Gossip God

Chapter 69 Goodbye Er Zhuang

Saren has become an immortal. Saren saw Yi Qianxiang looking at her and knew that countless people were looking at her, but she was still so calm. First, she gently let go of Yi Qianxiang. After that, a layer of golden light appeared on her body, turned into a light green Luo skirt, and her long hair automatically coiled up. The horn that originally fell to the ground turned into a white The jade hairpin was inserted in Saren's hair. This is the method of the fairy family. Yi Qianxiang saw that Saren had put on his clothes, and he couldn't be so**. As soon as he waved his hand, Sa Ren fell to the ground when he picked him up and the heart temple and the treasure bag flew to Yi Qianxiang's hand. Yi Qianxiang found a set of clothes from the treasure bag and put them on, and found silk thread to wear the heart temple pavilion. Hanging around his neck, he said to Saren, "Thank you, fairy."

Why did Yi Qianxiang thank Saren? In the magic array, he has been guarding Saren. Even if he reshapes his body, it is Yi Qianxiang himself who survived the previous disaster. Whether Saren helped him or not, he deserved it. What Yi Qianxiang wanted to thank was the last desperate protection. He helped Saren because he promised that Saren would protect her, but Saren did not promise him anything.

At that time, Yi Qianxiang, outsiders did not know that he had experienced the test of natural disaster in the sea of knowledge. Saren was also an outsider, and of course he did not know. Wang Sanren has just been split into flying ashes, which is a lesson from the past. Even if there is any secret treasure on Yi Qianxiang, the "punishment" that Wang Sanren suffered just now can be broken! Besides, since "punishment" can involve Yi Qianxiang, it may not be easy for Yi Qianxiang to have secret treasures.

Since there is a natural disaster that can find Yi Qianxiang, who knows if there will be? You know, if two people are together, the power of the disaster will increase. Even if Jinxian went down to earth and wanted to protect a descendant disciple to fly up, it was impossible. If he is not willing to be like a green sheep, I will fall and hand over the inheritance to the descendants. A fairy like Saren asked her to accompany Yi Qianxiang to carry another natural disaster. She couldn't think of any other ending except for the ashes and smoke in the disaster. But Saren still picked up Yi Qianxiang. How could Yi Qianxiang not thank him for this favor?

Saren has obtained the blessing and become a fairy, that is, the realm of the true immortal. Hearing Yi Qianxiang say thank you, he opened his mouth and smiled, "I had already cut off the fate. I don't know how long you will implicate me." Although Saren's words were complaining, his tone did not seem to complain. Others sounded more like coquettishness. With this sentence, Saren also explained her relationship with Yi Qianxiang and the relationship between Naren Toya.

Yi Qianxiang naturally knew that Saren had no intention of complaining, and did not take his previous relationships with Saren as the foundation of the relationship. He smiled and said, "You and I are different, how can we implicate you? I don't want to be involved with these people now. Take me away." The meaning of this sentence is not only for Saren to take him away, but also for Saren to send him away, because he entered the magic circle to guide Saen. Everything that happened after that was caused by the magic array. Now letting Saren send him away is also an understanding of this dusty fate.

Sa Ren said, "Okay." When the good words fell, Saren and Yi Qianxiang disappeared, and I don't know when the disaster had dispersed.

This time, Saren and Yi Qianxiang disappeared, not like the disappearance in the disaster. It's just the moment they disappeared. Where are they going? Life grows in the world, gains the aura of the world, and is also polluted by the world, so the shape of a Thunderbolt will defeat the earth fairy body and then be recast. Naturally, the weight casting will not be in the world, so where to go? It can be said that he went to heaven or not, but Yi Qianxiang felt that he had not gone anywhere, but returned to the sea of knowledge.

