Beiyang Xiaoxiong

Chapter 103 Internal Faction Dispute

The emergence of each new weapon will bring corresponding application problems. Just like the heavy machine guns and the * that were only installed last year, the emergence of mortars has also brought changes in troop formation and tactical applications, and even triggered the competition between artillery and infantry for the ownership of mortars.

No matter how light the mortar is and the range is advancing, it is a member of the artillery family, which is also the reason why the artillery troops take over and conduct actual combat tests when the mortar is tested. From the beginning, the officers of the artillery have regarded the mortar as the exclusive weapons of the artillery.

The officers of the infantry didn't care much about this, but in the fight against bandits, they found that the mortars could not be powerful and fired quickly, and they found that the mortars could be carried by soldiers and quickly, and they were not calm when they arrived directly to the front line to fight. They unanimously believed that this kind of short-range and high Mobile infantry support weapons must be divided into infantry units and directly commanded by infantry officers to cooperate with infantry operations.

There is a dispute between artillery and infantry!

In addition to the competition for the ownership of mortars, there are also many problems such as mortar equipment organization and tactical application.

After Kong Guanbei and Wei Anpo finished talking, the cavalry also came to get involved. After receiving the eyes of his boss Meng Enyuan, the first battalion of the third standard of the cavalry team, he immediately stood up and said, "You all know that mortars are convenient to maneuver. Usually, the maneuvers are carried by horses, and the group Pack quickly, because my colleagues and other first-class cavalry colleagues think it is necessary to follow the example of the cavalry machine gun team and set up a cavalry mortar team to strengthen our cavalry's independent combat ability!"

As soon as this word fell, Kong Guanbei immediately retorted: "Well, you and other cavalry are responsible for detecting harassing attack missions. When the situation is not appropriate, you can protect yourself with machine guns, but what do you do with mortars? Do you and other cavalry still plan to capture the enemy's fortress position?"

Unlike mortars and heavy machine guns, heavy machine guns are typical defensive weapons, while mortars are obvious offensive weapons. If cavalry are equipped with machine guns, others can't object, but people who want to equip mortars, infantry and artillery have a big opinion.

Wei Anpo also said, "Our artillery team is responsible for the artillery support during the tough battle, and your cavalry doesn't need mortars!"

Although Meng Enyuan and Hua Zhenji expected that it would not be so easy for their cavalry to equip mortars, they did not expect that as soon as they started the conversation, they were opposed by the infantry and artillery. Meng Enyuan had nothing to cultivate, but just glanced at Chen Guangyuan and Liu Tinggui opposite. He withdrew his eyes, but Hua Zhenji was forced to blush by the two rebuttals.

This feeling seemed to make him return to the time when he first returned to China. After returning to China, he was a first-class Lu Shiqi graduate. After returning to China, he was not hired by Zhejiang Province to train the new army like other classmates. He just had to stay in the capital to find a way to find a job. He vaguely remembered that countless people had given him a look at that time. Pass his embarrassment.

Later, I met Zhao Dongyun. He did not worry about being a native of other provinces, but boldly appointed himself. However, he became the management belt of the riding team in a year, and also served in the third town of Beiyang. Speaking of this future, he was also among many students in the first phase of Lu Shi.

With such an experience, he naturally regards Zhao Dongyun as his benefactor, and he has always regarded himself as Zhao Dongyun's direct descendant!

As Zhao Dongyun's direct subordinate, Hua Zhenji is doing well in the third town. Even Meng Enyuan has to buy him some face. He hasn't lost face like today for a long time.

Hua Zhenji, who blushed, looked at Kong Guanbei and Wei Anpo fiercely, but the two were not afraid at all, and Kong Guanbei showed a provocative look in his eyes.

Speaking of the direct line, Hua Zhenji is the direct line of Zhao Dongyun. He looks north and is not a direct line. Although Wei Anpo's status is slightly inferior, he can be personally selected by Zhao Dongyun as the mortar team officer, and he is the only mortar officer present today. Naturally, he also has a courageous role.

Hua Zhenji snorted coldly and withdrew his eyes from them, and then turned to Zhao Dongyun and said, "Your Excellency, the development trend of the world's cavalry is very obvious. With the further enhancement of firepower, it will be difficult for our cavalry to launch a large-scale battle as simply relying on the impact of horses as before. Charge, and the use of heavy machine gun defense is acceptable, but the offensive ability is extremely weak.

In addition, the big drum cavalry is usually far away from the headquarters and can't get support from the rear artillery. In order to increase the offensive ability of our cavalry, it is necessary to equip light and portable artillery.

