Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 20 Invulnerable

Although Zhao Dongyun has made up his mind to leave Shunde Mansion and act alone, he is not arrogant enough to order to march into the southeast region without authorization. In the final analysis, Duan Qirui is the commander-in-chief to reinforce the new army, and Zhao Dongyun is only one of many reinforcement troops.

On March 13, Zhao Dongyun sent people to Zhengding and reported to Duan Qirui that his reconnaissance cavalry had found traces of Lianzhuang thugs north of Ningjin. It was also reported that a large number of boxers went north from Guangzong, Julu and other places, as if they had the intention to march into Ningjin, Xinhe and other places.

This news is not false or true. Zhao Dongyun's reconnaissance cavalry found the thugs of the Lianzhuang Association in the north of Ningjin. As for the Lianzhuang Association and the boxing bandits in Guangzong, Julu and other places going north, it is also barely true, because at this time, the Lianzhuang Association and boxers in Guangzong, Julu, Weixian and other places have It began to spread on a large scale and expanded in all directions to the southeast and northwest. Therefore, the news that Zhao Dongyun said is not very accurate, but it can never be said to be false.

After receiving Zhao Dongyun's report, Duan Qirui was also a little worried that the situation of the Lianzhuang Association in Shundefu and other places would continue to expand, and finally turned into an uncontrollable situation. Therefore, he immediately approved Zhao Dongyun's request to send his army south along Zhaozhou, but he also asked Zhao Dongyun to leave a team of machine guns to Shun. Germany cooperated with the friendly army.

The reason why Duan Qirui made up his mind so quickly is that the scale of the civil unrest in Shunde Prefecture has become larger and larger. If it was only the armed tax resistance of Jingtingbin and others half a month ago, it has now evolved into the turmoil of the whole Shunde Prefecture, the United Village of many states and counties of Shunde Prefecture and the hidden fists in it. The remnants of the bandits have been connected in a series. Although they have not officially raised the flag of rebellion or captured the important land of the state and county, it can now be said that the storm is surging.

Duan Qirui was worried that he could not control the situation by relying only on the training of troops in Shunde Prefecture, and he was even more worried that the turmoil of the Lianzhuang Association would continue to spread to the surrounding areas.

So he asked Zhao Dongyun to go directly to the giant deer and then go straight to Guangzong. He hoped that Zhao Dongyun could destroy the Lianzhuang Association led by Jingtingbin in one fell swoop with the momentum of thunder. Even if it could not be completely destroyed, he would at least hit their momentum and control the expansion speed of the Lianzhuang Association.

Naturally, Zhao Dongyun did not know that the development of the matter was much more serious than he thought. When the villagers' armed self-defense organization and the Boxer were combined, the energy it erupted was immeasurable. It can be seen from the deterioration speed of the situation in Shunde.

A month ago, the Lianzhuang Association was just one of countless villagers' self-defense organizations in China. However, at the urging of the Boxers, it quickly expanded to the surrounding prefectures and counties. Nowadays, there are basically all the forces of the Lianzhuang Association in Shunde Prefecture. What's more worrying is that the expansion of the Lianzhuang Association has not stopped, and they are still fast. Quickly expand to places other than Shunde Prefecture. Nearby Zhengding Prefecture, Yizhou, Zhaozhou, Guangping Prefecture and other places have successively appeared villagers with the slogan of anti-foreign tax. If this situation is allowed to spread, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Although this unrest has no military threat to the Beiyang Group, its real harm lies in the harm to people's livelihood. What's more, because their actions are almost the same as those of the Boxers two years ago, they will besiege churches and kill foreigners on a large scale, which will attract foreign weapons. Pret to interfere.

Historically, this peasant uprising affected more than 20 prefectures and counties in Nanzhili, western Shandong, northern Henan and other regions. The strength of the rebels once reached more than 50,000. The rebels defeated the training of Zhengding Town and Daming Town until Yuan Shikai sent the Wuwei Right Army and the Wuwei Right Army Pioneer Thousands of new armies, such as the team and the self-improvement army, besieged and suppressed this rebellion from many sides. In this process, due to the siege of churches and the killing of foreigners, it also attracted direct military interference from the great powers, and more than 6,000 troops were directly sent to encircle and suppress the rebels.

Perhaps for future generations, this is only an inconspicuous one of China's countless peasant uprisings, just a small riot between the Gengzi Incident and the Russo-Japanese War, but for the people of Nanzhili in 1902, this is undoubtedly a disaster, a disaster that has become more cruel than the Gengzi incident.

Although the above historical events have not happened, and Zhao Dongyun does not know these, Yuan Shikai and Duan Qirui above have seen the risks behind the Guangzong's civil unrest. Otherwise, Yuan Shikai would not have sent an elite new army south as soon as there was a disturbance on Guangzong's side.

And Duan Qirui will not allow Zhao Dongyun to quickly go south to Zhaozhou and Giant Deer after learning of the expansion of the Guangzong Civil Rebation.

As a presidential official to quell the rebellion, Duan Qirui doesn't care about Zhao Dongyun's attempt to monopolize military achievements, and even directly supports Zhao Dongyun's behavior if necessary. He really cares about suppressing the Guangzong people quickly.

However, when Zhao Dongyun received Duan Qirui and asked him to march into Zhaozhou, Ningjin and other places, he smiled: "It seems that the general office is still worried about the villagers of Shunde!"

Li Zejun next to

also smiled: "We will have a big fight this time, otherwise we will be sorry for the kindness of the president!"

Lin Yongquan also laughed!

Subsequently, Zhao Dongyun led the second battalion of the Wuwei Right Army, the third team of the new machine gun battalion and a 2,000 army composed of a cavalry team soon left Shijiazhuang. They would go all the way southeast through Zhaozhou and arrive at Ningjin.