This space is exactly the same as Yi Qianxiang's sea of knowledge. The difference is that there is no dragon stone, no gossip yin and yang, no clear yin and yang, but there is a Saren. However, Yi Qianxiang thought about it, and there were more dragon stones under his feet, and there were more yin and yang pendants on his head. Even Kanjian, Lijian, Zhenjian and big bells came out. They were all real, not phantoms.

Sa Ren is not aware of Yi Qianxiang's actions, because she is still confused by her self-consciousness. However, Yi Qianxiang's heart is clear why the practice of the Yi family is different from ordinary people. ordinary people only go to the void after the disaster, and the Yi family is refining the form at the beginning of practice. No wonder the Yi family's cultivation is good, which is winning at the starting line. Now Yi Qianxiang doesn't know whether it is Yi Qianxiang recast after the disaster or Yi Qianxiang who exists in the sea, but he knows that he is Yi Qianxiang, that's all.

Now, he doesn't have that strange knowledge of the sea. The inside and outside seem to be united. The dragon stone is integrated into the spring on the soles of his feet, and there seems to be a mana flow between his feet. The yin and yang are integrated into the Baihui overhead, and there is no difference. The big bell occupied the hole alone and did not move, and was not under the command of Yi Qianxiang. Kanjian, Zhenjian and Lijian are integrated into Dantian, but they can still be used.

Yi Qianxiang is still Yi Qianxiang. After a natural disaster, he has also recast his body, but he is still in the realm of immortality. The realm of means is not as good as before. If there is any gain, the body seems to be a fairy body. Of course, all this is Yi Qianxiang's guess, and there is no evidence. After Yi Qianxiang finished all this, Saren just reshaped his body, and then the two appeared again. Although Yi Qianxiang has done so much, in Saren's mind, in the minds of everyone outside, it is just a thought.

Then, Yi Qianxiang and Saren said a few words, and the two disappeared again. This time, Saren took Yi Qianxiang away from here with his magic power. The next moment, they appeared on the painting altar. Yi Qianxiang bowed to Saren and said, "Thank you, Saren Fairy, for sending the boy here."

Sa Ren smiled and didn't say much. Yi Qianxiang opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but he didn't ask in the end. Saren smiled and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Yi Qianxiang said, "I wanted to ask, if I saw you in the future, would you be called Saren Fairy or some other fairy. You don't have to think about it yourself. For me, you are Saren Fairy, that's all. Besides, Xianfan is different. Next time I see a fairy, I don't know what year it will be.

Sa Ren was stunned when he heard Yi Qianxiang's words, and then said, "I thought you were going to ask questions about practice. You are very wise, and you will definitely survive the disaster in the future. At that time, you and I will definitely meet. As for what my name is, I'm just a self-righteous rabbit spirit, and I don't usually go into the world. When I see you, my name is Saren, so I will be called Saren, and I will only be called Saren in the future. I heard that there is also a rabbit in the Guanghan Palace in Yueli. My name is Saren. I hope the senior rabbit won't blame me. Saren means the moon in Mongolian, so Saren said the words that the seniors in the middle of the moon should not be blamed.

Sa Ren looked at Yi Qianxiang again and said, "Because of my magical power, you gave me a golden snake sword, and because of me, I destroyed your body, so I will compensate you a blade."

Yi Qianxiang said, "The fairy's kindness has been well received."

Saren said, "You don't have to refuse. This is also caused by fate. What's more, this blade is not a fairy weapon, and I can't take it to the sky. Moreover, I believe you will like it." As Saren spoke, he summoned a hilt of the sword. Yi Qianxiang didn't know what Saren was doing with this sword handle. Sa Ren took the hilt of his sword and gently stroked Yi Qianxiang. Yi Qianxiang instinctively stepped back half a step, and a wisp of long hair was cut off by Saren. Yi Qianxiang shouted, "Chengying?"

Sa Ren said, "That's right. After years of gentle sacrifice, this sword is not only a shadow, but also can't be felt by ordinary immortals, but it may not be better than the golden snake sword you gave me.

