1875 I come from the future

Chapter 174 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Armies 3

[174] Xingheying shakes the three armies (3)

The whole audience shouted slogans again and again, and the small Changle County was like a boat undulating in the loud waves, swept and shaken by the sound waves.

The next speech was Li Hainiu, holding Yao Fan's revised speech for him. He stood up and said in a loud voice, "Comrades! Under the leadership of Chairman Yao, the army led by our party has won consecutive victories again and again, laying a solid foundation for the Chinese proletariat to establish a revolutionary regime.

History tells us that the fundamental problem of revolution is the regime. With the regime and the proletariat, the working people have everything. Without regime, they will lose everything!

With the regime, we can defeat as many reactionaries composed of local tyrants and evil gentry and landlord bullies! Without the regime, we just lost our heads, and we don't know how to fall!

Chairman Yao taught us: "Regime is a tool for one class to oppress another class." If we proletarians lose their seal, they can only be oppressed and exploited by the descendants of the landlord class and will never turn over!

Comrades! Every grain is planted with blood and sweat. Our footprints have been trampled on thousands of times in the mud. What have we exchanged for? In exchange, the children and grandchildren become oxen and horses, and the children and grandchildren are poor and hungry!

Not only is every grain planted by our working people, every wood is also cut by our working people, and every nail is also beaten by our working people. Those landlords and bullies have been riding on our working people for generations. They don't work at all, but they have to suck our blood for thousands of years! Eat our meat!

With a gunshot of the October Revolution, Chairman Yao sent us the revolutionary theories of Marxism and Yao Zaofan's thought! Let us understand the truth and polish our eyes. I understand that if the proletariat wants to be liberated, there is no second way except armed struggle!

This is a groundbreaking event in China and even world history, and it will definitely go down in history forever!"

Speaking of this, Li Hainiu excitedly waved his fist to the sky and shouted:

"H Long live Chairman Yao!!! Long live Yao Zaofan's thoughts!!! Long live!!!"

The response from the audience became more enthusiastic.

The extremely excited cadres and soldiers stood still, roared and shouted:

"H Long live Chairman Yao!!!

Long live Yao Zaofan's thoughts!!! Long live!!!"

Yao Fan stood up, smiled and waved gently to the cadres and soldiers in the venue, with a leadership style.

The scene in front of him is exactly what he planned and urgently needed.

Yao Fan is thoughtful about the direction of today's meeting. With the expansion of the base area, it is imperative to expand the army again and again. If Yao Fan of the current five regiments can still control it, will there be ambitious people in the team after becoming five divisions and 15 regiments in the future? Will there be a surrender faction? Will anyone be a warlord and rebel against the revolution?

From the perspective of Chinese history, countless precedents of coups have emerged in the peasant uprisings of successive dynasties. Even in the founding period after the successful uprising, there are often coups in ten, 20, 30 or 50 years, leading to many examples of losing power.

A rebellion broke out soon after the establishment of the Zhou Dynasty, and there was a complete chaos in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. As soon as the First Emperor of Qin died, the Qin Dynasty took a coup, and Zhao Gao praised Qin II. During the 24 years of Emperor Wen's reign, Emperor Yang of Sui had a coup and his son killed Laozi. Li Shimin brothers in the Tang Dynasty killed and competed for the throne. Zhao Kuangyin was killed by his brother Zhao Guangyi in 17 years. In the Yuan Dynasty, there were various incidents in which the royal family maimed each other in order to compete for the throne. The royal clans killed me and I killed you in order to seize power. Zhu Li, the king of Yan in the Ming Dynasty, killed his nephew, Emperor Jianwen, and became emperor himself. In order to seize the throne, the princes fought openly and secretly and desperately captured the military power. Only three months after the 1911 Revolution, he was ousted by Yuan Shikai. The Beiyang warlords fought in a melee for more than ten years, and no one obeyed anyone. Chang Kaishen launched a counter-revolutionary coup. Similarly, there are countless examples of foreign coups.

Countless historical facts have proved that coups and military changes are common and common in human history. On the contrary, it is a special phenomenon that there is no change.

The next speech was Li Jun, who held a small red book in his chest and said affectionately:

"Chairman Yao's thought is the universal truth in the universe, always the guide to our actions, the common wealth of the Chinese people and the revolutionary people around the world, and should shine forever!

Now the central government has issued the quotations of Chairman Yao's thoughts, which is the red book in my hand. Chairman Yao's glorious thoughts are written clearly in it. This is a textbook for our army cadres and soldiers. We should learn well and use it! This is the unanimous decision of all comrades of the Central Committee, and we must do so!

Unify the whole party and the whole army with Yao Zaofan's thought, and any problem can be solved. Chairman Yao's words are the truth, ten thousand sentences!"

Comrades! Yao Zaofan's thoughts will last forever. Yao Zaofan Thought is a real Marxism, a Marxism highly integrated with reality, the best textbook and compulsory course for the revolutionary people, the common ideological foundation of the unity and revolution of the working people across the country, and a guide for the actions of the revolutionary people. Yao Zaofan's thought is the beacon of mankind, the most powerful weapon in the hands of the revolutionary people of the world, and a universal truth that is universal. Yao Zaofan's thought can change people's ideological outlook, change the face of the motherland, make the Chinese people stand up in front of the world, stand up forever, and make oppressed and exploited people all over the world stand up and stand up forever.