At the same time, since the Napoleonic War, the cavalry of all countries have been equipped with light cavalry guns to increase the independent offensive ability of the cavalry. Our cavalry has been limited by the size and funds and cannot be equipped with a large number of cavalry guns, but now this mortar can never be delayed!"

After listening to this, Zhao Dongyun did not open his mouth immediately. At this moment of heated debate among various arms, he could not say it no matter what he had in his mind. Even if he had decided how to equip mortars before, he still wanted to put this matter on the table for you to discuss together. The best result was It is to get the result you want under your own control, not to directly refute your subordinates and make your own plan.

As the leader of the third town system, he cannot express his preference for any faction in such a public place.

In fact, there are also some small factions in the third town. As long as there are people, there must be factions and hills. As a superior, what you should do is to balance this faction and not let the faction struggle affect the development of the whole system.

For example, Yuan Shikai is a master of factional balance. The faction dispute in Beiyang is very serious. However, under Yuan Shikai's control, the faction dispute did not produce any negative factors, but further promoted the development of the Beiyang system. The Beiyang Standing Army can be left from 1901. The development of the town to the current four towns of Beiyang Standing Army is evidenced.

Duan Qirui, Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang and others fought around. Finally, Yuan Shikai looked at the wind and clouds with a smile and climbed to the peak of the country step by step.

There are naturally so-called factional disputes in today's third town, such as Chen Guangyuan, led by some officers from the ninth standard, most of which used to belong to Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang and other factions. Now after Zhao Dongyun's strong rise, they naturally quickly abandon them in order to promote in the third town. However, Wang Yingkai, Feng Guozhang and others turned to Zhao Dongyun Gate. And they and Zhao Dongyun's original direct lineage, such as Kong Jingbei, Pei Lianying, Lin Yongquan and others, are not right, so they naturally unite around Chen Guangyuan to fight for interests.

For example, some officers from the newly built machine gun battalion and many officers in some cooperative headquarters and town headquarters, most of them are Zhao Dongyun's early subordinates, but there are many people here, which can only be regarded as a loose group, but not as an interest group. There is a staff faction led by Lin Yongquan, which is composed of a large number of civilian officers in the Education Department and the Supervision and Training Department.

There is also a faction of infantry officers formed by Kong Guanbei and Pei Lianying.

In addition, there are some people who defected to Zhao Dongyun during the Third Association, including Hua Zhenji, Liu Tinggui and others, but Hua Zhenji has now been relatively close to Meng En and joined the cavalry led by Meng Enyuan, and Liu Tinggui also claimed to be a system in the artillery force.

Because the third town has not been established for a long time, this faction is not obvious. It is just a kind of meaningful behavior of officers. The current interest dispute is still dominated by the battle of arms.

Zhao Dongyun naturally knows that there are some factions under his subordinates. In terms, his handling method is also imitating Yuan Shikai, that is, to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and implement a balanced policy. At the same time, he secretly guided the result of the dispute to develop in the direction he wanted, and he himself would not easily get involved in the factional dispute.

Seeing that Zhao Dongyun didn't speak, he looked like I didn't make a decision first, and you argued first. At this time, Chen Guangyuan, Meng Enyuan and Liu Tinggui below naturally no longer care about anything. First, their subordinates spoke, and then Liu Tinggui couldn't help but refute Pei Lianying's words, which led to Chen Guangyuan's rebuttal, and Meng Enyuan also interrupted a few words there from time to time.

For a while, the conference room was drooling. All parties quoted classics and waved many documents in their hands to prove their views, so that Zhao Dongyun could make a decision in his own favor.

This scared Wang Zhanyuan, who had never participated in such a scene!

The military discussions he participated in in the past were not kind, and the chief officer had already made a decision without even saying a few words. There has never been such a drooling. You argued with me. At this time, he saw that Meng En had just finished talking, and Liu Tinggui over there took a sip of tea and said, "Brother Meng's I also agree that the cavalry is indeed short of offensive firepower, and it is understandable to imitate many additional cavalry artillery in the West, but our army is start-up and lacks military expenses, and this mortar has not been funded. Everything has to be raised by our third town. Although it was more than 100,000 silver last month, it is not It can be taken out and used on the mortar. If Brother Meng's cavalry wants to make a cavalry mortar team, I have no objection in principle, but we must not misappropriate the original mortar funds!"

When Meng Enyuan heard this, his anger increased greatly. If Zhao Dongyun hadn't sat above him, he would have taken the case long ago.