Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 43 Fund-raising

When many people talk about merchants in the late Qing Dynasty, most of them think of Sheng Xuanhuai, Hu Xueyan and Zhang Jian. The above three people are indeed very representative, but these three people are only famous for doing foreign affairs, so people will think of them when they talk about merchants in the late Qing Dynasty. In the same time, there were many unknown and at the same time A businessman with huge financial resources.

Hong Xuwei is such a businessman. He was born in a traditional business family in Shanxi. His family was also brilliant in his early years. However, in the past few decades, he has been inferior to a generation. When it came to Hong Xuwei, he had not been engaged in the tea and silk brocade business for a long time, and some other businesses gradually withdrew, leaving only one The family has a small-scale Dingsheng ticket number, but the Hong family is really unlucky. Due to the small scale, the Dingcheng ticket number does not want other ticket numbers to be the same, but the business is mainly concentrated in Shandong and Zhili, and Shandong and Zhili are the hardest hit areas of the Gengzinian Yihe Rebellion.

The rioting had nothing to do with him, but unfortunately, the mob burned and robbed one of his capital sub-numbers. As a result, the mob directly robbed piles of treasury silver, and at that time, in addition to the mob, there were even officers and soldiers who came to drive away the mob. Anyway, in the end, they were robbed. There is not a single silver slag left.

If that's all, forget it. After all, the ticket number has its own way of sharing risks, and there will not be too much cash in a fixed centimeter, so there is not much silver in the capital centimeter, so it is just robbed of tens of thousands of taels of silver. But the key point is that after those depositors saw that the Dingcheng ticket number was robbed, they were afraid that their money would also be robbed and could not be withdrawn, which caused a run.

Hong Xuwei hurriedly transferred silver from other places and found his peers to dismantle it. He finally survived, but he also suffered heavy losses before and after.

And after the year of Gengzi, the Shanxi ticket number was not easy. Seeing that the life became more and more tragic, he just wanted to reform his ticket number and find a new way to invest.

When I passed by Tianjin, I heard that a new Fuyuan machine factory with assets of hundreds of thousands of yuan was established in the British Concession of Tianjin, and I also paid a little attention to it in the mentality of capitalists.

Only after this inquiry did I know that this Fuyuan machine factory is not simple. It doesn't matter if there is a yarn factory with assets of 200,000 taels of silver on it, and it is also said that it is going to run a machine factory to produce ordnance. Before the factory is set up, the funds have collected more than 300,000 taels of silver, and it is far from enough. It is necessary to continue to collect Capital.

He was interested and inquired carefully and found that the large and large shareholders of the Fuyuan Machine Factory were all senior Beiyang officials. When he looked at the names of Yuan Shikai, Duan Qirui, Feng Guozhang, Zhao Dongyun, etc., he seemed to see big gold ingots wazing to him.

There are so many bigwigs standing behind this machine factory. If they still don't make money, Hong Xuwei will hang them directly. As the saying goes, he immediately found Zhao Chenbin. The first sentence is: "How much more money do you need?"

And this also scared Zhao Chenbin. He thought that the people who came out there opened his mouth to say how much it would cost. Do you have hundreds of thousands of yuan?

Not to mention, Hong Xuwei can really take it out!

As one of Shanxi businessmen, although his family has fallen and the ticket number has also been hit by the connection, the thin camel is bigger than the horse. It is crowded here, moved there, and took out hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to be no problem for Hong Xuwei.

Otherwise, he would not have opened his mouth so confidently and asked you how much money he needed.

The two people sat down at the moment. Hong Xuwei showed his prime ticket number to show that he was not short of money, and Zhao Chenbin also showed the back scene of Fuyuan Machine Factory and vigorously touted: "My owner is a new nobleman in Beiyang, the guest of Lord Yuan, and this time the machine factory It was strongly supported by Lord Yuan. Not only that, more than 20 Beiyang military and political dignitaries, such as Lord Feng, Duan, Lord Wang and Lord Zhou, have invested money, and the custody is profitable.

Hearing this, Hong Xuwei wondered, "They invested money in, isn't it a dry stock?"

In these days, it is not uncommon for officials to participate in shares. What is rare is that officials take out real money to participate in shares, and other places are directly sent to officials.

Zhao Chenbin said bluntly, "Of course, you have to pay. Humph, Lord Yuan has personally invested 10,000 taels of silver. Who dares to take it for nothing!"

Zhao Chenbin said that this has confidence. This Fuyuan Machinery Factory is not a pure commercial enterprise, nor an official enterprise. It is more like a Beiyang collective enterprise, which can be said to be a high-level Beiyang high-level enterprise.

In this group, except for Yuan Shikai, others are not qualified to let Zhao Dongyun specially offer shares. However, Yuan Shikai doesn't care about that little money. He did not invest 10,000 taels of silver for profit or something. He wants to continue to supervise Fuyuan Machinery Factory, which can be said to be of political significance more than economic significance. Yuan Shikai took out the money in person. Who dared to say that he was more awesome than Yuan Shikai and wanted to take dry stocks for nothing? Yuan Shikai slapped him to death!

In addition, for other Beiyang executives, they can't lose money anyway, and this arsenal builds arms for their own Beiyang new army. It's nothing to invest behind Yuan Shikai. It's purely political speculation.

As soon as he heard that Yuan Shikai took out real gold and silver in person, Hong Xuwei's eyes became brighter!

When both sides showed off their assets and backs, it can be said that both sides were very satisfied, and Hong Xuwei said, "Money is definitely not a problem. I dare not say that 350,000 yuan can still be taken out!"

