Arrogant the world

Chapter 114 Xiang Ke

In the narrow and dark hole, the roar kept shaking the surrounding stone walls. It was dark and gloomy. The young man in a cyan Taoist suit stared at the horrible beast that was constantly approaching him, and his breath was heavy and gentle.

Judging from the momentum alone, Mu Chen looked too small, and at the moment of contact, a purple-gold light suddenly broke the darkness. In just a short moment, the light lit up the ferocious face of the fierce beast. Although it was horrible, it could be seen that the painful look on the fierce beast's face. .

Mu Chen looked at the giant beast opposite in a daze. Just now, the purple-gold hand knife was like cutting tofu. He easily cut through the seemingly hard leather armor and passed through the leather armor. There was no skin and blood in it. Even he himself could not believe that he would break through the defense of the fierce beast so easily and planned to fight desperately.

The fierce beast retreated repeatedly, the pupils in the dark were full of fear, and the original arrogant roar was lowered several times.

Through his purple and golden eyes, the scene in front of him shocked him and couldn't see the wound on the fierce beast at all, but he had just broken through the leather armor. Even if he had the ability to recover himself, it was too fast. Mu Chen didn't see it at all.

What's more strange is that this monster has not left a drop of blood. Is there really no flesh and blood? If there is no flesh and blood, what is this monster?

Although the fog is heavy, it is certain that the monster is very afraid of the ancient magic. Mu Chen ignored other things and rushed forward with an arrow step, holding a ball of purple gold in his hand, which was shining brightly.

The fierce beast hesitated for a moment when it saw the attacking Mu Chen, but still did not retreat. After a roar, it jumped to the opposite side and suddenly waved its claws, and its strength and momentum were extremely horrible.

Mu Chen frowned. Such a strong power was difficult to compete with his own ability, but because he was afraid of the collapse of the cave, he still did not turn into a state of rage and bet everything on the ancient magic in his hand.

The purple gold held suddenly threw out. Because the cave was very narrow, the fierce beast could not avoid this ancient magic. However, according to its strength, it should not be afraid of Mu Chen's attack.

The next moment, the ancient magic spirit actually passed directly through the body of the fierce beast, and the huge body turned into an invisible airflow. The huge body of the giant beast and the ferocious face gradually became blurred.

"This guy's body is completely composed of gas. How can there be such a life in the world?" Mu Chen approached and looked at the screaming beasts. The endless airflow dispersed in the air, and the energy contained in the air here increased several times.

The body in front of him turned into an invisible in the blink of an eye and felt the strong and pure energy. Mu Chen opened his arms and absorbed all the strong energy not far away into his body. In terms of combat effectiveness, this fierce beast is equivalent to a first-class soul realm. If it hadn't been for its fear of ancient magic, it would be a little difficult for Mu Chen to win, among which the energy However, it is extremely strong.

The vast energy keeps pouring into the body. This energy is very violent and can't be absorbed at all. Mu Chen is easy to refine this kind of thing because of the ancient magic in his body.

Although this energy is very powerful, once the fierce beast dies, the speed of energy dissipating in the body is extremely terrible. Mu Chen can inhale only a small part of the body, but even a small part of the energy is still very strong.

After absorbing all the energy, Mu Chen is not in a hurry to refine in the body. After all, this energy is too powerful and it is not easy to refine it quickly.

Next, Mu Chen still did not stop and continued to walk to the depths. The cave was amazingly deep. I don't know how long he had walked. Suddenly, a faint light appeared. Mu Chen quickly accelerated his pace when he saw this. Although there was light, he felt that he was very far away from the light source.

After walking for a long time, the light in front of him increased little by little. Finally, the dazzling light appeared in front of him. Just as Mu Chen was curious about why there was light in this deep hole, a very huge space and the mouth of the hole * junction.

I feel that the energy contained in the air here is very pure. If you can practice here, even if you are a spiritual master, your efficiency will be more than dozens of times that in other places.

