Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 19 Re Route to Zhaozhou

Long before Zhao Dongyun led his troops south, Zhao E, the county magistrate of Guangzong County in Shunde Prefecture, and He Yongsheng, the general of Daming Town, and Dong Lugao, the general of Zhengding Town, had already sent training troops to forcibly attack Dongzhao Village, Guangzong County, which is the headquarters of Jingtingbin.

On March 3, a large number of training troops in the Qing army attacked Dongzhao Village, thus officially setting off the military confrontation of Guangzong's rebellion! Jing Tingbin did not resist stubbornly, but immediately fled with the backbone after seeing the situation was bad. On the surface, the Qing army won a great victory in this battle, but in fact, it did not succeed in encircling Jing Tingbin. Instead, it was escaped by him. From the perspective of suppressing the rebellion, this battle was a complete failure. Thousands of training troops surrounded only a few hundred bandits and even made most of the bandits escape. It can be seen that the army training at the end of the Qing Dynasty How poor the combat effectiveness is.

After escaping, Jingtingbin was naturally unwilling to fail. Soon, he launched various banners to call on people from all walks of life, including not only the ruffians of the Lianzhuang Association, but also the so-called Jianghu bodyguards and martial arts masters, and even the group of big brothers who pretended to be ghosts!

Jing Tingbin, who gathered thousands of people, led his Rebel Army and the Qing court training army to fight against each other for several rounds. Although it was only a small-scale battle, the local training army had many defeats, killing and hundreds of people were killed and injured.

At this time, it finally attracted the attention of Yuan Shikai!

Yuan Shikai naturally knows that those military training are useless. It's okay for them to bully and bully unarmed people, but it is really difficult for them to calm down the riots of bandits.

So Yuan Shikai immediately transferred the new army to the south, ready to completely destroy Jing Tingbin with the new army, so that Zhao Dongyun had the opportunity to lead his troops south.

On the evening of March 12, Zhili won a small villa under Deer County: a group of people who could not be seen as usual appeared in Shijiazhuang. They were a group of soldiers wearing blue-gray military uniforms and carrying new fast-grabbing. Several officers led them were all riding tall horses with Western-style command knives hanging around their waists. It is shouting to urge the soldiers to move forward.

When you walk in, you will find that these soldiers are completely different from ordinary Qing troops. They can't see the common style of Qing soldiers. They wear clothes and even line up like the Eight-Nation Alliance soldiers who were directly affiliated during the Gengzi period. I'm afraid that people who don't know them will also think of them as Japanese or French Vietnamese colonial troops. Of course It is more likely that they will be mistaken for the British Huayong Camp or the Hong Kong Legion.

The only Qing army that can be mistaken for a foreign army is the Beiyang New Army under Yuan Shikai.

The one in front of them is one of the Beiyang New Army, the second battalion of the Wuwei Right Army and the new machine gun battalion. Under the leadership of Zhao Dongyun, they first took a train south from Baoding, but now the Jinghan Railway has not been completely repaired and opened to traffic, so they can only sit for a period of time and were forced to go down when they were more than ten miles north of Shijiazhuang. The car continued to go south on foot.

In the army, Zhao Dongyun still rode his white tall horse, wearing an eye-catching military uniform and a Western-style command knife hanging around his waist. He looked up at the sky and said to Li Zejun beside him, "Go on the order and camp here tonight!"

"The Ministry of Service takes the order!" After Li Zejun received the order, he directly arranged the camp.

Zhao Dongyun nodded. Previously, he was dissatisfied with Li Zejun. He thought that the man had gone through the back door to help with this position. In the past few months, Zhao Dongyun was also not worried about him and did not leave many things to him. However, since he led the army to the south, he needed to manage more than 2,000 people, and it was impossible to hold everything in the second battalion as usual, so he had no choice but to let Li Zejun handle the relevant camp.

However, what surprised him was that although Li Zejun was young and had little experience before, he was profiant in handling the camp, especially in logistics affairs, so that Zhao Dongyun could not go wrong. This also made Zhao Dongyun change his view at the beginning, thinking that although this person is younger, he still has the ability.

In this way, he also handed over more camps to deal with, so that he could free himself from those messy camps and pay attention to the upcoming rebellion.

Shijiazhuang in 1902 is just a small village. Blessed by the Beijing-Han Railway, this Shijiazhuang has ushered in an opportunity to develop into a city. Today, Shijiazhuang is not only building a railway on a large scale, but also a railway station, but this railway station is not called Shijiazhuang Station. Instead, it is called Zhentou Station. Because Shijiazhuang was just an unknown village at this time, people used the famous Zhentou Town not far away as the station name.

Now Shijiazhuang is still a small village dominated by construction sites. Now nearly 2,000 soldiers have suddenly poured in, which makes this place lively, and there are soldiers in military uniforms everywhere.

In a farmyard in Shijiazhuang, Zhao Dongyun stood with Lin Yongquan and Li Zejun. Li Zejun said, "This place is a little remote. I can't find any yard for a while. I can only live here tonight!"

Zhao Dongyun waved his hand and said, "If we want to live and eat well, we don't have to march and fight!"

But after saying this, Zhao Dongyun said again, "But the place where the brothers sleep at night should be arranged. I don't want to get up tomorrow and see brothers sleeping on the street!"

Zhao Dongyun is not a selfless person, and he doesn't think that letting his soldiers sleep on the street can help him gain the hearts of the people. To be honest, he doesn't care about the hearts of the people. What he cares about is the hearts of the army.

Li Zejun said, "Your excellency is worried. We have arranged people to live in people's homes, but we can't arrange too many people in this place, so most of them still have to live in tents!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded and said, "Well, but we should also warn our brothers not to disturb the people. If there is any act of disturbing the people, they must be engaged in military law!"

