Arrogant the world

Chapter 115 Transformation Again

stepped into the Taiji Cave again, and Mu Chen entered the depths again. Because he had been here once, this time he was very efficient and flew directly into the cave, bringing a low sound of breaking the air.

Through the simple energy wall, he went straight to the empty center. Dozens of fierce beasts saw Mu Chen, but forgot the terrible figure a week ago and rushed up.

Mu Chen smiled, his eyes were chilling, and he whispered, "It's still so ferocious."

Then, the purple-gold light flashed by. During several rounds, three fierce beasts fell to the ground, and Mu Chen began to devour this energy unscrupulously. He could not have any pity for such a cruel life.

When he absorbed energy, other fierce beasts did not dare to move forward and scattered around Mu Chen.

When he came last time, Mu Chen devoured the energy of two fierce beasts and refined them for a week. However, this time, after absorbing the energy of the three fierce beasts, he still did not intend to stop. After feeling the situation in his body, he could barely carry the energy of a fierce beast.

I looked at the many fierce beasts around me and locked my target on a small fierce beast. Now there is not much energy that I can carry in my body. Then I absorbed a whole fierce beast in front of me, and then the light flashed under my feet and moved to the smaller fierce beast in the blink of an eye.

Although it was a small fierce beast, it was still much higher than Mu Chen. The fierce beast was not slow to react and quickly retreated. However, Mu Chen still had the upper hand in the speed alone, and the purple and gold under his feet kept flashed, and then a sharp light shot out. After a roar, the fierce beast turned into a strong airflow.

After absorbing it again, Mu Chen left again, returned to the mouth of the cave, watched the disciples concentrate on their practice, and left here directly. After refining the energy of the fierce beast last time, Mu Chen could obviously feel that the energy in his body was much richer than before. Since there is no need to stay here now, naturally Leave alone.

Outside the mouth of the cave, two Taoist monks in white saw Mu Chen walk out in advance. Because of the practice of the Taoist temple, it was impossible to walk out before the time came to practice in the Taiji Cave, so one of the Taoist masters quickly followed.

But at this time, another Taoist priest hurriedly stopped him and whispered, "What are you going to do?"

"Of course, let him go back and continue to practice." The Taoist priest answered truthfully.

"They are not even afraid of Yan Lang. How can they listen to you? Let's save it."

"I'm not going to teach him a lesson. Besides, the practice in Taiji Cave is indeed very effective and persuasion."

"It is said that the heartwood has stepped into the spiritual realm. Taiji Cave is not very useful for the practice of the strong in the spiritual realm. You'd better save it."

In this way, the two Taoists looked at Mu Chen's far away back and did not call him back according to the rules. Maybe no matter where they were, the rules were set for those weak people.

Return to the residence, because of the experience of refining last time, although the energy that needs to be refined this time is twice the original, there is no pressure.

Mu Chen refined the strong energy in the room again day and night. In the room, another seven days have passed.

Even if there is no rest for seven days in a row, the energy is still full because of fresh energy replenishing the body.

In this way, Mu Chen killed the beast in the Taiji Cave, and then returned to his residence to refine the energy. After two months of circulation, the energy that had been getting stronger in the body was finally difficult to feel the enhancement, as if there was a thin film that suppressed the fluctuating energy in the body.

This is probably the bottleneck of the spiritual realm and soul realm, but it is not easy to cross this bottleneck. Even so, on this day, he still entered the Taiji Cave as usual.

In the depths, he has been very familiar with the road here for two months, and he has not had the original expectation. He walked through this dark cave and stepped into this bright and empty place again.

However, at this time, there are only two fierce beasts left here. Now Mu Chen can hold the energy of about six fierce beasts at a time, but the fierce beasts here are not enough, and he is not in a hurry to kill the remaining two.

For two months, these two fierce beasts have been watching their peers killed one after another. Even if they are naturally bloodthirsty, they still have an extreme fear of Mu Chen.

Mu Chen toured here, but he didn't find anything else except the stone wall. He thought that with the help of these fierce beasts, he could step into the edge of the soul realm, but he didn't expect that the soul realm would be so difficult to cross.

The two fierce beasts have always kept the furthest distance from Mu Chen, always being wary of this uninvited guest.

Feeling that it was almost time, Mu Chen also walked to the fierce beast without much effort. He soon killed the two fierce beasts and sucked their energy into his body, but at this time, he did not have the original full feeling.

Just as Mu Chen was about to leave, the dazzling crystal at the top suddenly flashed. Then, the ground directly below the crystal began to gently vibrate and began to vibrate slightly and slowly, but this vibration was constantly intensifying. The originally hard ground actually shook out several terrible cracks.

Not long after, not only the ground, but also the walls slowly cracked. The vibration was not large, but the frequency was amazing. Mu Chen's original step stopped there and looked at this scene curiously.

The crystal at the height flashed again, and the violent vibration stopped in an instant. It was extremely strange. Although the vibration stopped, it left countless small cracks.

Mu Chen stood there like this and suddenly felt a hair move. What is this? The wind? How can there be wind here? Mu Chen's hair is slowly blown up, but there is absolutely no wind in the depths of this Taiji hole.

And the wind began to blow slightly, but somehow, the wind pressure was constantly multiplying, and the hair was blown completely messy.

Mu Chen scratched her head and kept thinking: How can it be? It is obviously in the depths of an impenetrable cave, and there can never be a wind source. Thinking of this, Mu Chen suddenly widened his eyes and looked around. Sure enough, it was the cracks caused by the vibration. These winds came from the cracks.

Feeling the coolness, the air here slowly becomes turbid. No, this is not the wind. Mu Chen couldn't help but take a few steps back. Is this energy flowing? It's terrible. The energy of this intensity is incredible.

Under the crystal, I don't know when a fast-moving white whirlpool appeared, and the rich energy around it kept flowing towards the whirlpool, in which the energy was so strong and horrible.

felt bad. Mu Chen hurriedly retreated and wanted to escape, but then he found that the road had already been blocked by a thick layer of unknown things, and on the opposite side, a hundreds of meters long centipede was slowly forming, with a ferocious face.

Although Taigu magic is the nemesis of this thing, the strength gap between the two sides is too big at this time. Mu Chen clenched his fist and could only kill the centipede before it was formed.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly swept to the giant centipede, but even if the centipede was not fully formed, it still could not be underestimated. With a huge tail, Mu Chen couldn't avoid it and fell heavily on the ground.

The purple and gold color around the body is great, and countless purple and gold fluctuations shoot at the centipede. According to Mu Chen's idea, even if you can't defeat the other party, you should make the centipede completely unable to take shape as much as possible.

But Muchen completely underestimated the strength of the centipede. Before these fluctuations touched the centipede's body, it suddenly burst in the air, and the invisible shield surrounded the centipede.

Looking at the growing centipede, Mu Chen was at a loss. Hurricanes kept spreading from the centipede, and her hair was blown in an abnormal mess.

Mu Chen looked at the huge centipede, his eyes suddenly turned dark purple, his hair also changed color in an instant, and his nails continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's just a little bug. I really thought I was afraid of you!" Mu Chen's body suddenly soared into the air, and the huge purple-gold energy wrapped around the claws of his right hand, suddenly throwing out an unusually strong ripple of energy.

The purple-gold ripples collided with the invisible shield of the centipede and stalemate in the air. Although the two energies have been on an even trend, the purple-gold still slowly darkened, and at this time, Mu Chen's body suddenly flew towards the position of the purple-gold fluctuation.