1875 I come from the future

Chapter 241 Liberation of Hong Kong and Macao

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[241] Liberation of Hong Kong and Macao

At the end of November, it is snowing in the north in the middle of winter.

However, people living in Guangdong are still wearing single coats, and the temperature at noon even reaches more than 20 degrees.

The wind button at Zhang Erbao's collar, the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, was tightly tied. He held a slender baton in his hand and pointed to the big map of the temporary headquarters:

"The battle plan has been studied many times, and I won't be wordy anymore. In short, in the final analysis, one word - "Quick!" The sooner the better!"

"After a month of coastal shelling, the mortar battalions have beaten the foreign fleet into a storm. Yesterday, the artillery battalion of the 28th Division ambushed in Lianhua Mountain, Bao'an, sank two British gunboats in one breath, scared the British fleet to death, and quickly pulled black smoke and ran away. In this battle, coupled with our previous a dozen ambushes and attacks on British and French warships, the British and French sank seven or eight ships, and seven or eight boats were injured.

"Comrades, the East India Fleet and the French Far East Fleet do not dare to rise at the mouth of the Pearl River at all. They have been afraid by our artillery, and now they do not dare to cross the mouth of the Pearl River to shell our domestic river ports. In the chairman's words, the east wind has overwhelmed the west wind!"

"I now convey the decision of the Central Committee, and all the war commanders of the Guangzhou Military Region will listen to the order!"

After Zhang Erpao said this, all the commanders in the temporary headquarters stood up.

"On the morning of November 30, our army launched the campaign to liberate Hong Kong and Macao according to the established operational plan. Under the blockade of artillery fire, it rushed across the two-kilometer small strait, quickly captured Hong Kong and Macao, captured all the local foreigners, and escorted them back to Guangzhou prison.

Kill all stubborn enemies! There is no need to consider capturing British and French warships, but to annihilate them as much as possible. Of course, it is also good to capture them, but there is no need to pay additional casualties for this goal..."

At 4 a.m. on November 30, Li Lu got up and ordered the whole group to start cooking.

When she attacked Beijing, Li Lu was only a platoon leader. Thanks to the huge expansion plan of the Revolutionary Army, according to the battle achievements of the Battle of Botou and the Beijing Liberation Campaign, Li Lu has now become a regimental commander of the newly formed 21 Army, and Maotou has also become his personal guard.

Near six o'clock, the whole regiment had breakfast and began to move towards the offensive position. With the arrival of the attack time, the 21st Army, as the main force of this ground attack, began to attack from the Shigang area of the Kowloon Peninsula to the south.

The battle went very smoothly. According to the requirements of the operational outline, the combination of infantry and artillery of the 21st Army was very smooth. Following the large-scale assault of infantry, the artillery battalions of each division were turned to zero, followed by companies, and constantly built new artillery positions during the march. According to the requirements of the front-line headquarters of each regiment, the front enemy sentry The artillery fortifications are under attack.

The roaring shells sporadically through the early blue sky, and the British and French allied forces flew across the forts and infantry fortifications on the south side of the Kowloon Peninsula.

As the 61st Division of the 21st Army crossed Taimo Mountain and entered the Kowloon Bay area, the wild charge was fully sounded. 181,182,183 regiments under the 61st Division roared and occupied Tsuen Wan. By 10 a.m., the 61st Division had completely occupied the Kowloon Bay area.

With the arrival of various artillery battalions, the number of artillery in the Kowloon Bay area continues to increase, and countless shells bombard the so-called Victoria Bay area at the beach of Hong Kong Island across the narrow line.

The main force of the Anglo-French coalition was located in the south of Victoria Bay on Hong Kong Island. After the unsurprising loss of the Kowloon Peninsula, the Anglo-French coalition used more than 150 artillery pieces of all the forts and coalition equipment in Hong Kong and began artillery fire with the 21st Army north of Kowloon Bay.

