1875 I come from the future

Chapter 185 Xinghe Shadow Shakes the Three Armies 13

[185] Xingheying shakes the three armies (13)

In the conference room, the commanders' brushes sounded, and Yao Fan's speech was selected to be recorded.

Yao Fan continued to arrange the battle plan: "According to the battle plan, the newly established First Army will be responsible for the North Road offensive. Jinan is located in the throat of our army in the north, so we need to take it first. Otherwise, once our army's supply line is cut off by the enemy of Jinan, it may cause serious consequences.

After the first group army captured Jinan, they should take Jinan as their base camp, quickly control the surrounding counties, collect ships, and cross the Yellow River from Lijin, Putai, Qingcheng, Lukou and Qihe at the same time. After that, the whole army moved to Tianjin to quickly capture Tianjin and destroy the fighting will of the Huai army. Come and attack Beijing quickly.

Yao Fan's strategic concept of quickly attacking North China is to follow the October Revolution and directly capture Moscow, and then begin to suppress possible banditry across the country. This heart-digging tactic seeks to destroy the enemy's confidence in one fell swoop, because the capital is a symbol for the feudal dynasty, and the capture of the capital means that the whole regime is facing collapse. The slave feudal regime established by the Qing Dynasty as an ethnic minority was semi-colonized after 1840, so there is no centripetal force. It can be expected that in the case of losing the capital, the risk of national chaos will be higher every day.

After the Eight-nation Alliance entered Beijing in history, the reason why the Manchu Qing Dynasty could not choose any protracted war, but surrendered and signed the alliance under the city was because they knew clearly what regime they were.

Li Hainiu's voice trembled with excitement: "Chairman, this battle has won the capital in one fell swoop, and the founding of the country is just around the corner."

Yao Fan shook his head: "In contrast, the Qing regime is still very strong, but they are not united and cannot unite. Their cohesion comes from the lower slave owners, that is, the landlord class, and our cohesion comes from the people, that is, the majority of farmers. Although the landlord class can't compete with us militarily, they have many tricks, coupled with the fact that they have ruled the countryside for a long time, and the network network has formed is intertwined. We should not underestimate the enemy.

Li Jun said: "This time the First Army went north means a decisive battle with the Manchu Qing Dynasty, which is destined to be a difficult battle. We must not underestimate the enemy. Zhu Yuanzhang said that he would accumulate grain and slowly be the king. I think that's what the chairman means, right?

Gui Ba said, "This was said by Zhu Sheng, a bachelor under Zhu Yuanzhang."

Li Jun said, "No matter who says it, it makes sense. At present, we have relatively few political cadres, and we can only manage the state and county. The landlord bullies in villages and towns can only rely on the working group of the army, which will affect the attack speed of the army, so I think it is still step by step and gradually encroaching on the territory."

Li Hainiu said, "I don't agree. I think we still need to fight quickly, take down Beijing and Tianjin and spread it to the world. If anyone doesn't accept it, let's fight!"

Yao Fan said, "What you said makes sense. This battle to the north must be stable and fast, and the speed must be determined according to the actual situation. Now the debate is meaningless. We only do the general campaign deployment now."

Li Hainiu and Li Jun both nodded in agreement.

So Bai Xiaoqi said, "According to intelligence, in order to prevent our army from going north, the Manchu government issued a new version of treasure banknotes to pay for Hegong silver and the official wages of Sichuan and Yungui, which seems to temporarily solve the economic problem. With financial support, the total number of new brave battalions in Jinan Prefecture has exceeded 10, and Tianjin is also training no less than 20 new troops. I heard that Li Hongzhang even sent his men back to his hometown to recruit Huai Yong. In addition, the Ming army, Qing army and Wu Yi army on the South Road, the Qing army actually realized the north and south heavy troops in my base area. Attack, once we swing our division to the north, there will inevitably be a situation where the enemy will attack us in both north and south.

Zhou said four: "The Qing army thought that their heavy troops could trap us to death, and that we would sit back and wait for death. What a dream!"

