1875 I come from the future

Chapter 173 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Armies 2

[173] Xingheying shakes the three armies (2)

"Motherland! Please get your glory, your wealth and your freedom from my flesh and blood!"

Yao Fan stood on the horizon, looking at the storm sweeping everything, sighing in his heart.

"Chairman! When will our cavalry battalion go? Xi Dahu, who stood beside Yao Fan, asked Yao Fan for the third time, and his tone was full of sadness.

" Xi Dahu, you don't know how to use a walker. If you rush up and don't obey the command at that time, it's tantamount to causing trouble." Yao Fan only said the first two times that time had not come, but this time he directly told Xi Dahu the reason.

"I use it! I will definitely use it! Chairman, I will definitely use the walker this time." Xi Dahu was anxious.

"Do you promise?"

"I promise with my head!" Xi Dahu grinned anxiously.

"Okay, I believe you." Yao Fan has achieved his goal.

"The cavalry battalion commander Xi Dahu obeyed my order and immediately began to chase the enemy and chased me all the way to Qingzhou! Pay attention to keep in touch with the regiment during the attack. Yao Fan ordered.

"Yes!" Xi Dahu ran away from Yao Fan excitedly and ran to his big white horse.

The offensive of the revolutionary army swept thousands of troops, swept across the earth, and the battle became a one-sided pursuit.

Yao Fan's order to the troops is to chase all the way until the enemy is completely annihilated.

After an hour and an hour of time, the good news was sent back to Changle one by one. As the distance opened, the walkie-talkie could no longer receive any news.

In the evening, Yao Fan, who was anxiously waiting in Changle County, got good news. Yang Ping and the first battalion of Zhang Erbao took Qingzhou.

An hour later, the good news came again, and Liu Jinbao led the third regiment and the first battalion to take Shouguang.

At 9:00 p.m., another good news came, and Li Jun's second regiment and the first battalion took down Linqu.

Only Li Hainiu's regiment and Xi Dahu's cavalry battalion still have no news.

Yao Fan paced in the yard paved with green bricks in the Changle County government, anxiously unable to sleep. In the courtyard stood guard Niu Hu, holding a candlestick in his hand to illuminate.

"play the piano randomly! It's so messy! Li Hainiu and Xi Dahu didn't know how to rest, but they were chasing west all night! Now even Yang Ping and Zhang Erpao in Qingzhou can't get in touch with them!"

Guard Niu Hu whispered, "Chairman, don't be excited and go to bed first. I guess you will get up early tomorrow morning. Maybe Leader Li has sent the good news."

Yao Fan said impatiently, "I want to camp after taking Shouguang, Qingzhou and Linqu!" Who made him rush towards Zibo?

"Zibo? Chairman, are you talking about Linzi?

"Yes, Zibo is Linzi."

"Chairman, didn't you say that Linzi is rich in minerals? I think Team Leader Li wants to take down Linzi and make a great contribution to the chairman.

Yao Fan frowned and said nothing. Naturally, he could not talk nonsense about the confidential mineral resources belonging to Shandong Commune.

Shandong is a large mining province. Only in the area currently occupied by Yao Fan, mineral resources are already abundant and can't be used up. Jiaoxi County and Pingdu have iron ore, Weifang has coal mines, Anqiu and Gaomi have limestone to make cement, and other minerals rich in gold, silver, lead, zinc and other minerals. In the 21st century, Yao Fanlai had clear mine sites to check. Although most of them are small mines, and some mines were mined out in the 1980s, for Yao Fanlai He said that these minerals in front of us are inexhaustible.

Yao Fan was useless in a hurry and ordered to send a liaison again to ride a fast horse to listen to the news and sleep for the time being.

Probably because he was too tired from the march in the past few days, Yao Fan didn't wake up until ten o'clock.

After getting up, Yao Fan subconsciously raised his wrist to look at his watch in the full room of sunshine.

"It's ten o'clock!"

"Chairman, did you sleep soundly?"

"It's delicious, but why don't you wake me up?"

"Chairman, I can't bear to call you when you are so tired." Niu Hu smiled and quickly twisted a towel and handed it to Yao Fan.

"Chairman, there is news from Commander Li's group, good news! One regiment took down the two counties of Linzi and Guangrao!"

Yao Fan breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped his face and said, "The whole army will continue to rest and notify all cadres above the company level and combat heroes of various units to come to Changle to hold a front-line combat summary commendation meeting."

At noon two days later, the sun was shining.

The venue is located in Qingshi Square in front of Changle County. The rostrum is very simple, and only Yao Fan and the regiment leaders sit on it. In the afternoon, the sun shone brightly on everyone in the venue.

Cadres and military representatives who had lunch gathered in this square, with a satisfied smile on their faces and whispered to talk to each other about the results and capture of their troops in this battle.

Yao Fan looked at the soldiers sitting on the small bench under the stage and said, "There is a meeting now."

Comrades! First of all, I want to congratulate you!

This battle has been carried out until now, and the results have been brilliant!

The participating troops and all the commanders gave full play to the revolutionary heroism spirit of daring to fight, not afraid of hardship and death, firmly controlled the initiative of the war, and swept away the Huai army going south and the brave army that had been entrenched in Shandong for a long time. At present, it can be said that the revolutionary situation of Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune is very good! "

As soon as Yao Fan's words fell, stormy applause sounded. The cadres and soldiers under the stage had a feverish expression on their faces and clapped crazily. The momentum seemed to be willing to break the palm of their hands.