However, Zhao Chenbin snorted coldly. You can't give you so much money and can't give you so many shares. Although the total share capital has not been determined yet, it is about 700,000. Because it is not enough, it is not used for the time being. As for the subsequent expansion funds, we will wait until later.

In this case, if you take out 300,000 yuan, won't our Zhao family be unable to control the machine factory?

So I didn't agree directly, but said that I needed to wait for a while to reply!

Hong Xuwei was not the only one who came to buy shares. As soon as he left, several rich people with strong financial resources came in succession, and dozens of those with smaller financial resources came one after another.

In addition to these people who want to invest directly, many banks and banks also come to ask if they want loans, including Hong Xuwei and Zhou Xuexi.

First of all, Hong Xuwei, although he wants to invest directly in Fuyuan Machinery Factory, Zhao Chenbin's tone is that even if he accepts his direct shareholding, he will not accept too much, because the Zhao family needs to ensure that he is the largest shareholder of Fuyuan Machinery Factory, so he prefers to share his shares. Disperse some.

At the same time, in order to control the controlling right, he also heard that Zhao Chenbin borrowed money everywhere and planned to use Fuyuan yarn factory as collateral for loans. Hong Xuwei thought about how much he could directly buy shares. As for borrowing money, anyway, it is the ticket number, and the funds absorbed also need to be borrowed to generate interest. Lending to Fuyuan Yarn Factory has low risk and large profits. Ten thousand steps back and said that even if he can't get the money back, he will make money back the mortgaged Fuyuan Yarn Factory.

The difference from Hong Xuwei's mind is that Zhou Xuexi came to ask for money purely because of political considerations. Yuan Shikai told him that the preparation of Fuyuan Machinery Factory this time is not only as simple as running a commercial enterprise, but also related to the heavy responsibility of future ordnance supply in Beiyang.

Therefore, for political reasons, Tianjin Official Bank Account has the obligation to provide funds to Fuyuan Machinery Factory. Of course, the interest is certainly not low, but this Tianjin Official Bank Account is a Beiyang asset anyway. This fund transfer and subsequent repayment is also more flexible, which is more convenient than borrowing other ticket numbers and foreign banks. All.

In the face of these large and small businessmen and banks, Zhao Chenbin felt extremely satisfied!

This feeling of controlling dozens or even millions of silver investment projects is really good, which fascinates Zhao Chenbin.

"Because there is a large choice, and in order to protect our controlling stake in the machine factory, there are more participants in the subsequent fund-raising, not including the investment of the big people. There are 28 merchants participating in the remaining shares, mostly Zhili, Shanxi and Shandong merchants. In this way, you and our Zhao family have a total of 53 large and small shareholders and raised a total share capital of 830,000 taels!" The speaker was a middle-aged man in a horse coat.

And this person is Zhao Dongping's father, Zhao Dongyun's third uncle Zhao Chenyan. This time, he went north to build a machine factory! Some time ago, Zhao Dongyun sent a message to his hometown that he would use a large amount of silver to set up a factory, and that it would be profitable and would be run with other senior officials in Beiyang.

Although there are many doubts about the other rooms of the Zhao family, under the persuasion of Zhao Chenliang, they still raised some funds. On the one hand, it is out of family assistance, because Zhao Dongyun is now in the third grade, and his official career seems to be thriving. It is said that it is highly valued by Lord Yuan. Zhao Dongyun However, it is regarded as the pillar of the Zhao family's power, and it is appropriate to pay some money to help.

In addition, Zhao Chenliang saw that his son had been following Zhao Dongyun since he arrived in Baoding, and he had been elected as a candidate county magistrate by Zhao Dongyun, and he was also a full official. In this case, he naturally valued Zhao Dongyun more and more. In addition to preparing to take out his own silver, he also persuaded the other four rooms. And the big house.

At the same time, Zhao Dongyun also sent a message to his hometown, saying that there is a shortage of available staff in Baoding. If there are outstanding children in the family who can come to Baoding for development, he will arrange it at his discretion, which is also the reason why he has won the strong support of the Zhao family.

Zhao Dongping's example is at the front. He got an official position less than a year after he went to Baoding, and he was also a errant in the promising Beiyang New Army. How can this not make the rest of the Zhao family jealous?

For many reasons, in addition to Zhao Dongyun's second room, where Zhao's mother took out 20,000 taels of silver to support his son's career, Dafang's family gave out 60,000 taels of silver as soon as he waved his hand. They mainly wanted to send several children to Zhao Dongyun to fight for a way out. After all, if they just want to wear In terms of grade, it won't cost a lot of money, but you can't buy a real job in the Beiyang system, let alone the personal care and promotion of big shots.

Zhao Chenliang's third house has relatively thin financial resources, and has a lot of money in fixed assets such as fields and shops. There is not much spare money, but he gritted his teeth and paid 30,000 taels. As for the fourth house, he thought that their second house had invested more than 100,000 yuan in the family assets, and the big house and third house also took out tens of thousands of thousands of yuan. Thinking that if Zhao Dongyun is here anyway, I don't think I can lose money. Even if I want to lose money, I will lose money with everyone, but if I can make money, I can make money together, so I also invested 40,000 taels of silver with the mentality of following the trend.

In this way, the Zhao family has collected 150,000 taels of silver!

However, this 150,000 taels of silver alone is far from enough to control Fuyuan Machinery Factory, so Zhao Dongyun has to find another way.