Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 42 Fuyuan Machine Factory

Zhao Chenbin looked at the message in his hand and couldn't help admiring Zhao Dongyun again. Almost impossible for others came to Zhao Dongyun, as if it had become extremely easy.

Commercial arsenals, this is unique in China!

It's just that this arsenal, which has no personnel, plant, equipment and funds for the time being, is ready to be formed in a purely commercial way, but to be honest, it is not a purely commercial enterprise.

His sponsor, Zhao Dongyun, is a serious Beiyang officer and a third-level minister of the imperial court, and another existing shareholder is the Beiyang boss: Yuan Shikai, not to mention that senior officials of other Beiyang factions will definitely take shares in the later stage. Such an arsenal is actually an enterprise in the Beiyang system. .

If you look at China, there is no commercial enterprise that is more official than this arsenal that is still under preparation.

Since Zhao Dongyun has solved the political obstacles, Zhao Chenbin has no worries. As soon as he received Zhao Dongyun's message, he discussed the articles of the arsenal with a management in Fuyuan yarn factory. However, when discussing this constitution, Zhao Chenbin was actually just a spectator and the main personnel. He is a foreigner...

Although this sounds a little embarrassing, the truth is that the future arsenal is scheduled to adopt the Western-style enterprise management model. Zhao Chenbin is unable to come up with the articles of association of a Western-style enterprise.

At the same time, Zhao Chenbin also conveyed Zhao Dongyun's intention, that is, in the future, this military enterprise will transfer some administrative, business and other managers from the Fuyuan yarn factory to serve in the new arsenal, which is very exciting for several foreign managers in the Fuyuan yarn factory.

Although Fuyuan yarn factory is just a yarn factory, it is actually very large. After two consecutive expansions, more than 200,000 taels of silver will not be a problem. In addition, because this yarn factory was started by foreigners at the beginning, although it was subsequently acquired by Zhao Dongyun, most of the middle and senior managers in the yarn factory are still foreigners. In most cases, yarn factories also adopt the management mode of modern Western enterprises.

Therefore, if Zhao Dongyun wants to run an arsenal factory, he can easily transfer a large number of experienced senior management talents from Fuyuan Yarn Factory, from administrative management to financial supervision to sales and production. However, these people are not technical talents but management talents. As for technical talents, Zhao Dongyun intends to hire foreign technicians and also intends to dig the corners of the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau. Now although the Beiyang Machinery Manufacturing Bureau is going to rebuild, it will be rebuilt at least a few years later. Those skilled technicians in Duan can be dug for use.

As for ordinary workers directly employing local farmers, they can train thousands of industrial workers in less than a few months.

Soon, Zhao Chenbin took a pile of articles of association that he could not understand and went to Baoding to meet Zhao Dongyun. In the face of the thick pile of articles of association, Zhao Dongyun felt a little numb, but he still looked at it in detail.

The articles of association of this company are obviously written by foreigners who are familiar with China's national conditions. In addition to integrating the Western modern enterprise management system as much as possible, they also take into account some of China's current national conditions and do not blindly copy Western experience.

At least those words such as the board of directors, general manager, financial director and so on look quite modern, but if you look deeper, in fact, this organizational system has a strong Fuyuan yarn factory style, which is not surprising, because the people who wrote this organization charter are all It is strange that the managers of Fuyuan Yarn Factory do not have the style of Fuyuan Yarn Factory.

In addition to this company's articles of association, there is also a factory construction plan made by people from Fuyuan yarn factories such as Daugall, including a series of follow-up work such as fund-raising, land selection, plant construction, equipment installation and so on.

Of course, especially written by laymen. These things can only be seen as an early plan, and the content is relatively general. Later detailed plans have to be done by people from the arms industry or the machinery industry.

But although it is a general plan, it is also dozens of pages!

Zhao Dongyun looked dizzy, and when he showed it to Yuan Shikai, Yuan Shikai looked at the thick pile of documents in front of him and laughed and scolded: "These foreigners have to be long stories about things that can be clearly said in a few words."

Naturally, Yuan Shikai would not read these hundreds of pages of documents in person. He chose a more straightforward way to throw the documents directly to his staff, causing them to have a headache, and then he waited to talk to Zhao Dongyun.

"I don't think there is any problem with the constitution. If building a factory according to the methods of foreigners can really improve efficiency, you might as well use them!" Yuan Shikai knows the morality of government-run enterprises and even those domestic government-run enterprises. If it is done according to the domestic method, it is difficult to say whether this arsenal can be built, let alone reduce costs and improve efficiency. If the quality of guns is average and the price is more expensive than imported goods, it is better for him to go straight. After receiving large-scale imports, why do you need to support Zhao Dongyun to build an arsenal?

"Now that the charter has been completed, it's time to raise funds next. How are you preparing for it?" Yuan Shikai continued, "If it's not enough, I'll ask Zhou Xuexi to solve part of it, but the interest may be higher!"

Zhao Dongyun secretly said in his heart that if I was worried about the capital problem before, but since Yuan Shikai said that you also wanted to invest money in, I have never worried about the capital problem. As long as you say your name, you don't have to worry about not being able to collect funds.

