attack!"

"The trumpets of each battalion blow the charge!"


"Kill! ~~~~โ€

Without the threat of enemy artillery, Yao Fan began to launch a general attack unscrupulously.

The passionate charge resounded through the earth. In the shocking shouts, the green revolutionary soldiers with steel helmets on their heads and rushed to the Zhou Shengchuan Front two kilometers away with 56 semi-automaticly. The green tide of scattered soldiers connected into a line of green tide on the ground, and their wings spread their wings like a roc and kept inserting to the north and south. In the movement, With envelopment, the infantry assault group in the center of the front rushed forward like a river breaking the levee, and a magnificent green torrent appeared on the ground.

With the spread of endless shelling, Zhou Shengchuan's positions are collapsing and dying, the formations have lost their meaning, the positions are no longer valuable, and the dense lines of infantry have become ridiculous collapses, and there is death everywhere! Blood is everywhere! Broken arms are everywhere!

Zhou Shengchuan rode on the horse with a sword in his hand, with a frightened face and didn't believe what was happening in front of him. He couldn't help sticking to his body and roared unconsciously: "Don't run! Don't run! Those who violate the order will be killed! Those who violate the order will be killed! Those who violate the order..."

But his voice was defeated in countless shouts all over the mountains! Lost! Lost! In the shout of...", it seemed so small.

The rain of shells sprinkled like pepper is like the nose of a dragon spitting on the earth. The frightened cavalry and horses fled in horror, regardless of the lives of the infantry. The horses on the earth trampled on the deserters like turbulence in the ocean. Countless infantry were trampled to death by horses' hoofs. The boundless fear spread like a plague, and the bombardment of artillery fire The footsteps of death sounded on the earth, and the cannonballs burst into a figurative death sickle...

The charge horn scared the enemy's courage like a sharp sword and blew out colorful medals, and the soldiers charged forward overwhelmingly!

Five-six-and-a-half automatic crazy pouring rain! The enemy fell one by one!

No one dares to resist anymore! No!

All the Huai army and generals are fleeing, and no one dares to face the East!

The East is Yao Fan and his warrior! It's where the sun rises!