Arrogant the world

Chapter 116 Nine Deaths

After the transformation, Mu Chen's speed was amazingly fast, and the power of the purple-gold claw marks was getting weaker and weaker. At the moment when it was about to collapse, Mu Chen's figure had arrived, and his body directly hit the thin wall of energy, and the violent impact shook the film to make a "squeak" sound.

With a roar, a huge force suddenly burst out, and the energy wall burst into a crack. However, the energy wall has been repairing by itself. The powerful and violent spirit of the ancient magic will never let go of a chance. Surrounded by the purple gold gas, it passed through the thin wall. .

At this time, the huge centipede's body almost took shape, staring angrily at his small figure, and suddenly made a hisss. Mu Chen unconsciously shook the air around him, as if he was bound by some invisible object, and even his actions became a little slower.

The huge centipede suddenly jumped into the air. The space here is not small, but it is a little narrow for the giant centipede.

hovered in the air, and Mu Chen looked at the figure flying above him. The latter's body was not completely condensed. On the outside of the huge body, the shell was still a little blurred, constantly absorbing the strong energy this week.

Then, the centipede was like a troll above the nine heavens, and the huge body was smashed down in a large space. The thousands of white feet were like fine sharp blades, sealing every possibility that Mu Chen could avoid.

In this crisis, Mu Chen was not anxious and at a loss. His purple and golden pupils looked up solemnly and calmly, analyzing every movement of the other party, and even the slight twist of each joint of the giant centipede was in his calculation.

Looking at the huge horrible creature that kept approaching him, the purple-gold ancient magic was condensed in his hands and feet. Suddenly, the light flashed in his eyes and condensed his eyes in the most blurred place of the shell, which was where he intended to break through.

The speed of centipedes in mid-air is getting faster and faster. Mu Chen also played the fastest speed and rushed up and went straight to the weakest place of defense. Countless feet that seemed to be sharp blades flashed past Mu Chen. Some of them could be avoided, while some of them did not dodge or defend even under the analysis of the ancient magic flame. Yu, let the body be cut arbitrarily.

Although countless scars were scratched on his body, he cleverly avoided all the fatal attacks. Then his right fist suddenly became purple and golden, and his right arm made a crackling sound from time to time. Purple and gold merged violently into one place. Mu Chen's face was unconsciously distorted, and it was not difficult to see that this move was also on his body. Great harm.

This move is Mu Chen's last killer. The last time he used it was against Qingyuan, who defeated or even almost killed the realm of the spirit with the real world.

Today, with the strength of the ninth-class spiritual realm, this power has multiplied. After an angry shout, he said in a low voice, "You are the second to enjoy the life of my 'Ancient Magic Fist'. Even if you are defeated here, you should be proud."

The fist wind has an unparalleled rage, the fierce friction between the two ancient demons, and you can even see lightning around the arm.

Feeing the terrible energy brought by Mu Chen, the huge centipede suddenly shook, and it couldn't imagine that Mu Chen's strength could condense such a violent energy.

After several tentacles cut their chest and arms again, their fists hit the weakest joints of the centipede, and the whole huge body suddenly twitched. Where Mu Chen hit, two sections were broken, and the lower half of the body fell weakly to the ground, while the centipede remained The body below surrounded Mu Chen like lightning, and just used the 'Ancient Magic Fist' to consume Mu Chen amazingly. Seeing that he was surrounded by the slender body of the centipede, he was unable to quickly dodge and escape.

The next moment, Mu Chen was surrounded by centipede, and the angry huge centipede surrounded Mu Chen in the middle. Soon, this small figure was completely covered by the huge centipede's body, spherical, dripping blood from time to time.

At this time, Mu Chen's eyes were all dark, clearer and more perceptible. The sharp stings kept stabbing his body, but he was unable to recover.

But after a while, the heart and other critical parts were still unharmed. What's going on? Mu Chen endured severe pain and meditated, yes... The invisible soft armor has such a strong defense.

The soft armor came with a trace of coolness, which invaded Mu Chen's body, so that he would not lose consciousness due to excessive blood loss. However, according to this situation, death is only a matter of time. A large amount of blood is lost in the body, and his face gradually becomes pale.

The bright red blood continues to lose. With the continuous consumption of sperm and blood, the blood red water gradually fades from bright red to purple. Because of the use of the ancient magic fist, Mu Chen still has a trace of purple-gold energy on his right hand, but it has no lethality at all.

The breathing became rapid, the breath of life was very weak, and purple blood flowed along the arm to the palm of the hand.


At this moment, a flash of lightning showed a trace of surprise in his desperate eyes, and a trace of sharp pain came from the palm of his hand. Obviously, there was not much energy left in his body. Why was it like this?

As the purple blood flowed into the purple-gold ancient magic more and more, the severe pain became clearer, and a stream of purple-gold lightning flowed through the whole body.

Obviously, there is not much magic, but why did such a strong pain come from? Where did this power come from? Many questions were entangled in my heart, as if I suddenly thought of something. I lowered my head slightly and looked at the purple-gold energy with purple blood, which was constantly flashing.

gritted his teeth and suddenly used the last trace of strength. The remaining ancient magic on his body poured into the palm of his hand, and then his arm suddenly hit the centipede's tentacles close at hand.

Purple blood flowed out, flowing on the palm of the hand, like pure fuel. After a dull electric sound, the whole space was filled with purple lightning.

The body of the centipede wrapped in Mu Chen shook, and lightning easily passed through the shell and invaded its interior. Because it was overcome by the ancient magic, it burst from the inside.

The huge body suddenly fell to the ground, while Mu Chen was suspended there, gasping for breath. He couldn't control the lightning from his hand at all. He only felt that the blood in his body was disappearing at an alarming speed, the energy in his body was constantly vacating, and the remaining power was multiplying.

I looked down at the huge centipede that was still twitching. This thing was simply too strong. If it hadn't been for the ancient magic to defeat this thing, I wouldn't have won. Suddenly, I smiled in a low voice and said, "Even if I win, what can I do? Now I may die soon."

At this time, Mu Chen's voice seemed so weak, and his breathing changed from rapid to slow, and finally fell weakly from the air.

Fall to the ground and feel the dying life. I was unwilling. I finally came to the interior of the Celestial Empire. Before I arrived at the Mu family, I wanted to die here inexplicably.

There are few true qi, ancient magic qi, and spiritual power left, and even the blood has passed away.

At this desperate moment, the huge centipede on the ground suddenly collapsed, and the endless magnificent energy similarity spread out, and the little ancient magic left in Mu Chen's body was like a hungry angry beast for a long time, desperately devouring the surrounding energy and constantly filling himself. At the same time, Mu Chen's gradually weak life was also The slow speed is recovering.

Because there is not much ancient magic gas left in the body, the speed of devouring is not fast, but in this way, it is still enough to maintain Mu Chen's life, struggle to get up, sit on the ground, and try to control the ancient magic gas to absorb the surrounding energy as soon as possible.

And at this time, it was not early. Outside the Taiji Cave, the disciples of Tiandao Temple left one after another. Two Taoist masters count the number of people, and one of them frowned slightly: "Why is there one missing?"

"Don't worry, we didn't see it when Xinmu left." Another said.

These days, Mu Chen has been leaving after absorbing the energy of the fierce beast. Due to his strength, the two Taoists did not pay attention to it. Today, there are fewer people, and he pretends that Muchen has left.

And deep in the Taiji Cave, the young man is closing his eyes and coiled in the rich energy.