After reading the speech, Li Jun raised his arm, waved the little red book in the air, and roared rhythmically: "Hang Long live Chairman Yao!!! Long live Yao Zaofan's thoughts!!! Long live!!!"

So the whole audience cheered again, and the revolutionary ** burned in everyone's eyes and branded in everyone's mind.

Yao Fan also stood up again and waved to everyone with a smile.

This is the insurance he wants!

An insurance that guarantees your absolute leadership!

A mental insurance that ensures that every soldier at the grassroots firmly supports around him!

Only individual worship can imitate the emergence of ambitious people in the party in the army, because once the personality cult begins to be launched, it is no longer possible for any general to mobilize grassroots soldiers to betray him. The end of the ambitious man is the light pole commander.

Yao Fan is extremely in need of this ideological insurance at this stage!

There is no doubt that Taizu's thought is the greatest and effective weapon in guiding the Chinese revolution, and it is a universal truth combined with Chinese reality. Yao Fan absolutely does not have the ability to build a set by himself.

Besides, truth is unique and cannot be discovered repeatedly. Therefore, Yao Fan simply adopted the theory and directly reorganaged Taizu's quotations for the ideological and political work of the whole army.

Only a unified team can avoid division, military changes and coups, which is an unbreakable truth.

Yao Fan doesn't care about the fanatical personality cult in this ignorant and dark era. As a traveler and the only person in the world who can guide the right path in the next century, he needs to establish such a personality cult to realize his political ideals.

Yao Fan establishes worship, but he will not build a bureaucratic system that can establish individual worship, nor will he leave a regime foundation that can establish individual worship, which are not politically contradictory. Just like the time and space people he came from, they love and worship Taizu, but no one can ever be able to shape themselves as the second Taizu.

In the future, he will melt this personality cult with the development of the regime's system design and social education level. That is to say, Yao Fan will be the only, first and last legendary revolutionary idol in China in the future.

The conference went very smoothly. Next, Yao Fan personally commended the battle heroes and sent certificates to each battle hero. These award prints from the future are very easy to buy, but for 1876, this exquisite printing can be inspiring.

A military leadership meeting was held in Changle County that night, which was much lighter than the large-scale meeting in the afternoon. With the encouragement of Yao Fan, the cadres expressed their views and put forward their views on the next step of the current military struggle.

Because He Shicheng was young and had a mediocre performance in the military training of the army, Yao Fan arranged him as the head of the transport regiment before the war, and Wang Xin, the deputy commander, was responsible for the work of the transport regiment. The leadership of the Fifth Regiment was handed over to Yang Ping and Zhang Erpao, who served as the regimental commander and deputy commander.

He Shicheng concluded: "This time, our army has annihilated more than 10,000 people of the enemy through a series of battles! More than 3,000 people were killed and more than 7,000 were captured! More than 2,000 war horses were captured, more than 1,000 horses were pulled, and more than 500 mules and donkeys were also captured. More than 500 tons of military grain were seized! More than 800 tons of forage! A total of more than 600,000 taels of silver and 8,000 taels of gold were seized! More than 4,000 foreign guns and more than 60 intact British iron cannons.

The cadres were still calculating in their hearts, surprised by the final million catties of military grain data. Hearing so many seizures later, they couldn't calculate and were completely intoxicated with joy.

Yao Fan laughed and said, "In this way, the grain and fodder in northwest Shandong and even the whole Zhili area may be empty. Li Hongzhang and Ding Baozhen probably never expected that they would become the transport captain of our army."

Liu Jinbao smiled and said, "They probably planned to spend all the time with us."

Li Jun laughed and said, "The emperor's child must have never dreamed that our attack was so rapid that he was robbed into a poor man."

Li Hainiu said to Yao Fan, "Chairman, Zhili is empty at present. Why don't we send troops and directly take down the capital? Give me the strength of three regiments, and I can sweep Tianjin, and then go straight into the capital to pull the emperor's children out of the Forbidden City!"

Yao Fan shook his head and said, "This is simple, but in practice, it is too variable.

Have you considered it? If you take Beijing, how will the forces across the country react? Can these landlords listen to us? Will they unite to practice their hometown bravery and form a division? Will foreign troops take advantage of the opportunity to enter?

And once we eat too much, can we digest it? Without enough cadres, will our grassroots regime fall into the hands of the landlord class again?

When Li Hainiu saw that Yao Fan did not support the idea of deciding the universe in World War I, and he rushed thousands of miles away, he was not sure, so he stopped insisting.

Chairman, shall we expand the scope of the base area? In the west, it was defended by Linzi and Guangrao, and in the east, it went all the way to the seaside and took the whole Dengzhou. The south is still defended by the front lines of Jiao County, Gaomi and Anqiu for the time being.

Yao Fan was a little moved by Li Hainiu's suggestion. According to this plan, the whole Jiaodong Peninsula was all in the hands of Yao Fan.

Yao Fan gritted his teeth and resisted a trace of greed in his heart: "Before we have five masters, we will no longer attack! The most important thing in front of us is to expand the army at present!"