He walked in carefully and found that dozens of fierce beasts were coiled here, exactly the same as the one Mu Chen killed in the cave. This kind of thing would have its own group. Mu Chen couldn't help sighing, but looking at the energy intensity here, it is not surprising that such creatures can appear.

These things may be a headache for others, but Mu Chen showed a smile and has an ancient magic spirit. He can not only easily kill these fierce beasts that are comparable to the masters of the soul realm, but also devour the energy, which is simply the best 'ment' in the world.

Mu Chen slowly walked in, and the fierce beasts around him slowly turned their heads and looked at the little Taoist priest in blue, revealing his greedy and bloodthirsty face.

For Mu Chen, these fierce beasts are tonics. In the eyes of these fierce beasts, Mu Chen is also a rare delicious food.

Mu Chen stood in the middle of this space, surrounded by hard rocks, and there was nothing strange about it, and the light source came from the top of the very high cave. A piece of crystal with dazzling light hung on it, like a light that would never go out, bright and dazzling.

Surrounded by horrible and powerful bloodthirsty beasts, even if they are masters of the soul realm, it is still difficult to escape alive, while Mu Chen in the ninth spiritual realm is not afraid of these things, with a purple-gold energy halo in his hand and a smile on his face.

A fierce beast suddenly rushed over, and Mu Chen had no intention of retreating at all. He rushed towards him. The purple and golden bright light suddenly shot out, which was not very powerful, but it hit the other party like a stone character falling into the water, making the body of the fierce beast constantly ripples and emitting green smoke.

Purple and gold flashed under his feet. Taking this opportunity, he rushed to the front of the fierce beast, pressed the fierce beast's throat with his palm, and gently exerted it. He didn't even leave the opportunity to roar. The next moment, Mu Chen desperately absorbed the strong energy fog emitted by the fierce beast after his death.

This killing was just an instant. Other fierce beasts kept approaching Mu Chen and suddenly stopped, with a trace of fear in their eyes. They did not continue to move forward, just looking at this strange life.

After absorbing the energy of the fierce beast, the energy that Mu Chen can carry in his body has been basically saturated. Even if he kills it again, he can't absorb it again. Mu Chen can't easily waste this good 'supplement'. Counting the time, and it's time to leave, he didn't pay attention to the angry eyes of the fierce beast next to him. God rose up and flew according to the original road.

And the fierce beasts did not chase it, and now they can't wait for Mu Chen to leave quickly.

Because it was flying in the air, Mu Chen's speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the hole when he came. Here he also saw Taoist priests of the same class in cyan robes.

Everyone closed their eyes for fear of wasting this opportunity, but Mu Chen had gained a lot this time. He slowly walked out of the Taiji Cave. When he came out, the sky had already turned dark. Just like Mu Chen's time, it didn't take long for others to walk out excitedly.

There are even some highly qualified people who have advanced directly to the sky, and it is not an EXA.

Returning to his residence at night, Mu Chen began to refine the pure and violent energy in his body. Although there was an ancient magic spirit, this energy was indeed too strong and violent, and it was impossible to refine it quickly.

The next day, Mu Chen directly asked Xu Qing for leave and did not practice with other disciples. Xu Qing did not ask the reason and readily agreed. He also knew in his heart that with Mu Chen's strength, he did not need to teach him anything at all.

In the next few days, Mu Chen has been refining day and night, and the energy in his body has become abundant day by day.

It took a whole week to refine this energy, and this coincided with the next time to go to Taiji Cave.

Because it is the second time to go to Taiji Cave, the disciples do not need the guidance of the teacher at all. This time, Mu Chen did not see Yan Lang around the Taiji Cave, but it is not surprising that Yan Lang is also the person responsible for the discipline of Tiandao Temple. How can he always explain these little things?

However, there are still two Taoist masters in white robes here to rescue these disciples who have entered practice in case of any sudden danger.

When the two Taoists saw Mu Chen, there was a trace of surprise and curiosity in their eyes. The news of Mu Chen's conflict with Yan Lang had long been widely spread, and Mu Chen was not old, which proved that he was far better than ordinary people's qualifications, not to mention that from his appearance, he was no different from a beautiful little Taoist priest.