Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 31 Gathering

In the conference hall of the Northern Tang family. Wuming of the Northern Tang Dynasty, Sima Yu, Nangong Lichou, Ximen Tian and Zhao Zirong sat on the chair. No one spoke, but looked at each other, as if they were waiting for others to speak first.

"Let me say a few words first! Since it is in my Northern Tang family, it is my nameless people in the Northern Tang Dynasty who came here, and Long Xiaoqi called me first. I will express my opinion first, so as not to be told that I was unnamed in the Northern Tang Dynasty. The Northern Tang Dynasty sat at the table namelessly and said slowly. Since Long Xiaoqi called him first, the initiative is in his hands. If used properly, he may get unexpected benefits. But it doesn't matter. Sima Tiansi said in a svenly style.

"I think you already know what Long Xiaoqi means when he called me. The condition he can offer is two pieces of jade and the territory of the whole oriental family. Before the unknown words of the Northern Tang Dynasty were finished, they were interrupted by others. I said unknown brother, why did the boy Long Xiaoqi say that he gave the remnant jade and territory of the Oriental family? If it is won, it will also be our own achievement. What does it have to do with him? He only produced a piece of residual jade and wants our five families to work for him? Humph! The idea of an empty-gloved white wolf is good, but does he treat us all as fools? In addition, the Murong family has obviously become the henchman of the Oriental family. If the Oriental family has something to do, do you think he can stand by? At that time, we will not only face the Oriental family, but also the Murong family, and even those forces that we don't know. Zhao Zirong was not only ugly, but also had such a grumpy temper. He asked directly. For a while, the scene was a little embarrassing. I have also thought about this question, but the Eastern family is dominant. With their wolf ambitions, each of our families will not be better in the future. Now the power of the Oriental family in the northeast is still unstable, and it is the best time to take action. As for the Murong family, it's better not to intervene. If they intervene, they will also be accepted by the way, but a Murong Feng, I don't think you will be afraid of him! At that time, I think these benefits will be rich enough! But..." The unknown topic of the Northern Tang Dynasty turned around and continued to talk. This matter is very risky. A single oriental family is not something that you and I can deal with, not to mention the Murong family. If what Long Xiaoqi said is true, it must be that Wang's Group is not willing to lag behind. I remember that I accidentally asked Long Xiaoqi if the old guy was still alive. Although he did not answer me directly, from his tone and actions, he was very likely to be dead. Think about it, which one of us dares to say that we can defeat Long Jingdao, let alone defeat it, even if it is a draw, it is quite difficult! Therefore, I feel that there must be a master behind the oriental family. You need to be cautious about this!" After saying that, Beitang took a mouthful of cigar and spit it casually, as if the people below did not exist at all.

"There is no gain in this world, and there are enough risks before there will be corresponding rewards." Ximen Tian deserves to be a businessman. No matter what he does, he considers it from the perspective of interests. In my opinion, let's do it! Hey, the territory of the Oriental family is second, two pieces of jade, tut!" Zhao Zirong squeaked his lips. Although he had a lot of scruples in his heart, the expression on his face could not hide his desire for Can Yu. For a hundred years, the Zhao family has been pursuing the limit, but due to limited talent, not to mention the Long family and the Oriental family, even the Nangong Beitang family are not as good enough. I'm afraid that in another hundred years, it will be reduced to live under the face of others like the Murong family. I think this matter still needs to be considered. Instead of taking the risk of extermination to rob the remnant jade of the Oriental family, it is better to deceive Long Xiaoqi and grab the jade first, and then..." With that, Nangong Lichou drew a killing action, and then laughed. Everyone said their opinions one after another, but Sima Yu was silent and just sat there quietly with a smile on her face, as if it had nothing to do with her.

"Master Sima, everyone has expressed their opinions. Your Sima family has always been famous for its fate and enlightenment. I wonder if there are any tips from God this time?" The unknown purpose of the Northern Tang Dynasty is to pull everyone to this ship. Only when the five families work together can they defeat the Oriental family.

"Ha ha, our Sima family just knows some Xuanhuang skills. Those things are just pediatrics for you. Destiny has its own destiny. Why do you force it!" Sima Yu still has a smile on his face, and he is not surprised, which is his greatest characteristic. I said Sima Yu! Now that everyone has expressed their attitude, you can also say that you can settle this matter as soon as possible so that we can all feel at ease!" Zhao Zirong is the most straightforward. Ha ha, it can't be said that this matter is impossible, but how much family background can you take out? Sima Tian did not answer directly, but asked them a question. After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in condescenuation. If you want to say that everyone is willing to share the stolen goods, but do you want to contribute? No family will be willing, because it is easy to reveal their details.