Li Lu stood on a high ground at the Kowloon Bay Pier and ordered the mortar company with the walker in her hand: "Blow up! Blow it up! Be sure to smash the artillery positions of foreigners on the opposite side! ......”

As the three divisions of the 21st Army rushed into the southern end of the Kowloon Peninsula crazily, the artillery battalions of the three divisions began to cover the south coast...

Lord Sartre, the commander-in-chief of the British and French coalition forces, stood on a hill on the island of Hong Kong and looked anxiously north with a single-glass telescope.

"Daw! Damn!!! These devils!!! Satan of the East!!!"

Lord Sartre watched the coalition artillery positions on the south coast of Victoria Bay being scolded angrily one by one.

At this moment, the French commander, Baron Rebron's legs trembled slightly and roared anxiously:

"There are more and more Chinese artillery! Their shelling is too powerful! Each shot is more powerful than the 12-inch 304mm 800-pound shore cannon!

Our artillerymen can't shoot at them at all! With just one shot, their shell can destroy all life within 20 to 30 meters!

* Raising bastards!!! Where did these humble yellow pigs get this kind of shell!!!

Mr. Sartre, we are losing this defensive battle!!!"

Lord Sartre roared crazily: "They have nearly 100 cannons! And the number is still increasing. According to my observation, their artillery seems to have magic, and it only takes 2 to 3 seconds to complete a launch! That is to say, the rate of fire of 20 to 30 rounds per minute!!!

Damn it! This is impossible! This is impossible!!!"

Baron Hot Brown's palms are full of sticky oil and sweat, and he can hardly hold the handle of the command knife around his waist. He said dejectedly, "I now know why the five-nation coalition was completely annihilated by the Chinese in Shanghai. This kind of artillery of the Chinese is the first in the world. We can't fight against such great power and high rate of fire. .

For the army, the cannon is the truth, and the Chinese now have the strongest truth..."

To the north of Kowloon Bay, Li Lu used binocular military telescopes to check the damage of the artillery on the other side while asking the hair around her, "Is there enough shells? Has the militia battalion under our regiment kept up?

After a year of training and learning in the army, Maotou is no longer the original appearance of a rice cooker. Now he is not only good at rifle shooting and * throwing, but also a good player of blasting. Now he is working hard to learn mathematics through the military literacy class and self-study textbooks. He has finished learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and is learning decimals and Score. Because now the army has regulations that those who fail to read mathematics and Chinese at the primary school level will not be mentioned.

"Commourge, don't worry, the militia battalion is following. This time, the artillery company in the division followed our regiment. The division assigned 900 shells, 100 guns, and all the militia battalions are carrying."

"Tell the militia battalion to pay attention to its own concealment, abide by the safety regulations when sending shells, and do not send more than once!"

"Yes, regimental commander, I will tell the militia battalion to send a small number of bombs in batches."

"Well, otherwise if a fire point is taken, the ammunition will explode."


Due to the high-intensity fire attack of the 21st Army from 10 o'clock, at noon, the Anglo-French allied forces on the south bank of Kowloon Bay had been shelled and began to flee to the Stanley barracks at the southern end of Hong Kong Island. More than 150 artillery pieces and more than 1,000 artillerymen equipped by the coalition were almost all killed and died under the devastating artillery fire launched by the 21st Army.

Under the cover of various artillery companies along the coast, the fleet that landed across the sea also set out from Shenzhen for a long time and finally entered Kowloon Bay.

As the first to cross the sea, 1307 men of the 183rd Regiment of the 61st Division led by Li Lu boarded the ship and crossed the sea lightly, each with only 300 bullets and 4 bullets*.

It only took 20 minutes for the 183 regiment to complete the landing. After landing, it launched a fierce pursuit of the remaining enemy forces on the island. Except for a company left landing site, the whole army pursued in the direction of Stanley.

Although Lord Sartre repeatedly asked warships stationed in Hong Kong to insert into Kowloon Bay and shell the revolutionary forces on the north coast, Brewstone, the commander of the East India Fleet, completely ignored this request. British and French fleets and large and small ships collected from Hong Kong are now moored in Stanley Military Port, full of supplies, waiting for once the war situation is out of control, they will withdraw from Hong Kong with their shameful colonial army and flee to the French colonial port in Annan.

