Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 102 Zhang Zuolin of Tragedy

The Li family and his son organized the dinner, and Zhao Dongyun held a very smoothly for the protagonist's dinner. There were no bloody revolutionaries to assassinate Zhao Dongyun, the third town of Beiyang, which maintained the degenerate and decadent dynasty, and there were no patriotic female students running up to say that I love you. If you rebel, I will marry you. Even Li Wan, who usually likes to mutter and talk, was very calm and did not run into the front hall.

The dinner was held in a sound of compliments. Most of them congratulated Zhao Dongyun on his inauguration as the control of the third town. At the same time, Chen Guangyuan, Wang Zhanyuan and other officers who had been promoted in the third town were also congratulated by everyone, and the atmosphere could not be better.

But in this group of people, although there is a smile on his face, it is not natural to smile.

He is Zhang Zuolin. In order to attend this congratulatory dinner, he arrived in Jinzhou a day ahead of schedule, but when he came out of Jinzhou City to his daughter's hometown for a banquet in the evening, the carriage he took was broken. Finally, he had to wear a bloated official robe and change to a horse. You know that he was not wearing a new army dress. Ah, it's an old-style coat and robe. You can take a sedan chair or a carriage, but it's a little inconvenient to ride a horse.

What's more tragic is that he was still lost. After a series of chaos with several guards in his daughter's hometown, he finally found the door of Li's manor and found that everyone had arrived. Even Zhao Dongyun had appeared. He had to sneak into the living room through the side door under the leadership of his subordinates of Li's house.

If these are only small troubles and let him complain at most, then the troubles faced by his Mabu guerrillas during this period of time are not just as simple as complaining.

First of all, because Zhao Dongyun was suppressing bandits near Jinzhou. Zhang Zuolin knew about this. He knew that Zhao Dongyun was going to practice those small bandits first, and then he was going to destroy Du Lisan and Feng Delin with himself. However, Zhao Dongyun's action in Jinzhou is much bigger than he thought.

Yuan Shikai said to the court for Zhao Dongyun's request to eliminate the hundreds of miles of bandits in Jinzhou is not nonsense, but a matter. Zhao Dongyun sent two major detachments successively, which took more than a month to almost wipe out the bandits in the north and west of Jinzhou. He also dealt with several small bandits in eastern Jinzhou. This scene of the suppression of bandits Zhao Dongyun harvested more than 100,000 taels of silver. At the same time, he also collected nearly 400 Lu Shuanggun and other bandits, adding two horse teams to the Jinzhou patrol battalion.

Such a large-scale move naturally affected the living environment of bandits around Jinzhou, forcing a large number of bandits outside Jinzhou to start to move, most of which migrated to the east. These moving bandits are basically bandits, and they robbed wherever they go.

When they roared past the new people's government, they burned, killed and plundered, which not only put Zhang Zuolin under great political pressure and asked him to eliminate bandits and bombs on the ground, but also caused great losses to Zhang Zuolin, who was the new people's government for his own territory.

He collects high protection fees in the local area and is unable to protect the rich people in the end, which will naturally cause dissatisfaction, which can be said to have greatly affected his reputation in the green forest.

Not only that, but in the past month, his conflict with Du Lisan and Feng Delin has intensified. In the past month, three caravans under his protection have been attacked by Du Lisan's armed forces. If this behavior is described in later gangster films, it is: Gang A attacked B black. Help the club according to it.

The fundamental reason is that Du Lisan and Zhang Zuolin's territory is too close, and they have become important obstacles and opponents for continued expansion.

If Du Lisan wants to expand his power to the north, he must first destroy Zhang Zuolin, and if Zhang Zuolin wants to expand the scope of protection fees to the south, he must first move Du Lisan's mountain.

Du Lisan's frequent provocations and a large number of bandits from Jinzhou have made Zhang Zuolin very miserable in the past month!

It's only secondary for him to come to Jinzhou this time to congratulate Zhao Dongyun. He wants to persuade Zhao Dongyun to take action against Du Lisan in advance. Otherwise, if he continues like this, Zhang Zuolin will not be able to stand it first.

However, the more Zhang Zuolin came to Jinzhou Daughter Township, the more he contacted the officers of Zhao Dongping's Third Town, the more he felt the strength of this Beiyang New Army, and the more clearly he knew Zhao Dongyun's position in Beiyang and even in the court.

He knows very well that if he hadn't boasted that there were at least 200,000 silver in Du Li's nest, he would not have paid attention to him at all, let alone cooperate to suppress bandits. Even so, he had never been received by Zhao Dongyun in private occasions. Today, he is just far away. I have only seen Zhao Dongyun twice.

There are only a few words. The last time Zhao Dongyun saw him for the first time, he only looked at him and said, "You are Zhang Guandai. I've heard a lot of your things. You are still very young. Don't be responsible for the general's painstaking efforts!"

If he could have come to Zhao Dongyun with confidence to talk about cooperation a month ago, then now it is difficult for him to even meet Zhao Dongyun. How can he talk about cooperation?

Towards the end of the dinner, he walked quietly to Zhao Dongping and began to talk in a low voice.

Although he attended a dinner last night, he naturally didn't drink too much on this political occasion, and there was no sign of a hangover in the morning. As soon as he finished breakfast, he walked into the conference room.

