1875 I come from the future

Chapter 240 Target Hong Kong

[240] Target Hong Kong

As Yao Fan's special train approached Beijing, a 50-meter sentry appeared on both sides of the railway, with live ammunition facing the soldiers standing on the railway guard. After the train stopped on a temporarily blocked platform at Beijing Railway Station, Yao Fan got out of the train and met with the cadres who came to pick up the train, including Liu Jinbao, commander of the Beijing Military Region, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Intelligence Department, and the public# Head of the Security Department.

That night, Yao Fan held a meeting at the Summer Hall in Zhongnanhai to listen to the report of the heads of various departments.

First of all, Minister of Agriculture Liu Taibang reported: "This year, the collection of public grain and grain drying reserves in various places have been completed. So far, the income is 50 billion catties of public grain, about 25 million tons, about 17 million tons of refined grain after threshing, and 8 million tons of feed."

Minister of Finance Wang Gui interrupted, "This is very good."

Liu Taibang nodded and agreed: "The chairman has been asking all parts of the country to vigorously resume production after the war, which led to this year's bumper harvest. Farmers across the country have shared their own land and are very motivated to work. Today, this output is still obtained after reducing the public grain in the drought areas of North China.

Yao Fan warned: "For the drought in North China, not only should we reduce public grain, but also the government should also visit the poor, register particularly difficult families, and pay certain food subsidies every month. People should never suffer from hunger because of the drought. This work requires special attention of governments at all levels. The joint meeting of the central office and ministers should urge local governments in this regard.

The leaders of all departments at the meeting nodded one after another.

Liu Taibang continued: "This time, we were able to complete such a large-scale grain collection and storage, thanks to the new soil drying textbook issued by the central government and the use of kang-style drying. In previous years, the efficiency has increased tenfold!

The central government has also equipped grain drying equipment for qualified areas, which also greatly alleviates the problem of grain storage. At present, grain bureaus and grain depots in various places also hope to upgrade to coal-fired boiler drying equipment on the basis of the currently built kang drying workshops.

Yao Fan said: "This is inevitable, and at present, all the equipment has been launched, but at present, the national railway line is still under construction on a large scale, and there are transportation problems in most parts of the country. Xu Jianyin, Minister of Light Industry and General Manager of Northern Industrial Group, has arranged manpower to dismantle the equipment, hoping to be zero and transported by mules and horses through the current road transportation.

Hearing Yao Fan's name, Xu Jianyin quickly said, "With the cooperation of the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Railways, the county and township grain bureaus and grain depots in remote areas will get coal-fired boiler grain drying equipment in three months at the latest."

Speaking of boilers, Xu Jianyin said with a frown: "At present, the "stupid boiler" rationed by the central government to various places is very popular, and local governments are rushing to get it. This boiler can burn coal and firewood. It is simple and safe to operate and maintain. What a great invention."

Yao Fan said, "It is difficult to achieve high efficiency if it is simple. The thermal efficiency of fool boilers is still relatively low. It is okay to heat and supply hot water to local government agencies, but to promote urban central heating on a large scale, it also needs to accelerate the construction of steam turbine thermal power plants across the country."

Xu Jianyin wrote Yao Fan's words on his notebook with a pen and looked up and said, "At present, the construction task is really heavy. Many factories under the Ministry of Light Industry are being built. Although the method of building a civil construction and installing equipment has been adopted to speed up the progress, there is still a lack of manpower. Especially engineers."

Yao Fan looked at Yan Fu, Minister of Education.

Yan Fu quickly said: "At present, the multimedia training centers in Beijing and Weifang are overcrowded. Thousands of temporary board houses have been built. As a result, the power is tight and can only be powered by diesel generators. Now the troops responsible for the security of the multimedia training center are living in tents. It's because there are too many trainers reporting from all over the country.

Yao Fan told: "Each multimedia training base should implement militarized management for students and strengthen political education and confidentiality awareness."


The meeting was held very late as usual.

Now the central government seems to have endless things to do every day. Yao Fan feels that he should take the burden off the position of chairman and prime minister and wants to hand over the position of prime minister as soon as possible, but there is no suitable candidate for a while, so he can only choose to continue to increase the scale of the central office. Now the office under the central office has There are eight, and the documents they have basically been concisely summarized, and Yao Fan can approve as long as he has a little look.

Because Russia launched the 10th Russo-Turch War in early April when Europe was warming up, this behavior of breaking the regional balance made Britain and France very busy.

The military suppression of Russia and the fierce provocation launched by the newly rising China on land and sea are really overwhelming for the empire and its allies.

At the Central Military Enlargement Meeting, Yao Fan analyzed according to the information sent back by the Russian branch of the Labor International and the historical facts held by the traveler:

"... After Russia invested 720,000 3,000 artillery pieces of 48 infantry divisions, Ottoman Turkey did not play well against more than 400,000 people and more than 800 guns. In the Battle of Pushka, Russia suffered two fiasco and lost nearly 70,000 troops. Now it has no choice but to build trenches and besiege the city. The way is to try to drag Ottoman Turkey to death. Ottoman Turkey, with the support of the British, has sufficient logistical supplies, and the weapons and equipment manufactured by Britain, the United States and France are more advanced than those of the Russians. With the arrival of winter, Russia has encountered serious logistical problems, and the two sides have been deadlocked..."