The continuity of applause is so long that Yao Fan has only seen it at the end of the New Year's concert, but the applause requested by the orchestra to be compared with the enthusiasm of these soldiers. Yao Fan has never seen such a storm of applause with his own eyes.

Yao Fan had no choice but to reach out and press it. The venue suddenly calmed down, and the cadres and soldiers looked at their leader admiringly.

Comrades! This great victory once again tells us eloquently with facts that the core force leading our revolutionary cause is the Chinese Socialist Labor Party! Marxism is guiding our revolutionary thought! Without a party armed according to Marxist revolutionary theory and revolutionary style, it is impossible to lead the masses of the people to defeat * and their lackeys!

In the final analysis, why most of China's peasant uprisings have failed in history, because they just want to replace the dictatorship of tyrants with the dictatorship of another group. From the perspective of civilization development, they can't promote social progress at all.

But the revolution led by the Chinese Socialist Labor Party is different!

We are a party of the people, a revolutionary party that comes from the people, relies on the people, and mobilizes the people to fight. It is a party deeply rooted in the masses. All our starting points and goals of struggle are for the interests of the people.

The emperor's feudal court is a lonely family in front of our party. Except for the reactionary landlord class and foreign * invaders, no one will really stand on their side.

So we will win!"

The thunderous applause sounded again, and the cadres and soldiers looked at Yao Fan with heartfelt fanaticism and worship, looking at the man who promised to change their lives.

Yao Fan said about the rise, stood up, put his left hand on his waist, and waved his right hand in the air:

Comrades, the truth in the world is simple!

The road travels around the world, just like the days and rivers, which are all understood by us people! Everything that the people can't understand is not the truth, but the nonsense of the ruling class!

So what is revolution?

Revolution is rebellion! There are thousands of Marxist principles. In the final analysis, it is just one sentence: "Rebellion is reasonable!"

The soul of all revolutionary ideas is rebellion!

The Chinese Socialist Labor Party leads everyone to rise up to make a revolution, which requires everyone to dare to think, speak, dare to do, dare to break through and dare to fight. In a word, it is to dare to rebel! This is the most basic and valuable quality of proletarian revolutionaries! It is the basic principle of proletarian party spirit!

By this standard, our eyes are bright! Under the dark feudal rule of the Qing government, those who do not rebel are 100% reactionaries! We should be wary of these people! Especially now that we have won the initial victory, we should be more wary of these reactionaries to corrupt and win over our team!

Is there such a reactionary in our team? I think there are a few.

After all, we are living people. After so many years in feudal society, there will be more or less some reactionary remnants of thoughts in the depths of our thoughts.

So what are the faces of these reactionaries?

I tell you that these people with reactionary feudal remnants in their minds usually say something awkwardly, chattering and hesitantly, "Are we too one-sided with feudal bureaucrats and landlords?" Isn't it too arrogant for our team to only accept the proletariat and the most determined revolutionaries as the backbone?" Is our team's land reform policy too rough?

These are all fallacies! If you want to oppose, then oppose, there is no need to answer shyly!

For these comrades in our team, we should find out in time, correct them in time, punish them, and treat diseases and save people. For the reactionary forces in society, we should distinguish their class attributes, pull a batch, fight a batch, and kill a batch!

Comrades, we should keep in mind that if we seek unity through struggle, we will unite, and if we seek unity through compromise, we will die!"

Yao Fan's words aroused everyone's vigilance and thinking, and the thunderous applause became rhythmic, as if someone was beating in it, but this rhythmic applause was more solemn and solemn, with an invincible spiritual force.

Yao Fan continued:

"Comrades, feudal landlords and Manqing bureaucrats out of class instinct, they are bound to curse us revolutionaries. They oppose rebellion, * rebellion and suppression rebellion. We can't have the slightest fluke against them!

Comrades! We proletarian revolutionaries make a living by rebellion! The reactionaries don't allow us to rebel, they are creating our rebellion! Can we agree?"

The whole cadre and soldiers roared, "No! Kill them! Kill them!"

The roar is earth-shaking, and the mountains and rivers are magnificent.

Yao Fan nodded and said, "Yes, we can't agree!"

"This is the world. If we don't rebel, they will rebel against us. If we don't go to their home, they will ride on our heads to domour! If we don't want to be their dogs or their slaves, they will kill our heads!

Our Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune is a great storm of the rebel spirit of the proletarian revolution, the soldiers of the revolutionary army! All revolutionary comrades, let us soar in this great storm like brave Haiyan! Victory belongs to the people!"

The applause sounded like a storm.

"Fights of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army! My dearest revolutionary comrades! Now that we have rebelled, let's reverse it to the end! Go ahead! Let the storm of revolution come more violently!"

After Yao Fan finished speaking, the whole audience sounded again with stormy applause, roaring across Changle County.

Yao Fan stood up, clenched his fist and shouted, "Hangtold Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune!" Long live the spirit of proletarian revolution! Long live! Long live!"

The whole venue was boiling, and the cadres and soldiers jumped up from horses and benches excitedly, clenched their iron fists and waved in the air, shouting with Yao Fan:

"Hangtwan People's Revolutionary Commune!!!

Long live the spirit of proletarian revolutionary rebellion!!! Long live!!! Long live!!!"

The sound was so loud that it shook the whole Changle County. The residents of the city were frightened and didn't know what the rebels were doing.