Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 30 Call

The Northern Tang Dynasty sat leisurely on the sofa, smoking a cigar and holding a report in his hand. Yajing, you can go to the company to verify this task report and send it to the following to pay attention to the financial review. Next to her, a girl in her early 20s, wearing a black uniform and wearing black high-heeled boots, although there is a black frame on the bridge of her nose, she can't stop her beautiful face, white melon seed face, amorous figure, graceful curves, and can't hide the proud **. Got it, uncle, I'll do it right away!" The girl made a grimace and ran away with a smile. Hey! Women's University doesn't want to stay! I don't know where to go crazy day by day. The Northern Tang Dynasty sighed namelessly. Beitang Yajing, the unknown niece of the Northern Tang Dynasty, majored in company management. As soon as she graduated from college last year, she was transferred back to the family to manage the company.

"Ding Ding..." Beitang picked up the mobile phone namelessly and opened it. It was a strange number. He didn't think much about it. He thought it was a customer, so he picked it up casually. Hello? Hello, who are you looking for? Although he is the head of the family, the Northern Tang Dynasty is still very polite. Ha ha, the patriarch of the Northern Tang Dynasty, you are really forgetful. You sent someone to kill me a few days ago. Why did you forget it so quickly? A man's voice came from the other end of the phone. Ha ha, I'm sorry, what my Beitang family has done is to deal with this. Killing people is just a matter of hands and feet. The unknown thought that the relatives of the murdered person came to the door, with a strong tone. The patriarch of the Northern Tang Dynasty regards human life like grass. It seems that there must be many enemies! Haha!" The other end of the phone didn't seem to buy it, but satirized him. Humph! Who the hell are you? Don't talk nonsense to me. If you let me know that you dare to fool me, I'll let your whole family get out of here." The Northern Tang Dynasty roared viciously and viciously. Yo! Northern Tang patriarch, I thought you were a generous person! I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that. It seems that compared with you, I'm not a high immortal!" The nameless Northern Tang Dynasty was confused and thought to himself, is this person a psychopath? Don't think about it, I'll give you another hint, Can Yu is in my hand!" When the last few words were said on the other end of the phone, the voice was obviously lowered. Long, Long Xiaoqi?" Haha! Exactly me, how about it? I didn't expect to call you! Chief of the Northern Tang Dynasty, I wonder if you are interested in answering my phone now? There was a rogue voice from the other end of the phone.

"What on earth do you want to do? Although Qingyu failed, don't be too proud. There are many excellent assassins in my Northern Tang family. Maybe they will kill you at any time. The Northern Tang Dynasty was nameless and confused. At this time, Long Xiaoqi should avoid them! Although he failed last time, there will be another time, or even next time. Isn't he afraid? Moreover, he took action to abolish one arm of Qingyu of the Northern Tang Dynasty, and the Northern Tang family would not let him go. Although he did not understand what Long Xiaoqi's intention was, the nameless Northern Tang Dynasty still warned that the Long family had been destroyed by the Oriental family. Long Xiaoqi dared to be so arrogant that no matter how generous he was, he could not be angry.

"I want to do a business with you. I don't know if you have any ideas?" Long Xiaoqi's playful voice came again. Do business with me, what kind of business?" The nameless in the Northern Tang Dynasty still did not react. The person he wanted to kill turned around and made a deal with himself. I want you to help me get rid of the Oriental family. Although it was casual, it changed in the nameless ears of the Northern Tang Dynasty, the Oriental family! The Oriental family has destroyed your Long family. Who has the strength to fight against him?" Are you kidding me?" The Northern Tang Dynasty said with a solemn face. I've already said that it's your business what to do. If you don't agree, I have the phone number of other families here. I want to exchange two pieces of residual jade for another family. It's not a loss!" Long Xiaoqi was very casual, but the more Wuming in the Northern Tang Dynasty listened, the more shocked he became. What happened to the Canyu and Oriental family today? Such a big pie fell all of a sudden. I'm afraid that the nameless Northern Tang Dynasty has also been smashed at this time.

The Northern Tang Dynasty took a heavy breath of cigar, and the strong fragrance stimulated his brain nerves. Talk about it! How are you going to change it? After all, the unknown in the Northern Tang Dynasty was an old fox. In a moment, he pushed the ball to Long Xiaoqi's body. Before that, I want to hear how the Oriental family negotiated with the six major families. Long Xiaoqi is not a fool. Naturally, she needs to understand the market when doing business.