Yi Qianxiang said, "In this way, the boy is disrespectful." When Yi Qianxiang saw this sword, he had a feeling that this sword was bound to become his Xun sword.

Saren said again, "Here is the booty left by the dragon, and I will give it to you. Yi Qianxiang, goodbye. I believe we will see each other again. After saying that, without waiting for Yi Qianxiang to answer, he left the simple sword of the flying dragon and went away.

After Saren left, Yi Qianxiang looked at Wanli City Lake and sighed in his heart. He was born here. At the age of 15, he lived here for a year. At the age of 16, he worshipped his teacher here. In a few days, he will be 17 years old. The 17-year-old teenager is at the age of bloom, and he has already carried too much. Randomly, he thought that he had become an immortal at the age of 17. I don't know if he had caught up with the perverted Qingyu Taoist priest in Maoshan.

Three months later, on August 15, a teenager placed melon and fruit sacrifices on the painting platform, but it was not sacrificing the moon. On the matching position, it was written that "Yi Da has the spiritual position of green clothes". This teenager is Yi Qianxiang. Yi Qianxiang closed here for three months, consolidating the realm of immortals, and confirming that he now has a fairy body, that is to say, Yi Qianxiang is now a fairy body.

In the past three months, Yi Qianxiang also re-refined a Chengying and successfully turned it into a Xun sword. Now Xun sword has even disappeared, replaced by a feather, that is, Dai Moyun's feather, or a feather-shaped sword handle. Now this feather, not to mention ordinary people, is Dai Moyun himself. Come on, I can never see that this is my feather.

Yi Qianxiang is also very confused. He has also survived the disaster. Why didn't he improve his cultivation at all? Of course, not improving his cultivation is just Yi Qianxiang's own cognition. He didn't realize the benefits of the fairy body alone. After paying tribute to his parents, Yi Qianxiang drove a boat to the place where his adoptive parents buried their bones. When he came to the periphery, Yi Qianxiang felt that there was a ghost here. Although it was normal to have some ghosts in the cemetery, the ghost was also heavy. After all, in front of his adoptive parents' grave, Yi Qianxiang did not use magic, but was careful and walked slowly.

There was a man standing in front of Zhang and his wife's tomb. Yi Qianxiang did not stretch out. He raised his feet and closed his breath. He walked to the tomb. When he saw this man, Yi Qianxiang finally couldn't hold back: "Er Zhuang?"

The shadow turned out to be the second boy of the Zhang family, Zhang Erzhuang! Zhang Erzhuang was also very surprised to see Yi Qianxiang, and then there was boundless joy: "Brother Hu!" Then, the two brothers hugged together excitedly, but as soon as they hugged each other, Zhang Erzhuang pushed Yi Qianxiang away, and there were a few wisps of black smoke on his body.

Yi Qianxiang found that Zhang Erzhuang was the center of all the ghosts around him. Yi Qianxiang said, "Er Zhuang, where did you learn the demon method?"

Zhang Erzhuang seemed to be very** with the word "demon law" and took a step back warily: "Brother Tiger, do you also want to get rid of demons and defend the way?"

Yi Qianxiang said, "Er Zhuang, listen to me. Let's not talk about the exorcism and guarding the road first. Just answer my question."

Zhang Erzhuang said, "Brother Hu, I know that you have practiced longer and practiced more deeply than me. I'm definitely not your opponent. No matter what I learned, it's just to avenge our parents. If you make any mistake, I'll wait until I avenge."

Yi Qianxiang said, "I'm already very guilty about my parents' affairs. Now you are my only relative. I don't want anything to happen to you. Don't you believe Brother Hu? Brother Hu is now an immortal cultivation and has the ability to teach you. You can follow Brother Hu to practice. Brother Hu will definitely not harm you.

A miserable voice sounded: "I am also an immortal. Why do you rob an apprentice with me?"