Yao Fan said, "Yes, we just want to take the initiative to make them understand that in front of the absolute strength of our army, no matter what tricks they play, it is useless.

This time, the First Army went north to completely eliminate the influence of the Manchu regime along the way. After conquering the counties, the task force immediately stationed and conducted a clean trial of Manchu Qing officials in the city together with the army. It was necessary to eliminate all corrupt officials and counter-revolutionaries, and publicize policies for the rural areas around the county. It is said that a large number of leaflets should be distributed, and local tycoons and evil gentry with bad deeds should be handled quickly, severely suppressed, and land reform should be carried out immediately. For the poor farmers who defected to us, we should organize them to establish an agricultural association and supplement the reserve militia, which should be commanded by the left-behind forces. The left-behind forces in various places should not exceed a 12-person class of the regular army. The rest of the garrison forces are mainly militia and are under the command of the regular army.

Li Hainiu said, "Now we have recruited more than 11,000 militiamen in our base area. Only 5,000 people use captured foreign guns, bird rifles and carry guns. The rest use cold weapons. Although the militia is only one or two silver a month, it is enough to be responsible for the public security in the base area."

Yao Fan nodded to Li Hainiu and continued: "In addition to the first army going north, the 10, 11 and 12 regiments and the cavalry battalions were divided into three routes to attack Yishui, Juxian and Rizhao, and then waited for the opportunity to attack Yizhou and Ganyu. The 13th regiments guarded Qingdao, 14th regiments guarded Penglai, Yantai and Weihai. The 15th regiment was South Road General Reserve Team. In a word, the purpose of the South Road offensive is to expand the base, wait for the opportunity to grasp the main movements of the Ming Army, Wuyi Army and Qing Army, and strive to destroy them in one fell swoop.

Yao Fan arranged the battle plan in an orderly manner, and the commanders of each unit raised questions from time to time, which were discussed and decided one by one at the meeting.

The weather has arrived in May, but there is almost no cloud in the sky. The sky is tens of thousands of miles high, and the wind is dry and the vegetation is decaying. May 1876, as recorded in history, was a terrible year of drought. Since a light snow after the Spring Festival, there has never been a decent rain in Qilu. The precious spring rain only visited several counties in Shandong, and the rainfall was very small. The water level of the Yellow River plummeted sharply, and many small rivers Before the cut-off, it is estimated that there will be many rivers cut off at the hottest time in summer.

The troops of the revolutionary army completed their strategic deployment and pre-war ideological mobilization on May 15. Every soldier knows the goal and direction of the battle and what they are going to do along the way. They are happy. They don't have to be as muddle-headed as the soldiers of the Qing army, but live like puppets.

This time and space First Army of the Chinese People's Revolutionary Army set out under the noise. The First Army is the main corps armed to the teeth. In addition to the military commander of the whole regiment, there is also the general staff accompanied by Yao Fan and Marx. Marx is very curious about modern warfare. He wants to know the secret of Yao Fan's victory, and he has a strong interest in Chinese affairs. He is a natural encyclopedia of continuous self-improvement. When he found that Yao Fan almost effortlessly established a base and defeated the Qing army, Marx The idea of studying Yao Fan's military organization came into being.

"Chairman Yao, I think it is a genius creation for you to set up political commissars in each level of the army. These political commissars do not have the right to command military operations, but they have the right to execute generals. This is different from your country's eunuch military system is that the political commissar when the military commander executes the operational plan of the staff. Do not interfere unless the general exceeds his right and changes the battle plan without asking the staff.

"Comrade Marx, this system was actually created by the invincible Qin Dynasty. The State of Qin sent supervisors to various counties to supervise whether the orders in various war zones were implemented. In the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent supervisors to the army, but in the Tang Dynasty, the emperor began to appoint eunuchs who had a deep relationship with them day and night. As a supervisor, the Ming Dynasty had both eunuchs and civil servants, and adopted a double guarantee. But under the feudal system, any military supervision is only part of the bureaucratic system. They have no sense of class struggle, and even the sense of the state is very weak. They are only loyal to the emperor, and most of them do not know the military.

