Arrogant the world

Chapter 113 Entering the Taiji Cave

Although Yan Lang is narrow-minded, he still does things in a measured way. Although he thinks he has the ability to defeat Mu Chen, it is too reckless to do so. He resisted his anger, withdrew his sword in his hand, and hung a smile on his gloomy face: "It's just a misunderstanding, but we will have a chance to fight in the future. "

Hearing Yan Lang's words, everyone around him couldn't help sighing. If the two really fight, a splash of energy will hurt several lives, which is also the last result Yan Lang wants to see.

A wrinkled palm rested on Mu Chen's shoulder, and Xu Qing now looks like he is dozens of years old: "Xinmu, it's really worth my life to get to know young people like you at this age."

Since Mu Chen entered the Temple of Heaven, he has not shown any strength and is deeply hidden. However, this time, in order to save Xu Qing, he did not hesitate to take action against Yan Lang, which moved the old man.

"Master said so, the disciples are really ashamed of themselves." Mu Chenyang smiled. At this time, since his strength was exposed, there was no need to hide it. The person who was born to control arrogance naturally had the pride over everything. Then he turned his head and looked at the burly man who had just wanted to compete with him and said, "Do you still want to compete with him now?"

The man retreated repeatedly, and Mu Chen's beautiful face was reflection in his pupils, but in his heart, Mu Chen was like a ferocious devil. With his empty strength, how could he dare to fight with Mu Chen? He was so afraid that he couldn't even speak. He turned his head and looked at Yan Lang not far away, but the latter ignored him at all.

Step by step back, Mu Chen did not pursue, but stood there and watched the funny scene. Finally, the burly man couldn't stand the deep oppression in his heart, suddenly turned around and staggered away from here.

Mu Chen's strength is indeed unexpected to everyone. After all, the whole Taoist temple knows that his identity is less than five people.

Looking at the man who fled in a hurry, Yan Lang snorted coldly, "What a waste. It's useless for me to change the results of the written examination for you."

Although Mu Chen has been trying to keep a low profile since he entered Rutian Taoism, he had to expose his strength because of Yan Lang, but Mu Chen did not pay much attention to it. It turned out that his hidden strength was just because he did not want to attract attention, so that no one could find it when he looked for an opportunity to go to the Mu family in the future.

After the storm passed, everyone began to whisper and whisper about what had just happened, and several disciples under Xu Qing did not dare to talk to him easily as usual.

Finally, under the scorching sun, Yan Lang said, "Now is the time for everyone to enter the Taiji Cave. The aura in it is extremely heavy and is an excellent holy place for cultivation, but one thing I hope you should remember that you must not enter the depths of the Taiji Cave. With your cultivation, it is enough to practice on the edge of the Taiji Cave, and before sunset You must come out, otherwise your life will be in danger.

After saying that, with a wave of their hands, everyone finally entered the Taiji Cave with excitement. According to the regulations, Taoists and ordinary Taoists cannot enter the Taiji Cave together. Mu Chen did not rush into the cave, but walked to Yan Lang and put the corners of his mouth close to the other party's ear: "If you take action against my teacher, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The latter did not care about Mu Chen's words and said lightly, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in that old guy, but don't think I will let you go. Since you are also a spiritual realm, then I will completely defeat you with my strength."

As a recognized genius in the Taoist temple, although Yan Lang is narrow-minded and calculating, he has his own pride. Mu Chen is not as old as him. Seeing that Mu Chen has such strength, he naturally wants to defeat him with himself.

Hearing Yan Lang's words, Mu Chen was relieved and went straight to the Taiji hole.

At this time, the others had roughly entered the cave, and the moment Mu Chen stepped into the cave, he suddenly realized that the energy was extremely familiar, seemed to have known each other, and suddenly widened his eyes. This was one of the eight sealed places. Although the energy here is stronger than other places, compared with the night, It is countless times weak.

Entering the cave, this is not much different from ordinary caves. Except for rocks or rocks, most of the disciples meditate and practice at the edge of the mouth of the cave. This is indeed an excellent place for cultivation, which is very effective for training new people. This is also a new force that has been emerging for hundreds of years. Important reasons.

