1875 I come from the future

Chapter 186 Xinghe Shadow Shake the Three Armies 14

[186] Star River Shadow Shakes the Three Armies (14)

Ding Baozhen stood at the head of Jinan City, put down the brass monocular in his hand, looked at the scattered green army outside the city with his naked eye, and sighed for a long time.

Ding Baozhen looked very bad after two days of guarding the city. Although the group of rubber thieves did not launch a formal attack on Jinan in the past two days, they only occupied all the outside of Jinan, surrounding Jinan in the city wall and turned it into a lonely city.

The rich people outside the city fled into the city as soon as they started the war. They probably felt that it was safer in the city, but in two days, Ding Baozhen did not see the group of rubber bandits outside the city killing and set fire. The outside of Jinan seemed to have become stable after falling under their control.

Ding Baozhen was not willing to be besieged in the city. He sent brave camps that performed well in the drill out of the city several times to harass him, but the result of the battle made him frustrated. The rubber thief's firearms are really unparalleled in the world. The gun can be far away, the shooting is accurate, there is thunder in the palm, and there are crowds of killing people. The cannons are like long eyes, and they can hit anywhere.

As for the tactics of rubber thieves, they are even more unreasonable, but surprisingly terrible. Ding Baozhen observed that these rubber thieves did not have a particularly fixed formation, not only did not have a formation, but they were scattered and were terrible. However, after careful observation, Ding Baozhen found that they were always in a team of three, four teams, so few twelve people, but their combat effectiveness was surprisingly strong, and a hundred people rushed up to them at all. Even if they go up to two sentries and attack left and right, they are always beaten and run away. Those rubber thieves are cheap and don't behave well. They will always catch up and chase them fiercely, and often be able to capture Yongding back as a sentry.

When the main force of the rubber thief rushed to Jinan, Ding Baozhen took a cold breath.

He now knows something about the establishment of the army of the rubber thief. It seems that in a group of three, four groups of twelve people are a small team, and the three teams form a whistle to echo each other. About 100 people from the three sentries seem to be a brigade that can control the wide battlefield, and the three brigades are a battalion, which is enough to seal a direction outside Jinan. It is locked so that no one can get in and out.

Now according to his observation, there are * such camps outside Jinan! Ding Baozhen's heart was cold. According to his calculation of the organization law, Ding Baozhen estimated that every three of this battalions were a large battalion. He boldly speculated that the three battalions were one army, and Ding Baozhen's feared deliberation in his heart. Perhaps there was a higher establishment on the establishment of this kind of army, and the three armies may be combined into a large army!

Ding Baozhen slightly estimated that according to this system, the number of officers under Yao Fan was simply incalculable!

"There are many soldiers and generals! There are so many soldiers..." Ding Baozhen sighed for a long time.

"There are so many levels of the rubber thief army that they command like arms and fingers, and the layers are clear. I haven't seen many commanding horse teams. I don't know what the way there is? It seems that Yao Fan is really a genius. Such a system can't be commanded without a world-class general!" Ding Baozhen said to himself.

Ding Baozhen did not know that each company of Yao Fan was equipped with a walker, and the battalion-level unit was equipped with a radio. The regiment-level unit had its own headquarters and map. In addition, the pre-war democratic war system, the battlefield temporary meeting system and the post-war summary meeting system in the army, everyone knows the goal of the battle, from generals to soldiers. What and what should you do in battle?

Since yesterday, Jinan City has had a power outage. The Shandong Machine Bureau built in the Lukou Highlands by the Yellow River has fallen into the hands of the revolutionary army. Two township brave camps responsible for guarding and two green camps transferred to help have been besieged and annihilated, and the rest have been captured.

Ding Baozhen, who was besieged, did not know whether he could defend Jinan. He had a strong uneasiness in his heart. Since these rubber thieves fought in the field were unparalleled in the world, so according to common sense, combined with the analysis of the speed of the rubber thieves' previous siege, they must have excellence in the siege.

Since the city was killed in vain, the four gates of Jinan City have been tightly blocked, and the paved stones on the street have also been removed and blocked behind the gate to prevent explosion.

In the temporary division headquarters outside Jinan, in a small courtyard with white walls and black tiles, Huang Huisheng, the deputy division commander, said to the division commander Xiao Chukai, "Yesterday evening organized a test blasting, 30 kilograms* to smash the gate hole, but the back of the gate was very blocked by stones, estimated to be two or three feet thick, according to the exposure According to the stone analysis, the paving stones in the city should be all blocked behind the gate.

Xiao Chu opened his thick eyebrows and said, "Then tomorrow morning, we will implement the plan of the army headquarters, demolish this section of the wall to the east of the north gate, collapse a slope, and organize commandos to rush up the wall! At noon tomorrow at the latest, you must take down the outer city of Jinan and try to blow up the inner city gate of Jinan before evening.

After a pause, Xiao Chukai added: "Reaffirm the discipline for the troops. The central telegram repeatedly made it clear that Manchu compatriots are not allowed to be killed and all ethnic groups are treated equally. However, considering the danger of the restoration of the feudal dynasty, all Manchu men will focus on labor service and road construction, and there are weapons hidden in Manchu families. , you must check it over and over again, and don't leave a bow or a knife!