Because the British East India Fleet and the French Far East Fleet had previously fired with the coastal artillery of the Revolutionary Army, they knew how terrible the accuracy and rate of fire the Chinese artillery were. The standard shooting speed of 82 forced 30 rounds per minute is a nightmare for any fleet, and the Chinese artillery is flexible and magical. The British and French joint ship Teams are often suddenly shelled when caught unprepared.

This tragic downtrend made the Anglo-French Combined Fleet so sad that the original plan to shell China's coastal ports was forced to be cancelled. One day, the British and French fleets hoped to transport the army to land and seize samples of Chinese artillery by shelling the coast, but also suffered heavy shelling losses and had to retreat due to the discovery of Chinese coastal defense forces along the coast.

When all three regiments of the 61st Division of the 21st Army completed their landing, the liberation campaign of Hong Kong Island had been settled.

At this moment, in the Stanley area, Li Lu's 183 regiment is frantically slaughtering the British and French allied forces that fled all the way here.

The original British and French allied forces, with more than 15,000 people, began with the annihilation of 3,000 people stationed on the Kowloon Peninsula, and lost more than 5,000 people in "Victoria Bay" after being baptized by artillery fire, and then fled all the way to Stanley. Along the way, they were constantly beaten by the fierce pursuit launched by the 183 regiment. The 56 semi-automatic high rate of fire and the death harvest of the Type 81 light machine gun have made the Anglo-French allied forces completely unaware of how to deal with it.

Temporary fortifications and trenches set up along the way by the Anglo-French coalition failed to stop the attack of the 183 regiment. After suppressing the trenches with fire, the revolutionary army always launched a *rain attack by the assault group, blew up the whole British and French allied forces in the trenches and then continued to move forward.

In Stanley military port, the remaining 5,000 British and French allied forces are frantically rushing to moor large and small ships here, hoping to escape for the rest of their lives.

Everyone knows that the Chinese executed all prisoners of war in the previous battle in Shanghai, and the soldiers of the British and French allied forces were frightened at the thought that they would be executed after being captured.

The French resolutely abandoned their Annan colonial soldiers, and the British were not ambiguous, leaving the local soldiers in Hong Kong to the dead, taking only British soldiers and officers on board the ship, and at the same time large-scale evacuation of British merchants in Hong Kong.

The Stanley Military Port was in chaos for a while. Those British businessmen and immigrants who thought that the great British Empire would easily defeat the yellow pigs were frightened and wanted to get on the boat with their families carrying cages.

In front of the boarding ladder of the 4800-ton steam transport ship Padua, with a displacement capacity, a British sailor rudely shouted, "Madam, no luggage!"

The British man walking with this luxuriously dressed British woman roared, "For God's sake, these are my property, and Britain should protect my property!"

A sailor pulled the man away: "The people behind get on the boat!"

"No, you can't do this to me! I'm a gentleman!" The man roared.

The sailors completely ignored the man's shouts and continued to anxiously arrange boarding. Listening to the sound of gunfire and explosions in the distance, the Chinese army was about to rush into the Stanley barracks.

Suddenly, the whistle sounded, and the sailor's face changed greatly. He quickly turned around and rushed onto the boat, pushed away the boarding ladder with the rest of the sailors. For a while, more than a dozen British who were climbing crazily fell down.

Throughout Stanley Military Port, the sirens sounded one after another. With the cry and pleading of British immigrants, ships began to leave the port one by one.

"You bastards who should go to hell! You bastard!"

"* Raising the navy! May God let you suffer a sea disaster!!!"

"Come back! Please! For God's sake! Come back!"

"For the Queen's sake, please take me away! I'm Jazz! Sir!"

"Bloody hell is waiting for you! The navy is going to hell!"

"Go to hell for the navy!"

"Go to hell for the navy!"