However, this strong energy is not very useful for Mu Chen. It is not easy to reach the ninth spiritual realm.

The source of these energy is the depths of the Taiji Cave, but because Yan Lang has told everyone that the depths of the Taiji Cave will be dangerous, and the cave is dark. Even if others are curious, no one dares to go to the depths.

Mu Chen looked at all the people here with their eyes closed, cherished this opportunity to practice, and walked alone to the depths without being noticed.

Although the deep darkness makes people uneasy, but behind Mu Chen's faint purple gold around his eyes, everything can be seen clearly, like daytime.

Sure enough, the deeper it is, the stronger the energy is, which also makes Mu Chen slightly excited. It is almost impossible to improve his strength quickly in such a state, but this hole is really magical. Maybe the deepest part can help him increase his strength.

The energy in the depths is indeed horrible. If the ordinary disciples who practice at the entrance of the cave arrive here, they will soon die because of the soaring muscles and veins.

Along the way, looking at the old rocks on the ground, it is obvious that no one has been here for a long time, which also makes Mu Chen quite strange. It is dangerous for weak disciples to come here, but why don't the masters who reach the true spirit or spiritual realm practice in the depths of this hole?

Thinking of this, Mu Chen also became cautious. Because he had to leave the Taiji Cave at night, Mu Chen also accelerated his pace. For a long time, an energy wall suddenly appeared in front of him, with all kinds of Taoist symbols posted everywhere, slowly emitting weak energy.

Mu Chen frowned and walked here. Seeing that the place with more energy in front of him was not far away, it was difficult to return the same way.

But feeling that there was no danger in this layer of energy film, and the seal could be weak, Mu Chen curiously stretched out his hand and touched the thin energy wall in front of him.

With a little fingertip, the seal did not respond, and there was no discomfort in the body. Then, the arm tentatively reached in and took it out again. After making sure that there would be no situation that could not get in and out, it finally took a step and the body passed through the energy wall.

But after passing through the film, the purity of the energy in the air here is not much different from the outside. I really don't know what the seal is for. I continued to walk forward for a while, and the energy of the air is still unchanged, but at this time, suddenly, a huge figure rushed to face and roared. At a glance, it was a fierce beast with two heights and a rather strange appearance. This giant beast was amazing, and obviously its strength was not weak.

Mu Chen threw out a strength at will and shot directly at the body of the giant beast. Who would have thought that the other party not suffered any damage, but the strength hit him, as if it were fused and absorbed into the monster's body.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this!" Mu Chen sighed and stepped back several steps. Generally, the fierce beast's leather armor was strong and horrible, but he was not sure that he could compete with this thing at close range.

Next, Mu Chen launched a series of true qi attacks, all of which were absorbed by the fierce beast. According to this situation, it is impossible for Mu Chen to win.

The fierce beast was extremely fast, and Mu Chen could barely avoid the opponent's attack by relying on the 'moon step'. After several dodgings, Mu Chen finally had nowhere to avoid in this narrow deep hole. His right fist suddenly popped out and hit the ferocious claws of the fierce beast.


After a loud noise, Mu Chen flew dozens of meters back and barely stabilized his body. Blood kept flowing on his arms. Sure enough, he could not compete with it at close range, but it was really difficult to absorb the monster by attacking it with true qi.

In desperation, Mu Chen slowly turned purple and gold all over his body. Because in the narrow deep hole, he did not use the ancient magic at first. He was afraid that it would collapse in the fierce battle, but now he had no choice.

At the moment when arrogance and domineering appeared, the voice of the fierce beast that kept roaring suddenly became much smaller, as if it had met some natural enemy, and slowed down the speed of action, but it was still approaching Mu Chen step by step.

Although the purple gold is wrapped around the whole body and the combat effectiveness has soared, Mu Chen is still not sure to defeat the fierce beast quickly, and the ancient magic is so violent that he can't fight here for a long time.

Staring closely at the every move of the fierce beast on the opposite side, his arm was slowly raised, his five fingers stretched forward into a knife, and did not dare to shoot the purple-gold energy fluctuation directly here, so he waited for the fierce beast to come in front of him and fight closely.