Arrogant the world

Chapter 238 Trial

The scream of Mu Chen's cage quickly spread, attracting countless surprised eyes from other cages. With the understanding of these prisoners, although the big man was a little arrogant, he still had a little ability. He was easily subdued so quickly, and that Zhong Wen was attracted much attention in this cell for a while.

The four people stayed in this cage for a few days and didn't come up with any good idea. The speed of the replacement of the prisoners in this cage is quite amazing, and there are prisoners pulled away and pressed in every day.

In these days, the big man has been much more honest. During the inquiry, Mu Chen also learned that this person's name is 'Zhang Biao', and the 'Gras Thief Group' mentioned by Zhang Biao did exist, and it was a large organization.

From Zhang Biao's mouth, the four Mu Chen also roughly learned about the situation around here, mainly the garrison of the Celestial Empire and guarded here. However, the grass thief group is the most primitive force here. This area is completely ground snakes. Since the arrival of the heavenly army, it can be said to have cut off the wealth of these thieves, and the sky The soldiers of the North Korea do not recognize the existence of the grass thief group, and as long as they meet, they will fight.

Originally, the power of the grass thief group could not be compared with the garrison of the heavenly garrison, but since the garrison of the heavenly dynasty came here, they have been forcibly collecting the taxes and food of local residents for military use. In this way, the relationship between soldiers and the people has deteriorated to the extreme. It is logical that the bandit force of this grass thief group has collapsed. It has become conforming to the hearts of the people.

Over the years, more and more civilians have volunteered to join the grass thief group. Over time, the power of this grass thief group has become more and more powerful. Now this grass thief group, which is born as a thief, has a bit of a bit of a righteous army, and its strength is also considerable. This is the lowest official in the grass thief group, and his command Dozens of people can be said to be cadres.

After the heavenly army was stationed here, the forces other than the grass thief group could not continue to survive at all. They had only three choices: to be annihilated by the heavenly army, disband their own forces and join the grass thief group. Although these small forces were not strong, they were all painstakingly managed by themselves. How could they be easily? Disbanded and destroyed, forced to helplessly, most of them also joined the grass thief group.

In addition, the power of the grass thief group is not easily destroyed by the heavenly garrison, but what bothers the heavenly garrison is the new demon group, an organization established in recent years.

The 'New Demon Group', as the name implies, is a force composed of monsters. They are all spontaneously composed of some young monsters on the periphery. Because the garrison of the heavenly dynasty killed all the monsters who went out all year round, they spontaneously organized and left the flood and came here to fight against the defenders of the Celes of the Celestial Empire.

The new demon group has nothing to do with the major forces in the flood and famine. Although the lords of the four regions also know that there are defenders on the edge of the flood and famine, it is indeed easy to destroy the defenders with their strength, but this is meaningless for them. As long as they do not defeat the Celestial Empire and kill these defenders, there is no meaning.

And now there are three forces near the garrison of the Celestial Empire, and there are four kinds of people in this cell: captured by the grass thief group, captured by the new demon group, the deserters of the Celestial Empire, and innocent people.

In this cage, even more than half of the innocent people, and the garrison would rather kill a thousand without letting go of an enemy, and were not polite to the common people at all.

In this cage where Mu Chen is, Zhang Biao is naturally a member of the grass thief group, and another thin man who has never spoken for several days is a member of the new demon group.

In the whole cage, the most suffering is the ordinary people. Some of them have never even fought. In front of these men who have been fighting all year round on the battlefield, even if they are both prisoners, they can only bow down.

The identity of the four Mu Chen made Zhang Biao a little confused. According to these four people, they are neither a group of grass thieves nor a new demon group, but this sect heard that their terrible strength is a little horrible. It is difficult to imagine that people with such strength in such a place are civilians and have not joined any force.

During this cage, Zhang Biao and the thin man were often forcibly taken away to work hard to build a city, and new prisoners like Mu Chen had to go to a trial first. Before the trial, they did not need to do any hard labor.

However, this quiet day did not last long. On this day, two soldiers walked fiercely to the cage of Mu Chen, and one of them said loudly, "The four of you come with me."

With that, the soldier took out the iron handcuffs and locked the hands and feet of the four people. As soon as the chain was pulled, the four people were taken away by this tough way.

Following the soldiers out of the cell and passing the square of the soldiers who were constantly practicing, they took four people to a pretty good room, where the sun was abundant and the environment was extremely good, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The soldiers also unchained the four people. Although the room was gorgeous, it was not big. A rectangular table was placed in front of the four people, dividing the whole room in half.

Soon, a gorgeously dressed man came with a smile on his face. After seeing the four people in front of him, he raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Sit down first. Let's talk slowly."

Mu Chen's four people didn't know why, but since the other party was so polite, they all sat down.

"We are the garrison of the Celestial Empire, and you must all know that today I will ask the four of you. The Celestial Empire has always been generous to people. Next, the questions I ask you should be answered truthfully." The man's smile gradually dissipated and his speech became solemn.

The four Mu Chen watched the change and wanted to see what he wanted to do.

Mu Chen smiled and said, "Sir, please tell me. We will tell you the truth."

The man's face condensed, and there was a trace of light in his eyes, and he said, "Are you the thief of the grass thief group?"

"We are the villagers around here, sir, you can only wish for us." Fu Ku had a careless beard and smiled kindly, "Look at my age, how can I still go to such a place? You are misunderstood."

When the man heard this, he immediately turned pale. He slapped the table fiercely and shouted, "Does that the old gentleman mean that our soldiers in the Celestial Empire have caught the wrong person?"

Fu Ku was not angry, but laughed and said, "Sir, this is not that you caught the wrong person, but a misunderstanding. The heavenly dynasty upholds its duty, and we ordinary people also see it in our eyes."

The man sneered at Fu Ku's words, but soon the anger disappeared, but Mu Chen secretly admired the speed of the 'official' changing his face.

The man said, "Remember, the Celestial Empire will never do anything wrong. Whether you are from the thieves or not, since you have been caught, you must be, but I have brought you here this time is a chance. As long as I frankly admit my mistakes, I will naturally let you go. After all, I It's still in the name of benevolence and righteousness."

The four Mu Chen didn't say anything when they heard this. On the safe hand, although the four of them stayed here for the time being, which one is not a powerful man? How could they believe this kind of deceiving words to the people?

Mu Chen said respectfully, "I'm sorry, we will never admit these unwarranted charges. I hope you will understand."

The man did not give up and took out a piece of paper from his arms with all kinds of evidence that the four Mu Chen were imprisoned here. These charges were obviously forged, and the man did not get angry and said, "Don't worry, I know you are not from that thieves, but if you don't admit it, I'm afraid you will be punished. All kinds of severe punishment, the final end is even more tragic, but if you admit it, with the benevolence of the heavenly dynasty, it will naturally open the door for you and let you go.

'The benevolence of the Celestial Empire?' Hearing this, the four people couldn't help scolding in their hearts at the same time. It seems that the garrison here did not dare to convict people randomly, but if they really signed this crime certificate, I'm afraid it would be really troublesome.

Mu Chen has a deep understanding of the mediocre management of the Celestial Empire. At the beginning, he was designated as a wanted criminal as soon as he stepped into the Celestial Empire, but now it's like this again. Mu Chen smiled and said, "We know that the Celestial Empire is benevolent, but we also believe that the Celestial Empire has always done things fairly and strictly. This is just a misunderstanding, and we are not criminals."