Arrogant the world

Chapter 237 Imprison

The thunder poison is removed, the injury is healed, and the level is upgraded. At this time, it is the most suitable time to start. Sha Kui, Zong Wen and Fu Ku are ready to go with Mu Chen to the Yanxuan Kingdom, which is far away on the other side of the mainland of the Celestial Empire, to find the real hegemon of the flood and famine - the prison disk.

For Shakui, the three of them have not been flooded for nearly a thousand years, and they will soon meet the prison, and everyone is full of expectations.

The four people walked out of the edge of the wild continent, and the Wanmei witch and others stood not far away and looked at their figure, especially the lover Sha Kui, who met after thousands of years of separation. The decade of Mu Chen's healing is the happiest time the Wanmei witch has spent in thousands of years. This beautiful woman who once advocated the supremacy of women. Zi, his heart has never been able to remove Sha Kui's figure.

On the way out of the wilderness, the four people did not fly in the sky, but were extremely low-key. After all, the tentacles of the Celestial Empire have already reached beyond the mainland. Although the strength of the four people will not be afraid of the pursuit of the Celestial Empire, it is too important to rescue the prison plate, which may be the only opportunity for the whole flood and famine to turn over. Even the rise and fall of the flood is all in the hands of these four people.

Four people walked all the way, passing through several villages and did not stop. However, after walking for a few days, they saw the soldiers guarding here by the Celestial Empire. Sure enough, the Celestial Empire blocked the flood and famine, and no one could get out of the scope of the flood.

Looking at this situation, there is no better way for several people, but after all, the four of them are all ordinary people, and there are no dog-headed monsters, so it's no problem to get out.

At the place where the heavy soldiers guarded that day, there were also several small towns and villages around. Mu Chen's four people saw that these villagers and others were unimpeded, so they didn't care too much and went straight to the city guarded by heavy soldiers.

In the city, the military atmosphere here is extremely strong, and you can hear the roar of soldiers far away. Because it is very close to the flood, it is common for all kinds of monsters to appear here. Unlike other places, the soldiers here have the experience of fighting with the life and death of the flood and monsters. Therefore, they The hatred for the people in the wilderness has become deeper and deeper over time, and there are often soldiers killed by monsters in the wilderness.

Most of the soldiers stationed in the city are ordinary people, and even the vast majority of them have not even reached the airspace. However, these people fight on the battlefield all year round. They are real soldiers, and their combat effectiveness on the battlefield is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

The four Muchen dressed in plain linen clothes and walked to the gate as villagers. However, when they arrived at the gate, the soldiers guarding the city suddenly stretched out a long gun to stop them and said in a cold face, "Show me your proof."

"What proof?" Zong Wen asked.

The soldier immediately replied, "Of course, it's the proof of the villagers nearby. Hand it over quickly."

"I'm sorry, we came in a hurry, which proves that we didn't bring it, but there is indeed an emergency. I don't know if we can accommodate it." With that, Fu Ku took out a rosary of gold and gave it to the soldier. This gold was nothing for Mu Chen, but it was enough for an ordinary person to live a rich life.

Unexpectedly, the soldier slapped the gold to the ground and shouted, "Gold can't get my dead brother's life back!"

Seeing the soldier's attitude, Zong Wengang wanted to be angry. He stopped him and said to the soldier kindly, "I'm sorry, sir, we are all businessmen. Several people must prove it through here, so we will take it in the town."

With that, the four wanted to leave, but the soldier quickly put out a long gun in his hand to stop several people and said, "You can even forget to bring the certificate. I don't think the four of you need to leave, come on! Put them in prison first, and I will check whether they are barbarian spies.

Seeing this momentum, Zong Wen was furious, but there was no attack under Sha Kui's obstruction. The four of them wanted to flatten the city, but if they shocked Tianming, I'm afraid that the matter of rescuing the prison will be ruined.

The four did not resist. They let these soldiers tie them up with chains and press them into a gloomy dungeon. The dungeon here was lively. There were more than a dozen people in each of the hundreds of cages.

Most of the people imprisoned here are in their prime. It can be seen that there are also some monsters transformed into human forms, and a few people are deserters here, but most of them are still mountain robbers.

The soldier brought Mu Chen and the four into the cage with an iron face, looked at the bustling prisoner, pulled out a leather whip from his waist and beat a cage beside him a few times.

The sound of "pop" suddenly covered the noise of these prisoners and calmed down. The soldier scolded angrily, "Stop talking about it. If you are more talkative, I will pull you out and feed the dogs!"

The soldier's words were quite useful. The noisy cell suddenly quieted down. The soldier looked back and forth, found a cage with only two people, opened the door of the cage, and rudely pushed Mu Chen into the four people.

The four of them were helpless. With their ability, they were caught in such a place. If it hadn't been for Sha Kui, Zong Wen would have killed all the soldiers in the city.

In this cage where Mu Chen is located, except for the four of them, one is a thin man lying not far away, and the other is a burly man with developed muscles that can scare children to cry.

The big man walked to the three people with a smile and said playfully, "Where did you come from?"

"A nearby town, are you...?" Mu Chen said.

When the man saw that the other party asked him, he laughed proudly and said loudly, "I'm from the 'grass thief group' not far away. I fought with the soldiers here a few days ago and was unfortunately caught here."

"I think you are just ordinary villagers. Since you are here, I will serve you well and I will take care of you in the future." With that, the man sat among the four people, as if he were the boss of the four.

The four Mu Chen didn't pay much attention to this ignorant man. They were thinking about how to leave here. They didn't want to spend time in such a place.

Not long after, a soldier came with a wooden barrel in his hand full of white-faced steamed buns, but most of these steamed buns were already gone.

Soldiers threw steamed buns into the cage according to the number of people in each cage.

Mu Chen threw six steamed buns into this cage, and the soldier did not want to stay here more. After sending the steamed bread, he left the dark cell with an empty wooden barrel.

However, as soon as the soldier left, the cages began to keep scolding, and the people in the cages fought for the small steamed bread.

Mu Chen shook his head secretly and picked up the steamed bread thrown in. He would not eat this kind of thing.

But at this moment, the man slapped Mu Chen on the head and scolded angrily, "Kid, do you understand the rules here? Newcomers can't eat."

With that, the man grabbed the steamed buns in Mu Chen's hand, pointed to Sha Kui and others and shouted, "Pick up all the steamed buns on the ground, or don't blame me for being rude!"

Mu Chen and the other two were still able to suppress their anger, but Zong Wen couldn't help it. Sha Kui also knew Zong Wen's grumpy temper. He immediately nodded and sighed, "Don't kill me. I still have something to ask later."

The man looked at the faces of Mu Chen and couldn't help but be stunned. Zong Wen stood up slowly, with excitement on his face, and his clenched fists and hair made a "crip" sound.

"Hey! What are you going to do? Don't think that the four of you can defeat me together. I'm a cadre of the 'Gras Thief Group'. If you dare to touch me, I promise that you will die!" The man looked at Zongwen who kept coming towards him. Although he was not as good as himself, he didn't look like a good guy.

Zong Wen's gloomy face slowly stepped forward, raised his fist and knocked the man out and hit the wall of the cage. With a muffled sound, the man stood up with his teeth clenched. As soon as a punch had made him fully understand that the four newcomers were not what he could do at will.