The spirit of understanding of the central government's national policy should be notified to all militia units. Before that, our army defeated Qingzhou Mancheng and handed them over to the militia to guard. As a result, they were good. They raided weapons and slaughtered the city. Finally, the central government angrily dismissed the company commanders of the militia company.

Huang Huisheng shook his head and sighed, "Those militiamen are usually very brave. They are eager to officially join the army. They only have one or two taels of silver pay every month, and it is also acceptable that they are not clean."

The political commissar said angrily, "This won't work! If the central government has discipline, it will be implemented. How can they fool around? Three * Laws and Eight Notes are not only for the regular army, but must also be thoroughly implemented!"

Xiao Chu opened his face and said, "At present, the battle is relatively tense, and the policy can only be emphasized repeatedly. At the same time, he uses his spare time to strengthen the education of the militia. Since we have to rely on the militia as the main force to defend the city and maintain peace, some things can only be turned a blind eye."

Shuai Dabiao frowned and said, "Lao Xiao, I don't agree with you. What if there are so many Manchu people in Beijing in the future, what if these militias make trouble and provoke civil unrest?"

Huisheng shook his head again: "I have no problem with the chairman's national equality policy, but I don't think it's wrong to kill all of them."

"Lao Huang!" Shuai Dabiao scolded loudly.

Huang Huisheng knew that he had made a mistake and hurriedly said, "I just said casually that with the chairman's policy, who dares to violate it?"

Shuai Dabiao said urgently, "Anyway, it's wrong for you to think so! The chairman said that we should unite the majority and not kill innocent people indiscriminately. After labor reform, I don't believe that I can't transform those full people into workers?!"

Xiao Chu said blankly, "Your ideological awareness is high, and you have studied in the cadre class. I have listened to the chairman and Marx's class, and we have listened to you."

Huang Huisheng muttered, "I didn't say that I wouldn't listen to the political commissar. I mean, I want to execute those who have blood debts. Which of those old men with eight flags who have not beaten, scolded and robbed us Han people? Which Han people dare to fight a lawsuit with Manchu? Even if his wife is robbed as a concubine by Lord Man, he has to put up with it.

Shuai Dabiao said awkwardly, "If you are guilty, you will naturally organize the masses to conduct trials. I mean, you can't kill indiscriminately."

Xiao Chukai was still expressionless and said, "Dabiao, let's leave the ideological and political work of the militia under our first division to you. Try not to let this kind of violation of discipline appear in our division."

Shuai Dabiao looked at Xiao Chu's face and nodded slowly. He admired Xiao Chukai very much and felt that he was a man with a city government. Although he didn't talk much, he was very thoughtful.

As the first batch of Qingdao locals who went to Yao Fan together with Xiao Chukai, Shuai Dabiao knew that Xiao Chukai's family was never poor. Xiao Chukai's father was a local fisherman and his family was still living a good life, so he could afford Xiao Chukai to finish his private school. At the beginning, Shuai asked Xiao Chukai why he chose to follow Yao Fan to rebel. Xiao Chukai's answer was very simple: "I don't want to be a fisherman like my father all my life, with a fishy smell all day long, and I have to be oppressed and exploited by the government."

Xiao Chukai can become a teacher today because although he doesn't talk much, he has done every job well. Whether it is organizing training or fighting, he is always not in a hurry. Although he is not as brave as the whole army as Hu Guangting in combat, the troops he leads are the most disciplined. In addition, Xiao Chukai is also very appreciated by Yao Fan in terms of writing work. Weekly thought summary reports and army training reports are always well written.

Yao Fan first transferred Xiao Chukai to the artillery and served as the company commander under the battalion commander Gui Ba. As a result, Xiao Chukai actually wrote a collaborative combat process and submitted it to Yao Fan. You know, although Yao Fan stressed to the commanders of the artillery to cooperate with the infantry as much as possible, the specific regulations for mortar and infantry coordination, Yao Fan himself There is no specific clue, but to explore.

A fisherman in the feudal era can actually rely only on personal understanding and understanding to summarize the concept put forward by Yao Fan, a college student from the 21st century, and write a combat process. Although this process still has some limitations and is not bold enough, only in the central direction of one or two combat breakthroughs. It emphasizes the slow artillery coordination step by step, but this scientific idea that is good at summarizing and eager to standardize the combat mode is enough to make Yao Fan have a good eye on him and immediately included him as a key training object. Now Yao Fan has transferred him directly from the artillery to the first division as the division commander of the first group, which can be said to be a promotion of rocket speed.

The next morning, just after dawn, Xiao Chukai commanded the artillery battalion of the First Division to carry out a covering attack on the head of the city. Under the cover of firepower, the blasting group set up five * explosive bags every 30 meters along the east wall of the north gate. As the city wall collapsed, The assault group climbed the collapsed earthwork and bricks and rushed to the head of the city in the deafening shouts. When the light machine guns were set up at the head of the city, everything became simple. A group of Qing troops first captured in the city struggled to carry the stones in front of the gate under the gunpoint and finally opened the gate. By noon, Jinan had The four gates were opened, and all the outer city was captured. With the explosion of the inner city gates, the first division occupied the whole city of Jinan in the evening.

When the first division collapsed the city wall, Ding Baozhen was resting in the city. Days of fierce fighting overwhelmed his old body. When he learned that the wall had collapsed in a large area and the rubber thief had entered the city, Ding Baozhen knew that he was unable to return to the sky.