There are already many people waiting, most of whom are familiar faces. Only Wang Zhanyuan participated in this kind of meeting for the first time. It is not his fault. In many new armies in Beiyang, the office style is naturally deeply influenced by the chief officials of various ministries. When Wang Zhanyuan served in the first town and Jingqi standing army before, although he occasionally participated in it. Military discussion, but not as serious as today. Looking at Lin Yongquan and Chen Guangyuan's thick folders in his hand, Wang Zhanyuan regretted being in a hurry and came without much about the mortar.

The theme of today's meeting was determined a few days ago, that is, to determine the establishment of mortars, equipment and other related issues.

Because the mortar is still under the management of artillery, but the specific operations are assigned to the infantry. In addition, this is a brand-new weapon like the original machine gun, and the corresponding organization and tactics have to be formulated one by one. This is no longer something that can be solved by a regional supervision office, let alone artillery symbols or infantry. The mark can be solved independently.

Therefore, in order to completely solve the problems of mortar formation, equipment and tactical application, Zhao Dongyun summoned the Education Office, Supervision Office, Artillery Standards and several major infantry officers and even Meng Enyuan, a cavalry officer, to bring together all relevant People solve this problem at one time.

After many people sat down one after another, more than a dozen officers have sat on both sides of this square table. Most of the people here are already familiar with Zhao Dongyun's office style and don't like to waste any time talking nonsense. Therefore, with Zhao Dongyun's nodding, Lin Yongquan next to him stood up and said first:

"Since our army tried to install mortars in September, the mortar team belonging to the artillery team has participated in 13 actual battles and fired more than 900 shells in the continuous suppression of bandits. It is estimated that the results directly obtained by the mortars have killed and injured the enemy at least 200 times, occupying the total results of the northern anti-entry detachment. As much as 30%.

Because the 80mm mortar is light and easy to carry, most of the three parts are carried by horses at the time of the march. During the battle, soldiers can also carry their own parts to the front line to assemble and fight. After shooting, they are immediately disassemble, transfer and reassemble. The requirements for the shooting position are low, and there is no need for large open flat ground, and the rate of fire is fast. It can easily reach more than 12 rounds per minute, and because of the large curve shooting, you don't need to shoot directly at the enemy, and you can even attack the enemy behind the bunker.

In addition, the price of this gun is much lower than that of traditional artillery. Although the shells are not as powerful as the same-caliber howitzer shells in order to reduce costs, from the perspective of comprehensive cost, performance and tactical application potential, Ren is a new weapon worthy of large-scale introduction and equipment by our army.

Lin Yongquan gave a general introduction to the mortars. It was not surprising that the officers were already familiar with the weapon in the third town, but he was extremely surprised by Wang Zhanyuan, who heard the mortar for the first time and didn't even see the physical object.

How is that possible? How can an 80mm gun allow soldiers to walk on their backs? In this way, it's not just dozens of catties. Even if it is combined, I'm afraid it won't be 200 catties. If the weight has surprised Wang Zhanyuan, but the rate of fire surprised him even more, 12 rounds per minute?

You should know that the speed of the retreating guns equipped with a large number of equipment of the Beiyang Army now has a speed of no more than three rounds per minute. Even the new artillery of the German Krper factory equipped in the second town that has just returned to China, the rate of fire per minute will not exceed ten rounds per minute, and it is still an unsustainable explosive rate of fire. The speed is actually even lower.

It is also possible to make a gun with the current artillery technology with a speed of fire of 12 rounds per minute, but the price is expensive, but Lin Yongquan said that the price of mortars is cheap and low.

These things sound completely contradictory, but on such an important occasion today, Wang Zhanyuan also knew that Lin Yongquan would definitely not talk nonsense. He immediately opened the folder in his hand and looked at it in detail, and did not directly laugh or oppose or even satirize like a young man. Those can only appear in the small talk book, and in real life, Wang Zhanyuan's first reaction is to understand this mortar.

"There is a consensus that our army will be equipped with mortars, but what kind of equipment is used to solve the problem now? How to match it? How much equipment?" After Lin Yongquan's brief introduction, he raised an opening question, which started the meeting.

Immediately, the infantry team led Kong Guanbei and immediately said, "The mortars were originally designed to cooperate with the synchronous team. Whether it is close range or high mobility, none of the surface mortars should belong to the infantry force, so I still said before. No matter how many mortars are equipped, they should be directly Assigned to each battalion!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as this statement came out, it was opposed by Wei Anpo. Wei Anpo was the existing mortar team officer and the only mortar officer present. Naturally, his speech attracted a lot of attention: "Like the development of machine guns in our army in those years, mortars are a new business in our army, and even qualified gunners Few, even if dozens or hundreds of mortars are purchased and distributed to the battalions, there are absolutely no enough gunners.

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhao Dongyun: "Your Excellency, mortars, like traditional artillery, are quite demanding for gunners and commanders. It is impossible to pull the trigger like the previous heavy machine gunners, and it is impossible to throw them out like *. The commander of the mortar team must be a senior gun. Officers and gunners must also go through a long period of training to reach the corresponding level, otherwise the accuracy of fire and the most important mobility will not be guaranteed. Therefore, I suggest that the mortars can be concentrated into a battalion and be under the control of the artillery standard, and our artillery unit will command the operation!"

After he finished speaking, Liu Tinggui, the third standard of the artillery team beside him, came to see with satisfaction!

Today's mortar formation discussion is to determine the formation, let alone the division between infantry and artillery for the ownership and command of mortars.