Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 18 Guangzong Rebellion

Looking at the paper order in his hand, Zhao Dongyun fell into meditation. If he guessed correctly, it should be that the civil unreveiled in Guangzong County, Shunde Prefecture, had reached the point where administrative means were not available.

The Guangzong People's Revetion has already had signs since last year. Due to the violent vasion of Wang Yujun, the former magistrate and Wei Zude, the previous magistrate, and Jing Tingbin, a local magist and martial artist, summoned many villagers to try to fight against the government's tax collection, and caused two local magistrates to be dismissed one after another.

Subsequently, the Qing court sent Zhao E as a magistrate and tried to solve the Guangzong rebellion by means of appeasement, but failed. Seeing that Huairou's methods failed, Zhao E decisively asked Yuan Shikai to send reinforcements to prepare for military suppression.

In this way, Yuan Shikai transferred Zhao Dongyun to Shunde Mansion.

The Guangzong rebellion, according to the mainstream view of later generations, is an uprising war of the people against feudal bureaucrats and Western powers. However, in fact, this matter was actually just a classic case of local powerful forces fighting against taxes at the beginning, and no one cares if it was just a powerful tax resistance. Similar things were in the end of the Qing Dynasty. There are too many to count, and the reason why this has attracted the attention of the authorities is that this anti-tax action still has the shadow of the Boxer.

No matter how the future world beautifies the Boxers, they are just a group of thugs wearing the skin of the Qing Dynasty. They are not even terrorists. At least the terrorists of the future generations have their own political ideas, and they are not afraid of death. They are very awesome to play with human flesh bombs. But these Boxers are just a group of thugs who burned, killed and looted.

The reason why China suffered the Gengzi national disaster in 1900 is that 30% of the domestic responsibility should belong to the Qing court headed by Cixi. They are too stupid to believe that the Boxer Rebels can help the Qing Dynasty and destroy the ocean.

The end of these fools was tragic. A large number of princes were killed and the two palaces fled in confusion. The responsibility of the Qing court is not how bad they are, but because they are too stupid!

In addition to the fact that the Qing court occupies 30% of the domestic responsibility because it is too stupid, the remaining seven achievements must be counted in the Boxer Rebel League.

If they hadn't harmed Shandong Zhili, if they hadn't been wantonly to attack Tianjin and the embassy area, why would the eight-nation coalition come from?

After these so-called patriotic boxers were burned, killed and looted, they waited for the coalition of the eight countries to find that the so-called masters and saints said that the knives and guns were invulnerable were all fake, so a swarm of bees fled, leaving the bitter Nie Shicheng and a vote of armed guard officers and the coalition forces to fight hard. As a result, tens of thousands of Qing army suffered casualties and Beijing fell. China was forced to sign the Treaty of Xinchou.

The Boxers who caused all this are absolutely vicious and harmful to the people, so the Beiyang people led by Yuan Shikai killed the Boxers more fiercely than the Eight-Nation Alliance.

Two years ago, Yuan Shikai killed countless Boxers in Shandong Province. After becoming the governor of Zhili, he killed more. For Yuan Shikai, these Boxers were all cancers. Only by killing them could he rule Zhili.

It is not difficult to understand that after the Guangzong rebellion, Yuan Shikai will hurriedly transfer his elite new army to Shunde Prefecture to suppress it.

However, in Zhao Dongyun's view, thoseyi groups are just a group of blinded villagers, which belong to poor people. However, poor people must be hateful, so they are not worthy of pity.

Zhao Dongyun, who flashed these thoughts in his heart, did not wait long, and soon ordered the officers to convene a meeting.

Half a day later, in the conference room of the commander's office of the second battalion, Zhao Dongyun and his officers sat together. The meeting were all officers above the commanders, including four commanders of the second battalion, four commanders of the machine gun battalion, and two battalion assistants.

Looking at the people below, Zhao Dongyun first said, "The order from the superior has been issued. Let's start pulling out on the same day, so we can't wait any longer. In the afternoon, our army must first pull out part of it, and the rest of the troops must be pulled out tomorrow!"

Speaking of this, he took a look at several leaders of the machine gun battalion and then said, "The formation of the machine gun battalion is short. You should pay more attention to this battle and don't let others pick mistakes!"

In this war, Zhao Dongyun knew that he was not the only one. The military order asked him to obey Duan Qirui's dispatch after arriving at Shunde Mansion. Since Yuan Shikai appointed Duan Qirui as the commander of the reinforcement of the new army, there must be other brother troops, and the number of people scheduled to participate is estimated to be large.

As for the reason, Zhao Dongyun can even guess that in addition to preventing the Guangzong rebellion from expanding the scale and harming the local area, the main reason is to train soldiers. In peacetime, fighting bandits and suppressing civil uprisings is also an important means to increase the actual combat experience of the army.

With a large army, he doesn't want his troops to make mistakes and lose face in front of his colleagues and bosses.

Lin Yongquan, led by

, said, "Your excellency, don't worry, although my machine gun battalion has become a short-lived army, the sergeant's training will never dare to relax and will never lose the face of adults!"

Lin Yongquan looks very different from last year. Last year, he was just a small sentry. However, since he met Zhao Dongyun, he has been promoted several times in less than half a year. From a sentry officer to a team leader to a battalion assistant, he only took him a few months. That's all.