"Now that British warships have joined the Turks and imposed a blockade on the Bosphorus Strait, and Britain and France have sent nearly 20,000 expeditionary troops to assist Turkey in fighting. The Russians are very sad.

So Russia asked us to fulfill our promise to go south from Guangxi to attack the French army in Annan. Russia is willing to pay 200,000 rubles for this, with a gold content of 0.77 grams per ruble, which is equivalent to 100,000 taels of silver according to the current silver exchange rate.

Speaking of this, Yao Fan raised his voice and said, "Of course, we didn't send troops for this little money. Taking Annan is part of our return policy.

China must bear responsibility for its neighboring countries. Annan has been an inseparable part of our territory since ancient times. Annan, which was previously highly autonomous, is now invaded and enslaved by France, which is unacceptable to us.

In order to relieve the suffering of these people in the colonial Chinese territory, it is incumbent on us to send troops to recover the inherent territory of the country.

The three fish # mine boat brigades formed since May have now begun to take shape. Thirty 026 fish # mine boats have completed half a year of training at the Huludao base in Bohai Bay. It's time to test their combat effectiveness.

If you want to send troops to Annan, you must first knock down the British power in Hong Kong and take back the Macao occupied by Portugal.

After half a year of preparation, the original 1016 armies of the Guangzhou Military Region, plus the newly compiled 21 and 22, a total of four armies have been completed, and the mortar battalions of the whole military region have made careful visual reconnaissance of Hong Kong Island. Once the war begins, the waterway to Hong Kong Island can be completely blocked.

The South China Sea Fleet has mobilized a large number of civilian ships, plus the original warships, which is enough to launch a landing campaign against Hong Kong..."

Yao Fan's commanders of the revolutionary army listened quietly, taking notes from time to time, and the conference room was silent.


Since the North Sea Fleet defeated the Chinese fleet of the Royal Navy at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the British troops stationed in Hong Kong have been extremely frightened.

In the Battle of the Yangtze River estuary, all six warships of the "Chinese Fleet" were sunk and two transport ships were captured except for one steam transport ship Erwin.

In shock and anger, the British brought almost all the East India fleet to Hong Kong and blocked the Hong Kong area together with the French Far East Fleet.

Now, the British have fled back from the mouth of the crew of the transport ship Erwin, and learned that the Chinese warships are all equipped with some kind of powerful shells, with a short range, but the damage performance is extremely high, and the rate of fire has reached an amazing 5 to 6 rounds per minute.

When the news was first received, the British Admiralty did not believe that there was such a fast gun in the world. It was not until repeated interrogation of the crew and captain of the transport ship Erwin that it was confirmed that China already had the strongest short-range artillery in the world. As for its gunpowder composition, Britain has not yet figured it out.

In the view of the British Admiralty, the truth is now clear. The Chinese rebels can quickly unify the country, destroy British warships on the Yangtze River, defeat the five-nation coalition forces, and sweep the Chinese fleet must be a secret weapon they invented. This is a powerful gunpowder and metal fixed shell, so that it can reach extremely high. The rate of fire and destructive power.

The empire that does not set must get this technology!

Therefore, the Ministry of the Navy requested that the 15,000 British-French allied forces and the East India fleet stationed in Hong Kong, while sticking to Hong Kong, no longer harass them, but only shell the Chinese troops on the mainland coast near Hong Kong to achieve the purpose of intimidating the other party.

According to the secret instructions of the Admiralty, Brewstone, the commander of the East India Fleet, decided to organize a death squad to land at ports along the coast of China, trying to grab some Chinese artillery and shells.

At the same time, Hong Kong Governor Kennedy decided to implement a bribery plan to send local traitors from Hong Kong to sneak into the mainland and try to bribe and bribe the revolutionary army to obtain samples of artillery and shells.

At present, the People's Republic of China has carried out reasonable institutional settings with reference to the government of the 21st century. The three major intelligence agencies under the General Staff, the Liaison Office under the General Administration and the National Security Bureau under the Central General Office have completed the division of labor and independent operation, plus the police system and place of the Ministry of Public Security The urban joint defense team and rural militia brigade formed by the Fang government, the whole country's security system is moving towards the goal of full coverage step by step.

As a result, the spy sent by Kennedy was arrested as soon as he entered Guangzhou. The reason was very simple. He couldn't take out the letter of introduction in the store...

According to the regulations of the Ministry of Public # Security, anyone who goes out for business or private travel must bring a letter of introduction or a household registration certificate and travel certificate issued at the local police station.

These certificates used by the Chinese People's Government are all printed on special paper with watermark. Of course, the quality of the printing handled by 2013 is difficult for all countries in 1877.