Ao Shi Cangyu

Chapter 1 Awakening

In a high-end villa in Hedong District.

At this time, Ma Yujia was wrapped in pajamas and curled up in the sofa, looking at the empty room with some dull eyes, with shallow tears on her face. It seemed that she had just cried.

Ma Wenhao is still busy with business in the company, and Ma's nanny was also dispersed by Ma Yujia. In the huge room, Ma Yujia was left alone. Under the dim light, Ma Yujia's sadness and desolation were displayed.

It has been a year since Long Xiaoqi was injured and became a vegetable. In the past six months, Ma Yujia often washed her face with tears and woke up crying in her dreams. Long Xiaoqi's mutation can be said to have brought great trauma to her heart. For Long Xiaoqi, she worked hard, fought for it, and even threatened her father with her life.

And Long Xiaoqi, as always, lay ** without a trace of expression, did not say a word, and did not even move.

"Brother Xiaoqi..." Ma Yujia's eyes were dull and muttered Long Xiaoqi's name. The past is vivid, but now everything has changed. Tears can't stop dripping down, like scattered silver beads, no one can stop them.

She has really worked hard, and Ma Wenhao is also working with her. For Long Xiaoqi, Ma Wenhao has even cut off cooperation with all foreign merchants. After knowing this, the shareholders in the company also withdrew their shares and left Ma Wenhao. Only Long Xiaoqi's uncle is still persisting and constantly investing money in Ma Wenhao's company. But how long can he hold on? One day, Long Xiaoqi's uncle will not be able to hold on.

Out of the house, the wind is strong, and dark clouds have covered the sky, and the thunder is rolling, as if it may be split at any time. Pedestrians on the road also gradually dispersed, hiding at home, enjoying its happy and warm world.

Only Ma Yujia hid on the sofa and cried secretly. Tears had stained her pillow, and even the pattern on it had become blurred.

"Brother Xiaoqi, why are you willing to make me sad?" Ma Yujia is in pain. She clearly remembers that when she is with Long Xiaoqi, no matter what, whenever it is, Long Xiaoqi will always make her happy, chat with her, and tell jokes to make her laugh when she is unhappy. At that time, Ma Yujia felt that she was the happiest person in the world. There were many people who loved her, many people she loved, and everyone lived happily.

But now, the members of the Long family have died and are injured, and Long Xiaoqi has been greatly implicated, and even her father's enterprise has sunk as a result. Ma Wenhao and Long Xiaoqi are the two people Ma Yujia care about most, but now, one lies in ** and doesn't know when he can wake up, while the other is muddle-headed every day, and his spirit has reached an unprecedented low point.

"Bang!" After the silver-white lightning, there was a shocking thunder, and the deafening explosion made Ma Yujia tremble in the sofa.

"Is it raining?" Even if he felt extremely panicked, Ma Yujia's voice still sounded so gentle.

"Brother Xiaoqi!" Ma Yujia suddenly jumped up from the sofa and jumped into Long Xiaoqi's room.

"Brother Xiaoqi, it's thundering. I'm afraid." Ma Yujia said this sentence tremblingly, as if Long Xiaoqi was beside him and listening to her.

"Boom!" Another thunder, blown white, squeaking electric arc, like a happy elf, flying wantonly to the lake in the distance.

"Brother Xiaoqi, take a look! Yujia is really scared. Ma Yujia squatted in front of Long Xiaoqi's window, and her voice was choked. She wanted to go back to the past and hide behind Long Xiaoqi forever.

The rain is still crashing, and there is no sign of stopping. In this way, the rare heavy rainstorm in decades was "lucky" witnessed by Ma Yujia.

In contrast, Long Xiaoqi has not changed because of any move of Ma Yujia, as if she had left the secular world and drifted away.

"Bang! Bang! Boom!" A series of huge thunder, like a dragon into the sea, rolling and roaring, releasing the power of the whole body, surging ferociously on the lake.

Ma Yujia quickly covered her ears. For some reason, an inexplicable sense of sadness and fear suddenly rose in her heart, as if she knew that she was going to die, but she could not resist.

However, the thunder did not stop. Under the tragic white lightning, the thunder was like a monster, like a monster, just like those who wanted to kill Ma Yujia's life.

"Ah!" Suddenly, for some reason, the lights in the room went out at the same time, and the room suddenly fell into a dead darkness. Under this black envelope, the wind, rain and thunder outside are getting more and more strange and strange.

Ma Yujia shouted. All this stimulated Ma Yujia's nerves again and again. She felt that she was going to collapse. She felt that she was about to reach the end of her life, and she had even seen the end of the world.