In fact, the reason why Long Xiaoqi was the first to call the Northern Tang family is that although the Northern Tang family does not seem to be strong, there is a huge intelligence and assassination network behind it. No matter which family fights with the Northern Tang family, I'm afraid that they will have to lose both sides in the end. Another point is that through the last Qingyu of the Northern Tang Dynasty, Long Xiaoqi can see that the Northern Tang family is also very dissatisfied with the Oriental family, but it has not shown it. This time, if the remnant jade promotes it, I am afraid there will be unexpected gains. With the Northern Tang family, the other four families will be easy to do.

The Northern Tang Dynasty roughly told Long Xiaoqi about the whole thing, which was similar to that of the Northern Tang Qingyu. Long Xiaoqi knew it and didn't ask much. She just talked about the experience of the Long family and the secret collusion between the Oriental family and the Wang Group. Long Xiaoqi abruptly talked about the bloody alliance for more than 20 minutes. He was so angry that the unknown Northern Tang Dynasty really wanted to throw away the phone, but there was nothing he could do. Who called the business door! Who has ever seen the God of Wealth push out the door!

"Then what are you going to do?" After listening to Long Xiaoqi's chatter, the Northern Tang Dynasty finally opened his mouth to speak. My plan doesn't matter. The question is whether you can gnaw the hard bone of the Oriental family." Well..." There was a black line hanging on the nameless face of the Northern Tang Dynasty. If you say that the Eastern family, even if you try your best, you may not be their opponent. Even if you defeat the Eastern family, I'm afraid you will be reaped by others. The brief silence aroused Long Xiaoqi's disdain, "I'd better call other families!" Maybe they will have a better way!" Long Xiaoqi threatened fiercely. Little rabbit, how dare you talk to me like this? When I get Canyu, let's see how I deal with you. The Northern Tang Dynasty almost said it without a name, but in the end, the words came back to his heart.

"That's it! I will discuss it with the other four families and give you an answer at that time. Northern Tang did not dare to be careless about this matter. If the matter is exposed, it will be followed by the disaster of extermination. OK, OK, OK, I'll wait for you for three days. After three days, I need your answer." Well, I'll try my best! Oh! By the way, why do you think I can help you? You should be very clear about the purpose of each family now. Also, if you call me, aren't you afraid that I will find your location and take away the residual jade in your hand? The nameless Northern Tang Dynasty is very puzzled when this boy has become so bold. Hahaha! First, the Oriental family is the life-and-death enemy of the Long family. It can be said that he has me, and I don't have him, and it is also human's normal for you Northern Tang family to take action to seize jade. Who let the Chinese country have a saying called 'people walk away's tea'! Presumably, no one will be so willing to give up the baby to others. Second, you can check it. You can use any force of your family to check it. I'm now in the United States, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the beautiful women. I'm so uncomfortable. Shh!" After saying that, Long Xiaoqi whistled vigorously, as if she were teasing the blondes around her, but her words were full of irony. Humph! In three days, I will reply to you. If you are not here, don't blame me for not caring about your family. After saying that, the Northern Tang Dynasty hung up the phone.

"Is this boy refined? It's so unscrupulous that he doesn't know the depth of heaven and earth. Beitang put down the phone and took a mouthful of cigar hard. At the same time, the brain also told it to destroy the Oriental family and get the remnant jade, which is a big deal. I don't know what's going on with those guys?" After saying that, Beitang picked up the mobile phone, pressed the number, and dialed out.

Long Xiaoqi lay ** and looked at the sunshine outside the window. She felt much more comfortable for some reason. Maybe she saw the hope of revenge. Grandpa, father, soon, I will avenge you. You can rest in peace. This time, you are only allowed to succeed and not to fail. Long Xiaoqi muttered.

As for the four major families of Sima, Nangong, Zhao and Ximen, Long Xiaoqi is not in a hurry. Let the Northern Tang family get busy first! When you are almost busy, I'm calling each of their families. Presumably, even if they can really unite against the Eastern family, there will be estrangement between them. Humph! The five major families, however, will never have real friends in the face of interests. Long Xiaoqi has always been worried about the equal division of the territory of the seven major families. In front of interests, such as a hundred-year vows and thousand-year allies, everything is a false talk. If there is a chance, Long Xiaoqi will not mind weakening their strength. Moreover, if the five families work together and really win the Oriental family, it will not be ideal for their own form at that time!

Although Long Xiaoqi seems to be careless and do nothing every day, in his heart, she has already planned the whole thing, and even thought about it more than once in his heart, where there are loopholes, how she can deal with the five families, and how to make the five families work hard for themselves. However, through the change of the family, he learned how to disguise himself. Although Long Xiaoqi is still the same Long Xiaoqi, her heart has quietly changed.