Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 20 Destiny

"What? What did you say? Is this true? In the main hall, a middle-aged man sat in the main seat and suddenly stood up. Really, it's all true, you see, Can Yu!" The speaker is Long Batian, and the person sitting in the main seat is Long Batian's father, that is, the patriarch of the Long family - Long Teng.

Long Teng's face was full of seriousness, staring at the remnant jade in Longbatian's hand, "Qian?" Long Teng looked at his son puzzledly. Ah! Well..." Long Batian talked about how the eight of them distributed the remnants of jade in the wooden house with empty feet in Kunlun. The ancient jade is divided, and the world is separated. Ancient jade gathering, the world is in chaos. Long Teng kept talking about these twelve words, with doubts on his face, as if he was thinking. Father, what's wrong with you? Long Batian stepped forward and asked with concern. This matter is very important. I will contact the patriarchs of other families. This jade is destined for you. Please take good care of it. Long Teng stroked Longbatian's head, and his eyes were full of love. As the heir of the Long family, Long Batian has indeed tasted the difficulties and hardships that people have never experienced in the same year for so many years. But as the heir of the Long family, this must also be undertaken, because the enemies of the Long family are extremely powerful and mysterious.

"I know, father, I'll go down and rest first. You should also take care of yourself." Long Batian looked at his father's majestic figure, and his eyes couldn't help but be wet. Long Teng has suffered too much and suffered too much for the family's revival and revenge in recent years. Since Long Batian remembered, he has not seen too many smiles on his father's face, as if he was worried every day. When he was a child, his father told him most not to care about his words, but to ask him to practice martial arts and avenge his family. Although her mother is understanding, she shed tears from time to time in the face of such a crazy man.

At the same time, Dongfang Xiong looked at his son lying in ** with mixed feelings. A few days ago, Sima Tian and Zhao Ze sent Dongfang Yu back home and simply told Dongfang Xiong what happened these days. Dongfang Xiong asked him to rest at home, but he was pushed away by them. Dongfang Xiong did not give in. He knew that they still needed to go home to report.

"Yu'er! Why are you so stupid? You don't even want your life for the sake of brotherhood. This remnant jade will not only bring harm to the world, but also bring a devastating blow to our Eastern family. Sooner or later, the patriarch of our Eastern family will be yours. You are forcing me!" Dongfangxiong gently stroked his son's forehead and said softly. He knew that if the elders of the clan knew about this, they would be very likely to expel Dongfang Yu from the family, even the son of the patriarch, because it would bring danger to the Dongfang family to exterminate the clan.

"Come on, take good care of the young master. I'm afraid it will be a long time for me to go out. If the young master wakes up, don't let him worry. Just stay at home and wait for me to come back before discussing. Dongfang Xiong said to the servant and made up his mind that no matter what, he would keep his son first, and then turned around and left.

In the hall of the Sima family, Sima Zhenfeng sat at the table and looked at the crowd with a serious face. What do you think of this?" Sima Zhenfeng asked, in fact, he is also testing everyone, especially his three sons. The position of head of the family must be obtained by talented people, so as to make the Sima family flourish. But no matter what, he will be elected among his three sons, and no one will pass on the position of head of the family to an outsider. However, what he valuees and loves most is his grandson Sima Tian. At a young age, his achievements are so high, especially after getting Canyu, he is related to the future fate of the Sima family. I'm afraid that soon, Sima Tian will be elected as the successor of the family owner.