"Bang, bang, bang..." I don't know who was knocking on the door, but at this time, Ma Yujia's first reaction was that there was a ghost outside the door. For a young girl, they must be afraid of ghosts, and Ma Yujia is naturally no exception. The body had completely submerged under Long Xiaoqi's bed. Her body trembled violently and held her head with her hands. She wanted to cry but did not dare to make a sound.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The knock on the door continued, and did not stop because of Ma Yujia's timidity.

At this time, Ma Yujia really felt extremely painful. She wanted to cry but did not dare to cry. She didn't even have the confidence to die. She was afraid that the ghost would keep pestering her.

"Miss! Open the door, I'm your grandmother. At this time, a familiar sound came from outside the door and floated into Ma Yujia's ears, like the Buddha's voice of Tianzhu, which made people unconsciously feel at ease.

Ma Yujia, like a bow and arrow leaving the string, exerted all her strength, ran to the door and opened the door. When she saw that it was really the nanny of the Ma family, she deeply poured into the other party's arms, and tears couldn't stop flowing down, like a flood breaking the dike.

It turned out that the rare rainstorm in decades cut off the power grid of the whole Hedong District, and the nanny of the Ma family also came to see the situation because she was worried about Ma Yujia staying alone in the house.

With the nanny here, Ma Yujia felt much more comfortable, and the dark clouds shrouded in her heart gradually dissipated. With the help of the nanny, Ma Yujia switched the spare power system at home to a working state, and the lights in the house lit up again.

Seeing the light again, Ma Yujia had a feeling of rebirth. She hurriedly breathed the fresh air, and her mood couldn't help but feel much better.

"Bear by the way, Brother Xiaoqi is still in the room." At any time, Ma Yujia can't forget Long Xiaoqi, because they are one of her two favorite people.

Ma Yujia hurriedly ran to Long Xiaoqi's room, but when she just ran to the door of the room, her whole body instantly entered a petrochemical state.

I don't know when Long Xiaoqi, who had been lying in **, actually sat up. Her body was straight and her eyes were slightly dull. She looked more like a zombie. Her face was pale and she had lost any thinking ability.

Ma Yujia's eyes widened and her mouth grew up, with fear, surprise, panic and surprise written on her face... She didn't know how to describe her mood at this time. The person who was looking forward to it day and night finally woke up, but it happened on such a strange night.

Ma Yujia was trembling. She didn't know whether to step forward and hug and kiss Long Xiaoqi, or run out of the room to find a legendary Maoshan Taoist priest to recover him.

Ma Yujia did not react, but Long Xiaoqi, who was sitting in **, had moved first and slowly turned her head with a stiff and strange smile on her face.


The voice is still so gentle, just like yesterday in memory, so familiar and seductive.

"Ah!" Ma Yujia subconsciously answered, and she didn't even know what she had just said. He shook his head vigorously and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. The scene in the dream finally happened today in reality, but all this seemed a little abrupt and strange.

"Yujia." Long Xiaoqi's expression has not changed, and her voice has not changed, and even her whole body seems to have been copied, which is still so strange and stiff.

"Brother Xiaoqi, is it really you?" Ma Yujia asked with her scalp, but it can be seen from her eyes that Ma Yujia's answer to Long Xiaoqi at this time was full of hope.

"Yujia, it's me! It's really me!" The expression on Long Xiaoqi's face finally relaxed, as if she had returned to the injury. It seemed that Long Xiaoqi really woke up.

"Brother Xiaoqi." Ma Yujia desperately jumped into Long Xiaoqi's arms and didn't even find that she had overwhelmed Long Xiaoqi's legs. At this time, she just wanted to cry in Long Xiaoqi's arms, let tears take away all the grievances in her heart, and then beat Long Xiaoqi fiercely.

And Long Xiaoqi also allowed Ma Yujia's abuse, with an unchanging smile on her face from beginning to end. He owes Ma Yujia too much. Can he do anything? Maybe I can only repay with this life.

"Brother Xiaoqi, it's really you. You finally woke up. I'm so happy, you know? You scared me to death just now." Women who are overly surprised often have the same reaction, talking and incoherent.

Ma Yujia didn't even know how to express her feelings. She only gave Long Xiaoqi a kiss and wanted to bring back everything Long Xiaoqi owed her during this period.

"I'll call my father. He will be very happy." Ma Yujia is like a butterfly that has been dancing, and nothing can calm her down.

"Ha ha..." Looking at Ma Yujia's figure, Long Xiaoqi smiled sincerely. She didn't expect that she would be so happy when she had just woke up. However, it's still raining. When the clouds dissipate and the rain stops, maybe it's time to understand everything!