This time, before Li Zejun opened his mouth, Lin Yongquan next to him said, "Brothers all know the importance of the matter. Besides, we are a new army, not the group of guys who train the army. We won't be stupid!"

Zhao Dongyun did not answer his words, but continued: "Just now, Shunde Mansion sent someone again, saying that since the Guangzong People's Insurgover, there have been traces of Lianzhuang Association and boxing bandits in many states and counties such as Nanhe, Pingxiang, Julu, Wei County, etc., and the momentum is not small. Among them, the momentum of Nanhe County is not much smaller than that of Guangzong County. Hu Jingfang of the Nanhe County United Village Association and a group of boxer remnants such as the demon monk Cijing imitated Guangzong's plot. This time, when we go south, I'm afraid that we will not only face hundreds of bewitched villagers in the end, but also tens of thousands of rebels!"

Hearing Zhao Dongyun's words, several people next to him looked dark. Li Zejun said, "I didn't expect that these bandits have developed so fast. It's less than half a month. They probably have thousands of them. If they continue to make trouble, I guess they won't need a few. In Kung Fu, they can develop to more than 50,000 people!"

Lin Yongquan also said, "If it were just ordinary bandits, the superiors would not send us here!"

Li Zejun said, "Why can those bandits bewitched thousands of villagers in such a short time?"

Lin Yongquan said, "It's nothing more than immortals and ghosts, knives and guns. Don't you know that those boxers used the set of immortals and ghosts to attract countless people in a few months. At that time, we were in Shandong, but we killed countless boxers, and now we just pulled up thousands of people."

Zhao Dongyun did not listen to their dialogue, but was already thinking about what he should do next. This time, his main task was to pacify the Guangzong Civil Injug. However, he was not the only one who went south to deal with this matter, but also He Yongsheng, the general of Daming Town, and Dong Lugao, the general soldier of Zhengding Town. In addition, the self-improvement army and the vanguard of Shandong's Wuwei Right Army also began to mobilize and prepare to send people to participate in the rebellion.

In the face of a small rebellion, why are so many troops in the Beiyang army system being dispatched? And they are all extremely active. I'm afraid the biggest reason here is that they all want to take advantage of this rebellion like Zhao Dongyun.

After all, Zhao Dongyun is not the only one who knows that pacing this rebellion is a low-risk and rewarding action. A group of people want to take advantage of this to make contributions!

So whether we can quell this rebellion is not the key to the problem. The key is how to get enough credit for yourself from this rebellion!

"Bear by the way, where is the general manager now?" Zhao Dongyun's general office refers to Duan Qirui, because Duan Qirui now also serves as the general office of various schools of the Wuwei Right Army.

Li Zejun said, "Now that the General Office has arrived at Zhengdingguan, it is expected that it will go south to Shunde Mansion in the future!"

Zhao Dongyun said, "In this way, at that time, Shunde Mansion will not only have thousands of training troops of Zhengding and Daming, but also new troops personally led by the general office!"

"According to these forces, it is estimated that the rebels can't go west. In this case, we don't have to rush south to Shunde Mansion. Let's change the route to the south!"

Suddenly hearing Zhao Dongyun say that he had also changed the march route, Li Zejun wondered, "Don't you go to Shunde Mansion? Then let's go south on that road?"

Zhao Dongyun said: "We bypassed Shunde Prefecture and turned directly to the southeast. After going through Zhaozhou and Ningjin, we went straight into the giant deer and suppressed the mob in the area south of the giant deer. At the same time, we sent another one to bypass Nangong County, Yizhou to prevent the bandits from fleeing east! After the army arrives at the giant deer, continue to go south and clean up the bandits of Guangzong in one fell swoop!"

Zhao Dongyun's combat intention actually has nothing to do with the military, because no matter how he fights, he wins, and the key to how to win can bring him the greatest benefits.

And Zhao Dongyun's plan is obviously to put aside a group of people in Shunde's house and lead the army to suppress the rebellion!

Lin Yongquan and Li Zejun are not fools. As soon as they heard it, they heard the deep meaning of Zhao Dongyun's words, that is, they wanted to make great achievements.

As Zhao Dongyun's subordinates, Zhao Dongyun's contribution is equivalent to their contribution, so he naturally hopes to take the credit of the rebellion alone, but he is also a little worried.

"If we do this, will Shunde Prefecture be blamed?" Lin Yongquan said with a worried face.

Zhao Dongyun didn't care: "Now there is only military training in Shunde Mansion. Is it possible for us to cooperate with military training to fight? And when he came, Shangfeng did not say that we must go south on Shunde. The order I received was to go south, and they didn't say where to go south!"

In the face of Zhao Dongyun's words, Lin Yongquan and Li Ze have already known that Zhao Dongyun has made up his mind to take military merit regardless of the faces of many colleagues. However, they said anything against, because for them, even if they blamed Zhao Dongyun, they would blame Zhao Dongyun first. As the saying goes, as long as Zhao Dongyun is fine, they will be fine.

Besides, they are Zhao Dongyun's subordinates. Zhao Dongyun's meritorious service is actually equivalent to their meritorious service. They want to get credit like Zhao Dongyun, but now it is an opportunity to grab credit. If their hands and feet are slow, they will be gone.

Lin Yongquan immediately said, "Since the supervision has made up its mind, I will go down to arrange it!"

Li Zejun also looked at Lin Yongquan, and then looked at Zhao Dongyun. He didn't know what he was thinking. After Lin Yongquan's words were finished, he also said, "I'm going to arrange the camp!"

Zhao Dongyun nodded: "Get ready to go. We'll leave early tomorrow morning!"