1875 I come from the future

Chapter 184 The Shadow of the Stars and River Shakes the Three Forces 12

[184] Xingheying shakes the three armies (12)

Bai Xiaoqi said excitedly, "Well, this transmitter battery 24V is equipped with a light and easy-to-use 24V hand-cranked generator. The radio station is not afraid that the battery will not be charged. In the future, even if you go thousands of miles away to fight, you can contact it immediately."

Yao Fan smiled in surprise and said, "Shi Bei will look at it in three days. Sister Bai, you are really good!? I'm so proficient in business that I even remember the battery volts.

"Of course, I will try my best to do what the chairman told me."

"When I came in, I saw that Bai Kang was very strong now. Is he all right?"

Bai Xiaoqi said gratefully, "It's all right, thanks to the special medicine given by the chairman."

Yao Fan waved his hand: "Yes, we are all our own comrades, and we should care about each other. Sister Bai, your current work is very important. You must complete it before the end of the month. In the future, each company of our army will use walkers to contact other companies and superior units, between battalions and divisions, and between battalion divisions and the center of the army, and the distance of more than 1,000 kilometers is completely enough. All newsmen must keep in mind the principle of confidentiality and blow up radios and walkways at a critical moment!"

Bai Xiaoqi nodded quickly.

Yao Fan's radio station has just arrived this time. According to Yao Fan's requirements, Yao Peng contacted a radio equipment factory in Liaoning to imitate the military small Bayi C radio station, because it is an old obsolete model and because it needs to be copied in full accordance with military standards. It can be said that it does not hesitate to spare the cost, and the purchase price of each station is as high. 5000 yuan. Yao Peng proposed to purchase on the grounds of supplying the domestic and foreign military fan market according to the reasons given by Yao Fan. The factory was moved by as many as 1,000 orders given by Yao Peng and agreed to take over the order of 5 million for production.

As soon as the first 150 small Bayi C radios produced were delivered, Yao Fan brought all 1876 this time. With military radios, this is officially entering the threshold of modern operations for an army. Whether it is logistical support or commanding operations, without a radio station, it is equivalent to being deaf and blind. Especially for the logistics of the Grand Army, if there is no radio contact, it is simply a headless fly.

Xiao Bayi Radio C is a full transistor radio station, with thick steel plates, fully insulated ceramic gears and sterling silver welding points. It has solid materials everywhere. The whole machine is waterproof and anti-electromagnetic interference shielding, and has improved all the minor problems of the previous generations of 81 radio stations. It can be said that it is the harvest of AM signal receiving and sending radio stations. Historically, our army is in Tao After eliminating this model, it has fully entered the era of voice communication with one-sided communication.

After equipping the radio and popularizing the walker to the company, Yao Fan already has the capital to win the Shenzhou. As for the technology leak, Yao Fan, after carefully studying the development of technology, believes that even if the radio and walker are captured by British and American powers, it is estimated that they can't understand transistor radio and integrated circuit walker. After 20 or even 30 years to understand it, I don't know how many years it will take to create a heavy thing with similar principles. Moreover, under the premise of strict discipline for confidential destruction, Yao Fan felt that it was unlikely that any of them would be completely captured by the enemy. If it really happened, it could only be regarded as God's will.

At this moment, the press already knows something about the Shandong Revolutionary Commune. The English newspaper "Zilin West News", which relies on coastal trade ports to collect information, is known for the best news. It not only reports Yao Fan's series of military victories after the Lunar New Year, but also enthusiastic Frivolous introduction: "According to the latest news of my newspaper, most of the leaders of Shandong Revolutionary Commune come from Europe and are the new favorites of the disbanded workers' International. Obviously, after the intention to persuade European workers to strike failed, these losers came to the Qing Dynasty. This time they turned the object of magogue to Zaiman. The more ignorant Qing peasants under the rule of the emperor of Zhou.

"Declaration" has always been known for its flexible reporting. They praised Yao Fan's commercial tax exemption policy in newspapers, but implicitly called Yao Fan as the executioner: "In our opinion, Shandong's * is likely to receive the support of most businessmen in the Qing Dynasty. As we all know, the biggest trouble in doing business in Qing Dynasty is With a wide range of taxes and extortion from officials at all levels, no matter what kind of business you engage in, the petty officials of the local government will keep looking for opportunities to suck blood around you like mosquitoes.

However, according to our latest information, it is difficult for you to find officials of the Qing Dynasty in the so-called commune base in Shandong. The commune government represented by Mr. Yao Fan, who claims to be the chairman of Shandong commune that they have conducted a legal trial for these officials. But according to our speculation, there is likely to be a comprehensive massacre of Qing officials and their families in the occupied territories behind this 'trial'.

The Wan Guo Communique, a newspaper owned by foreign missionary groups, relied on its church organization and missionary spy network that secretly developed in Shandong to learn first-hand information: "This regime, which is self-proported to be the Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune, is extremely ignorant, among which is active in a large number of Communist Party from Europe. These people Marx and Yao Fan are spiritual leaders. As far as we know, they believe in evil atheism and deny the existence of God, as well as Buddha and Taoism. According to the internal information we have received, they do not even believe in the most traditional Confucian sect in the country. In short, these people have no faith. May God have mercy on them. Give them true faith as soon as possible..."