The main reason why he was promoted so quickly is that he is one of the few officers in the Beiyang system who know how to fight machine guns. In addition, he joined Zhao Dongyun early, so he was able to take the opportunity of Zhao Dongyun to hold a machine gun camp. As a result, he became Zhao Dongyun's real confidant.

Zhao Dongyun nodded slightly. He was relatively relieved to Lin Yongquan. In the past few months, Lin Yongquan has made great efforts in the preparation of the new machine gun camp. When training the machine gun camp, Zhao Dongyun also served as the manager of the new machine gun battalion with the title of supervision, but Zhao Dongyun also served as the second right wing of the Wuwei Right Army. He is in charge of the battalion, and there are many things on weekdays, so in the affairs of the machine gun battalion, in addition to some important affairs such as direct management and training, other chores are left to Lin Yongquan to deal with.

In the face of those disorderly operations, Lin Yongquan was able to deal with them in an orderly manner, so that Zhao Dongyun could focus on the training of the army without worrying about those messy things. In this way, he gained Zhao Dongyun's more trust and reuse, and finally guaranteed him a position as a helper for the new machine gun battalion.

In the afternoon of that day, the front team of the second battalion under Zhao Dongyun had assembled urgently and was led by Lin Pingxiong, the leader of the former team, to go south.

The next morning, Zhao Dongyun rode on a horse in a neat military uniform, followed by a group of officers also riding war horses, and in front of him was a neat array of nearly 2,000 troops.

At this time, Lin Yongquan, who was behind him, immediately stepped forward two steps: "Your Excellency, the whole machine gun battalion is ready. Please give me an order!"

After Lin Yongquan said, a young man next to him also immediately said, "Your Excellency, the whole team of the second battalion has been completed, and you can go south at any time!"

The speaker is a little young, and he is also a young man in his 20s. He is shaved his head like Zhao Dongyun. His name is Li Zejun, one year younger than Zhao Dongyun, and he is the youngest among many middle-level officers present today. This person graduated from Tianjin Military Academy in his early years and was sent to the night of Gengzi 'This study abroad is the first phase of Lushi graduate studying in China. He studied foot science and returned to China after studying in November.

After Zhao Dongyun kicked Chen Kuilong, the original second battalion assistant, to the camp school last year, and he didn't know whose door Li Zejun had taken. Unexpectedly, he climbed to the position of the second battalion assistant.

You should know that he had only returned to China for more than a month and became a battalion of the Wuwei Right Army without any transition. This kind of mobilization is abnormal even in the era of Beiyang expansion.

Zhao Dongyun was dissatisfied with this to tell the truth, but he also vaguely heard that this person had a close relationship with Duan Qirui. In addition, he had just kicked Chen Kuilong away at that time. If he opposed Li Zejun at this time, he would leave a negative impression on Yuan Shikai and others such as being unsociable and unable to control, so he ignored it. .

Zhao Dongyun looked at the two thousand troops in front of him without saying too much. He slowly pulled out his command knife and waved it to the south, saying softly, "Let's go!"

Immediately, many officers behind him galloped out and arrived in front of their respective troops. They also pulled out their command knives and shouted: "Let's go!"

Soon, the army was already slowly marching south in a neat queue, front of which was a team of cavalry temporarily under the command of Zhao Dongyun.

The cavalry of this team was originally not under the command of Zhao Dongyun, but they also received an order to go south to Shunde Mansion, so Duan Qirui also sent this cavalry directly to Zhao Dongyun to serve as reconnaissance cavalry for Zhao Dongyun's troops.

The back is the infantry carrying the 1888 committee rifle, and then the machine gun troops of the machine gun battalion, which are pulled away with horses.

Again, there are a large number of heavy vehicles and escorting these heavy walking teams.

Looking at the army in front of him, Zhao Dongyun even had an illusion. If he commanded this army to turn north, he would probably have a good opportunity to take Beijing and capture Cixi alive. That should also be quite interesting!

Not long after the troops set off, Zhao Dongyun saw Wang Shizhen and his party from Baoding. With them, there was also a large amount of cash silver, which was an allocation fee. In addition, he also brought an additional batch of bullets

After stamping his seal on the receipt, Zhao Dongyun looked up at Wang Shizhen: "Lord Wang, you have worked hard all the way!"

Wang Shizhen nodded slightly, and then looked at Zhao Dongyun and said, "Lord Duxian said to me before I came: Tell Dongyun to let him do things well, be sure to protect the safety of the villagers of Shunde, and don't let the people of chaos harm the countryside. I have also conveyed to you the words of Lord Du Xian now. I hope you won't let the Lord down!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "Please also tell Lord Wang that I will not let him down, and I will definitely protect the people of Shunde Prefecture!"

Wang Shizhen nodded: "I will tell you the truth!" After saying that, he said again, "At that time, there should be no women's benevolence. Killing the head and threats is the way to solve the problem of boxing bandits. Don't treat boxing bandits as ordinary villagers!"

Zhao Dongyun had more or less heard about Wang Shizhen's killing of the Boxers in Shandong. Knowing that this person was extremely disgusted with the Boxers, he immediately said, "Dongyun knows!"

"Then I won't waste your time. Let's go!" Wang Shizhen raised his hand and signaled that Zhao Dongyun could leave. When Zhao Dongyun saw it, he did not stay. He immediately turned over and led his generals to integrate into the army and went south.

Watching Zhao Dongyun leave, Wang Shizhen sighed: "There is a good descendant in Hefei!"