Looking at the four people without saying anything, Sima Tian didn't say much. Everyone has their own secrets in their hearts, not to mention the details of their own family. If they leak like this, it is equivalent to handing over their lives to others. For a moment, the scene was a little embarrassing. Everyone was thinking about something, and no one was born to talk.

"That's it! My Northern Tang family first handed over the five hundred elites. The Northern Tang Dynasty said quietly that if he didn't speak first, I'm afraid no one would speak first. Then my Zhao family also sent 500 elites from the clan. Zhao Zirong was very excited and even a little anxious. Seeing that the Northern Tang Dynasty opened his mouth first, he was not willing to lag behind. My Nangong family also has 500 elites. Nangong Lichou also immediately said. My Simon family has been mainly engaged in business for generations. Although we can't get so many elites, our Simon family is willing to produce 200 elites, and I can hire a thousand mercenaries. Ximen Tian also said his thoughts in his heart. The four families finished speaking, and only Sima Yu took a sip of tea without making a sound.

"Pear Sima, do you feel something is wrong with this?" Ximen Tian knows the way of observing words and colors. Although Sima Tian's face does not show anything, he must have made a decision in his heart. If each family is only willing to show this strength, I advise you to break up early!" Although Sima Yu didn't say much, his words have deeply expressed his attitude. Then what do you say we should do? Zhao Zirong asked in a hurry. Since you all want the Canyu, our major families must unite. As for who will own the Canyu, that's a later story. As far as I know, there are no less than 5,000 members of the Oriental family, not to mention the help of Murong and Wang's Group. There are 3,000 people in our district, hum! I'm afraid that if I can't see the members of the Eastern family, the whole army will be destroyed. As for the details of the Oriental family, I don't think the head of the Northern Tang Dynasty will not fail to understand it!"

"hehe." The Northern Tang Dynasty laughed embarrasslessly. Who has no selfishness, but in this matter, if anyone stays selfish, I'm afraid that any family can bear the consequences.

"Bright, what conditions did Long Xiaoqi promise? Is it just a piece of jade of the Long family? There are countless treasures, weapons and skills in the dragon family. If he is willing to give them to us, we may consider them. Zhao Zirong knew that the details of the family could not be kept. If he didn't make more money, he wouldn't do it. That's right! Everything in the Dragon family must belong to us, otherwise, just a piece of jade will make our five families work for him, hum! You really can't treat us as fools. As for his life of Long Xiaoqi, hey, that's from the Northern Tang family. Don't rob me. The unknown Northern Tang Dynasty also echoed. It seems that I forgot who contacted everyone to take the initiative to attack the Eastern family.

"Ye, it's okay. For thousands of years, the collection of the Long family must not be ordinary. Although it is not as good as residual jade, it is also a rare treasure for a hundred years." Sima Yu said casually, but nothing revealed his intentions. OK, that's it. We cheated Long Xiaoqi here. If he comes, we will rob him of his residual jade. If he dares to circle with us, then we will destroy the Oriental family and kill him after getting the remnant jade. Zhao Zirong echoed. Well, in this case, I, the nameless of the Northern Tang Dynasty, will no longer hide it. 1,500 elites from the clan, plus the intelligence and assassination network of my Northern Tang family outside. This time, Wuming of the Northern Tang Dynasty is ready to sink the boat with the mentality of not succeeding. My Ximen family has a thousand elites. As for the Wang Group, the youth gang they control will be dealt with by me." Since it is more sincere, my Nangong family will not lag behind. This is my biggest bottom line. Nangong Lichou looked at the crowd and finally made a fierce decision. My Zhao family has no other ability, 2,000 elites, which is also my bottom line. Although Zhao Zirong looks five or three thick on the surface, his heart is very thin. Ha ha, since everyone is so sincere, our Ma family is willing to produce 1,500 elites. In addition, if the Murong family dares to take action, as long as our Sima family recovers 500 elites, it will be difficult for them to cross the minefield.

"Okay, that's the matter. When I call Long Xiaoqi later to lure him to come, I will hold a nameless banquet in the Northern Tang Dynasty. I hope that our five families can have a good relationship for a hundred years and let me do my best as a landlord." The Northern Tang Dynasty stood up without a name, smiled and said heavily.