"Chairman Yao, your historical knowledge is admirable. I have no doubt that China's long history can provide a valuable historical reference for the construction of socialism. Your political commissars and political offices represent the interests of the party, and the party represents the interests of the people. This is a great system for the people to supervise the army. Without the soldiers' committee composed of these political personnel and soldiers, I'm really worried that this army will become a strong but thoughtless mercenary sooner or later.


Radio is a good thing, which makes Yao Fan really understand what large-scale cluster operations are.

Yao Fan's General Staff and the First Army Command are integrated and are located in Zibo. The troops are strictly reported four times a day, and the telegrams of victory have not stopped for a moment. The small flags of each army on the map continue to extend to the east and north. Yao Fan and the commanders of the General Staff remotely commanded the troops and implemented the battle plan in an orderly manner.

"Reported, Xiao Chu, the commander of the first division, called. The first division had entered the periphery of Jinan. The 3rd regiment encountered two battalions of the Qing army near Hancang. After launching the attack, the Qing army had been defeated, and Liu Taibang, the commander of the third regiment, was pursuing it."

Li Hainiu shouted, "Tell Xiao Chukai not to worry. There are 120,000 households in Jinan City and more than 50,000 households outside the city. You must be patiently surrounded and eat little by little."

Li Hainiu walked back and forth anxiously in the headquarters. After thinking about it, he ran to the command room next door and said to Yao Fan, "Chairman, let me go to the front line. I can't see the situation. I'm anxious."

Yao Fan said, "As a military commander, what can you do if you are not in command?"

Li Hainiu said with a bitter face, "Isn't there you?"

Yao Fan said, "Are you a military commander or am I a military commander? I only care about the command of the southern independent regiment, and the first army is up to you.


"Reported that Liu Jinbao, the commander of the Second Division, called that the Fourth Regiment had captured Qingcheng and seized the Yellow River Ferry."

Li Hainiu quickly stood in front of the map and glanced at it: "Tell Liu Jinbao to requisition all the boats of Yihe Collection, Zao Pagoda and Xiaoqing River."

Deputy commander Zhou said fourth: "Hainiu, I think it's better to let the second division cross the river and take down Qinghe Town in Hebei first, otherwise in case of being blocked by the Qing army going south by the river, there will inevitably be casualties when crossing the river."

Li Hainiu was meditating. Political Commissar Li Jun said, "I agree with the fourth opinion, but I still want Maniu to make a decision."

Li Hainiu nodded and said, "Oak! Report to the Second Division, ask Liu Jinbao to organize a commando to cross the river as soon as possible, and also report to He Shicheng, asking them to transport 40 tons of grain to Qingcheng.


Yao Fan next door also got the battle situation of various independent regiments on the South Road.

"Report, Wang Guangxing, the commander of the 10th Regiment, telegraphed that the 10th Regiment encountered a large group of troops in Zhaoxianzhuang, north of Ju County, and was ambushed by the enemy. After the battle, 301 people of the 10th Regiment were killed on the spot, 3 people were killed and 18 injured. At present, except for the pursuit of the troops, the other battalions of the 10th Regiment are resting in place. Prepare to continue to attack Ju County.

"Ason Wang Guangxing to speed up and try to take Ju County before dark."



Marx walked back and forth between the two headquarters separated by a wall, and finally sat down at the table, took out a pen given to him by Yao Fan, and wrote on a notebook: "With the help of radio, Yao Fan and the generals in the staff took turns on duty every day, constantly using the great invention of radio to send radio to the troops. Send operational instructions.

For the world of 1876, Yao Fan is now fighting a "fairy battle" and a quasi-modern war. For the first time in human history, he has achieved a decisive victory thousands of miles away.

Advanced science and technology will undoubtedly bring victory to the Shandong People's Revolutionary Commune. I am full of expectation and waiting to witness the birth of an unprecedented great socialist country..."