The sudden rise of Xinmin Evening News during this period can be said to be an alien in the Shanghai Concession. The newspaper used German at the beginning of its inception, but soon began to publish German and Chinese versions at the same time. The Chinese version is particularly cheap, selling only one copper. Compared with the price of seven or eight copper plates in other newspapers, this is low The market model of price spread has led to its rapid spread in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

As the industry of the Merris business under the control of Yao Fan, the Xinmin Evening News is naturally biased towards the interests of Shandong communes and Germany. They praised: "This democratic enlightenment and social revolution in Shandong is absolutely and convincing that this is a positive and civilized change. , will greatly promote the level of civilization in the regime... Yao Fan is a wise leader and a great thinker. Although his "cultivators have their own land" policy is contrary to the interests of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, it is strongly supported by the peasants at the bottom... Yao Fan's business policy is especially worthy of all European civilized countries. For example, he abolished all harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes on commercial activities in the field of circulation, making the local business unimped and rapid development, while retaining the original import tariffs of Qing Customs unchanged. There is no doubt that he is an enlightened politician who firmly believes in mercantilism..."

Towards the end of April, Yao Fan held a plenary meeting of military cadres in his busy schedule to determine the establishment of the newly formed troops during this period.

Yao Fanxian said: "This time, we have expanded our military readiness on a large scale. At present, our army has 15 regiments. According to the principle of three regiments and one division, it is organized into three divisions and six independent regiments. Each division is equipped with a mortar battalion. Each independent regiment is equipped with a mortar company, and three divisions are organized into a group army. Now each unit is established. And the battle number has been sent to everyone. Please take a closer look.

Li Jun continued: "Because we have vigorously carried out ideological and political education in the army, established a soldier committee in each platoon, and established an evening regular meeting system in each class, democracy in the army has been maximized, and the study and understanding of the great Yao Zaofan's thought has also been more thorough. The soldiers are After the ideological weapons, the energy surged, and the revolutionary heroism was fully reflected in our army. The soldiers were not afraid of hardship or fatigue in the training. A large number of training models and tops, as well as a large number of training models and combat heroes emerged in the two major battles.

Therefore, in order to implement the fundamental principle of the Party command of our army, the Central Party Committee and the Central Military Commission decided to set up political officials in the whole army, set up political commissar in the company and above, and set up political offices above the regiment and regiment. The political department is under the direct leadership of the political commissar and is responsible for the ideological and political work and assessment of the unit. , selection, organization and other work.

After listening to Li Jun's words, the cadres of each army waved their fists neatly and shouted, "Resolutely support the central decision!" Firmly support Chairman Yao!"

The spirit of the Central Military Commission conveyed by Li Jun is completely at the instruction of Yao Fan. Considering that the army is getting larger and larger, if the political work cannot keep up, the army is likely to lose control in the future and gradually become a private army of military commanders.

Yao Fan solemnly looked around the audience and shouted, "Now I announce the appointment of the political commissar of each unit, the commander of the First Group of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army, Li Hainiu, the deputy commander Zhou Fourth, the political commissar Li Jun, the commander of the First Division, Xiao Chukai, the deputy division commander..."

As Yao Fan announced their names one by one, cadres stood up and saluted.

Everyone has been used to this transfer-to-mobilized military supervisor appointment system. In Yao Fan's system, once the company-level military cadres are promoted, in principle # will leave the original system and change to other battalions as military supervisors. This way of personnel organization to prevent mountainism in the army is discussed by everyone in the party. Unanimous support.

After Yao Fan read the appointment of cadres, it was found that basically high-level cadres left the original army and became supervisors in the new army.

At the next combat meeting, Yao Fan urgently issued a new march order.

"Through the analysis of meteorological and hydrological data, I think there will be the most severe drought in North China this year. Considering the upcoming drought in North China this year and the tens of millions of disaster victims in need of relief in the enemy area, the central government has decided to propose a comprehensive military operation originally scheduled for the fall. In May, after the evaluation of the Operations Evaluation Committee of the General Staff, the operational plan has been announced to the whole army. After learning of the military plan, the commanders at all levels of the army must immediately carry forward the great democratic policy of the army and inform every soldier of the operational plan.

Our army is the people's army, and our military plan never hides every soldier. We must have a clear explanation for where and how to fight. After the discussion of all the soldiers' committees at the grassroots level of the army, we have set off a good style of democratic war in the whole army.

The fighters at all levels must make every soldier politically clear why we are fighting! Why do you fight like this! Clearly grasp the ideological situation of each soldier and eliminate the fear of a few people with ideological and political work.

The commanders at all levels must firmly grasp the direction of the military struggle of the proletarian revolution and pay close attention to the class struggle! Let the soldiers change "I want to fight" from the depths of their souls to "I want to fight" and let the soldiers establish an active fighting spirit!"