After arriving in Ningjin, Zhao Dongyun began to divide his troops and transferred the left team of the second battalion and the first sentry of the machine gun battalion to continue to march along the southeast to Xinhe. The department took Bi Xiaoqiang, the left team as the commander, and sent the front team of the second battalion and the first sentry of the machine gun battalion to march southwest to Longyao. And he led the remaining main force to continue to go south and go straight to the giant deer.

Zhao Dongyun's division of troops is mainly because the Guangzong people's rebellion are full of thugs and bewitched villagers, and their combat effectiveness will not be very strong. Moreover, Lianzhuanghui has not launched any large-scale military attacks on the Qing army so far, nor has it captured any towns. Their mode of activity is a bit of rural encircling the city. The feeling of the city is that it is mainly active in the countryside.

In this case, Zhao Dongyun's south to calm the chaos naturally cannot use the war mode in the ordinary concept, because there are not many regular enemy troops ahead for him to fight, and some are only scattered personnel in various villages. Therefore, the action is mainly encirclement and suppressing, and it is unlikely that there will be a large-scale battle.

The next days seemed a little calm for Zhao Dongyun. Limited by the level of traffic and communication in this era, Zhao Dongyun's troops were relatively slow to move. Even if he went south at full speed for a day, he could only walk 20 or 30 kilometers at most, not to mention that he could not go south at full speed, because he had to go south all the way. Qing local Lianzhuang and boxer gangsters.

Although this is a steady fight, it also caused him to go south extremely slowly. On March 13, he led the army south from Shijiazhuang and took five days to reach Ningjin. After arriving in Ningjin, the speed of continuing to go south is even slower.

Because to the south of Ningjin is Julu, Guangzong and other places, where there are many rebels of the Lianzhuang Association. Zhao Dongyun can't go directly to Guangzong regardless of anything. He always needs to clean up the Lianzhuang Association in the surrounding areas before he can continue to go south.

In addition, he also needs time to find the hiding place of many minds of the United Zhuang Association. Only by catching Jing Tingbin and others of the United Zhuang Association can he fundamentally solve this civil resen.

In this case, his speed to go south naturally became extremely slow. It was not until mid-April that he led a large army to enter Julu County. However, although he walked slowly, many Lianzhuang strongholds in the north of Julu County were eradicated by him and went south from Ningjin all the way. He has More than a dozen coalition and bandit strongholds were found, killing at least hundreds of thugs and arresting more than 300 others.

When Zhao Dongyun gradually forced the thugs of the Lianzhuang Association in a steady and steady way, the training army in Shunde finally tried to march east and went to Nanhe, Jize and other states and counties.

At this time, the direction of history has completely changed. Due to Zhao Dongyun's gradual clearance in the area north of the giant deer, the Union Zhuang Association suffered huge losses to the forces north of the giant deer and forced them to transfer to the south and east.

In this way, it is equivalent to strengthening the power of the Lianzhuang Association and the boxing bandits in the south of the giant deer, especially the combination of the Lianzhuang Association and the Boxers in the area of Nanhe and Wei County.

In mid-April, thousands of people were crowded in the large open space of Shizhao Bridge in the northeast of Nanhe County. Most of them were farmers, but a considerable number of them were thieves or hooligans! In addition, there are hundreds of monks and Taoists who don't know what scriptures they are reading.

In the middle of the altar, there sat a monk who had just shaved his head. He was Zhang Zhenbang, the leader of the Nanhe County Boxer Rebellion. The year before last, he shouted that knives and guns were not enough to burn, kill and plunder. However, after the Gengzi Incident, the Qing army led by Yuan Shikai killed the Boxer Rebellion. He was also forced to flee to Nanhe and shaved his head. A fake monk continued his great cause of rebellion, and now his legal name is 'Cijing'!

And beside him is Hu Jingfang, who is wearing a martial artist's short robe. He is also a small man. He is the president of the Nanhe County United Village Association. Today, these two people gathered together with their subordinates to swear an alliance!

After the group of fake monks jumping on the stage finished a song, Zhang Zhenbang, the pure monk, stood up and read the scriptures of which demon gate he didn't know. After muttering for a long time, he suddenly shouted: "God is possessed!"

Then at this time, there was a flash on both sides of the altar, and there were bursts of smoke. Such a visual effect and Zhang Zhenbang was still dancing around, shouting ghost words such as God's possession and invulnerable knives and guns, which felt like a modern stage drama.

Such a good stage effect is naturally not bad. For a while, many people below worshiped together, saying something like Guanyin miracles, Buddha's manifestation and so on. At this time, the dozens of fake monks carried a girl who was only eight or nine years old to the stage.

The girl's face was frozen red, and her long eyebrows were very beautiful and cute. At this time, she was wearing a white robe and a white paper hat.

At this time, Zhang Zhenbang went to the middle of the stage, took out a few yellow charms and read them with words. After reading them, he pasted the yellow charm on the virgin, and then shouted again: "Fairy guardian body, knives and guns are invable!"

Then a flashed an old pistol in his hand and raised his hand to the virgin. After the sound of the gun, the virgin fell down immediately. At this time, the voice and music suddenly rose, and the smoke on the stage rose, covering everyone's sight.

At this time, two fake monks quickly rushed out of the back stage in the smoke, and then one person directly dragged the virgin who had been stained with blood to the back stage.

At the same time, a similarly dressed virgin was pushed out of the back stage. She didn't seem to know what had happened. When she just came on stage, she looked at the fire and smoke around her, and her little face was red and excited.

After the sound stopped and the smoke fell, the people under the stage opened their eyes and saw the virgins standing well on the stage, and immediately shouted excitedly one by one: "Fairy protection, knives and guns are invable!"