Immediately said, "In terms of money, I have asked my hometown to prepare it. It is estimated that there will be more than 100,000 taels of silver. In addition to the equipment cost, the labor, and raw materials in the early stage are not a small amount. I'm afraid it will take 6 to 700,000 taels of silver to start. I am part of this missing. I plan to raise funds to raise shares, but if it's not enough, it's part of the loan!"

The capital problem is generally not big. Although Zhao Dongyun doesn't have much money, there are many rich people in the Beiyang system, and he can take out tens of thousands of taels of silver. Now Zhao Dongyun has to consider how to hold the controlling right.

When Yuan Shikai agreed to the company's articles of association and preliminary plan, Zhao Dongyun's action speed was very fast. In a few days, the Fuyuan Machine Factory was officially established on Victoria Road in the British Concession, Tianjin.

The name of Fuyuan Machine Factory directly borrows the word 'Fuyuan'. Although it is a little vulgar, it is simple and easy to use. Of course, more importantly, it shows the subordinate relationship between the two. Because Zhao Dongyun did not mean to invest directly in the establishment of a machine factory in his private name, but in the name of Fuyuan Yarn Factory, this Fuyuan Machinery Factory belongs to Fuyuan Yarn Factory.

As for whether it is reasonable for a yarn factory to invest in the establishment of an arsenal is not a question he has to consider.

After the listing, various administrative institutions were also quickly improved and established. The board of directors, general managers and financial directors were set up one by one, and the main managers also came from Fuyuan yarn factory. Zhao Chenbin was the chairman, the general manager was Daugall, and the financial director was William, an external British, who was previously Tianjin. An accountant of HSBC was directly offered a high annual salary by Zhao Chenbin, and Dougher was also persuading him, so he plunged in.

There is also a chief engineer who is a German. It is said that he is a former engineer of Mauser Arsenal. Anyway, Li and Yangxing, who introduced him, said so. As for whether it is true or not, only he knows whether it is true or not, but he is still quite good at it. As soon as he took office, he got a complete set for Zhao Dongyun. The factory construction plan is much more perfect than the previous plan made by Daugall and others.

After all, these technical things make a group of spinning people engage in military production, which is quite bullshit. The management and finance are not bad. The difference in large enterprises is not big, but when it comes to the design of specific technology, professionals have to do it.

The newly established Fuyuan Machine Factory is also the same as Fuyuan Yarn Factory. Except for Zhao Chenbin, other executives are all foreigners!

In the eyes of later generations, this kind of personnel arrangement will definitely shout that the arsenal has fallen into the hands of foreigners, shouting Zhao Dongyun to betray the country and so on.

But in fact, it is common for foreigners to hold important positions in domestic factory bureaus these days. Hubei Gun Factory and Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau are the traces of foreigners in most other factories. This common phenomenon cannot rise to the height of the country and the nation.

As soon as Fuyuan Machinery Factory was established, Zhao Dongyun couldn't wait to let the wind go. He even found Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang, saying that if he had spare money and nowhere to spend it, he would do business with his buddies! Of course, this process must mention that Yuan Shikai has joined in.

And this effect is better than Zhao Dongyun imagined. He has walked around more than a dozen Beiyang high-level officials with good friendships and has gained almost 50,000 taels of silver. Although most of them are funded for Yuan Shikai's sake, this is enough to scare people.

Look at the list of shareholders. Although one of them is a strange name, these names are all relatives and friends of the core high-level officials in Beiyang today. Through those strange names, you can see the figures of Yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui, Feng Guozhang and others.

Of course, although tens of thousands of taels of silver can be collected from these officials, there is still a huge gap between the total amount of 700,000 taels of silver, but it doesn't matter how much money Yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui and others invest. What matters is that Zhao Dongyun needs their name.

As long as he takes out this secret list of shareholders, it can be said that this Fuyuan Machinery Factory is no longer just a commercial enterprise, but a commercial enterprise with a strong Beiyang back scene, and these names on the list are the guarantee of future profits.


In addition to these bigwigs on the list to protect Fuyuan Machinery Factory from official trouble and obstruction, it is also enough to cut off all the black hands watching it. To put it rudely, whoever dares to attack Fuyuan Machine Factory will attack the whole Beiyang high-level system. Yuan Shikai absolutely dares to take tens of thousands of Beiyang new army to his door.

In addition, the arms made by the arsenal must be sold, and the biggest buyer of this arsenal must be Beiyang in the future. Now Yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui and other Beiyang bigwigs are on the list of shareholders, which represent the products of Fuyuan Machinery Factory to enter the Beiyang New Army. It won't be a problem.

In short, the future Fuyuan Machinery Factory is an enterprise with the back of official enterprises, the flexibility of commercial enterprises, and also has a Western-style advanced management system.

And these things are to give Fuyuan Machinery Factory a profit guarantee in the future, and when there is a profit guarantee and an opportunity to build relationships with a large number of high-level officials in Beiyang, ordinary businessmen will inevitably be moved.

How can ordinary businessmen usually have the opportunity to do business with Yuan Shikai and other Beiyang bosses? Now the opportunity is in front of them. Even if they invest tens of thousands of yuan in order to pull the relationship, let alone this is still an arms business that can still make a lot of money.

So before the wind was released, someone quietly came to the door!