"Father, this matter is very important. According to Xiaotian, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos soon. And our Ma family must come up with a perfect solution to protect the century-old foundation of our Ma family. Sima Tian's second uncle got up and said. Sima Zhenfeng nodded, turned his head and looked at Sima Tian's uncle. Our Ma family is famous for its fate and enlightenment, but now, they can't see through this remnant jade and think that this remnant jade must be a treasure in the world. However, as the second brother said, this remnant jade master's evil omen may be difficult to find with this piece of remnant jade alone. According to my intention, it is better to summon the other seven clans to fight against the remnant jade. Sima Zhenfeng didn't say anything, but looked at his youngest son, Sima Tian's father. Father, I agree with the words of the two brothers. These eight people have become brothers, which has brought our relationship closer. Now because of the appearance of the remnant jade, I'm afraid that all ethnic groups can't get rid of it. I think the heads and patriarchs are reasonable people, and they will not cause the people of the world to be in water and fire. Grandpa, I have something to say. Sima Tian sat at the end, but this could not hide the light on the young man's head. Say it!" Sima Zhenfeng's eyes are full of kindness. In front of Sima Tian, he is not the head of the clan, but just an old man. Canyu is of great importance and involves the lives of the world. 'The ancient jade is divided, and the world is separated. Ancient jade gathered, and the world was in chaos.' I also hope that grandpa and all the elders can put the people first and the country as the society first. Having a kind heart is a necessary condition for those who achieve great things. Sima Tian is kind to his relatives and friends, but he never lacks means to treat his enemies.

"Okay, the boss and Xiaotian will go to the seven families with me to see if they have a better way."

Other families have the same attitude towards Canyu. Otherwise, it will be rejected by the rest of the family and the people of the world. However, at Zhao Ze's family, Zhao Ze's father didn't care too much about this matter. He just told Zhao Ze a few words and let him go.

Two days later, the eight families held a secret meeting with the Long family. As for the content and results of the meeting, no one knows. All I know is that after the meeting, the heads of the eight families hurriedly returned to the clan. At the same time, he told the world that one of the patriarchs of the eight major families was taken over by Dongfang Yu, Sima Tian, Ximen Xue, Nangong Yan, Zhao Ze, Long Batian, Beitang Zhen and Murong Jun, and the old patriarchs have since turned to the scenes.

Soon after, the eight families announced an alliance and established a joint alliance to advance and retreat together to defend and attack together. It has lasted for thousands of years, and we will not mention it for the time being.

In the forbidden land, above the altar. A middle-aged man knelt under the altar with an iron sword. On the altar, a man in black clothes can't see his face clearly. He doesn't know his age. His voice is majestic and vicissitudes, as if he has experienced hundreds of years.

"The clan leader, Yu has obtained it for eight people, and the task has been completed." The middle-aged man raised his head and was the man in gray who met the eight brothers in the fallen place, but how could he appear here? Did you say that you used 'qi' at night? On the altar, the middle-aged man in black couldn't breathe. Yes, at that time, when Ye was about to stab Sima Tian to death, who would have thought that the boy of the Sima family grabbed Ye's sword with his hand regardless of his own comfort, and the other seven people attacked Ye at the same time. If Ye hadn't used 'qi', I'm afraid he would have become a corpse. The middle-aged man did not dare to hide anything and tell the truth.

"Hmm! Waste! Even a few children can't deal with it, and he falsely called me the top ten guardians of the Dugu family. He gave me an order to go to the Biyoudi, and he was not allowed to come out without my order. Let him reflect on it. If my lonely family is full of such waste, my lonely family will die soon!" The man in black was a little angry and dissatisfied with the performance of the night. Leader of the clan, please think twice!" When it comes to the blue ground, the middle-aged man's face is full of panic. Didn't you hear it clearly? No one dares to disobey my orders. Get out of here!" The man in black scolded angrily. The middle-aged man hurriedly left the altar, leaving only the lonely figure of the man in black.

The man in black knelt in front of the altar and said loudly, "Dear ancestors, the 63rd generation of the Dugu family, Dugu knelt down in the dark sky. After hundreds of years of continuous efforts, Dugu's dark sky has not humiliated its mission. The ancient jade has been divided into eight for eight people. Your ancestors can close their eyes. After saying that, he got up, looked at the distant sky, and said to himself, "You eight kids are really lucky!" With the recognition of Can Yu, maybe this is God's will..."

PS: Volume 3 is over! Volume 4 is about to begin! **Coming soon! Everyone, please support!!!